Civ 4, a failure made successful by money and absence of community

DaveDash said:
Im pretty sure if you asked many people here if they would have rather waited for a more complete game, they would have been happy.

Of course, after the fact. How many of the people for whom the game works fine would have been happy to wait another week, month, year? And which is the larger number of people?

Heck, I usually buy games a few weeks after they're released anyway.

Which is the smart thing to do.

Quote where I have said 'Fact is..'.

You didn't say "fact is". But you don't have to say "fact is" to be presenting a fact. "but when so many people can't play the game" is what you said. But there's nothing to such that there are "so many people" that can't play the game. There may only be a small percentage of people who can't play the game. You can't use a statement like that to try and support your argument without proving it.

Then what are you doing here?

Trying to have a discussion, what are you doing here? :)

Calling you names is a personal attack. Saying you missed the point is an observation.

Yes, and little diagrams of "heads" and "points" are merely for illustration purposes, I'm sure. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I don't want you to reply to anything above. You are making a strawman argument.

A strawman argument? In what way? Don't try and support your arguments with statements you can't prove, and I won't need to argue about them.

You are trying to twist this argument around into somewhere where you feel you have the high ground, but really is a strawman argument and has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Where I feel I have the 'high ground'? The high ground on what?

So pray tell then exactly where in the original post was 'This game sucks' implied?

If that's your attitude, what are you doing talking to me? Apparently you're not allowed to respond to anyone in the thread but the original post, and I didn't make it.

Voicing your concerns that you wont accept such a poor product in a mature manner, such as this original poster has done, is a good way to send a message to developers and publishers about exactly what the community wants. If enough people did it, they'd start listening, such as they did in Total War.

I agree completely. In fact, however, the original post I made said nothing about that point at all. It merely pointed out that people who bought Civ IV immediately, having been aware that games tend to have bugs when they come out, are not in a position to complain about the fact the game has bugs.

You know what else frustrates me, when people try to twist their arguments around into something completely unrelated.

Discussions evolve.

This is going to be the THIRD attempt now that I try and get back on topic. I dont want to talk about what is fact or what is opinion, leave your twisting tactics for someone else.

I am claiming that voicing your concerns about a game in a mature manner is only constructive. I want you to talk about this, not anything else. Stop trying to lead this discussion astray.

I already replied to that point. I said that it's hypocritical behaviour. Someone who really believes that the game industry needs to change would not be buying games when they first come out, because that merely reinforces the current system.

You, however, failed to respond to that point in any way. Feel free to do so now.

"I think most gamers don't see the clear line that they have created for game developers with their complete absence of loyalty to the gaming community. By excusing developers failures and not sticking with their fellow gamers, we are creating an industry of excuses. It's true that many of you out there aren't having any problems and the game runs great for you, but by excusing the obvious issues with the game that other people are experiancing your opening the door to poor quality in future games.
I guess this is the heart of it.
I want game companys to write games that tax a medium end system cripple a low end system and make good use of a high end system.
The game works great on my system and takes good advantage of my investment in gaming hardware. I am not going to appologize for that. I feed my kids, I buy my pc parts and I buy games that make good use of that investment and reward me for that investment. I feel sorry for people that have trouble running a game that needs more then its stated requirments to play but on my amd 2500, 1gig ram, ATI 9500 pro it works great. I am glad it is so up to date and I would still play civ II or III still if I didnt have the hardware for CivIV.
So Sid gets my money again, He will likely get my money for copy number 2 as well.
People who payed for the game but are unable to play get my condolences but I will not join in their flames nor feel guilty for supporting this company that has provided me an excellent product that my computer makes good use of.
xguild said:
I really don't think it's hypicritical of me to buy the game know the current state of the industry and then come on the forum to complain about the shotty product. Change doesn't happen on it's own, it happens through the demand for it. I'm voiceing my concerns because I want it to change and because I am a fan of gaming. I was hoping by challenging the success of Civ 4, an obviously faulty product, the community would jump on board, what I got instead was a lot of "shut up about your problem" or "Here is a dozen excuses why buggy software is ok".

