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**Chamnix & Calis SPOILER SABER Death Match**

You didn't miss an awful lot. Your gallics killed a few stray enemy explorers, but they mostly stayed where they were. You completed Monotheism a turn or two ago - please send it to me this turn as I am about to complete Feudalism, and I will start Chivalry as planned. Do you want Feudalism, or do you want to keep the ability to build more Gallics?
I am now weak towards the Iroquios:

My GA has ended, putting me into 2nd and 3rd position at some disciplines. I think I will try to expand more now. I sent you Monotheism. I do not want Feudalism right now. 10 turns for Engineering.

When are you going to start building up military? I think denyd is going to start putting pressure on me soon. On the positive side, I think he is a careful player, which should give me some time before he really is going to attack me.

But putting any shields into economy right now could be dangerous, I fear. Thus, I will continue building units in my more productive cities for a while.

I just can hope that he could catch up militarywise due to not investing into wonders, like I did. (~10 Gallic Swords fewer than I could)

What do you think?
I am #1 in most F11 categories now - the despotism penalty is making denyd's Golden Age much weaker than it should be. Since denyd will see he is #2 (or #3 in some disciplines), he may think he is being outproduced by you and will be very hesitant to attack.

I have 8 turns until Chivalry. I'm building a few horsemen for upgrade now, but once Chivalry comes in, research will be off, and there should be nothing but military at that point (maybe 1 town devoted to a couple of the better wonders). Do you think that is soon enough?

I think we both should soon consider expanding up more instead of out. Maybe devote 1 city at a time to building a marketplace and then add workers to get our cores to size 12? I only have 4 luxuries still so I could use 1 more. I have located 2 sources of silks and have started a road, but they are not close, and it will probably take me at least 10 turns to connect them. Do you think you might be able to claim the spices that Cyc tried to take, or is that too dangerous?

I think you should be OK from denyd for a while. Your gallics and catapults are underrated by the military advisor, and I think denyd will have a hard time approaching your territory with nothing better defensively than spears.
After finishing my Forbidden Palace and the growth of several towns, it's looking better again:

I am back to average towards the Iroquios. He'll think twice before really attacking me. I think you are right about it.

I fully agree to your plan regarding expanding up. I switched to a market in my Capital as it anyways has an odd number of shields for Gallics (15).

I will send a settler towards the spices soon, although it might be dangerous. But it should be worth the risk. The only problem is the road Cyc already has built there. But anyway, it will take me several turns to get a settler and a road there.
They are both Medieval now.

Cyc is in Anarchy:

Both do not have Monarchy, Monotheism:

Could you check how about Feudalism? Just want to know about Cycs free tech.

Could you send me Feudalism one turn before Chivaly completes, so you can send them in two subsequent turns?
Cyc doesn't have Feudalism either so he must have gotten Engineering.

My Statue of Zeus is complete - prebuild for Knights' Templar started :).

Chivalry is due in 4.
I find denyds luck amazing. All of my Gallic swords he killed were fortified on a mountain...

Here is the situation:

I just can hope that I didn't make a mistake, but I had to do some damage to him.

I think I sacrificed the southern GS, but otherwise he could have captured the two undefended cats on the mountain with his MW.

I just can hope that there are not too many MWs hiding in oakland ready to attack my stack on that mountain and that my cats with defensive bombard can stop him from eliminating that stack. :please: Otherwise this game would get critical already.

EDIT: I sent you Engineering and turned off research for now 106 gpt. And I need the gold to rush units now...
Cyc is now in Republic...

In three turns I will have spices for you...

I think it's better to let the RNG matter drop, before it get's a shabby discussion....
The first two riders (and first ancient cavalry) have hit the road - now I just need to find something to kill :hammer:.

What's the general plan of attack? Denyd seems stronger than Cyc - do you want to double team denyd, or do you just want to keep denyd occupied while I try to kill Cyc then gang up on denyd?
What's the general plan of attack? Denyd seems stronger than Cyc - do you want to double team denyd, or do you just want to keep denyd occupied while I try to kill Cyc then gang up on denyd?

The latter option would be my preference. Go and kill Cyc and I will hold out against denyd. I will put on a defensive stance against him from now on.

Both of them lack Feudalism and Monotheism, thus it will take them quite a while to get to knights. Probably around 15-20 turns I'd say. Moreover they do not have any pikes, yet.
Back to average towards denyd...at least he is not running away with military might. Next turn I'll get two knights. This allows me to switch my capital from units to Knights Templar to be completed in 11 turns.

Could you post your F11 screeny just for information after your next turn, please. I'll also do so after my next. But I am mainly second in most categories.
This shows that you had time to develop your territory and economy. On the other hand Cyc seemed to have the same time...;)

Denyd now has Feudalism. Cyc does not, yet. Both still lack Monotheism.

I sent you spices & 1gpt. Put the one gold on the table and the deal is perfect ;)
I'm not sure what you are trying to do with the trade. I think what we want is you give me spices, and I give you 1 gpt - that way the deal doesn't auto-expire in 20 turns.
I didn't know it was possible to trade gpt for gpt :hmm:.

Please post a picture of whatever you know of Cyc's land. As you can see, I am completely ignorant of that area of the world.

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