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Civ4 PBEM Replacement Players Hall

PBEM game Praetorian looking for a replacement player for Victoria. We're around 1200ad. This is a Vanilla 1.61 game, but we can patch up if that makes a difference.

Please send me a gmail: peter dot smith dot grimes

Thanks :)

Need a replacement for Dazz G in the game "One Player Enters, Two Civ's Leave" Link Below


Due to his unfortunate auto accident Dazz G is no longer able to play for the time being. It is his wish that the torch be passed on.

If you take his position you will Get Egypt (a good sized and advanced civ) and France (a very large, but backwards tech wise civ). There is certainly a lot any player can do with what he is given. No major wars going on at this time. Three AI players have been eliminated and one remains. No humans have attacked each other yet.

Will the game end in peace????? Only YOU will be able to influence that!!!!
Need a replacement for Dazz G in the game "One Player Enters, Two Civ's Leave" Link Below


Due to his unfortunate auto accident Dazz G is no longer able to play for the time being. It is his wish that the torch be passed on.

If you take his position you will Get Egypt (a good sized and advanced civ) and France (a very large, but backwards tech wise civ). There is certainly a lot any player can do with what he is given. No major wars going on at this time. Three AI players have been eliminated and one remains. No humans have attacked each other yet.

Will the game end in peace????? Only YOU will be able to influence that!!!!
Tim -

Are you still looking for a player? I have no experience in any multiplayer mode, but am reliable and will stick it out till the end. I'm actually looking for a new game but the PBEM variety seem to be few and far between. I am playing the vanilla version and have the latest patch installed.

Larry Quinn
AKA Vern L Equinox
Colorado, USA
Vern, you should post in the thread mentioned by Tim. The players of that game may not be monitoring this thread. Or you could PM Tim directly.
I'm looking for a replacement for 4 of my PBEM games.

Any takers - please PM me if interested and I can provide some game history as well as (in-game) relationships with other parties.
Hello friends,

I am involved with a small group, playing a two on two locked alliance PBEM in the Terra Map, with two human teams with two players on each team and several AI nations as well.

This game has been going on for some time, as we started in with the Bhurics v. 3.13 patch well before the 3.17 patch came out. We are over 200 turns into the game and close to the 1000 AD mark.

One of the four human players has had to drop out lately do to time constraints in his life. His teammate has been holding up the fort for them for several turns now, but we would all like to get him a new teammate.

Is there anyone here that might be interested in joining a developed Terra Map PBEM game, nearly before the dawn of exploration and colonization of the new world era, while having the flexibility of running the Bhurics v. 3.13 version (assuming that we cannot change it midstream with the locked assets on). We have a very dedicated group here and we are determined to finish this game, and quite regularly finish a turn a day.

If anyone is interested in joining, please let me know


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