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City state wipes out Napoleon

Double Trouble

Sep 2, 2012
Hi, I'm a long time lurker and first time poster. Thanks to all the regulars on the forum who have helped my play enormously over the past few months.

I'm playing as Rome on immortal on pangea, and although I've seen CSs capture enemy cities occasionally, I've never seen them eliminate a civilization completely.

My understanding is that because Paris is a capital it can't be razed as CSs normally do post-conquest.

Hopefully my pictures have come out ok, but the first picture shows Paris had access to both cotton and whales, but the second shows this is not showing as the resources that the CS has.

I'm thinking I do everything possible to ally with it as it should have access to 4 luxs (2 from Paris, 2 as a mercantile) and it can't burn Paris to the ground.

Anyone seen anything like this before?


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Yeah, once or twice, but not from that far away. It usually happens when the cs is around 4/5 tiles away.

Still amuses me when it happens though.
France must be at war with the Babylon who is the ally of the CS. The bowmen must help deplete the city health bar but no melee to take Paris. Then a CS warrior came and took the credit. Can't be anything else.
Hi, I'm a long time lurker and first time poster. Thanks to all the regulars on the forum who have helped my play enormously over the past few months.

I'm playing as Rome on immortal on pangea, and although I've seen CSs capture enemy cities occasionally, I've never seen them eliminate a civilization completely.

My understanding is that because Paris is a capital it can't be razed as CSs normally do post-conquest.

Hopefully my pictures have come out ok, but the first picture shows Paris had access to both cotton and whales, but the second shows this is not showing as the resources that the CS has.

I'm thinking I do everything possible to ally with it as it should have access to 4 luxs (2 from Paris, 2 as a mercantile) and it can't burn Paris to the ground.

Anyone seen anything like this before?

Yes, although did the CS have help taking Paris? When Sydney took Mecca in one of my games, I'd taken down the Arabian defences and was not best-pleased when my CS ally beat me to the conquest.

No, CSes can't raze capitals or other city-states. Also they won't always raze other cities they capture (only happened to me twice). In a recent Deity game I was playing as Ethiopia, Genoa (Songhai ally) was based on a different island, and after my Songhai enemies allied them, the CS launched a successful naval invasion of Harar, my second city. It came up with the razing symbol as usual straight away, but the next turn they stopped razing it and it was a thorn in my side for the rest of the game. I'm not sure if the AI is programmed to take into account strategic considerations (i.e. in this case that having a city on my island would benefit it), or if not why it didn't raze the city - the only other time I lost a city to a CS that wasn't razed, I couldn't identify a particular reason for leaving the city in place, and it was on a Pangea map.
Not as much after several patches and the G&K expansion. The best I had seen was a CS who conquered 5 other CS making a 6 CS empire!

Here is a screenshot I took awhile back. No capital conquered, but a mass of CS:

Spoiler :
France had been war with Babylon but when they negotiated peace France remained at war with the CS and several turns later Paris fell. Think the CS did most of the hard work themselves

What I dont understand is that the CS should now have access to 4 luxs but the CS screen only shows the original 2. Going to chuck some gold in their direction to test whether i get the happiness for all 4 luxs
France had been war with Babylon but when they negotiated peace France remained at war with the CS and several turns later Paris fell. Think the CS did most of the hard work themselves

What I dont understand is that the CS should now have access to 4 luxs but the CS screen only shows the original 2. Going to chuck some gold in their direction to test whether i get the happiness for all 4 luxs

Check the CS screens for each CS. They'll show their usual luxuries and type, but will have the name of the occupying CS instead of Budapest, Rio etc. In one of my games I was puzzled clicking on Yerevan to find it called La Venta... The original CS's screen will remain unchanged.
One of my cities got 1shot once. I never got a message that my city could attack so i wasnt even aware there were enemies close by, the next turn i get the "city captured" message and thats when i realized it was captured by a CS, some turns later it was razed to nothingness.
CS are set to autoraze. They will only keep capital (i.e. Paris) or other CS since they cannot be razed (unless they are first assimilated by Austria).
CS are set to autoraze. They will only keep capital (i.e. Paris) or other CS since they cannot be razed (unless they are first assimilated by Austria).

Not invariably; as I noted, in one recent game Genoa captured Harar and - although it initially had the raze symbol - it stopped burning the city next turn and held it for the rest of the game. In a vanilla game too, one of my non-capital cities was captured by a CS that didn't raze it (after I recaptured it, it was later taken by another CS that did burn it).
Not invariably; as I noted, in one recent game Genoa captured Harar and - although it initially had the raze symbol - it stopped burning the city next turn and held it for the rest of the game. In a vanilla game too, one of my non-capital cities was captured by a CS that didn't raze it (after I recaptured it, it was later taken by another CS that did burn it).

I'm almost positive they won't raze wonder cities, is it possible Harar had a wonder?
I'm almost positive they won't raze wonder cities, is it possible Harar had a wonder?

No, no Wonders that I recall; the city was newly-founded when captured, only pop 3 or 4 (4, I think, otherwise it would have burned the first turn). And it was being razed for that first turn, so the CS plainly selected Raze at its first option (and then Stop Razing next turn). And I think they've razed Wonder cities before.

Also, there's the other example I gave - one CS kept the city (which I think did have a Wonder), the other razed the same city. So there's plainly a situational element in whether a CS will raze the city or not.
You will get them. I have had this happen before.

I did get all 4 luxs plus the +4 bonus for being allied to a Mercantile CS. 20 happiness for one alliance is a bit of a game changer, I can sell every lux I already have and sprawl cities far and wide
I have seen something similar in an immortal game where china steamrolled england but a cs captured london then they made peace.
When mercantile cses take a coty their lux is planted even if the city is burned.
I have seen something similar in an immortal game where china steamrolled england but a cs captured london then they made peace.
When mercantile cses take a coty their lux is planted even if the city is burned.

Yes, I had that in one of my games (Zanzibar captured Coventry from Attila and razed it) and wondered if it was a bug.
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