Carrier Strike Group - Composition


Jun 2, 2015
Dear VP Strategy Forum,

What is the ideal "Carrier Strike Group" for (very) late-game force projection? I imagine 13 units: the Carrier (holding five aircraft) and Great Admiral in the center, with six naval escorts surrounding the carrier from melee. Here's a potential composition:
  • Great Admiral
  • Carrier
    • 1 Fighter with intercept promotions
    • 1 Fighter with sweep promotions
    • 1 Stealth Bomber with anti-city promotions
    • 1 Stealth Bomber with anti-unit promotions
    • 1 Stealth Bomber with anti-armor promotions
  • 2 Missile Cruisers with anti-naval promotions, equipped with Guided Missile(s)
  • 2 Missile Cruisers with anti-air promotions, equipped with Guided Missile(s)
  • 2 Nuclear Submarines with attack promotions, equipped with Nuclear Missle(s)
However I suspect there is a more optimal unit and promotion combination, but haven't yet found it. Any input on this is appreciated.

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