And how did you "voice your concerns" by buying the game? Basically, you said "I know this game is going to be buggy, but I'm going to give the publisher my money for it anyway." At which point you are now complicit in the game state. By buying the product, you have said to the publisher "I agree with the way you are doing things". That means that you have said "Buggy Games Are Ok", because you decided to buy one.

Why would we listen to you criticize us for that attitude, when you did it yourself?

I just don't get it, do you guys like buggy games?

You act as if (a) it's possible to produce games without bugs, and (b) that even assuming 'a' were true, that producing games without bugs would have no other consequences. Neither of which I believe to be true.

Pongo109 said:
"I think most gamers don't see the clear line that they have created for game developers with their complete absence of loyalty to the gaming community. By excusing developers failures and not sticking with their fellow gamers, we are creating an industry of excuses. It's true that many of you out there aren't having any problems and the game runs great for you, but by excusing the obvious issues with the game that other people are experiancing your opening the door to poor quality in future games.
I guess this is the heart of it.
I want game companys to write games that tax a medium end system cripple a low end system and make good use of a high end system.
The game works great on my system and takes good advantage of my investment in gaming hardware. I am not going to appologize for that. I feed my kids, I buy my pc parts and I buy games that make good use of that investment and reward me for that investment. I feel sorry for people that have trouble running a game that needs more then its stated requirments to play but on my amd 2500, 1gig ram, ATI 9500 pro it works great. I am glad it is so up to date and I would still play civ II or III still if I didnt have the hardware for CivIV.
So Sid gets my money again, He will likely get my money for copy number 2 as well.
People who payed for the game but are unable to play get my condolences but I will not join in their flames nor feel guilty for supporting this company that has provided me an excellent product that my computer makes good use of.

Unfortunatly in the case of Civ 4, low end machines are not the problem. In fact the large majority of the people reporting severe issues are coming from people with top end machines. More importantly the majority of the issues aren't hardware related at all, this assumption has been the myth and the mantra of the fan boy excusing the developer for creating a shotty product thus far, but if you really look at the issues you'll realize for the most part the problems have been with the game. If this were untrue, the developer would have no need to create a patch that includes fixes for things like (and I quote) "Some of the highlights include multiple AI improvements and tweaks, worker behavior tweaks, MANY game play improvements (ex Animal Husbandry reveals horses), promotion tweaks, a softer pillage sound (requested by many, many people), fixed diplomatic exploits (gold for gold, peace treaty exploit), multiplayer tweaks (Hot seat, Lobby, etc.), memory, caching and performance improvements, etc. There were also a number of video card specific fixes."

The issues listed in the patch are nothing but severe oversights of a developer that released a game that was neither tested sufficiently or even truely complete. Overlooking major issues like Hot Seat gameplay not working at all, on any machine, can't be blamed on PC hardware no matter how clever of a writer you are on these forums.

You fan boys can defend Firaxis to your hearts content, I can't do anything about your misguided loyalty to a company that wants nothing from you but the money. One day soon however as the decline of the quality of PC games continues you will find yourself in similiar situation I and a lot of other game fans out there are in. By then however it may be too late to start voiceing your outrage at what will undoubtly have already happened to the gaming industry.

The developers apperantly win. We have bought into their marketing hook line and sinker. Hell they can even lie to you right on the box of the game as they did in the case of Civ 3.

"The game has multiplayer, we promise".... but when you install the game and realize it's not there, you come to this forum and discover that you'll have to wait for a patch ... that by the way never came, instead, the patch was a whole new expansion that also claimed "We have multiplayer, this time we really promise"... again the suckers rushed out and bought the game to discover that although the word multiplayer was actually included in the game, it still did not function... trust us they said, a patch will fix this problem, a patch that again never came.... Finally at the end of the day we got our second expansion for another twenty bugs that finally included a multiplayer that worked, but go forbid you complain...... No No No No..... in this industry, we swallow the BS and you better like it or you'll have to deal with, not the gaming industry but rabid fans who would protect their Pieace of **** like it's made of gold.

