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Children of the Emperor – Life and Death amidst the Clans of Japan

If it is possible considering the iron deficiency it may be good. But perhaps it would be preferable to wait a short time to consider it. Afterall there is no real urgency to upgrade the swordsman now. However as you have brought the idea up I will put it to a vote.


Should we upgrade the belgradian guard (swordsman) to Samurai at the soonest possible opportunity?

i Wish the following to be added on the vote for the next councill session.


Add the following item (LIBRARY) to the Satsuma's production queue:

a) Yes
b) No

(I just realized that there is a Circus q'd to be built next, im going to let this vote stand as i believe we need to get the library up and running so we can build a National College, this should have been done already as we need to pick up the pace on the tech race.)
Marutei Tsurunen here. I would like one of the Daimyos to propose a vote of gifting 250 coins to Belgrade, making them our ally. This would help us in the impending war campaign. I have a hunch that America only has shifted their focus in the war effort, toward us instead of Arabia.
Marutei Tsurunen here. I would like one of the Daimyos to propose a vote of gifting 250 coins to Belgrade, making them our ally. This would help us in the impending war campaign. I have a hunch that America only has shifted their focus in the war effort, toward us instead of Arabia.

That mass of troops near the border of Tokyo does look menacing. Very well I will put the vote up in favour of allying with Belgrade for aid against America in the ever more likely coming war. Incidentally the potential for war is why I put the issue of a declaration of friendship with the other powers on this continent against America up for vote. Friendship with the mongols and arabians can only lead to the Americans thinking twice about declaring war.


Shall we gift 250 gold to Belgrade at the next opportunity (in preference to upgrading swordsman to Samurai)?

I dont believe the Americans intend to invade Tokyo, it seems that their commander is trying to find an alternate route towards the Arabian Lands and the logistics of such a move is more than he can comprehend.
I dont believe the Americans intend to invade Tokyo, it seems that their commander is trying to find an alternate route towards the Arabian Lands and the logistics of such a move is more than he can comprehend.

Perhaps and indeed quite possible, but nethertheless caution is the better part of valour and irrespective of any American incursion establishing the allegiance of Belgrade as our ally would be most useful, especially when it comes to gifts of the military kind.

Besides if the council of sensei concludes with all due caution that the chances of American invasion are acceptably low they can simply vote "no" to the vote to buy Belgrades allegiance.
Perhaps, but nethertheless caution is the better part of valour and irrespective of any American incursion establishing the allegiance of Belgrade as our ally would be most useful, especially when it comes to gifts of the military kind.

Besides if the council of sensei concludes with all due caution that the chances of American invasion are acceptably low they can simply vote "no" to the vote to buy Belgrades allegiance.

Maybe, how sure are we that we will receive any military units from this "Aliance" ? Since Influence decays so fast will we reap any benifits or will we be forced to keep giving our hard earned gold to this City State.

I believe we should spend our gold on our Brave soldiers and equip them with the best weapons and armor we can supply.
Maybe, how sure are we that we will receive any military units from this "Aliance" ? Since Influence decays so fast will we reap any benifits or will we be forced to keep giving our hard earned gold to this City State.

I believe we should spend our gold on our Brave soldiers and equip them with the best weapons and armor we can supply.

Considering we are already friends with Belgrade and that we recieve within friendship one Belgradian legion in tribute every 20 years, even taking into account degradation of relations we should recieve at least one legion for our efforts and of course the security of an extra ally should worst come to worst during the time we are allies would be useful. We also are granted usage of belgradian resources as well.

Also I might add that in the event of war (initiated by us or otherwise) Belgrade is in a perfect position for an attack to burn the abominations of Seattle and Chicago to the ground so that nothing but charred ruin remains, in concert of course with a push from Osaka. Strategically Belgrade is in a perfect position should we desire an expulsion of American influence from our rightful domain.

Furthermore regarding upgrading our swordsmen the cost of such an endeavour may be prohibitively high, thus the vote to buy off Belgrade in addition to the vote for military upgrades so we have an alternative should the sensei in their wisdom judge that the upgrades are not financially justifiable.
One way to secure peace for Japan, that I know of, is to sell OB to everyone. This way we can:
- get some cash
- be sure that everyone will consider DoWing Japan twice as this results in big diplo hit.

Because of that I propose that we should sell OB to everyone, especially to America. We can use the money from OB for securing friendship of Belgrad.
Considering we are already friends with Belgrade and that we recieve within friendship one Belgradian legion in tribute every 20 years, even taking into account degradation of relations we should recieve at least one legion for our efforts and of course the security of an extra ally should worst come to worst during the time we are allies would be useful. We also are granted usage of belgradian resources as well.

Furthermore regarding upgrading our swordsmen the cost of such an endeavour may be prohibitively high, thus the vote to buy off Belgrade in addition to the vote for military upgrades so we have an alternative should the sensei in their wisdom judge that the upgrades are not financially justifiable,.

You have made some good points and have swayed me somewhat, it is good that Educated Bunka Sensei and Daimyo's can discuss matters like this, in a civil way. It shows the great Culture and respect we have for one another and the Empire in whole.

I will wait on some of the other Sensei's to voice their opinions.
One way to secure peace for Japan, that I know of, is to sell OB to everyone. This way we can:
- get some cash
- be sure that everyone will consider DoWing Japan twice as this results in big diplo hit.

Because of that I propose that we should sell OB to everyone, especially to America. We can use the money from OB for securing friendship of Belgrad.

