CCM1 (epic mod)

With Civ6 leaving much to be desired, we need CCM :) urgently
With Civ6 leaving much to be desired, we need CCM :) urgently

any news about version 2.00???

Thank you all for your still continuing interest in CCM. :)

After my new knowledge about the naming problem of upgraded units with the king-flag, the next version of CCM was once more rewritten (what was - and still is - a lot of work as many passages of the encyclopedia had to be rewritten again, too.

The new upgrading chains of autoproduced units with the king-flag set free a lot of slots for buildings that I used for the next version of CCM. Now nearly every civ can have its own Great Wonder for triggering their Golden Age.

The upgrading chain for units was massively extended (for example ballista, heavy archers, horsearchers, cataphracts, crossbowmen, bombards, horse artillery, Line Infantry, anti-tank guns, heavy flak, superheavy tanks, heavy fighters, several generations of nuclear bombers, superdreadnoughts, superbattleships, battle cruisers, drones and superworkers).

The next version of CCM will hold a new government; City State.

Attached is a screenshot of the buildings for CCM 2.00:



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Good work!

I have some suggestion to improve the mod as more special units for French (if you have not already added them), in particular at the levels of the tank: Saint-Chamond, Ft117, tank leclerc as well as units air as gust(burst), the "Super Étendard", mirage 2000.
Good work!

I have some suggestion to improve the mod as more special units for French (if you have not already added them), in particular at the levels of the tank: Saint-Chamond, Ft117, tank leclerc as well as units air as gust(burst), the "Super Étendard", mirage 2000.

Waranarchie, thank you very much for your kind words about CCM. :)

Attached are screenshots with the techtree of era 3 and 4 from the sight of the civ France, where you can see the French units of those eras. The Renault FT 17 and the Leclerc are of course included, but there was no place in the techtree for the Saint-Chamond tank beside the Renault FT 17. That tank would have become obsolete before beeing produced. The Super Étendard is included in era 4, as it is the Mirage 2000 (beside the Mirage III and the Rafal).



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can't wait!!!! good job Mr.civinator

bagxri, thank you very much for your kind words about CCM. :)

Delta_Strife made a wonderful early Christmas present to CCM. That´s why I post a current screenshot about the techtree of Britain in era 4. When you compare it with the screenshot for France era4 you can get an imagination about the multitude of units that the next version of CCM is holding. Can somebody recognize the present of Delta_Strife?



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looks awesome
Nice work CCM, just a few things I noticed about the flags.
1. The Japanese sun flag pre-dates the rising sun flag as a symbol of Japan. The Japanese flag was first used in the 7th century AD and one from 1056 is still preserved in Unpou-ji temple. And was the official national flag of the Japanese Empire. The rising sun flag was a maritime or war flag.

2. The "Nubian flag" uses Ethiopian flags. You can maybe use the word Punt to describe Sudan and the Horn of Africa, but mostly they are pretty distinct.

3. They don't seem to be very unified. If you want, you can send me a template and a civ list (eg. Han -> Ming -> Qing -> PRC, Rome -> Papal States -> Kingdom of Italy -> Italian Republic) and I can make the icons.
Nice work CCM, just a few things I noticed about the flags.
1. The Japanese sun flag pre-dates the rising sun flag as a symbol of Japan. The Japanese flag was first used in the 7th century AD and one from 1056 is still preserved in Unpou-ji temple. And was the official national flag of the Japanese Empire. The rising sun flag was a maritime or war flag.

2. The "Nubian flag" uses Ethiopian flags. You can maybe use the word Punt to describe Sudan and the Horn of Africa, but mostly they are pretty distinct.

3. They don't seem to be very unified. If you want, you can send me a template and a civ list (eg. Han -> Ming -> Qing -> PRC, Rome -> Papal States -> Kingdom of Italy -> Italian Republic) and I can make the icons.

Hi, Shiro,

thank you very much for your input and also for your new leaderheads. :)

The eras in CCM are roughly:

Era 1: 4000 BC - 1200 AD
Era 2: 1200 AD - 1900 AD
Era 3: 1900 AD - 1945 AD
Era 4: 1945 AD - to present

If it is necessary, per example if nothing fitting exists or I want to include a special unit, leaderhead or other graphics, I have no problems to do compromises.

Concerning the flags, I used what was offered by the modders of Civ 3, Civ 2, the Wikipedia and sometimes Civ IV. The civspecific flags/symbols were an instrument to introduce civspecific buildings to Civ 3. The next version of CCM holds another method too, to to have the same effect.

For the Japanese flag I took my information from the Wikipedia, that this civ only has an official flag since August 13, 1999. I thought the flag, that was and is used by the Japanese Navy - only under the aspects of art - is more interesting. That´s why I included it for the period up to 1945, as it seems, at that time no official flag of Japan did exist. For the eras before I simply had no objects. Shiro, I would highly appreciate such an old Japanese flag as you have linked in your post for era 1 and if the Japanese flag for era 3 would be a "no-go", it wouldn´t be a problem to switch it to the flag used for era 4 (only a small entry in the pediaicons file and a copy and paste job in the buildings.pcx).

