Caveman 2 Cosmos

THey're not talking about espionage. Just another weird issue with buildings disappearing.
So far in Rise of Mankind, I've been hit by the same building being spammed for building in every city, but I haven't seen a bug that causes the game to randomly delete buildings, especially since you have a maximum of -1. :) Which means infinite amounts.

Besides, it's not easy to miss the "Your random building has been blown up by a spy." Stupid spies...
The game is over - but why.

I cannot achieve anymore technoligies, that requires "Liberalism", which have a red background. Is there anything i forget or overlook?
The game is over - but why.

I cannot achieve anymore technoligies, that requires "Liberalism", which have a red background. Is there anything i forget or overlook?

What was your settings for, if you have it on GameTurn, Victory conditions??
What was your settings for, if you have it on GameTurn, Victory conditions??

The victory-conditions are conquest, Domination and Space-Race. I cant say on which turn it happened, because at this time i had ~10000 Science Points per turn and i clicked through the technologies round by round, not with the advisor.
The victory-conditions are conquest, Domination and Space-Race. I cant say on which turn it happened, because at this time i had ~10000 Science Points per turn and i clicked through the technologies round by round, not with the advisor.

Do you have a saved game of it?
Do you have a saved game of it?

I wished i have one. but a couple of hours ago i bypass the problem by entering the World-Builder (CTRL+W) and give only "Liberalism" to me. It can be, that i forgot to research for liberalism and entered the next civ-era. I think problem occurs whn a other civilization reserched "Liberalism" Frist. I Did it not at first. Mea culpa! :)

hmm - so be it. Another small problem thats annoy me: Every time i built a Chemical Plant, Rubber Factory or Cement Mill, another city wishes to built another one and if it have finished, the first or another city do the same. This should be a bug to hold the national wonder status.
I have not noticed as much problem with the buildings if I do not max out on filling factories, cement, and steel factory. Also, I still never see stone resource. I can never build a glassware or a observatory.
hmm - so be it. Another small problem thats annoy me: Every time i built a Chemical Plant, Rubber Factory or Cement Mill, another city wishes to built another one and if it have finished, the first or another city do the same. This should be a bug to hold the national wonder status.

Yeah thats part of the wonder stuff i have in the game, you HAVE to build 5 each of these to work correctly, thats why they pop-up in different cities, you can always go into the BuildingClassInfo and change the requirements. But there are certain things for certain reasons. Probably doesnt make sense but, hey its a game, and everytime you play it, its just like playing a NEW game each time, cause each time is different. Sorry i didnt get back to you sooner but my Power Supply blew up and just had it replaced.

I have not noticed as much problem with the buildings if I do not max out on filling factories, cement, and steel factory. Also, I still never see stone resource. I can never build a glassware or a observatory.

HUH< i never play other than on my own scenarios, so i never have those problems, for testing i use Narnia/Strat/Contin divide depends on what mood i am in, as far as Glass you need :

TECH_GLASS_BLOWING, and then it provides BUILDING_GLASSSMITH, which has a stone bonus in it and also provides glassware. But you must have Salt.

See each factory has preq all must be met, just like i mentioned before you have to build 5 Wonder Brewery's and a Distillery to get a Oktoberfest Wonder. Cant make it too easy for people.
to build a glasssmith requires having the stone resource, it does not give a stone bonus. I have yet to see the stone resource appear in a game, so I can never build a glassmith, which would in turn give me glassware
You're having horrible luck. I find the stone resource every once in a while. Try Pangea, or Inland sea. :)
I am on pangea and still do not sea stone :/ Anyways I had an idea, it seems with all the buildings now that can add culture, it is very easy to get to Legendary culture. Is it possible to create a new cultural expansion for cities beyond Legendary? That would be really cool.
You're having horrible luck. I find the stone resource every once in a while. Try Pangea, or Inland sea. :)

I agree,dang, that stone, and just think most of the earth is covered in stone, HUH? :lol:

I am on pangea and still do not sea stone :/ Anyways I had an idea, it seems with all the buildings now that can add culture, it is very easy to get to Legendary culture. Is it possible to create a new cultural expansion for cities beyond Legendary? That would be really cool.

