CivDip XIII - Dancing with the Devil!


Jeff Vader
Jul 31, 2004
Death Valley
Dancing with the Devil!

Welcome to the game of friends and foes, alliances and lies, greatness and sorrow. I'll be your Game Master for the next few months.

My Rules:
1. Spring and Fall Orders are due 72 hours after the last orders.
2. Summer, Autumn, and Winter Orders are due 24 hours after the last orders.
3. Orders are to be PMed to me, as email is slower.
4. The game will end with the Winter 1914 map.
5. NMR: I will look for a replacement after your first NMR.
6. No Retreat received: Unit disbanded.
7. Waived Builds: This can occur several ways. First, no A/F designation on a coastal build. Second, no coast designation for fleet builds in Spain, St. Petersburg, or Bulgaria. Lastly, by choice.
8. Ambiguous orders: Orders that leave more than one possibility, or orders to non-existant units, will be considered ambiguous and will be disregarded.
9. Unambiguous orders: I will accept any orders that can only have one meaning.
10. My preference for orders looks like this:
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - North Sea
11. Convoys: The path does not have to be laid out. Ordering the Army where it's going's good enough. Multiple routes are allowed. Unwanted convoys are not. Armies don't cut support.
12. Nations are chosen randomly. However, everyone playing can black-ball one nation.
(Most rules blatantly stolen from kOc in CivDip XII)


Reserve Players:
oh slappy
You're welcome to add your name as a reservist.​
This is my official confirmation-- I'm definitely in!
I would like to blackball Italy, not because I don't like playing it, but because I've just started a game elsewhere as Italy.

My e-mail is supernecessities
@ ,
hotmail .com
This is NOT my confirmation...I need to know when we would start. I have family decending upon me for the next ten days. .....find a happy place, find a happy place, find a happy place...... So, I don't want to mess up any deadlines before we even get going. That would really suck.
Sign me up please :)
EDIT: We will wait for you, ambuel.
Confirmed. I wouldn't like to play Germany, as I'm playing Germany right now. I also would not mind waiting a while for ambuel to play.
ok...sign me up..........i haven't played in over a year, so i have no problem playing anyone.

Sorry, but too much dip going on already. I am sure it will not take you long to find another, however, if a few days pass and you can't, then I will take a spot & at that time I shall declare my non-preference.
There's a ten-day hold for ambuel anyway. With any luck you will be out of Broken Resolutions by then. What say you?
I have confirmed via PM. I'm willing to try anything (even Austria again).
I will be using a different e-mail for this game than Broken Resolutions, just to make things easier. I can imagine the horrors of mixing up a letter to my enemy England in one game to my friend England in another. Tentatively, this email will be:
keirador __________________(oh yeah, I went the creative route)

broken apart nicely to avoid spam and those damnable Feds that have been tracking me.
I will play.
As soon as Sheep2 black-balls (or not) I'll post country assignments, although ambuel will decide when we begin...
wow....waiting on me...How does next Thursday sound? I have a family vacation coming up in April. I'll be gone for a little over a week. If anyone has a problem with taking a break then, let me know now and I won't play. I'd hate to screw up the schedule. I have a wedding to be in. I'm the matron of honor. I sound so old.....Anyway, gotta show up and no computer access :( enough said. I'll get off my soap box now
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