Highly appreciated is of course any other, better fitting allowed flag or symbol of any civ (posted by any civer).

Concerning the civs in CCM:

Here are the current civs of the next version of CCM:

These civs are mostly orientated on the geographical situation on the globe and on a CCM Earth map, coming in the far future - and the aspect of population melting together. Otherwise there would be a lot of problems with plenty of these civs. Per example, the discussion about including a civ "USA" was done for a long time. For me this is no question, the USA must be in CCM.

Some of these civs never did exist as a nation or a state, per example Nubia. It´s true, most of the leaderheads and units are for Ethiopia, but there exists an in my eyes very cool leaderhead of Taharqa and the Nubian Pyramides. Also the story of Kush was interesting for me. If I would have named that civ Ethiopia, that would have been wrong, as Ethiopia is a still existing state, but Nubia isn´t an existing state. The bridge to connect all these aspects was a passage in the wikipedia "Before the 4th century, and throughout classical antiquity, Nubia was known as Kush, or, in Classical Greek usage, included under the name Ethiopia (Aithiopia)."

Even more problematic is the civ Australia/Oceania. So that civ is mostly Australian orientated, I wanted to have some of the nice Polynesian units that were created for Civ 3 in this mod (per example some Polynesian ships and the nice Polynesian workers and settlers done by Plotinus). The same for Brazil-Portugal (where the colony comes before the motherland), Maghreb, South Africa and so on.


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Shiro here is a screenshot showing the advisor.all image of your new leaderhead Jinheung as leader of Korea in era 1 of CCM. The advisor- pcx had to be sharpened compared to your Sejong.pcx for era 2 of Korea, but it is a wonderful leaderhead and was easy to integrate in CCM as the civilopedia entry and the links for that leader are still existing in CCM.

Thank you very much! :thanx:



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I see, and thanks for using my heads.

For the flags, is this something you could use? If so, I just made a template (but I need to fix the wrinkles) so it would be relatively easily to plug in whatever flag.
What I would need to know is how big to make each PCX icon, I don't have Civ 3 installed so I don't know what icons are needed.

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Shiro, one more time thank you very much for your highly appreciated work. :)

The sizes for the Buildings Large-pcx is 128 x 128 and for the small icon 32x 32.
The sizes for the buildings in the list-large in the folder city-screen is 50x40 and the small ones are also 32x32

But these icons can be done by myself without any problems as I have PSP 7.
That is awesome! Can I ask what units the UK will have, WWII and after? UK and France are always my favourites to play, I love to roll out their taniks and aircraft!
I have had a blast playing the Brits, but of course I got some thoughts on units.
First at hand is the very long running of de Havilland Mosquito as a Ground Attack aircraft, then it is replaced by the Cobra Helo. I would have preferred seeing an earlier aircraft, perhaps with jetprop or tech just after, the famous Canberra (That actually did replace the Mosquito)
Second thoughts is the very very long running of the Matilda. Even with the Chieftain in the build the old slow Matilda stay on to be able to be built and even auto-produced.
The idea of the slower Infantry Tank, the Matilda, should be replaced by the Churchill. Then a cruiser tank like the Crusader should pop up, later to have the Comet perhaps or the present Centurion. When the Chieftain comes along the Churchill could end it's reign. Eventually all end up in the Challengers of today.
Perhaps it's hard to fit this into other nations, but the slower more powerful infantry tank should be consider the heavies (Tiger, KV) and if no fast moving cruiser version is present the variants of Light tanks could perhaps work.

I know you re-worked the whole tree, so this is just my thoughts. I guess you added tons of new units from Delta, gwendoline and others.

Another thing that troubles me was the use of transportplanes. Never saw the AI use them, and they gave me a huge advantage. Actually they worked as paratroopers since you could drop them everywhere. The actual para units was only secondary. If you still keep them perhaps adding the gliders (from wyrmshadows) instead of watching a para-drop. After all they work as Glider-infantry.
Guess it's the old problem for the AI not understand to load ground units.
Shiro, one more time thank you very much for your updated flags. :)

That is awesome! Can I ask what units the UK will have, WWII and after? UK and France are always my favourites to play, I love to roll out their taniks and aircraft!
I have had a blast playing the Brits, but of course I got some thoughts on units.

