Civ4 BTS v3.19 Patch

The UAC annoys me because for just clicking OK on some web pages, it asks you, but it doesn't require a password on mine because I'm the admin. Nobody has ever used my guest account that I know of.
Everyone also ignroes that fact that UAC is actually less annoying than what you get with mac and linux (where you have to enter your password no matter what type of user account you have).

Well, I can ensure you that under a well configured linux, I only type my admin password when I want to do very unvirtuous things.

But UAC is more "the best improvement to Windows since 3.1" than an annoyance. People are just too lazy to try to sort it out, and to stop using an admin account for everyday use.
Yeah, most of the people that hate it get upset during setup and then never re-evaluate their opinion. Though Vista's can be a bit trigger-happy.

@Vortilex: If you're getting UAC while browsing web pages, either you're trying to install an add-on, or the page is trying to infect you with malware.
UAC is a very important step in security, even though it may be a) annoying and b) poorly implemented at the moment. Until you as a user have absolute control over what programs are doing on your machine, the population as a whole is going to suffer from constant virus and trojan infections. Most of these don't destroy the machine but instead set up botnets to send spam, snag and trade credit cards, and other stuff that you really don't want happening on your PC.

deanej hit the nail on the head: people get frustrated being bugged by it constantly while setting up their new PC, but this is really the only time it gets nuts. Once you've got most everything setup, how often do you really install new programs, add-ons, or hardware?
Do I need the 3.17 patch to update to the 3.19 patch? Or can I just download and install the 3.19 patch?
You do not need any previous patch to be able to install the 3.19 patch. All you need is the game (BtS) :p

However, you should not use the in-game update feature since it doesn't work properly. Use the patch download from civfanatics, ideally.
UAC is a very important step in security, even though it may be a) annoying and b) poorly implemented at the moment. Until you as a user have absolute control over what programs are doing on your machine, the population as a whole is going to suffer from constant virus and trojan infections. Most of these don't destroy the machine but instead set up botnets to send spam, snag and trade credit cards, and other stuff that you really don't want happening on your PC.

Teaching users is an even more important step. The same ignorant people who'll click on a "Your computer is infected!!!!" or "Free Pr0n!!" popup when loading a web page will happily type in their password when the UAC window pops up too.
I pleased that Firaxis are still updating Civ.However,like most things I Download this doesn't work propely!!
I pleased that Firaxis are still updating Civ.However,like most things I Download this doesn't work propely!!

The in-game update feature does not work properly. If you used that before, try downloading it from civfanatics (I think there's a link in post 1 in this thread).
I've never tried to update it in the game.I've been downloading it fromhere all thetime.
I've never tried to update it in the game.I've been downloading it fromhere all thetime.

Can you be more speficic about the problem you are experiencing? (patch is not installing, game is crashing, getting non-critical error messages, weird graphical glitches, etc.)

What operating system are you using?
can i ask something :D

beyond the sword 3.19 can i install this without older patch?
I had to install 3.17 before installing 3.19 too. When I tried to update directly to 3.19 unistall window showed up.

In setup I chose not to install to all users and I assumed it has something to do with it. And in Add/remove programs I have two instances of Civilization(Complete and BTS). It works so...
I've downloaded 3.19 patch from the original site. Currently I have the "mint" Civ IV + BTS (3.0 or something like that). The installer starts normally, I can select some options, but when I press the "Install" button it just quits, without even displaying error messages. What do I have to do?
I had to install 3.17 before installing 3.19 too. When I tried to update directly to 3.19 unistall window showed up.

In setup I chose not to install to all users and I assumed it has something to do with it. And in Add/remove programs I have two instances of Civilization(Complete and BTS). It works so...
I've downloaded 3.19 patch from the original site. Currently I have the "mint" Civ IV + BTS (3.0 or something like that). The installer starts normally, I can select some options, but when I press the "Install" button it just quits, without even displaying error messages. What do I have to do?
It might be that both of your problems could stem from downloading non-working versions of the 3.19 patch. Certainly I know that the in-game update feature does not work properly in a lot of cases, according to several people.

I recommend downloading the version of the patch hosted from this site. I can vouch that this version works correctly, since it's the one I downloaded myself.
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