Only PTW has multiplayer support. But it is buggy, so if you ONLY want to buy it because it has multiplayer support, then I would have considered. If you read throw the forum, you will find lots of complaints and bug reports about it. :(
But in singleplayer mode, it works ok.
I have PTW and have never played Multiplayer and think it is worth the money, though just barely.

I have heard the PBEM works OK. I also think the hotseat mode works somewhat. But like I said, I never tried it myself.
I'm hoping you won't regret it. I have yet to play MP yet, although a group of us are starting a PBEM loop. Should be fun.

But I like the new SP in PTW, it adds some new touches that probably could have been released via patches. I also am becoming very fond of the Ottomans, although the one time I played the Arabs they were pretty cool.
Originally posted by rjmaia
Thanks. That solves it.
In time i get som extra cash, then i´ll buy it.

They're working on a new patch for it, to fix more of the problems. I'd wait until then if all you want is the MP. The SP additions are rather nice though. You'll like the stack movement and rally points. Very handy controls.
I and a friend are in our second mp game now, and we have very few problems when you remove lag issues. Some connection problems but not to mutch. As we are only 2 players its easier to reload.

We use msn to keep in touch when we get problems. Ping is at 100-130, but we still lag.

Plenty of fun.
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