Welcome to the gaming industry, it's down hill from here.
So far in my poll almost 60% of people say that they play the game just no minor bugs. That was higher then I expected due to this thread.

However, about 15% say that they either can't play at all or won't play due to major bugs. That is also higher then I thought it would be.

What I thought was a lot more of the "Play with minor bugs" option. These results indicate to me that more people have no problem at all with this game then those that do, but those that do have BIG problems. Interesting.

I wonder what the poll will be at tommorrow?
I havent attended to this thread before because I have been playing the game.
Now, are there issues with this game that I wish they would fix? - yes. Am I patiently waiting for the fixes - of course. Does it bother me that I can only seem to play SP and pbem - yes but that is what I am doing while the rest is resolved. Now when I first got the game I had problems, investigated those problems, and found ways to adjust my computer and the game so that they were more compatible. I did not sit around threatening lawsuits, I did not try to start a player revolt which is what I feel some of this thread is about. I am sorry that there is a problem for a portion of the people who bought this game that was unsolvable. I don't think anyone truly knows how big this portion is because, like me many people have been playing and not posting. Also this type of thread has been done in a variety of ways a multitude of times - those who posted in the earlier ones may not care enough about the issue to post in every single problem thread that has been started.
There is also this issue - a number of people in this site seem to like to troll and flame - whether they have an issue with the game or not - just for the heck of it. This type of thread attracts them. So, in closing, I had problems and either addressed them or am waiting for the fix, for those who couldnt find a way to address their problems with this game - I will pray that the fix helps you and I understand your pain. For those who troll and flame - hey you dont care about my opinion anyways.
My 2 cents about this whole thing: Yes there are bugs. For me personally they are in the multiplayer lobby. I feel with everyone that has bugs that makes the game crash for them..this happened to me as long as i was in 1024x768 resolution but if i put it up to the next resolution i never got crashes strangely enough. Anyways I love the game and its everything i hoped for and more. So bottom line is civ4 is great but it isnt perfect - and I agree that they should get the bugs fixed..and I think they are doing it also. So all in all im satisified :)
BlueLikeYou said:
Wow there are some really nasty comments in this thread :(

Nothing compared to the first three that followed "xguild" 's initial post, earlier this afternoon : they were so bad they were totally deleted! :eek:
Come on people. It's a game, not a car.

If you go to a restaraunt, and they serve you buggy food, you get sick.
If someone sells you a buggy house, you're cold in the winter.
If someone sells you a buggy car, you get in an accident and die.
If Firaxis puts out a buggy game......... well a few people are peeved until they patch it. That's all.

Given the choice between waiting until January for a polished version of the game and getting what's essentially a beta version in November that gradually gets patched up over the next few months, many people will choose the latter, and quite rationally so. In fact, releasing civ4 in this state probably helps Firaxis find and fix the bugs, so you'll actually get a flawless copy sooner than if they'd sat on they're rear ends for a few more months twiddling their thumbs and considering hypothetical bugs that might appear when the game is realeased into the jungle of configurations that exists outside their testing labs. This is not the case with food and houses and cars becasue those are serious products that can kill you if they don't meet certain standards. Games dont. There really isn't any real-world consequense for a buggy game being on the market, so excuse me if I'm not up in arms over the bugs. Life's too short to get mad about a computer game. Would it be nice if they warned us that it had issues? Would it be nice if people who pre-ordered the game got a 'Beta Tester discount'? Sure, but as long as they're honestly working on fixing the problems I'm not going to complain too loudly.

