Civ 7 Wishlist


Feb 25, 2018
I’ve been playing since the original Civ, and I’ve beaten all of the games on the highest difficulty. Numerous times. With that out of the way, let’s get to the Wishlist for Civ 7.

Improved Combat AI: At the top of the list for obvious reasons. Can’t count the number of times the AI has let severely weakened units of mine escape the battle front. Learn how to bring units en masse, and for god’s sake finish units off.

Increased Naval Importance: I for one would love for large navies to be more relevant, especially late in the game. The AI needs to learn how to bring a sea borne invasion force. Period. And transport ships should be one shot kills for any naval unit from its era. That would reinforce that all embarked units need an escort. As a tangent to naval relevance...

Reworked Trade System: the current trade system is OK, but doesn’t feel authentic. Blockades and sanctions should be worked into the trading system so that aggession is possible without using a sword.

Economic Victory Condition: long overdue.

Diplomacy: I’m generally happy with diplomacy, but the AI needs to not be so anxious hand over gobs of gold for any resource. I exploit that every game, and it feels kind of cheap. The AI should be more effective at gathering their own resources, and less willing to pay me so much for them.

Fix the Damn Game Clock: tired of launching to the moon in 1600 AD. Instead of speeding up the enemy on higher difficulties, thus throwing the pacing of the eras off, the player should be slowed down. Apply penalties to the player, not boosts to the computer.

Eurekas Suck: Call me a min-maxer, but to some extent obtaining eurekas can dominate many many decisions you make. The boost is just too big at 40% to ignore. I’m often looking ahead to see which eurekas I need to unlock, then planning accordingly. I don’t particularly enjoy that mini game. Tone down the eureka bonus so that it doesn’t dominate decision making on higher levels.

Governors: good idea, but poor implementation. Another mini game I don’t enjoy is governor juggling. It just doesn’t fit - in a game of global proportions I don’t want to shuffle around one human being. Perhaps instead of governors there are City Titles (or themes, or nicknames, whatever). Instead of juggling one person you can bestow titles upon specific cities which last forever and confer specific bonuses throughout the game. No juggling, and fits the whole Civilization thing better.

Bring back Tall: personally, I enjoyed the idea of corruption and mismanagement as your empire got wider from previous games. It felt authentic. Civs throughout history have learned the hard way that expanding too far too fast can be disastrous. It was jarring to find no such mechanic in Civ 6. Eliminating the corruption mechanic also made wide the only viable way too play. Boooo!!

Merchant Republic: please stop forcing me to use a form of “government” for the bulk of the game which is actually the opposite of a centralized government. Given Monarchy’s dominance as a form of govt throughout history it’s not a bad thing if that is inherently the most advantageous form of mid-tier govt for most players. Not all things must be equal.

Umm, I think that’s it. I will say I really enjoy districts and the new map interactivity. Well done there. Also love the new pillaging mechanics, though more tiles should yield gold when pillaged. Farms should heal, specialty districts should give their specific yield, every other improvement (mines, camps, pastures, plantains, etc...) should yield gold. Just more realistic that way.

Please feel free to add your wishlist, as long as it in no way conflicts with mine. Thanks!
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Fixed AI.
1-Improve the AI, it must learn how to mount offensives without the help of modifiers on higher difficulty levels. I still remember the anxiety in Civ4 hearing the war horn.
2-Rounded map, Civ4 did this.
3-Improve map generation, if you play the map, make the map something memorable. Two or three large land masses with no gulfs, or sneaky coasts are not funny IMO.
4-Add navigable rivers, at least the final part of it.

As a personal opinion I would like to have a more serious and epic tone overall.
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I dunno if anyone else has a peasant level gaming computer, but I hope that Civ 7 doesn't sacrifice performance. One of the best things about the civ series compared to Endless Legends and Old world is that Civ feels smooth, quick and equipped with a great UI. I can't even play Shogun 2 Total War on my laptop but I can still run Civ 6 completely fine. The one thing that would kill Civ 7 is if it had some of the performance issues for me that Old World did.
This might be a niche request but more interactive victory conditions for team games. In any team game, only religious and domination victories involve your other team mates. The others may as well be single player
There are several things, but one of them that I always looked for and never saw in Civ 6 is that at the end of the game, you see a summary by map of the course and territorial expansion of civilizations in the game from the beginning to the end, something similar as existed in Civ4. It's fun in my opinion see how your empire grows with its statistics
In the next version of the Civ series, the bad tabletop presentation of the world in Civ 4-6 should only be an option (or completely abandoned) and civ can become civ again. It is crazy to have additional icons on the map to explain what kind of units you are seeing on the map. The original philosophy of the Civ series was, that with one look on the map all things and units can be clearly identified without any reduction in the terrain graphics or animations of units.

