Carthage - Deity builder strategy.


Jan 18, 2008

I was experimenting with Carthage on terra maps, and found it could be insanely powerful with the right conditions.
Current game is Deity against 7 of the most powerful warmonger civ.
At turn 200 I build more than 30 wonder in capitol (including national wonders) and 4 more elsewhere. I have one era advantage over other civs, fighting submarines against galleasses. In Deity :) Everyone is my friend and fear my army :)


1. Pangea or Terra to have some difficulty. Arhipalgo or Tiny islands for easy mode
2. Warmonger Civs as enemy who do not like build wonders nor like to get pantheon early nor angry if you build wonders. (They will attack you anyway :))
3. 6+ fishing resource (fish is fine, but 2 sea-lux is needed for lighthouse) and 3-4 hills absolutely a must.

Advantages (I suggest to have at least two present to have a fun game, but the more the better)

1. Desert Hills nearby. (For Petra and extra awesomeness. I will post a screenshot from home)
2. Marble. Pretty trivial, but the above game with 30+wonder I do not have one.
3. Legendary start. It can give you 4+ sea lux, helping your start greatly.
4. Mountain. Not very important, it is not a science game, but a builder game. Helpful anyway.
5. River. It is not that important, but hydro plant can help late game.
6. Defensible location. It lets you skip Cbows for a longer time.


Pottery, Sailing, Optics, Archery, Writing, Mineing, Other Lux techs.
You will most probably lost Glib and Glighthouse. Glightouse would be good, but absolutely not a must. DO not worry. Warmonger civs do not like to build ToA so you you can have that later.
Build order: scout/scout - shrine – workboat x6 :) rush buying LH and Library. If you do not have much space to expand you can rush buy a settler or two, but Lighthouse is critical to have.
Pantheon: Godess of the Sea.

Policy: Full tradition, go for +15% +2food in cap first.
Tactic: Build mines and with the fish+mines powerhouse, BUILD WONDERS you do not need to select, just build them in order. Skip only that you really don’t need. Usually a wonder is better than a building you can build. Build building only when they cost 1/2 turn.

Have fun :)
Later policies:

Racionalism, and Order. Order Give you +Prod on mines. Awsome. Freedom can bu very useful too. But as I said, this is a builder game.
Interesting. On Terra did you manage to colonise a lot of the new world before the AI. I bet Carthage is great for the instant trade routes across the ocean.
I bet Carthage is great for the instant trade routes across the ocean.

Absolutely. Build Machu Picchu for more insanity! I will post a picture of a hotseat game(against human players) that i'm currently playing just to show the power of Carthage on water maps. I'm fighting a 4vs1 war actually and i'm winning it. All this gpt makes me buy a lot of ships.
Seems like this strategy would also work well for Polynesia on a terra map. You wouldn't have the instant trade route, but you could colonize the new world quickly.
!!! does it work also on random continent map ? or is it only terra map which made it so bad ? i fight for the few wonder i get and most of them are build even before i get the tech at deity level ...
It works on any map. What RR is talking about is ICC to the new continent. It is not necessery.
But it neds an awsome start location to work.
How do you manage happiness?
I tried a Carthage game, spreading out a few cities to separate islands for the trade routes. However there is a much smaller range of sea luxuries so you have slightly less to sell for early income or for your own happiness points.
I do not need to. My original strategy was about 2-3 CC Tradition Wonder Building.
But I had 50+Happy in this game, so you can manage it I tihnk if you want to expand :)
I really enjoy this opening, I usually don't enjoy playing large ics style games but I'm trying to push myself into it more. I've got a fun game going where I grabbed to initial city spots covering two key water straights. Hopefully I'll be able to develop it into a powerhouse.
The odds of getting 6 sea resources and 4 hills in a starting area are astronomically small. I do think God of The Sea + Dido is a great strategy idea, but the builder strat you're discussing here is a bit gimmicky. You're relying on specific leaders who don't go for wonders, incredibly rare starting conditions... you might as well just play on a lower difficulty level, because that's what such good starting conditions equates to, imho.

Not that it wouldn't be fun to do, just saying. I gave up after 30 rerolls. ;-)

The most I ever got was 4 sea resources and 3 hills, and Attila went wonder whoring and beat me to them anyway. Attila. Right. I am however attempting to beat the game with Dido on Deity these days, which is why I played around with this. I'm definitely going God of the Sea, but maybe a bit more ICS, and a bit less wonders. :p

EDIT: Actually, I'm not entirely sure I won't go with Messenger of the Gods. The cost of all those work boats has me a little worried. Can't afford to build one first in each city. Have to take defense into consideration. Hmm.
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