Also, it's not as if nobody's complaining. Anyone who reads these forums will have second thoughts about getting the game. If the issues aren't addressed by the end of the month, there are a whole lot of people who'll be getting AOE3 for Christmas instead.
Sorceresss said:
Nothing compared to the first three that followed "xguild" 's initial post, earlier this afternoon : they were so bad they were totally deleted! :eek:

I don't know what it is about my posts that brings out the trolls in everyone. I like to think my posts are usually constructive for the most part. I realize I curse, but that's just a personally defect and I don't normally direct it at anyone.

Anyway this topic is for the most part been discussed to death already. There seem to be two train of thoughts. Those that think things are fine and don't need improvement and those that find the industry lacking in quality. Personally I think there is a problem, I think the gaming industry has gotten lazy and way to comfterble in our absence of outrage. They create buggy software, no one here has disputed that. They sell it and we pay for it, to my knowledge no one has disputed that either. The only dispute seems to be whether or not that is ok with us as consumers, as gamers.. It seems to to me, that the majority of people don't have a problem buying buggy software on this forum in particular. With what's been said so far, it would seem people actually defend the developers claiming that buggy is ok, in some case people have gone as far as to say that we should "expect bugs". Personally, I don't buy. I think it's BS. It's my opinion that we the consumer have allowed ourselves to be taken advantage of by developers. I think they owe us not only better support, but better response and for certain a far better product then we are getting. Of course I realize that no product is perfect, in anything. None the less, there is quality and then there is the absence of quality. When do we as a consumer decide when a product is "too buggy"?

According to a recent poll by one of the posters here, over 15% of the people on this forum cannot play the game at all. Not at all? How can a game be so highly rated and such a great buy when 15% of the people on the CIVFANATICS website (to many known as the only Civ website worth spending time on) can't play it at all do to bugs in the game. To me the only explaination I have found is that we have excused the developer into a win win situation for them. They win the money and the fame and we get a product that doesn't work 15% of the time. Call me crazy, but I think that's bad.
When someone whines and whines because the game does not work for them, even though they have the required specks, means that something else is wrong. There are many more people playing the game, than complaining about the game, so the problems are localized, to individual machines, running different hardware, firmware, and software, with different drivers, different mixes of memory.... and on and on.

The first day I got the game, I could not play the game, could not even get past the opening movie. I updated my drivers for the nvidea card that I had just purchased and installed, yea it came with older drivers, imagine that, and started playing. I have also updated my bios, and sound drivers, and now I only have troubles late in the game on HUGE maps with slow down and lag, so I shut off animations, reduce the graphics and continue playing.

My system is a celeron running at 1.99 with 512 meg ram, 256k nvidea 5700, not exactly a gaming machine.

The first patch will help, and other patches will help.

Now back to that just one more turn problem I just can not overcome.
xguild, I agree with alot of the things you've said, but have to point out your insistance on mentioning "the developer" constantly without bringing up "the publisher" at all.
Civ 4 is a failure in my eyes. it does not deliver anything but black screens. It should be buurnt
snepp said:
I agree with alot of the things you've said, but have to point out your insistance on mentioning "the developer" constantly without bringing up "the publisher" at all.

Yesss : Let's mention that money-hungry publisher...especially since he is currently "quality assuring" the first patch.
I wasn't going to wade into this, but I feel compelled to give my opinions and observations from my point of view as a gamer, and a game developer.

First, just to get it out of the way, I'm one of those who runs Civ4 without issue now. I had a minor problem after install which I recognized as bad anti-aliasing. After setting my video card's AA to application controlled, I've had no further problems. I feel nothing but sympathy for those not so lucky. I hope you'll be able to play with the rest of us soon, and enjoy it as much a I have.

Moving on...

xguild said:
The bottom line stands. Game developers are getting away with creating buggy software. Year in and year out the games get buggier and the list of excusable "bugs", a standard created by the consumer (gamers) gets longer and longer.