Spoiler :
Here is an image I made how Civ 1 would have looked by using the tabletop presentation of Civ 4-6 with all units, cities and other objects laying in different directions on the map (so many units should have turned by 180 °):

An improved music system. Not improved music (as I doubt that Civ music can really get much better than what we currenty have), but an improved means of hearing it. Some kind of jukebox feature to sort through music, and some improved code for what music plays when. I don't want such good music to keep being held back by the code that plays it.
i could see music from older civ games being a reward for obtaining acheivements:
beat the game as shaka zulu on deity to gain his civ v war theme on the jukebox
beat the game on settler to gain the civ i main menu theme on the jukebox

That's a good idea!

Curious what the requirement would be for Baba Yetu... I can't think of an achievement great enough. :mischief:
1. Units could be moved in stacks. Would help the ai!
Stacks would fight each other too.

2. More interesting alliances and world wars.

3. No more moving separate missionaries, but a more streamlined and less micromanagent..

Example: missionaries could be used like trade routes: choose a city and your religion would put extra pressure there.

4. More flavor to citystates: give each a leader icon and a short theme music like in Civ 5.

5. Barbarian clans game mode should be incorporated to the base Civ 7bgame, at least some of it.

6. One idea, that might be cool or not, would be that the citizens of an empire would be of different classes, like nobles, clergy, peasants etc. Sometimes you would get miniquests like the nobles would demand a world wonder being built.

Or if the peasants were unhappy you could build some entertainment buildings like theathres or pubs.
1. Barbarians and Villages be combined intro Clans/Tribes and can turn into city-states upon interaction. Aggressive Tribes work similar to Barbarian Clans now. Peaceful Tribes will give gifts to other civilizations and convert to city-states quicker.

2. Having your a majority of your cities under your religion is one of the requirements of a Culture Victory. The other criteria is the current Culture Victory condition regarding tourism. Therefore you can combat culture victory with religion and no need for a separate Religious victory.

3. Incorporate an Economic Victory with Monopolies and Corporations by having the most control on a number of different resources including strategic.

4. More Unique City-States: Static backgrounds for diplomacy screen. Every Militaristic city-state should have a unique unit which can gift. Religious city-states should help spread your religion if converted, Cultural city-states should gift local artifacts/sculptures.

5. More mutual exclusive buildings in each Districts: Caravanserai or Market in CH, different types of Research Labs, Cargo Port or Naval Base in Harbor etc.

6. Give each citizen in a city an ethnicity. Having multiethnic empires might change the way the game is played through religion, war and culture etc.
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I like the above list.

I would also like to see more negative sides to choices. Example: Having Democracy as a goverment would boost gold and culture income, but as a negative your citizens get extra war weariness.
Could be nice if instead of specific victory types we have just interacting means of dominance, some points as examples:
- The power of Science is on two ways, be on the vanguard to have newer weapons and more efficiency on producction of food, constructions of infrastructure, communication for trade and culture, and of course prestige from be the first on techs and the do the most research.
Also Science should be very important to upgrade the health of your population and adapt to ecological changes.
- Culture is also a way to gain influence over your own or others populations and goverments. You gain the more incluence with the most their share with you for example religion, some goods like pottery and records, turism, great works of art and cultural wonders, obviously these also give your prestige.
- Economy, money to literaly buy anything you need (more armies, techs, infrastructure, bribe factions, etc.) and you gain money from trade or resources and products. This also works with the others parameters like invent techs on late eras gives you money from patents, holy sites give you money from pilgrims, natural and cultural wonders gives you monetary from turism, etc. Of course you could also exchange loans for "favors", influence on culture with corporations and monopoly and ban amenities, and blockade trade routes.

I mean on reality there are not X victory, it is a sinergy of different factors interacting between them.

Also I really want a more interesting, deep and relevant role of tribes/city states.
There shoud be a much greater difference between citied you founded and cities you conquored than a temporary and easily mitigated loyalty status.

Bring back Civ4’s vassal system, it was way better both gameplay and historically than the Ever Snowballing Blob.

Rivers should be the major transportation and trade arteries overland prior to railroad.

1UPT needs to go, or at least allow stacking of one unit per class
Yeah stacking (with some max limit) is a must.

Maybe as you advance thru techs and civics you can make them biggrr and bigger.

Like: Nationalism lets you make stacks of 8 units. Mobilization 12 units.
Ease of play, which basically means no more one-unit-per-tile and a UI that calculates a lot for you. (Civ6 tried to do the other thing by emulating a boardgame)

Make the end game matter, for example by unlocking uniques throughout the eras or having some high risk-high reward option (nuclear war or climate change; and maybe as a compensation introduce a sandbox mode for the empire builders).

Make your population matter, your economy independent and the map dynamic. Basically, introduce basic social science into the game in a way that wasn't possible in 1994. What I mean: Your population demands you to stop the war, your church really wants you to build a cathedral here, your merchants act independently which is why your opponent gets silk, a city's population isn't dependent on the number of high food tiles around it, but on the amount of food it can bring in from somewhere else. How they do all that, that's not my job to tell.

And yes, make naval more important, my proposal would be to make the seas act like the skies do to make them really distinct from land (warfare). Working a specific sea tile and improving it with fishing boats never made much sense to me anyways...
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