Citizen Complaint 1 - Trial Thread

Harsh word from the "The 1st Cultural Minister" ;)
Black_Hole said:
I have doubt that you resign, so why can't Curufinwe just recuse him self just incase? Better safe than sorry.

How can you have Doubt that i resign. I SAID I RESIGN. Look ill resign again right now. I resign. Oh how about another I resign. Jesus you cant have doubt about something like this. I have doubt that You have Doubt how about that?? I have doubt that my user name is nobody. I have doubt the grass is green. Infact i Have doubt that this thread even exsists.
Nobody said:
How can you have Doubt that i resign. I SAID I RESIGN. Look ill resign again right now. I resign. Oh how about another I resign. Jesus you cant have doubt about something like this. I have doubt that You have Doubt how about that?? I have doubt that my user name is nobody. I have doubt the grass is green. Infact i Have doubt that this thread even exsists.
The only time the word resign was posted by you was after Curufinwe was appointed.
Did you even read the post i made here. Clearly i meant to resign. I said i will stand down so that i could reapply for the position. If i wanted to Reapply clearly i meant i resigned.
The question of whether this proceeding is fun or not is out of order... :hammer:

However, for those who doubt that our nation moves forward, even while this proceeding is taking place, please see this thread on city placement and make your opinion known. Shame on anyone who frets about lack of activity in the actual game yet is not him/herself active. :mischief:
DaveShack said:
However, for those who doubt that our nation moves forward, even while this proceeding is taking place, please see this thread on city placement and make your opinion known. Shame on anyone who frets about lack of activity in the actual game yet is not him/herself active. :mischief:
I hope that :mischief: wasn't directed at me, i've been plenty active :king:
Swissempire said:
I hope that :mischief: wasn't directed at me, i've been plenty active :king:

Nope, not directed at you. I hope the intended recipients will do their civic duty and contribute. :cool:
Fellow citizens,

This case has seen a slight departure from the particulars of this case. Specifically, my client, Curufinwe, has had his fairness and impartiality on the matter of a certain JR called into question.

The core question in that JR is not the status of Nobody, it's the initial act in that chain of events - was Chieftess permitted under law to assume the office of President? For the purpose of this case, the answer to that is irrelevant. What IS relevant, is can Curufinwe render a fair and impartial decision.

Thus far, no shred of evidence has been presented that he cannot. What has been called for, is the insinuation that he cannot, that he is inherently biased and flawed. The claim is that he cannot render a fair and impartial decision. That claim is quite incorrect.

Look through the posts Curufinwe has made here, and in other threads. His intelligence is clear, his thoughtfulness shows and his balance is there. He has strong views, but so do all of us!

Courts in real-life, and in past Demogames, have ruled on matters that directly affect them. That's part of what must be considered when choosing who you wish to serve in a Judicial office! Indeed, consider the roles of the Public Defender and the Judge Advocate in the Investigation process. If they are truly doing their jobs, wouldn't they always for against and for investigations? We don't ask our Judge Advocate if they support the charges, nor the Public Defender if they support the accused, we expect them to serve in a role. We expect them to set aside their views and feelings, and function as their office demands. We only require recusal when the Justice is directly involved in the case.

So to should we expect and demand our Justices set aside their personal views unless they are directly involved, and require them to do their job! Curufinwe is NOT directly involved in this case. Indirectly, yes, but that's common. We don't expect Justices involved in crafting legislation to recuse themselves from the review of that.

Nothing has been shown that can lead you to believe that Curufinwe is incapable of delivering a fair and impartial decision. Rather, his statements should lead you in the opposite direction, that Curufinwe will render the right decision, the decision that logic and reason demands.

You, the citizens of Licentia, supported Curufinwe in his Confirmation Poll. Continue to show him that support and trust, and allow him to do his job in this, and all matters before the court.

-- Ravensfire, Public Defender
DaveShack said:
Would Nobody have resigned / withdrawn to allow the President to make another appointment?
I cannot answer that, that would be up to Nobody.
If not, would there have been a JR on the legality of the initial appointment?
Would the citizens expect Nobody to recuse himself and appoint a pro-tem? Would a CC have resulted if no pro-tem appointment was forthcoming?
I would have, as the JR would have DIRECTLY involved the Chief Justice. A CC certainly would have been filed.

The difference between that theoretical CC and this CC is the scope of the involvement. There, the JR would have been about the appointment of the sitting Chief Justice. The JR in question here is not about the appointment of this Chief Justice, but about the legality of the assumption of the powers of the President by the Secretary of State, Chieftess. Curufinwe is not directly involved.

-- Ravensfire, Public Defender
Cyc said:
:) Ravensfire, you should be ashamed of your self....
Ah, but I should not! You, as much as anyone, should know that my role in this matter is clear. My beliefs and opinions are irrelevant.

-- Ravensfire, Public Defender
Swissempire said:
Thats why i think Striders CoL is the way to go.

The demogame is supposed to be FUN. Here we are debating on the definitions of words, when the EVEIL MONGOLS ARE EATING BABIES!

Swissempire, please understand that this IS fun for some of us. We enjoy the simulation of a government, and all that entails. To an extent, the game decisions can be "unfun".

-- Ravensfire
Cyc, if that is how you feel, I am deeply sorry. I have never intended to bring disgrace on the Judiciary, but that does add to the doubts I've had this whole way through. I've tried to be reasonable, and some believe I've failed. To them, and to all who may have been affected by me, I am sorry, but I can not do otherwise, because I believe that my course of action, given the circumstances, is correct. If you feel that I am wrong, by all means, vote against me. If, however, you do not, please vote in my support. Whatever you do, I ask you to think through it, and follow the logic of all of those who spoke.
ravensfire said:
Swissempire, please understand that this IS fun for some of us. We enjoy the simulation of a government, and all that entails. To an extent, the game decisions can be "unfun".

-- Ravensfire
I find the Government simulation extremely fun. I like argueing and debating. I just hate it when we start character attacks
I agree, as a person already heavily involved in politics I like this roleplaying stuff quite fun, as opposed to dry stuffy meetings. *semi-sarcastic* Plus, when I try to get into law school in a few years this is sure to help, hah.
ravensfire said:
Swissempire, please understand that this IS fun for some of us. We enjoy the simulation of a government, and all that entails. To an extent, the game decisions can be "unfun".

-- Ravensfire

I agree as far as things go, Most of the people involved want to take part in the Judical part of the game. And as far as judical things got, CCs are the best part. Although i would prefer it if the case was someone who played the turn ahead and i had to be the Defense.
Swissempire said:
I find the Government simulation extremely fun. I like argueing and debating. I just hate it when we start character attacks

What we've had here are far from character attacks -- if you want to see some real attacks, I'm sure we could find some in the archives.

Some of our citizens hold a high standard when it comes to fairness and impartiality. That doesn't necessarily translate to emnity towards those who think it is less important. We will be judging the actions (or lack thereof), not the person.

Here's the type of question we all will be asked to vote on. Did the actions of Person X, in Incident Y, violate of Law Z? If yes, then render a Guilty verdict, and if no, a Not Guilty verdict, and if undecided, abstain.

We will not be voting on how serious the topic is, nor will we be voting on whether the actions were justified. Those questions are for a later step in the process, if and only if a majority think the law was broken at all.
I was reffering to other threads Daveshack, i actually think this thread has been very civil except for the Cyc post
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