Civ 5 Custom Civ: Need help!

I've gotten the civ to work up to the point of art, in which everything i attempt just brings up errors and red squares ingame in replacement of my icons

Not sure how much help it will be but i've attached the zip re-zipped with the most recent changes, not sure what to do about the icons as i've tried compression and bringing the icons down to single squares, as well as the civ leader DOM at different sizes

Right now it's 3 AM and i've been fussing with this all day so, will attempt any suggested replies later, if you need any more files let me know


  • Nat Sodom (v 1).zip
    139 KB · Views: 68
  1. This needs to be removed
    See whoward69's what ModBuddy setting for what file types tutorial
  2. You need to come up with a more unique name for your atlas.
    Every new modder uses that same designation, which means that the last mod to load will be the one whose art files the game uses.
  3. Same with the actual filenames
  4. You've specified an 8 x 8 set of icons here
    but your files only have one image
  5. Database.log error
    [104058.390] columns Language, Tag are not unique
    [104058.390] While executing - 'insert into Language_en_US('Tag', 'Text') values (?, ?);'
    [104058.390] In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into Language_en_US('Tag', 'Text') with  values (TXT_KEY_BUILDING_PRINCESS_CHAMBER, Princess Chamber, ).
    [104058.390] In XMLSerializer while updating table Language_en_US from file XML/New Text/CIV5GameText.xml.
    [104058.390] columns Language, Tag are not unique
    You've attempted define "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_PRINCESS_CHAMBER" within file "CIV5GameText.xml" but you've already defined it within the buildings file. This causes the game to disregard the entire contents of file "CIV5GameText.xml"
  6. Database.log error
    [104068.765] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Civilopedia - "TXT_KEY_CIV5_BUILDINGS_PRINCESS_CHAMBER_TEXT" does not exist in Language_en_US
    [104068.843] Invalid Reference on Building_ClassesNeededInCity.BuildingClassType - "BUILDING_SHRINE" does not exist in BuildingClasses
    You have
    • You are still stating BUILDING_TEMPLE for column <BuildingType>. You need BUILDING_PRINCESS_CHAMBER
    • You are stating BUILDING_SHRINE for column <BuildingClassType>. As the column-name says, you need to state the CLASS of building the city must already have. You need BUILDINGCLASS_SHRINE.
    The error for "TXT_KEY_CIV5_BUILDINGS_PRINCESS_CHAMBER_TEXT" is because you have this
    but this is not defined here in the building-file
          <Text>Princess' Chamber</Text>
          <Text><!-- Add Civilopedia text here --></Text>
          <Text>A Chamber inspired by the room of the Princess of Pleasure herself, boosting Culture, Food, and Gold by a small amount.</Text>
          <Text>The first Brothel ever made in Sodom housed the later known Princess of Pleasure. Its incense was divine and drew the greatest of Men and Women alike to its bedside. Brothels across Sodom later adapted similar rooms.</Text>
  7. Place all your code for the TXT_KEY definitions in file "CIV5GameText.xml" or else eliminate the file and define everything your building needs within the building file, everything your civ needs within the civilization file, etc. Otherwise you'll likely just keep banging into these repeat definition constraint errors.
  8. I'm not sure what is wrong with your leader scene image, but your civ image is either not converted to dds properly or is nor aligned properly. You also have no "alpha" image for the civilization "symbol" which may be the actual problem.
You should honestly consider writing your own tutorial, it'd help so much more than the out dated ones i've been following

I managed to get all the images to work, the only lacking parts being my leader is centered strangely (probably a matter of size) and the icons have black around them which, i can live with or change, probably that "alpha" image you were talking about, but progress is progress and i'll take it

Completely removed the game text xml, i think my biggest issues making this civ so far have been i'm using a tutorial by one person, but using assets from another person in xml packs that include EVERYTHING as is

Now all i need is a custom map, and to change the leader's icon for the leader select screen, which for the map if it's anything like the icons now it'll be easy, but i may need help figuring out how to change the leader icon to not be ramasses
After lots of imports and changing dds files, i finally think it's all set aside from one thing i can't manage
An alpha pic for the civ, also when loading in the icon is still blank, other than that im pretty sure the coding is finally all set

I added the alpha, but i'm not sure what coding i need to say it's there, though the map seems to work fine without additional coding, yay

Edit: I just changed my normal atlas to <AlphaIconAtlas> lines, i'll see if this works
-no dice


  • Nat Sodom (v 1).zip
    445.9 KB · Views: 76
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Took some time adding audio files, thanks to Leugi's guide on adding music, i'm pretty sure the xmls are right but i won't be adding the actual mp3 files until i know everything else is stable first

Edit: the music isn't playing, instead the ever so adored bug where the civ 5 theme loops, hooray for a general issue that's haunted me for years!
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I've done some digging and i discovered what was a flaw earlier regarding a custom improvement

Had i known this i would have said it and not what i had originally thought
What i was looking for was a custom BUILD, not improvement, the improvement xml would link TO the BUILD, so i've been attempting to find a way to make a BUILD.xml
I'll start messing with things to see if i can finally get an improvement to work, it shows up in the tech tree but not on workers
I added this to workers to designate they could make the improvement under <Unit_Builds>

I made this as the XML for the initial building



        <Row Tag="TXT_KEY_BUILD_BROTHEL">
            <Text>This structure was created and founded by the Princess of Pleasure, attracting many people and earning much Gold.</Text>

And my Improvement is the same as i've had it previously, improvement type set to IMPROVEMENT_BROTHEL, the civ required SODOM under the improvements xml, it has its own set of TXT rows for the improvement

Yet i can't build the structure, it shows in the tech tree, it shows the name, but it never shows up to be built by the worker. What am i missing?
Indeed i have, i intended it to only be built in deserts, as to make it more fair instead of having them all over with the yields i plan


I didn't add any resource types unless i need to, and feature wise, well, there aren't really features in the desert

Edit: Could it be the ArtDefineTag?I'm basing it off the chateau, and the art define tag is ART_DEF_IMPROVEMENT_BROTHEL, should i have it as the original?
I should also note that i don't have specific civ requirements under the building, nor the prereq tech under the improvement in fear they'll yell at each other, unless that's a wrong assumption

Edit 2: HILL is a feature, not a terrain type, fixing and testing
-Though it will probably solve issues later, it doesn't change that the improvement can't be built
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The file managed to attach to the post regardless of music being added, must not be too big then

Edit: Still can't seem to get it to work with any changes made, any ideas?


  • Nat Sodom (v 1).zip
    20.3 MB · Views: 66
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I'm not sure if you are still needing help but i can offer Concepts and Art. I'm not a "great artist" but I'm in need of projects to assist in and I can offer at least decent stuff i believe.
ART_DEF_IMPROVEMENT_BROTHEL does not exist in the game unless you've created an art definition under that name. If you want to use the 3-D art from the Chateau you have to use the same ART_DEF as the Chateau uses or duplicate all the Chateau's code into a new ART_DEF called ART_DEF_IMPROVEMENT_BROTHEL. You need to also check the ReloadLandmarkSystem checkbox in ModBuddy in order to get the new Improvement art to register properly. You should check the check-box even if you are merely telling the game to use the Chateau's ART_DEF.

In table <Improvements> there is
as here for the Mine
The game also adds
This makes the Mine valid on any hill tile regardless of the underlying terrain. I cannot remember whether it is actually required to state both <HillsMakesValid> and the <Improvement_ValidTerrains> designation to make things work for hills. <Improvement_ValidTerrains> is one of the exception tables where TERRAIN_HILL is a valid type of terrain you can state.
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