Yeah, THIS mod is not made for Legendary culture whosoever, sorry.:blush:
Reference Stone:

The solution is in CIV4BonusInfos.xml file. Stone is set to appear only on 2 types of terrains - desert and plains. Combined with the random chance that is same as other rare resources (10 while BANANA has 25 for example) it makes it very very rare. You should be able to make it more frequent by increasing random chance to appear (to 25 for example) or add new terrain types where stone can appear.

So in that, what do you think would be a fair amount to put in there then and what terrains??
I have noticed when I am invading enemy territory and attacking a city sometimes a small problem occurs. If there is a neutral civilization nearby and I do not have a open borders agreement with them, if I conquer the enemy city, instead of my whole army moving into the city, only the attacking unit moves in. Then the neutral civilization's cultural border expands where my invading army was, and, since I do not have a open borders agreement, my whole army is immediately moved back to my old cultural borders, not the city I just took. Then the next turn the enemy simply retakes their city that has only my one unit in it. Has anyone else had this problem? I am not sure if this is a bug with this scenario, or if it is a bug in the game engine itself.
Sounds like a bug with the game. Try to play a custom game and keep open borders with everyone. Don't know how you don't at all. :(
Sometimes cilizations do not like open borders with me. They get mad when I accidently attack and raze their cities. Then for no reason they will never have a open border with me again. It was just an accident :( I am innocent. My troops just got confused and attacked them without warning :(
Uh, that doesn't happen. :) So, either you're playing Chaos Theory the game, instead of Next War Advanced, or you broke something badly. <insert Gauntlet warning for low health noise here>

And anyhow, even if you do declare war on someone, the AI always throws open border agreements at you after you stop the war. They've always done that to me.

Obviously, you're doing something horribly horribly wrong, because none of what you're saying makes any sense.

Stop confusing me!
I've been using variations of this mod for ages now, in fact, it's pretty much the only version of civ 4 I use now. However this is the first post I've made on the board

I just wondered if you'd consider adding the sea conlony/sea formers features from the planetfall mod and possibly larger nukes (for some sort of super weapon).

I'd also like to see the Manhatten Project to be civilisation dependent. So building it only made nukes available if your civ had constructed it.

Lastly, I was wondering of you'd consider adding the extended air missions from the road to war mod as I also felt they added greatly to the game.

Any, wonderful mod and thanks for listening.
I've been using variations of this mod for ages now, in fact, it's pretty much the only version of civ 4 I use now. However this is the first post I've made on the board

I just wondered if you'd consider adding the sea colony/sea formers features from the planetfall mod and possibly larger nukes (for some sort of super weapon).

I'd also like to see the Manhattan Project to be civilization dependent. So building it only made nukes available if your civ had constructed it.

Lastly, I was wondering of you'd consider adding the extended air missions from the road to war mod as I also felt they added greatly to the game.

Any, wonderful mod and thanks for listening.

I'd have to take a look at it, i never even new there was a PlanetFall?:blush:
Nukes and stuff will be coming.(more than likely later than sooner sorry, unless someone does it for me) HINT HINT

I also need someone else to HELP me merge a mod into this, i just cant seem to do it correctly, i mess up on the python to much: GameUtil/EventInterface stuff etc, if someone does, it will be a GIANT addition i KNOW everyone will LIKE.
And all sorts of new stuff.
Downloaded v4 of the mod a couple of days ago, and been playing ever since.

Loving it! :)

However, I'm playing Epic on a Huge mod, and I'm getting a *lot* of CTDs that are related to diplomacy. When someone initiates diplomacy, my game will generally CTD with the error message in attachment.

It doesn't seem to be a MAF (I've gotten those too, but they looked different), so any ideas on how to resolve these?

Thanks! :)


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