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City defense of 144. Ho do I conquer it?


Jun 16, 2008
Need some tips here...

I need to conquer a city with a defense of 144. It contains every defensive perk there is (wall, general, modern infantry with upgrades of engineer, loyalty, etc.). I've go a fleet of Battleships right next to it and I send in spies to disable defense but it still shows up as a defense of 144. I'm attacking with Veteran Bomber wings, which to my knowledge is the strongest offensive unit and though I can't remember exactly, I'm only getting an attack of approx 108.

What else can I do here?

I want to win by Domination even though I've had the means to win a Cultural or Economic victory for a while now.
Use spies to destroy buildings... city wall will come down. That will lower their defense considerably. You need to maximize your offense with ground attack. If you can get artillery there use elite armies of those (with infiltration upgrade), and a general if possible (on a hill). That should put you well over 120 attack, and their defense should be much lower than that if you took out walls and fortifications.
^^^ Good tips thanks.

Does using spies to disable defense only apply when attacking with ground troops? The thing that was confusing me the most was that I WAS using spies to disable defense, but the city defense stayed at 144. I was using bombers though and not mobile artillary.
Does using spies to disable defense only apply when attacking with ground troops?[/B]

Hmmm. I think that bombers ignore city walls when attacking, so the 144 was calculated without city walls anyway. That would mean that if you destroy the walls, your ground troops will still face a defense of 144.

I am not sure if bombers ignore fortifications too though. Does anyone know? If so, that would explain why the defense didn't drop when you used your spies. If this is the case, then after destroying city walls and fortifications with spies, your ground troops will still see a defense of 144. Still your best bet may be to maximize your ground attack to overwhelm that.

Let's see: Artillery is 16. 48 with army. 50% bonus from veteran + 50% bonus from general + 50% bonus from hill + 100% bonus from infiltration = 250% bonus. That should be 48 x 2.5... an attack of 120. Then add +27 for battleship naval support, and that brings it up to an attack of 147. Did I do that right??

Does the battleship fleet still give you naval support when you are attacking with bombers?
Let's see: Artillery is 16. 48 with army. 50% bonus from veteran + 50% bonus from general + 50% bonus from hill + 100% bonus from infiltration = 250% bonus. That should be 48 x 2.5... an attack of 120. Then add +27 for battleship naval support, and that brings it up to an attack of 147. Did I do that right??

The math looks good only Infiltration is only worth 50%, not 100% so that would put a perfect Artillary attack with all the bonuses you mentioned at only 96, plus naval support would make it 123.
Nuke It! :D

If you can't, then you can use spies to destroy the city walls, although that might take some time, and this late in the game they likely have good enough production/economy to get it back quickly anyways. Make sure you save some spies to disable defenses, and just bring plenty of cannon fodder to throw at them to weaken him down.

Your units will kill some men in his army, and thus weaken his defensive score. How many units do they have with 144 defense? Just make sure you prepare to beat not only the unit with 144 defense but the ones following him.

All this is assuming it's not the Aztec's your up against, cause otherwise he will keep healing.

Eventually if you throw enough at em, you'll take the city. It just might take heavy losses. Another thing you can do is take all his other cities (if possible). That way it will be harder for him to reinforce his city, while giving you more production for more cannon fodder to send his way.
Option 1

Option 2

1. Disable any naval support they are getting
2. get your own (make sure its a veteran Battleship fleet)
3. Get Infiltration army of Artillery or Army of Artillery from hill (otherwise stick with Bomber wings)
4. Great General if possible


1. Get a spy ring to disable their definding spy and then send waves of individual spies in to destroy as much of their infrastructure as possible (targeting walls, then disrupt defense)

2. If they are Not Aztecs, send Waves of troops at them... make sure you have a LOT of armies before trying since you don't want to give them experience from your losses and let them heal
If they are Aztecs.... then hope you can get your attack ofver their defens in youre waves of armies.
If you are relying on the scout skill, I think that does not update after spies disable fortifications. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
personally.. I'd make it look like I'm doing an army buildup to keep them in military mode while I race towards economic or spacerace.

if you prebuild the bank with another wonder, you can often finish it within a turn or two of hitting 20k. they may have insane defense, but if your world bank city is defended by multiple armies of artillery, fighters, modern infantry they won't be able to stop you either

The disrupt defensive fortifications work only on one unit, so if your enemy has 2 upgaded armies fortified defending then the spy just disrupts one and the other one defends as it has more defence.
After securing the location around the enemy city with ground units, get Spies to destroy any culture production. Then, get a settler, settle it 2 squares away from the city, and if you have gold, rush temples, cathedrals, and any wonder you can afford. If it goes well, you culture flip those cities, and those defensive units are yours!
After securing the location around the enemy city with ground units, get Spies to destroy any culture production. Then, get a settler, settle it 2 squares away from the city, and if you have gold, rush temples, cathedrals, and any wonder you can afford. If it goes well, you culture flip those cities, and those defensive units are yours!

I've never been able to flip a palace city. No matter how much culture I'm producing. I'm not sure it is possible. Though the tactic sounds good I feel with a defense that high the palace bonus must be added in.
50% veteran
50% loyalty
50% palace?
50% great general
50% hills?
50% fortifying/100% fortified
100% engineer
100% leadership
100% walls

Is your target city a capital on a hill? If so, its modern infantry would, with all bonuses included, have 144 defense when it is only fortifying, and 156 defense if it is fortified. Spies can only reduce the 100% fortified bonus to 50% fortifying, they cannot completely eliminate it; therefore, if the defending army was already only fortifying (and AI units are sometimes not fortified), disrupting defenses will not affect them.

If the city is not on a hill, or does not have a palace, then Grumbles69 must be right, and each spy must only be able to disrupt 1 unit, although I have not seen a fortified unit after disrupting defenses.
see its doubtful that every single city is protected that well. unless they have a settled general and have planned ahead.

so just attack another city. if you cut off the cities around the one you really want it will be much easier to flip it culturally

if its his capitol, take the rest of his cities. he'll be just as crippled while you work towards an econ or spacerace victory.

and as long as they haven't hit SDI yet, you can always nuke the city. if its the capitol you can just take it at pop 1 and fortify from the counterattack.

its not as bad as you think. there are many ways besides a direct assault

You probably don't have that castle you can build with monarchy do you?

You could switch to fundamentalism for a few extra attack points.

Anyway, I'd bring a major attack force, bring naval support (veteran battleship fleet) and just go at it like crazy.

Or nuke it...

Or if you have time, conquer the surrounding cities, buy temples and cathedrals and drain that city's resources so that troops can't be replenished. Build the military complex for an even bigger onslaught of units. Eventually you'll get this guy.

Or go for another type of victory...
Thanks for everyone's input. As I stated in my first post, I already have the means for Economic and Cultural Victory, but I just wanted a Domination victory because I think those are more fun.

I ended up placing infantry armies on all resource squares and then building a city as close as possible and rush built all the cultural buildings in order to surround the enemy civ's capital with my culture.

After that I just kept hitting them with artillary armies unilt I wore them down.
nuke that babyv:nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke:
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