Citizen Honors Hall of Fame


Apr 7, 2002
Long Island, NY
Here is the list of Honored Citizens in Fanatika.

Disorganizer- "Die Oliven Zweige"
Stuck_as_a_Mac- "Das Kreuz Fanatikan"
Chieftess- "Die Oliven Zweige"
BCLG- "Das Kreuz Fanatikan"
Shaitan- "Die Oliven Zweige", "Das Kreuz Fanatikan"
Strider- "Das Kreuz Fanatikan"
Donsig- "Das Kreuz Fanatikan"

Behold some of the greatest citizens of our great nation. More to follow.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the only official honor bestowed on a citizen to date is "Die Oliven Zweige" for Chieftess.

While there was overwhelming support for honoring the other nominated citizens as well (I, myself, see no reason for all of them not to be honored), all of the other polls failed to reach quorum. Please refer to the ruling by our Chief Justice for clarification.
I will request reopening of the old poll-threads to comply to the "open for 2 days or until quorum reached" polling "standard" :)
the problem definitely was that the polls only were up for 3 days and then auto-closed.
Could you edit the HOF according to the fact that at this moment, only the polls for chieftess, donsig and disorganizer got them honours? the others are still pending. i propose marking them as pending and adding a link to the poll there until they reach quorum.
Everybodies poll has passed.
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