City capture crashes the game


May 13, 2011
Several people have this problem. Anyone aware of a fix?

1. Whenever I try to take a specific Scythian city, the game crashes. I've tried different approaches to taking it, and each one causes the crash. Does anyone know what causes this?

2. I am having this exact same problem. When trying to take Egypts capital with my Armada / Army. Im at about turn 225 on a large map, islands. I have tried to load and invade on different turns, from different tiles etc. Crashes every time. My nation is Norway. Very interested in a fix.

3. Exact same problem for me. Got 2 savegames now, both around turn 200 (quick speed). In both I wanted to go for a domination victory. In both games it crashes when I want to take my 13th city. My guess is that something UI related fails to update and crashes the game because there're quite some stuttering and hanging every time a lot of tooltips get updated at the same time. Might be the reason why Firaxis disabled updating the UI for city production/growth/etc.
Same trouble here... first time, i conquer and raze city... and game crash... second time, i conquer and keep city, next turn i rejected the peace proposal of former owner... and game crash... third time, i conquer and keep city, next turn i accepted the peace proposal, then next turn... and game crash... Now I have no more means to avoid crash... :mad:
same problem here. Many people have reported similar crashes on Steam forums.
i am really disappointed with Firaxis. I have payed 60€ to enjoy the game and the game is unplayable. Where is the patch to solve this "party crasher"? Next Firaxis game, I will wait until it is properly patched (most likely already on sale as well) to buy it. It is sad that the same rule applies every time... dont buy it on launch day, the game always is released with many bugs
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i am really disappointed with Firaxis. I have payed 60€ to enjoy the game and the game is unplayable. Where is the patch to solve this "party crasher"? Next Firaxis game, I will wait until it is properly patched (most likely already on sale as well) to buy it. It is sad that the same rule applies every time... dont buy it on launch day, the game always is released with many bugs

I agree this is bad. However, comparing Civ VI to any EA game (in last 5 years) it looks like the most well made release in the world.

EA really releases beta-versions and then they dont even patch the games (only DLC).
Right... the game crashes even if no city is captured. I decided to continue my game without capturing any more cities. After few turns, the game crashed anyway. As mentioned before, the game is unplayable, it needs a patch to allow players to finish a game!
I have had this problem. Around turn 200 with Pericles, tiny fractal map. When I try to take Rome, the game crashes straight to desktop; no error message or anything. Very frustrating! Have tried on a couple of different turns, after the first crash, and with different units. Still crashes! Any ideas as to how to remedy this would be appreciated.
so in my first and only game thus far as Rome, I am having the same issue a mere 3 turns from victory. London and Paris are the only AI capitals remaining. When i take London, game crashes to desktop hard, every time. I opened a ticket with 2k. Basic fixes did nothing. went through the exercise of sending them dxdiag, msinfo, civ6.dmp file.

they've been very responsive but now my ticket has been relegated to 'this will be fixed in an upcoming patch' which makes the game unplayable on my system for the time being.

If anyone is experiencing the 'capture city CTD' bug, I'd recommend contacting 2k. The more cases that get opened involving this circumstance, the more likely they are to properly prioritize and remedy.
Trying to build a workaround, i started a game without Greek leaders (I suspect the game "mixes" the two Greeks)... Trajan, large map, marathon speed... after 681 turns, i win (domination) without crash... :king: Second time, i start a new game... Victoria, large inland sea map, marathon speed, no greeks... 521 turns and religion win (in fact, a false religious victory... I annihilated all civilizations except one... then I threw lots of missionaries... :lol: )... no crash... Now i started a third game... but still without Greeks.. maybe it will work... :confused:
Played a game without greece, still crashed somewhere around modern era when caputering a city (the AI in my case). ='(
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Patch did not solve this issue. That is really awful by Firaxis :p
Really?! Are you sure?
Did you start a new game? Loading the old game doesn't work anyway.
Loaded an old game. Why wouldnt a bug like this be fixed for an old game? To me it should be.

I understand AI changes etc will not be applied to old saves. However, fixing such a fundamental thing as a game crash should be done universally independent of saved games.
Probably depends on what is causing the "conquest crashes" -- some things may be fixed with a new build, but others might be resulting from a damaged or corrupted save file that can't be overridden by a patch (Note: me no programmer, just brainstorming).
Loaded an old game. Why wouldnt a bug like this be fixed for an old game? To me it should be.

I understand AI changes etc will not be applied to old saves. However, fixing such a fundamental thing as a game crash should be done universally independent of saved games.
When you start a game in Civ 6 a lot of things are locked in to the save file and won't be affected by the patch. The city crashing bug is (largely) caused by a spy being en-route to a city when it is captured (or perhaps razed - some debate there). If this happens then the very *next* city to be captured, by Human or AI, will crash the game.

It's hard to say if fixing this issue would affect previuos saves or not but as they haven't specifically mentioned the bug in their patch notes then I suspect they simply haven't addressed it yet.
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