Changing Quest Requirements


Nov 5, 2001
Spearfish, SD
I have a simple question (I hope) about changing the numerical requirements on quests. Specificly, I would like to know what files, lines, etc control the amount of anything required to complete a quest. I typicly play on Huge maps at Marathon speed. However, I have played at other map sizes and speeds and have noticed the requirements scale with them. What I would like to do is be able to change how those requirements scale to allow for more or less reqirements than the default. For example I would like to require less buildings on a Huge map than are currently required so as to balance out the lack of city space when playing with a 40 civs mod.

I apologize if this has been asked a lot already. I did some preliminary searching and could not find any threads or guides which specificly explained this.
The events are defined in Civ4EventTriggerInfo.XML and Civ4EventInfos.XML. There is also some Python involved at least with some events.

The number of required buildings - for those events where it does scale with map size - is the default number of civs on a mapsize (from in Civ4WirldInfo.XML). You can either change the default number of civs for a mapsize in question, or you can set the required number in the event trigger file - making it the same fo all map sizes however...
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