[BTS] Churchill & The Mysterious Ladies (BTS Immortal game)

(copying some thoughts here as I continued my discourse after saying good night)

May you have sweet and pleasant dreams;)

oh..and Boudi island is now a no go, but now we see another island to her NE that could be settled/gifted, and i don't think it can be covered by culture (although it could be settled eventually - it does have fish)

well..there is Cathy and Lib too. but we should be able to hopefully gauge their progress by checking Edu trades...granted they can bulb it as well. Agree that PP is otherwise a very good tech.

yeah..seems Curs not plan..at least right now..so something towards MM..maybe even Sci Meth (depending on the rush to Lib), but Physics would be ideal..we'd need astro though...or Chem)

or..yeah...hmmm...Astro is not bad and needed indeed for the path. Plus, Observatory not bad building in London..and we might rush a coupla cities in the middle. Izzy might be slow to settle there initially. The extra pop could be helpful, especially if we don't plan to fight much more
Yup i like Astro, nobody has Optics yet seems unlikely we can trade unless Cathy would tech it now.
But she has several techs to pick from, AIs really like Engi and Guilds.

With Izzy teching Natio, we would wait for trade and not go Cuirs route ourselves now?
So other option now would be PP, but if we want middle land we need Astro fast :)

Agree that at least 1 Great Merchant would be nice from the golden age, and maybe 1 scientist?
Bulbing gets weaker now thou, i guess if we also settle middle land we will much prefer gold so maybe all merchants.
Well, in a Golden Age we could probably tech Optics pretty fast, then if we get a GS we could part bulb Astro and tech the rest..or double bulb. We could start PP after Optics and await the outcome of GP generation. Then save Lib for something like Physics, which would be ideal. AI tech plans could throw that off. Not sure how many GPs we expect. Part bulb Sci Meth is not bad, but probably the last somewhat bulb worthy tech, but not really great for Lib free tech since the cost is relatively lower.

I agree..I think the commit on Astro means when want it sooner than later, as the benefits due us more good in the short term...settling middle and Observatory in London. Settlers should be easy to come by with some convenient whips after the GA.

Checking in on Bears looks like Gumbo has called it a day. We can probably consider this a break day. Tomorrow's Friday so hope to have a bit earlier start in afternoon barring unforeseen occurrences. If so, should give us time to really analyze our situation.

I agree..mainly merchants. A part bulb Astro though might be good at least. I mean, if we play our cards right, maybe we can get a Lib>Phyzzy, which is a pretty sweet deal.

Our lives have become so dependent on da interwebs...it totally sucks when it goes down.

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Does that mean you are still up for some action in an hour or so?

Get some rest regardless
Did we give up for today?? Who is Sandman?
Yep, we Muricans know about the Sandman...Brits are always the last ones to know :D
Thank you Thank You;). I guess unless one is really diehard for football it'd be hard to watch the game so late over there.

If yall are up for a round I should have some time here
I would have some time yup ~~

Let's summon our bear.

If you want to play that would be priority, i am already taking the first sgotm turns & testing there :)
But if you want to pass, i can yup.

No hurry, i think we were mostly at great people planning?
Seems that our beakers rate would pass ~500 with golden age & free market, but we will pay more gold / turn for Paci.

GS bulb would be printing press, not bad.
Merchants ofc have more value for us, i think we could not go wrong with aiming at GMs only here (one for another golden age too, combined with physics scientist later?).

Hastings & Canterbury can create one each.
Thess a bit behind, but should do okay for a 3rd great person.

London could in theory, but removing tiles hurts a bit too much with Bur imo :)

Yep i think Optics & Astro are probably best now.
Unlikely that we get 2 scientists, cannot go wrong with teching Astro.
I would start a galley somewhere and stop before 50h, then complete it as galleon (starting galley again 1 turn before Astro completes), yep.
We will want 1-2 units like Jumbos ready to jump on board, should be nps with Justi dead soon.
Settlers could be prepared for whipping later, i think we will want slavery again before GA ends.

Warwick is good yup.

I would say let's keep growing London, pop can also be used for Uni + Obs whip later if we want. Forge useful too. Seems more valuable going for buildings than trying for GP.

Yup let's get golden ;)
+ Rep if you can do magic too ~~
Hmm always a good question, difficult calculating with merc but should cost us some beakers for sure. Feeling would be it's not worth doing for 9 extra gp / turn.

