Cavaleiros Embassy & Intelligence

I would be ok with it. Right now we have a larger army in the area than they do so backstabbing would not be in their interest. We just need to make sure that they move up enough units to support our stack as well. I think TKY can be defended by upgraded Cav units, wounded Cav units, and only a few of our units. The majority of our combined stack needs to advance on DT.

How does gifting work for city anarchy?

What is movement plan for our reserves in Taraz?
CAV wants us to gift them TKY for two turns so they can upgrade some units and heal. What do you guys think?
I don't like it. They balked at gifting cities to us when we asked...

At any rate, it does not seem like we have much choice... We need their help against SANCTA, and we need their units at full strenghth. Although, we really want them to March on to Tears with whatever full strength (or close to full strength) units they have dont we? We can't spare too many turns before attacking Tears if SANCTA is upgrading, and healing... right?

What about telling Cavalieros to send their wounded/obsolete units to capture Chai? {3 wounded Rifles (to heal), 1 Axe, 2 Maces, 2 Muskets, 1 Lbow, 1 Chariot, 1 Cata (for upgrades)} SANCTA still seems to have no siege units, so we will probably be able to suicide some cannons to crush their defense at Tears. Cavalieros could march the rest of their stack (Rifles, Cannons and Knights) to assault Tears with us, while the upgrade/healing stack wheels around to capture Zue Cha.

At any rate... Since you are doing such a great job Marshalling the war Cavscout, I am fine with you making the call. We will probably have to fight Cavalieros as soon as this war is over anyway.

BTW... What is our plan of action if Cavalieros don't give the city back in 2 turns (ie., "We still need the city because our units arent done healing... we miscalculated the upgrade $$... etc.)?
We have a stronger army than they do. I am fairly confident our redcoats could kill their rifles if they get sneaky.
Latest exchange with Slaze:

Spoiler :
cav scout said:
Gifted you TKO. SANCTA is turtling in DT. With Chai and Zue Cha wide open it would be good if you could seize them quickly with mounted units. We have decided to keep both cities. If you move your healthy units onto the corn this turn we will move there as well.

So I moved in, please follow. With everything you have on the hill plus the 2 combat reds you have in TKO we make 14 rifles, 13 cannon. That looks to be plenty safe for next turn and if we choose we can hold there for a turn for more troops if sancta get unexpectedly burly (i'd rather press on though). I gifted you our knights so that you'll be able to use them at DT after ALL cannons will have fired as opposed to us having to use them before your cannon. (I also saw your stack down there, nice ;)).

I think we should press. They do have 550 gold and I don't know how many cavs that will turn into but we'll only face 2 this turn and it looks like our rifles top the stack. although i'd like a few rifles more for stack defense at DT it looks to be that the worst that'll happen if we push is they'll throw like 6 cavs at us, some may do some flanking damage to cannon, and then their green rifles will struggle but maybe make it through our stack and then maybe they pick off like 2 cannon. Even if that happens I think we take DT. And I'm not sure if waiting a turn will help or hurt.

Again, we should see what happens with their turn to check what they've done and then decide, but this is where I'm at right now.

We have a stack that can take chai so long as it doesn't build a unit. Didn't send anything to zue cha.

If you want TKO back, ask and it's yours. I revolted and thus won't be making the money to upgrade anymore, so am done with that for now. As far as what's best for the alliance, it may be better for us to have it for the 2 turns that we are in anarchy as we won't be charged the maintenance penalty (small change but whatever :scan:)
Slaze posted in the turn discussion that he missed the turn but it doesn't matter because Tea Cav resigns. Any point in writing to them to see if they will at least play a couple turns so we can officially wipe out SANCTA? I understand them not want to continue to game but to just resign without even saying boo to us (their supposed ally) is disconcerting.
Yeah I'd say this game has run its course. Probably time to call it and start getting ready for the next one.
I understand them not want to continue to game but to just resign without even saying boo to us (their supposed ally) is disconcerting.

Hi guys,

I agree with you Donsig... we could and should have sent you a note or something...

about quitting: At the time Slaze was really the only active cavaleiros and I think nobody wanted to go against his will as it wouldn't have been appropriated either. Not sure anyone wanted to go on with the game anyway... so we quit, but in the confusion forgot to do it in an appropriate way :sad:

I still think that the city gifting thing killed this game because it was completly unfair (like "hey Cavs, you see my finger?"), and arbitrary.

A moderator for such a game is a must have...
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