Captain America


Jul 14, 2001

This is the re-imaged WW2 version of the Captain. NOT the spandex wearing version most know.
That is Wonderful... Awesome in fact.... now we have a fun unit to beat up Hitler with!
Impressive stuff there. :)
This is superb!!! A unit of this type makes this X-Men / Marvel Mod much more plausible. This mod is of course still a ways off but this is interesting nonetheless. Thanx Wyrm!!!
Kick-ass! :thumbsup:
Wow. I'm not into superheroes, but this is outstanding. Nice animations and sounds. Great effects on the shield. And all made in Bryce.
This one awesome unit. Too bad there aren't a couple of real Captain America's running around out there kicking the crap out of the bad guys. His shield is the only thing harder than Wolverine's bones.
The shield effect is brilliant.
And the unit itself makes me want to sing the theme from Team America: World Police. ...Great work!
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