My experience is different; I still vividly recall how much of a pain it was to play PC games in the DOS and early Windows eras. Like many other gamers, I learned to write boot disks just to make a game run, and had one for nearly every game. It was so bad, that I would never plan on actually playing a game the day I got it, as making it run typically took a couple hours.

It is my opinion that quality of games has increased steadily over the years (the MMO genre excluded, sadly). I believe a stable version of Windows in XP, and DirectX(as mentioned by another poster) are the primary reasons for that. There are things we deal with now that we didn't used to (syware and viruses, for example), but I think the overal quality has risen steadily.

But in spite of our advances, there is no doubt there are still problems. Many of the nay-sayers dismiss the variety of hardware configurations as an excuse, but it is nonetheless a fact. It is simply not possible to test every single hardware configuration. There are a nearly infinite number. Then, consider that different software configurations on an otherwise identical system can cause bugs, and multiply nearly infinite software configurations by nearly infinite hardware configurations, throw in problems on the user end(viruses, spyware, poorly maintained machines, heat issues, out of date drivers, etc), and it quickly becomes apparent that there will never be software of any complexity that will run on every person's machine out of the box. It's not an excuse, it's a fact.

So we do the best we can. We test a great deal. But people will run into problems. Many will be user problems solved by a driver update or a good system cleaning, others will not. I absolutely agree that anyone who has a system that meets the requirements but can't play the game should complain. They have a right to. It was reasonable to expect it to work. Nearly every game developer I have been acquainted with takes pride in their work. We want you to be able to play our games. But there are productive ways to complain. Work with the game companies; describe your problem to them, give them system specs, send a dxdiag, whatever you can to help. Usually, the problem will get fixed as soon as they can. I wish I didn't have to say usually at the start of that sentance. However, development of patches is determined by the publisher. They own the game; typically they are the only ones that can decide to develop or release a patch. Sometimes they decide not to. But it is in their best interests to have their customers able to run the game, so usually things get fixed.

Sadly, software is often released with known issues. You have a right to be upset about that. But direct that ire where it belongs. The decision to release a game is made by the publisher, and the publisher alone. There has been times where I personally have argued extensively to delay a release to get rid of a bug, only to see it released over my objections. Yes, the developer introduced the bug in the first place. But the decision to ship with it comes from the publisher, in this case, Take Two. Not Firaxis.

I understand those who say that we as consumers are too accepting of flawed software. Please let game publishers know how you feel. I hope also that you understand that we who develop software are constantly trying to improve the quality.

Some have been upset with Firaxis for not commenting publicly on the problems. Be sure you've seen the latest, at I can understand the frustration many of you feel that it took this long for this note to come. However, I hope you take comfort in knowing help is on the way. I really hope it lets you play. Why did it take so long for them to say anything? I don't have the answer to that. However, my experience with the developer/publisher relationship, is that in most situations, the publisher will tightly govern what official things are said. It may not be so simple as someone from Firaxis just posting something on the internet. It likely had to be approved by Take Two first, and sometimes publishers are slow on such things. I know this probably doesn't make you feel any better, and I'm probably coming off like an apologist by now. However, I just want to impress upon you again, that if you're upset, the people you need to be complaining to are the people who make the business decisions and own the property: the publisher, Take Two.

The title of this thread is "Civ 4, a failure made successful by money and absence of community". I'm interpreting that as "Civ 4 should have been a failure, but succeeded because they bought off all the reviewers, and the community is accepting of it's problems, so it'll never improve." Feel free to correct me if I've got it wrong. I'd like to answer that first point.

Can money buy a review? While I do believe I've seen cases where advertising has nudged a score slightly up from where it should be, it doesn't make business sense for a reviewer to completely sellout. For a reviewer to succeed, his/her opinion needs to be trusted. That trust comes when gamers agree with their observations. A reviewer who sold scores for money would quickly become discredited. I haven't seen a negative Civ4 review yet. Which is more likely: 1)Dozens of websites(major and minor ones) put their reputations and credibility on the line, giving a high score to an undeserving game for cash, or 2) Civ4 is actually a good game?

