CFC Fantasy Baseball Keeper League 2014!

Ok got one more. I can't confirm the eight until I see all 8 on the league page though.

once confirmed we will start the draft. I will start a separate thread.

playoffs are 4 teams, 2 weeks.
and now down to 6. Or 3, actually, since only 3 of you ever signed up.

I think it's dead. Sorry guys, I tried. Not enough interest.

Deleting the league.
FYI, I'm not at all interested in a forum draft; it takes way too long over a long period of time. I'll sign in once we get to around ten managers or so, as I also don't want to be playing in a shallow league (8 teams or below) unless we deepen the active player pool a fair amount.
That would have been nice to know about 2 weeks ago. When I asked for confirmation... twice.

The 30 player rosters we had was max Yahoo size.

If you signed in when we had 10, that would be 11, which means I would need to find 1 more to accommodate you waiting around, which is really not helpful at all.
It'd also be nice to have the format and rules finalized, but there's been no movement on that front either. And each time I checked, you had four signed up, not ten, so unless I missed something that's a load of bollocks. And if you had ten, or even eight, you never would have 'canceled' the league. So I don't know what you're on about.

At this point, have your league or don't have it. I don't care either way. I'm out. Have fun.
The rules were finalized over a week ago. We've also been talking about a slow draft from the get go. If you were going to have all these conditions it would have been nice to know from the get go so I could have had an accurate count that did not include you. Again: totally unhelpful.

Especially considering your little spat in the beginning scared off other owners. Thanks dude!:rolleyes:
I suggest starting with an only league. Getting 6-8 players is not nearly as hard. After a year, start the other league, then merge. For historic reasons, go NL first.

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