Civ6 Articles Thread


Dec 27, 2008
This thread is to collect links to articles about Civ6. Feel free to create separate threads for any of the articles posted in this thread.

If you see a new article that has not been linked, please post it here.

Announcement articles:


Late May press event:


Late May videos:

E3 videos:

'First Look' videos:
A Finnish game magazine, new info translated:
We shortly chatted with the game's lead designer Ed Beach, who told us the game has been worked side by side with Beyond Earth on the studios. Beach says the game engine isn't exactly the same as before, as parts of it have been redone and, for example, that's why Civilization VI supports modding better (than its predecessor).

In addition every technology has its own realism-based mini-quest, which speeds up research when completed.
Another article, from an unusual source:

Amongst the nuggets of information in this one are details on the rebuilt AI and the approach to the UI design:

All of the gameplay systems have been entirely rewritten and re-architected. We’ve specifically set it up to be very modifiable. And we’ve rewritten the A.I. from the ground up, learning all the lessons that we had from Civilization V, so we know how best to solve some of these problems in military combat and so forth.

It’s a much more goal-oriented A.I. than in the past. The A.I. in Civilization V was very much based on a flavored weighting system, and this one is much more able to follow all the chains of logic, like ‘I need these tech boosts to get to this part of the tree.’ So it’s a very different approach.

There’s a big push on user interface with this game. We’ve taken a whole new approach to user interface development, and there’s a lot that helps players understand what’s going on in the game.
Not sure what I think of this new game. There is too much to learn. With all of this talk about the time of day, they should add seasons and weather.

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Italian news site Bits and Chips has a short article, citing sources which claims Civilization VI will have "a solid DirectX 12 backend, and [...] will utilize DX12 advanced features more than any other title":
Despite the funny and childish graphic, Civilization VI will have a solid DirectX 12 backend, and it will utilize DX12 advanced features more than any other title. An example, the recent Total War: Warhammer.

According to our sources, the Firaxis developers will take advantage of Asynchronous Compute and Resource Heap features in order to create a deep and articulate gameplay. Thanks to these DX12 features, Civilization VI will be able to guarantee a lot better artificial intelligence and a more detailed world than previous chapters.

If Total War: Warhammer has shown that GCN micro architecture is aging like a good wine, Civilization VI could be able to point out even a better state.

Major preview feature. New screens, looks like new leaders (Teddy Roosevelt). I'm sure there will be a flood of new features. Likely a NDA expired at 1500 BST today.

Sample quote:

The barbarians are at the gates. They’re not here to kick the gates down and storm the city though; instead, they retreat, in the direction of the camp that spawned them.

“You might want to send a warrior after those barbarian scouts,” Firaxis’ Pete Murray advises, watching the screen over my shoulder. “They’ll fetch a raiding party if they manage to get home.”

That’s new. It’s the tip of the iceberg as far as changes go, but it’s an illustrative example of what the early stages of this game are all about. Civilization VI [official site], at this stage of its development, is host to the most reactive AI that I can remember in the series’ long history. Lead designer Ed Beach and his team are building a Civ game that they hope will pry long-time players out of their established comfort zones, and a too-brief 60 turns with the game last week showed plenty of evidence that they’ll achieve that goal.

End quote

Another new hands-on feature from today. Here's a quote from Dennis Shirk:

"One thing we are doing is we’re not gimping the builder anymore. Builders typically went tall in Civ V. We’re now, with local happiness, you can actually have a wide empire and be a builder at the same time. You may not be super technically proficient, but you’re going to super cultural and deep into that civics tree at the same time.”
UA: China can burn Builders to rush Wonder production.
I'll bite: Nicholas Scibetta on the gamecrate article namechecks civfanatics and provided a helpful bullet list of misc features:

Local happiness means tall and wide viable
World Congress not in base game. Most other BNW features are
Barbarian scouts can be killed to pre-empt attacks
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