
How long does this usually take? It's been about 5 minutes and I'm still loading with no sign of the progress bar changing.

The first time is usually the longest because it is also creating some extra caching so as to make loading faster on subsequent times. I have known it to take 10 mins on a particularly slow day. Caveman2Cosmos is just very big. It is loading the uncached XML that seems to take the longest because that is where it is all tested and checked.
If somebody could tell me where to actually get it would be great. Only thing I have heard is dont use desusa, but since they are the only ones with a download link....
If somebody could tell me where to actually get it would be great. Only thing I have heard is dont use desusa, but since they are the only ones with a download link....
I believe if you wait a few seconds (10-15?) a second link to another mirror will be displayed.
Nearly all games are about your graphics card, better graphics card = faster gaming. Ussually it is much cheaper than getting a new computer too, unless you really are stuck with a stone age machine. (like me until a few weeks ago)
Lol look at this bit of self indulgence I noticed in the game.

It made me laugh.

I'm enjoying this mod so far. 1200/4900 turns.

It is pretty inaccurate that it's the renaissance era in 101 BC though.
Just a warning to people who play this mod.

I first tried to play this with 24 AI Civs on a Immense world. and by the time I got to 1400 turns out 4900. The game started crashing every turn or two and became unplayable.

I'm now trying it on a Large world with only 8 other civs.

Also a problem I noticed is that the quests are often virtually impossible. For example I got the quest to build 9 Ports and 5 Caravels. But by that point I had already been building Commercial Ports, which replace Ports. So I think these need to be changed to be compatible with the new buildings and units.

Edit: Nevermind I passed the quest, evidently Commercial Ports still count.
Well after making 2 attempts to finish this mod. First with 25 civs and immense world. Second with 9 Civs and Large world. Both times the game crashes right about the same time. Early in Renaissance after I discover Scientific Method. At first I thought the data was just too much of a load. I turned off animations, set graphics to low. But no matter what the game crashes often before I can even get through one more turn.

My computer isn't top of the range, but it's not crap and can play games like Skyrim with maximum settings with ease.

So as much as I wanted to play this whole mod and see all the new future content, it's impossible.
Okay so it turns out that the smaller map did make it more playable. After minimizing the graphics settings I've gotten to the Modern era.

The game is getting really tedious though. Especially now that I have 45 cities (stole them from wiping out 3 other civs). Every turn I have to pick something for 6 cities each turn to build out of a massive list of buildings and I can't be bothered carefully picking the best options anymore, except for my first 10 cities. I've just started to pick randomly for the smaller cites.

I wish I could just pick the recommended building each time, but it often recommends something I don't want the city to have and won't change unless that building becomes obsolete.

I have decided that if I play this mod again, I'm going to want to do it one a much smaller scale. Like maybe a small map with lots of civs so I don't have to make tedious decisions for a overwealming amount of cities.

Anyway, I'm going to keep playing so I can at least see how interesting the new futuristic eras are.

I do really like the mod for the most part. I may even be unable to play RoM anymore.


So an update with less RAM consumption. Maybe I'll try it. I always like new Civics, but more buildings? There are already too many.

Improved AI, That's good.

Oh and one more bug I noticed, in V28 is that in the Industrial Era I started to get error messages in the event log. I have no idea what they mean, but they did not seem to effect the gameplay in any noticeable way.

Oh just remembered another bug. Once I had triggered a few golden ages with great people, I am now at the point were it requires 5. So I got what I thought was my 5th and the golden age button was greyed out and read Need 5, require 1 more. So I thought I had just miscounted and waited for my next great person. It still read 'Need 5, require 1 more' and remained like that until I had 10 Great people and gave up and decided to spend them all. I had relaunched the game since then and I still can't trigger golden ages with great people.

Also I tried to build The Theory of Evolution. But every turn the amount of turns required to build it was going up, it started at 140 and when I next checked on it, it was 200, then I let one more turn pass and checked it again and it was at 207. So I decided to change what the city was building and move ToE to another city, but now it was greyed out and couldn't put it in any city including the one I took it out of. It read 'World Projects: 0 remaining' Whatever that means, maybe it wasn't a bug.
The game is getting really tedious though. Especially now that I have 45 cities (stole them from wiping out 3 other civs). Every turn I have to pick something for 6 cities each turn to build out of a massive list of buildings and I can't be bothered carefully picking the best options anymore, except for my first 10 cities. I've just started to pick randomly for the smaller cites.