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Great. I need a few minutes since i just got home. Do you want to take some turns? I think you are due for some

Stop hibernating Gumbo!

Sure. Unless gumbo pops in shortly. Still need a minute or two but you can start laying out your thoughts.

Ok...on board now. Yeah, I think GMs are the best as gold seems to be an issue, and the AIs don't seem to be getting much.

So do we head straight for Astro now, or start putting beakers into Lib. If we go Optics, I wonder if its worth a caravel to explore middle for spot. Or maybe better to just build a Galleon later (start Astro galley) since otherwise a caravel probably pretty worthless.

PP bulb would be good, and should allow us to tech it in 1t afterwards. If we end up popping GSs instead, maybe we bulb PP > tech it> part bulb Astro

Well, with London we have some tile sharing. York will grow next turn and can work the plains cottage, while Newark can take a cottage or two. It's not like some of these cottages are that developed right now. So it would lose the mines and a couple of cottage and sea tile to run specs, but I guess if it turns out it won't ever pop a GP then maybe not worth it. Haven't checked timings on that

I guess Warwick or Nott is good to start galley. Nott does still have that WE in production that will start losing hammers soon.

London can run 4 specs without starving. It does have GM points already, but uncertain if it would pop anything even in Pac without starving. May be worth at least running the 4 merchants during GA regardless.

Oh..and it may be worth trying for GE in cities with forge..I guess just Nott.

I think York and Hastings (size 4) are good for settlers whips since they won't be running specs

yep, that's probably good, and I don't think London can really actually pop a GM without starving anyway.

So should I go ahead and start the GA now so we can check the timings of things?

..and change civics, ofc

we are golden...so caste/FM/Paci switch? or maybe a few turns of Merc?

Oh..I think we can do a complete renog of resource trades with Boudi for a coupla extra gold
(done) 10gpt

yeah, without Rep it is almost certainly a loss of beakers. It's more a question of the payoff later in more GPs. I rarely ever use it myself, but it may have some value here at least for a few turns. I'm fine with FM though, which really just may be better

yeah..let's just do FM and stick with our already good trade power

alright, I will make the civic switches and then adjust cities as I see fit and post save so you can see it...and, ofc, make changes ;)

Ok..let me know what you think of this setup. Wow..check London for kicks and Paci really boosted its GPP..just 7 turns running 4...However, ofc, that would change a lot once the other cities pop theirs

oh..I we can probably run 80% research..I did not adjust after running all those merchants..then finish Optics next turn


  • Church AD-0660.CivBeyondSwordSave
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I think Hastings first one is good in 4 turns, but would use floodplains in Canterbury.
No hurry for 2nd one, and i think we will not get more than 1 gp from those cities..they are not so food rich :)

We bombard this turn at Justi city, righto?
Oops nevermind you did lol, and 1 Cat heals.

And yup you can even run 100% which is great, we will get capture gold next turn and can probably use 100% for longer.

Hmm Nottingham Engi try, do we think that will work?
Missing Reli.

Cat could plunder cottage west of Nicea, and move east with Jumbo next turn.
(towards hist last city)
They would be blocking possible attacks on that city, so no danger for Nicea when they leave.

Really fun idea with Nottingham, let's do that just so we see what happens later :)
I would only use Engi for 2 turns + max possible food until Reli, and then drop all food besides Fish.

Looks like we have some extra gold to spare, hmm last thingie i can think about is looking for good builds over wealth, depending on what we would like.

If we still like the idea of Moai in Warwick (also mostly for fun, which matters most in this game ~~) we could run max hammers there for galley and prepare forge whip into Moai a bit quicker.

Yup 10 + 10 + 14 + 14 would be perfect as preparation, could skip stone for 2 turns and use farm. We will want some growth here too if we whip forge i think.

Nott Jumbo could be for middle transport, fine putting hammers in now i think.

Ox would be just for fun as well i think, i am certainly fine with doing all that just so we see how it goes. On small map we need only 4 Unis in other cities besides London.

Adria would be great for Uni, very good & big city with no great people plans :)

I would think Nott already has enuf to do with Engi plans, Thess should work better yup.

Yep always a good idea spreading Apo Reli when there's time.
But probably not from London with Ox & no forests, we can whip a new monastery somewhere later.