Again, I am truly sorry to those who haven't been able to play it. What I have found is the best Civ game I've ever played, and the best game I've played this year. I believe it does deserve those scores. It is a success because it is a good game. Should widespread technical issues reuce a score? I think they should. Whether the issues with Civ4 are widespread enough to warrant that is another debate I won't get into. However, it seems a majority of reviewers don't think so. Hopefully the patch will fix your problems, and that this experience hasn't soured you too much on the game that you will be able to enjoy it.
"Not so long ago games that were released with issues were shunned by the gaming community with a single breath and the bad media would litterly put companies out of business."

When was this exactly? I've been gaming since the industry began and I simply do not recall any such time. I do recall some buggy games getting bad press in rare cases, but I don't recall the companies going out of business (see, Sierra/Outpost).
woah.....yall need some other hobbies or get a clue and have a better understanding of today's gaming....theres issues with every game released(every single one); what the problem is that alot of civ players have alot of computer knowledge and other half have no advanced knowledge....

i play 20+ different games a year, and sometimes i gotta tweak my rig to get things going

the whole platform pc games are made on is buggy- Windows XP, stop being freaks, no cares about yur rants or quotes from marketing people...go play some multiplayer and improve yur skillz.

lemme tell ya about Civ3 for me.....i had WinME and i went out and bought civ3 first day it came out, it didnt install right on my system....didnt get to play it until i got winxp a year later...theres no point to this cept, "poop happens, it's how well you deal with it that counts"

PennHead said:
I wasn't going to wade into this, but I feel compelled to give my opinions and observations from my point of view as a gamer, and a game developer.

THxxx a lot for taking the time & trouble of writing such a lengthy & intelligent contribution to the debate.

If you really are a game developer, your expert opinion is even more welcome.

We need the input of more game developers on this forum. They only have to wade in under the protection of a pseudonym. Firaxis employees : feel free to jump into the fire !
Frist, let me say I agree with the OP in his general point...that as consumers we get what we want. The only way crappy products keep on being made is because enough consumers buy them...whether they be games, clothes, or whizzamagigs. and also kudos to xguild on a well written, thoughtful, and intelligent OP and responses.

Consumers do have a voice....speak loud enough, often enough, and things will change...but we must do it in assertive, rather than agressive ways.

I'd like to address a point PennHead makes in his well written post.

PennHead said:
I absolutely agree that anyone who has a system that meets the requirements but can't play the game should complain. They have a right to. It was reasonable to expect it to work. Nearly every game developer I have been acquainted with takes pride in their work. We want you to be able to play our games. But there are productive ways to complain. Work with the game companies; describe your problem to them, give them system specs, send a dxdiag, whatever you can to help.

This is very true. but in this case, at the start, T2 was not ready for the inevitable issues. No support page on the official Civ4 page. Phone support that was non-existant. No replys for weeks to emails sent in...not even an automated one. A lot of people did send in the dxdiags, and voice their feelings through the official channels that existed, poor though they were; and got ZERO feedback.

After days and weeks of no reply, of being 'stranded in the wilderness' , anger and frustration start to take over. T2 did do a poor job in this aspect of the game. I for one will put up with some 'bugs' and issues with software, I know it cannot be perfect, but only if the company provides a decent support system for users.

Instead, the vast majority of those with problems (many new gamers) were directed to this site and Apolyton, where the tech and bug support forums were not designed to handle this type of traffic. The many volunteers did their best, but official support was not to be seen after the first few days. Fan forum support is no substitute for real technical support. But T2 took advantage of the community, and the community has suffered and been divided because of this.
ever think take2 doesnt care what yall think? and maybe theres already like 1000bugs in the database and everything is moving as it's suppose to be and just maybe yall are over-reacting?

mission accomplished; civ4's an awesome game and hundreds of thousands and maybe soon to be millions of folks luv the game...
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