You know, you can queue up multiple buildings in a city which will be built in the specified order. So you can ask yourself "what kind of thing does this city need now" and if it is, for example, production you queue up 2 or 3 or 9 buildings that increase production, after which it will not bother you again until it is done with all of them.

There is also a sort of "build list maker" you can get to via the hammer icon button in the row of buttons to the upper left of the screen. You can then set a city to use a build list (it'll skip anything on the list already in the city, that you don't yet have the tech for, or that has gone obsolete and such) and not bother you again until it hits the end of the list. I have never actually used this feature, but I probably will eventually.

So an update with less RAM consumption. Maybe I'll try it. I always like new Civics, but more buildings? There are already too many.

I still do NOT understand what the big deal is about buildings, geez. I live in a town of 3000ish and i know that the next bigger town has like 100 more buildings than mine?? And then the bigger one has like 200 more, and then the Twin Cities has like 1000ish more buildings more than the 3000ish (my home town) one?? Each and every city is different? At least where i come from.:mischief:
My town has 2 Stoplights, a Hardees, Subway, and a Dairy Queen for fast food thats it. In the bigger town they have like 5 Pizza places, 15 fst food places, etc.
We have 4 cops (policeman) total. The next bigger town has over 50.
Oh just remembered another bug. Once I had triggered a few golden ages with great people, I am now at the point were it requires 5. So I got what I thought was my 5th and the golden age button was greyed out and read Need 5, require 1 more. So I thought I had just miscounted and waited for my next great person. It still read 'Need 5, require 1 more' and remained like that until I had 10 Great people and gave up and decided to spend them all. I had relaunched the game since then and I still can't trigger golden ages with great people.
You're probably up against the fact that each GP in this equation needs to be of a different type. Since there are something like 5 types of GPs, you'd be at the limit of how many golden ages could be started this way but the text on it is probably not fully explanatory (so if there IS to be considered a bug in this, that's the bug... lack of explanation.)
I still do NOT understand what the big deal is about buildings, geez. I live in a town of 3000ish and i know that the next bigger town has like 100 more buildings than mine?? And then the bigger one has like 200 more, and then the Twin Cities has like 1000ish more buildings more than the 3000ish (my home town) one?? Each and every city is different? At least where i come from.:mischief:
My town has 2 Stoplights, a Hardees, Subway, and a Dairy Queen for fast food thats it. In the bigger town they have like 5 Pizza places, 15 fst food places, etc.
We have 4 cops (policeman) total. The next bigger town has over 50.

OK, so there are a lot of buildings in the real world. Did you personally have to pick the order to build each and every one of them in every city in the country? In C2C, aside from the autobuild buildings, you do.
OK, so there are a lot of buildings in the real world. Did you personally have to pick the order to build each and every one of them in every city in the country? In C2C, aside from the autobuild buildings, you do.

Not understanding what your implying?:blush:
Just a warning to people who play this mod.

I first tried to play this with 24 AI Civs on a Immense world. and by the time I got to 1400 turns out 4900. The game started crashing every turn or two and became unplayable.

I'm now trying it on a Large world with only 8 other civs.

Also a problem I noticed is that the quests are often virtually impossible. For example I got the quest to build 9 Ports and 5 Caravels. But by that point I had already been building Commercial Ports, which replace Ports. So I think these need to be changed to be compatible with the new buildings and units.

Edit: Nevermind I passed the quest, evidently Commercial Ports still count.

Try using viewports pal, it let me play a gigantic map with 30 AI's just fine. I stopped playing it because Viewports had some graphic issues, not sure if that was ever fixed. I love hugh and bigger maps, I never can get into any map smaller then huge! :lol::crazyeye: Good luck and by all means have fun..
I believe all known issues with Viewports have been debugged. Koshling is an exceptional programmer and does take great pride in mopping up any issues that may arise in his coding.
I believe all known issues with Viewports have been debugged. Koshling is an exceptional programmer and does take great pride in mopping up any issues that may arise in his coding.

Yeah this mod is amazing considering it's made as a hobby. EA games like The Sims 3, seems to have monkeys working on both the coding and technical support.
I believe all known issues with Viewports have been debugged. Koshling is an exceptional programmer and does take great pride in mopping up any issues that may arise in his coding.

Yes I know Koshlings work is top notch and figured it was fixed by now. ;) :D My thanks to all of you guys, it is great you all work so hard on this Mod making it extremely fun to play! :goodjob:
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