CivDip XIII - Dancing with the Devil!

oh ok,, I apologize for my misunderstanding. Anyway, are the orders due Thursday, or do we have the 72 hours to send them in begining in Thursday
could we just open the lines of communication on thursday. I will be able to devote my full attention to it and not be waiting on my mom and dad.
Let's open the lines of communication immediately but wait until a few days after Thursday to submit moves.
Prefrences: R/f/i/a/g/e/t
I hope the orders weren't due today, I don't even know which country I am!
Gnarfflinger said:
I hope the orders weren't due today, I don't even know which country I am!

BRILLIANT! :goodjob: If I am still in this thing, then I don't want the Reich but just to irritate Kitten I would really like the Ottomans. ;)
Sheep2: We're only black-balling one country. I'll consider that Turkey for you.

Gnafflinger: No, we're talking about next Thursday.

Magnus: All full, will you be a reserve?
Newsyear Magazine
“We know everything and write what we like.”
Publish Date: December 1900​

♠ Austria
This week the new Emperor of Austria was named. A relatively unforeseen turn of events took place when the former Emperor’s youngest brother’s middle child’s best friend was crowned. He has asked to be called Dreadnought.

♠ England
Recent elections have yielded a new Prime Minister in England. An Austrian immigrant and a Turkophob, Mr. kittenOFchaos hopes to unite Christendom against the Sick Man of Europe.

♠ France
After rioting in the streets of Paris, a new government has been formed! It is led by the mysterious archer, ambuel. She has thus far promised a Lego™ for every child and a gun for every man.

♠ Germany
The Kaiser has decided to call for a new Chancellor! Indirect elections have given the German people a strong new leader in Taliesin. The Chancellor carried out his first act of office ceremoniously with the Kaiser being quoted as saying “I’ve never seen a man so capable of retrieving my pens from under my desk.”

♠ Italy
The reigning King of Italy died tragically this year. Because of the lack of an heir, every man in Italy’s name was put in a hat. A name was drawn to become king. The process has given us King Keirador of Italy.

♠ Russia
Czar! Tsar! Bizarre! Last month, a drunken Царь Nicholas named thirteen successors. Unfortunately, he then fell into a noose and accidentally hanged. Since this accident, twelve of the would-be successors have died in a series of unfortunate events. The only surviving successor is now Царь Sheep2.

♠ Turkey
The Bulgarian Fundamentalist group al Siyah Tamarah has attacked the palace at Constantinople, killing the Sultan. His son, Gnafflinger, has been named the new Sultan. He has since ordered that he will see no one until these terrorists are rounded-up.

Diplomacy begins! Orders due 2359 hours Zulu Time on Thursday, 27 February 2005.
The Rt Hon Sir Reginald Francais, First Lord of the Treasury, 12th Earl of Dundonald has formed a Government of the greatest minds in the Anglo-Saxon World and we plan to bring our vast working population a far greater standard of living and secure this utopia from any jealous rival!

If we can find mutual friends on the continent, for trade, the promotion of good governance and security for Britain and her Empire, we shall. Otherwise, we will deal death to those that wish us harm.

Provisionals submitted :)
The Chancellor greets everyone!
I welcome any and all communications from other powers, in any medium that is convenient. PM me if you wish, or use my e-mail address (without the XX). Or you can use MSN (with this address) or AIM (screen name Supernecessities).
Arminius-- do you wish to be copied on all press?
The Italian Kingdom has found a revitalization of purpose in their new and completely random leader, King Keirador. The Risorgimento movement, long considered complete by many Italian unificationists, now becomes the guiding foreign policy of the new Italian state. The small country of Greece, fearing attack and annexation by its aggressive neighbors, has petitioned the Italian King to unite the two peninsular countries. A shared Greco-Roman heritage makes Greece a perfect addition to the young and virile Kingdom of Italy.
Of course, Italy seeks allies in the changing scene of Europe. Should any power uphold Italy's legitimate claim to Greece, they will have earned the lasting friendship and loyalty of the Kingdom of Italy.
The Italian foreign ministry, therefore, has publicly announced its intention to bring peace and security to Greece within a year. Any power who opposes Italy and attempts to enslave the noble Greek people will be considered to have openly declared war on Italy, and the Italian army will react accordingly. For those who fail to respect Italian sovereignty, we have only death.
Europe may have a conception of Italy as a weak and fledgling state, and as such Italy has little to lose from a devastating war, as expectations are so low in the first place. The proud Italian people will be glad to fight any aggressors to a standstill: the fighting spirit and nobility of Italy takes precedence over cautious and careful self-preservationism, practiced by the cowards of Europe. Italy shall dedicate itself to a strong and uncringing foreign policy; and if this behavior brings our defeat, we shall at least have fought and died bravely.
The Ottoman empire has fought many bloody wars only desiring peace. Engage our wrath at your peril.
Please all of you contact the beutiful Russian court in the grand city of St.Petersburg. The address of the palace is right next door to the Duma and the National War Musesum.
There are many beuatiful cities in the world: Constantinople, St. Petersburg, Rome, London, Paris, Berlin, and even my Vienna and Budapest. The Austrian government and people to not want to damage these cities, nor do they want their own to be attacked. Thus the Austrian people wish only peace. If Russia and Ottoman Turkey wish to fight, we can and will.
The Ottoman Empire desires peace? The Austrian people wish only peace? Such statements are either foolhardy or false. Europe is lurching toward war. All will either join in the struggle or be destroyed.
The Kingdom of Italy makes no such spurious claims to passivism. We want victory and conquest; but at whose expense remains to be seen.
I must admit that Europe is on the brink of war, yet Austria wishes to have peace until the joining with Serbia. Italy feels safe on their peninsula, yet when the Italian people are oppressed, you will agree with me. I must admit Italy's eagerness for the unification with Greece and further additions to Italy, but at what cost? Austria wishes to increse her borders so that when the sides are picked, Austria may be a strong power, no a puny state.

Thusmore, the Ottomans have been to Vienna's walls twice, and yet the Austrian people held out, sacrifcing much. We do not wish another engagment just yet. When the spoils are divided, Austria does not want to be part of them.

Austria need not bite off more than she can chew. We wish first to gain as much power as possible before war with another power. I will contact most of you soon.

Best regards.
This is the map we're using. Any complaints should be filed now.


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No I like that map.
Looks nice.

Where'd you get that one?
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