Think we did enuf this turn :lol:

We can stop any time btw, if you want some super bowl fun soon :)
I think it's like a holiday for you guys?

Yup 1 turn mish is worth doing for sure.
You sent a new unit for happy there ;)
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yeah..we had a coupla cats there that bombarded this turn..everyone else is healing..and the other stack merged with them this turn. Not sure what to do with that Cat in neutral land..hesitant to move him closer if Justi still has an HA lying around

oh yeah..capture gold..you are always thinking;)
mo beakers mo soonerer

well, I thought it would not hurt. We can build a mish next turn in London before the Observatory and run him over.

excellent idea with cat..done..and 13g

ok..makes sense...i will make that change. Figured an GE would be good for UN if we luck out..but still a longshot, ofc

let me upload another save just so you can check the changes

Well, depends on what we want to do I guess. Nott has that poor WE in queue that will lose hammers soon. I don't know if we want Ox or not. We do have stone, but Unis may take some time. Cov has a forge in queue. I don't think we need more than one Galleon, but more might be good later if for whatever reason we attack from sea

so mine and stone in Warwick instead of Merchants into Galley..stop galley at 1t..start forge

done and done..now we have 10g surplus

oh..forgot it is small map..so just 5 unis...hmm

we could start Unis in Hasting and Cant..not like building wealth doing much there..then think about OR on the back end ..Nott could do one too
no Library in Nott but with OR later, and its forge, it can build this fast, and no hurry short term. Still need one other city...Not sure .maybe Thess, since it has food and Bud

..and we could still probably do a Obs in London first before uni

oh yeah..adria has bud too..so Cant/Hasting/Not/Adria ...or Thess instead of Not. We can start in Cant and Hasting now

(you know, probably not bad idea to spread Bud around if not least of which to counter any possible AP nonsense later...but might as well make use of the religion bonus in cities...I don't think we really need to plan hard for mishes but when we can)

ok..unis started in Cant/Hasty

anythiing else..lol...big turn here with this planning

a'ight..let's make this happen..I shall proceed


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:spear::spear:Iz offered Edu for Gunpowder and gold..but I obviously declined

hmm..thought London would do mish in 1t but 1h short...may be worth using mine from Newark for 1t to get that out next turn

oh good..Thess got happy for some reason..although that may change depending on battles

ha..yep..just noticed spear, but he had not moved in yet..so now it is even happier :)

ok...looks like we are ready to take out Teo...I will post save ..not sure one bombards. We have one hurt cat there that can bombard. Do we just slam the others?

Gumbo has left the cave

I checked trades and did not seeing anything there

sounds good. i will commence the battle

cats dead..1st jumbo beat spear..c2Form jumbo beat xbow..c2 jumbo beat spear..c1jumbo beat jumbo..c3 jumbo beat LB..c2 jumbo beat axe...mace beat mace

All wins except cat!!

Spoiler Monty, is that you ? :

oh..and new GG

new save

it was a nice haul indeed

hmm.so I think at issue is what do we move or if we move toward last city...cats need healing.. I think we need at least one jumbo in Teo as Justi may have xbows running around

ha ha..yeah sure..we put in some good effort today..even without Gumbo

Enjoy the rest of your evenng. Hope you get to see some of the game... GO FALCONS!!!

I assume it would be on TV over there. Single biggest TV event in the world

Ha..hopefully no:spear:

oh..and I think twitter streams it for free

thanks...see ya;)


  • Church AD-0680.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Gumbobear posted in our other thread, let's see if he finds his way here too ~~

Not bad odds for our Jumbos already, i would probably bombard with injured Cat + 1 other, and attack with 2. Keeps us some for his last city too, we have many other units.

lol hmmm sounds like a Monty city for sure!
And so much new gold, we are rich.

Should we pause for today?
That turn was like 5-100 normal ones ;)

Sleepy bear, maybe he went back to bed again lol.
Yup good planning & playing :)

Falcons are strong and fast, they will win like Tanks win vs. Spears (usually......) ~~
Have fun, hmm i would need a stream too..will see how i feel later :)
Or maybe it's on TV, should be for such a big game?

Yup i will probably check, bye bye and good luck
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Oh..the brutality! Yes, it was a devastating loss, and bad second half for the Falcons. Still getting over it, but at the end of the day it is just a game of football, so we soldier on..ha

Well, at least you were able to see the good part;)
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