O.k., the Brits. :) The techtree for era 4 from British sight was just posted. Here is the techtree of CCM v.2.00 for era 3 when playing the Brits:

First at hand is the very long running of de Havilland Mosquito as a Ground Attack aircraft, then it is replaced by the Cobra Helo. I would have preferred seeing an earlier aircraft, perhaps with jetprop or tech just after, the famous Canberra (That actually did replace the Mosquito).

clamel, thank you very much for your input to CCM. :) In the next version of CCM the Mosquito upgrades to the Canberra with tech Jetpropulsion (see the screenshot of era 4) and the Canberra upgrades to the Blackburn Buccaneer with tech Computers. So the setting was still done some time ago similar to your suggestions. On the other side ground attack for WW2 planes was redefined. Ground attack planes have a lower bombardment factor but a much higher rate of fire for the bombardment compared to strategic bombers, so strategic bombers have a very hard punch on an object (enough to take out buildings) but can only damage one or two hitpoints of an unit. Due to their much higher rate of fire ground attack planes can take away much more hitpoints from an unit and cause severe damage to it. The lethal air bombardment was removed from ground attack planes. On the other side strategic bombers still have the collateral damage flag, giving them the opportunity to take out two buildings with one bombardment.

Second thoughts is the very very long running of the Matilda. Even with the Chieftain in the build the old slow Matilda stay on to be able to be built and even auto-produced. The idea of the slower Infantry Tank, the Matilda, should be replaced by the Churchill. Then a cruiser tank like the Crusader should pop up, later to have the Comet perhaps or the present Centurion. When the Chieftain comes along the Churchill could end it's reign. Eventually all end up in the Challengers of today. Perhaps it's hard to fit this into other nations, but the slower more powerful infantry tank should be consider the heavies (Tiger, KV) and if no fast moving cruiser version is present the variants of Light tanks could perhaps work.

Here some settings about WWII tanks in the next version of CCM and according to your post, I will demonstrate it with the British WWII tanks:

There is the line of heavy tanks and infantry tanks, that are autoproduced by the building Heavy Tank Plant, coming with tech 'Great War experience'. The heavy tanks and infantry tanks hold an additional hitpoint, what is a lot in CCM. As a techbox in the techtree can hold only six informations, this SW cannot be seen in the screenshot for Britain era 3.

Here is a screenshot of the Heavy Tank Plant (in earlier stages of CCMv.2.00 I named that building Tank Factory or National Tankplant):

The Heavy Tank Plant can even be seen in the cityview, if you decide to set CCM as your epic C3C game. It is the building at the left side:

That SW produces heavy tanks. If you want to know more about the production of heavy tanks in CCM, you can activate the link about civspecific heavy tank production. The following information in the civilopedia will be opened:

Now you will get mor informations about that autoproduced 'Early Heavy Tank' by clicking that link. The following information in the civilopedia will be opened:

You can see the upgrading possibilities for the Early Heavy Tank and notice, that for Britain the Early Heavy Tank upgrades to the Matilda II. The hardcoded upgrading hint 'Upgrades to Heavy tank' in the screenshot shows, to what unit the tank is upgrading for the player. When clicking on the Mathilda II you can receive the following informations from the civilopedia:

In normal C3C games, you can only see the upgrading line of the civ you are playing. In CCM v. 2.00 you can see the upgrading lines for every civ in the game. The screenshots with the upgrading information of the Mathilda II were done from the sight of an US player. So every player in the game can see, that the British Mathilda II upgrades to the Churchill tank. When clicking on the Churchill-link, the following information will be opened:

So the player of each civ knows, that the Churchill tank, coming with tech Mobile Warfare, will upgrade to the Conqueror tank.

When clicking on that link, the following information will be opened:

Here you can see, that the Conqueror later will upgrade to the Challenger. So clamel, the existing settings in CCM v.2.00 for heavy / infantry tanks come close to your suggestions.

But when looking at the British techtree for era 3 the British have two other lines of battle tanks (and additionally of tank destroyers and mechanized units):

With tech Great War experience, the British can normally produce Cruiser MKI (A9) tanks. They upgrade to Cromwell tanks with tech Improved Tankdesign. It would be more logically, if they would upgrade to the MK VI Crusader tanks coming with tech Blitzkrieg Tactics. But here another factor in this mod comes into play: The units should have enough room for action in gameplay and not becoming obsolete as soon as they are created. The MK VI Crusaders upgrade to M24 Chaffee, that are weaker than the Cromwells. The MK VIII Cromwell upgrades to Comet tanks.
So the setting in era 3 for all civs in CCM is, to force the player to the decision, if he wants to move on the techtree over Blitzkrieg Tactics first, giving the player partly stronger tanks compared to the tanks coming with Great War Experience, or if he wants to explore first the tech Strategic Bombing, giving the player much better aircraft (not only bombers, for Britain p.e. Spitfires instead of Hurricanes) and later stronger tanks for upgrading.

Another thing that troubles me was the use of transportplanes. Never saw the AI use them, and they gave me a huge advantage. Actually they worked as paratroopers since you could drop them everywhere. The actual para units was only secondary. If you still keep them perhaps adding the gliders (from wyrmshadows) instead of watching a para-drop. After all they work as Glider-infantry. Guess it's the old problem for the AI not understand to load ground units.

Yes! :)


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