I will not propose an open borders agreement with the filthy Gaijin americans or ever support it. Likewise I will not propose or support one to Mongolia demanding a price specifically for the privelege in rememberance of their continued friendship, it being dishonourable to propose one specifically for money to friends. Thus in my previous voting call I request a simple yes/no open borders with the outcome being whatever the mongolians deign to give. But I would not disagree with proposing open borders for a price with Arabia and the extra-continental powers of Russia and Germany.

However I will leave it to another Daimyo to propose such a vote.
One way to secure peace for Japan, that I know of, is to sell OB to everyone. This way we can:
- get some cash
- be sure that everyone will consider DoWing Japan twice as this results in big diplo hit.

Because of that I propose that we should sell OB to everyone, especially to America. We can use the money from OB for securing friendship of Belgrad.

I would support such and act.
You have made some good points and have swayed me somewhat, it is good that Educated Bunka Sensei and Daimyo's can discuss matters like this, in a civil way. It shows the great Culture and respect we have for one another and the Empire in whole.

I will wait on some of the other Sensei's to voice their opinions.

Recent coups in Osaka and Kagoshima prove that we are civilized people, indeed :D
Recent coups in Osaka and Kagoshima prove that we are civilized people, indeed :D

Naturally he was refferring to the Bunka and not the soulless Kagaku or the ruthless Gaiko and definitely not the vicious and mildly better than Gaijin Shihai. Fortunately Japans civility is manifested in the Bunka who alone of the clans support culture and civilisation over degradation and needless power grabbing.
In that case I propose a vote (together with my previous votes regarding Kagoshima internal affairs).

Who should we propose OB agreement to?
1. All of them regardles the price.
2. All of them at price at least 40G each.
3. All of them, except America, regardless the price.
4. All of them, except America, at price at least 40G each.
5. All of them, except America and Mongolia, regardless the price.
6. All of them, except America and Mongolia, at price at least 40G each.
7. Stay with current policies.
I will not propose an open borders agreement with the filthy Gaijin americans nor will I propose one to Mongolia for a price in rememberance of their continued friendship. But I would not disagree with proposing open borders for a price with Arabia and the extra-continental powers of Russia and Germany.

However I will leave it to another Daimyo to propose such a vote.

We must see past the now and focus on the tomorrow, by doing this we might have enough time for our Scientist to crack the mistery of the black powder the Americans are using in their Lightning sticks.

We can ally with the Belgradians and save money for the outfitting of our troops and if the Gaijin attack us we will have the ear of the other nations on this continent.
We must see past the now and focus on the tomorrow, by doing this we might have enough time for our Scientist to crack the mistery of the black powder the Americans are using in their Lightning sticks.

We can ally with the Belgradians and safe money for the outfitting of our troops and if the Gaijin attack us we will have the ear of the other nations on this continent.

Do you not think it superior to exclude Americans from our lands in the interests of establishing a secure front in the case of conflict. It would be most inconvenient for American warriors to infiltrate our lands prior to war and perhaps backstab us once they are in a superior position.

Furthermore the need is not so dire that we must resort to begging to the most depraved of barbarian nations at this current time. Besides open borders with America could potentially antagonise Arabia and perhaps even some of the other powers who are potential allies against America. We must choose our friends, not pass out favours to everyone like a common run of the mill gaiko prostitute.
Do you not think it superior to exclude Americans from our lands in the interests of establishing a secure front in the case of conflict. It would be most inconvenient for American warriors to infiltrate our lands prior to war and perhaps backstab us once they are in a superior position.

Furthermore the need is not so dire that we must resort to begging to the most depraved of barbarian nations at this current time. Besides open borders with America could potentially antagonise Arabia and perhaps even some of the other powers who are potential allies against America. We must choose our friends, not pass out favours to everyone like a common run of the mill gaiko prostitute.

Hmmm, I would not like the Gaijin to move openly towards Kyoto and hide in the wilderness near the German outpost. Mybe it would be better if we offer this to all the nations we know , but exclude the Americans for now.

That way we will still get enough gold to bri... gift the Belgradians and maybe outfit some soldiers if needed.
I dont believe the Americans intend to invade Tokyo, it seems that their commander is trying to find an alternate route towards the Arabian Lands and the logistics of such a move is more than he can comprehend.
I disagree, this image was made three years after the Americans and Arabians signed a peace treaty. In addition there is no real route to Arabia due to the mountains anyway.

One way to secure peace for Japan, that I know of, is to sell OB to everyone. This way we can:
- get some cash
- be sure that everyone will consider DoWing Japan twice as this results in big diplo hit.

Because of that I propose that we should sell OB to everyone, especially to America. We can use the money from OB for securing friendship of Belgrad.
This is a bad idea, I cannot stress how bad an idea it is. Jehoshua has made some good points already but I feel I should add some more. Open borders offers no diplomatic protection, indeed it allows a potential enemy the chance to go for a wander through our lands and scout our precise military capability. If the Americans knew how badly defended our core cities are they would not hesitate in declaring war.

I would also ask a daimyo to add the following as an option for a science vote:
Only allow techs on the path to rifling to be added to the tech queue or be selected as a valid option for a mandatory research vote until rifling has been researched

The reasoning behind this is that we will need rifling to upgrade our army. Musketmen (the units made available at gunpowder) are not hugely better than longswordsmen and none of our current units upgrade to them. To upgrade our antiquated troops we need to learn rifling as soon as possible. In addition I recommend trading the excess dyes for as much as Catherine has and some iron to make up the difference (I believe if her gold reserves do not change substantially we should get the lot and one iron allowing us to upgrade the swordsmen to samurai).
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