Civic card comprehensive explanations


Jun 14, 2010
Is there somewhere that these cards are comprehensively explained? Its definitely not the civpedia...

I keep running into issues where my cards disappear on me.. I'm sure there are explanations, you would think it would be a no brainer to have that explanation on the card. For example.. I don't remember the name of the card but it gave 1 amenity to each city with a fortified unit.. super useful, right? At some point I noticed it was just gone.. I seen other disappear too when a similar card made the other obsolete. But I never saw another card like the 1 amenity per city with a unit again. If it was me changing governments or something I would have seriously reconsidered in the particular game I had going.
Well, there is limited "real estate" on the cards for extra text, but if you check the Civilopedia for any particular card, you will see when it is obsoleted (in the case of the Retainers card, when you unlock the Propaganda policy, which reduces war weariness by 25%). In all cases, the Civilopedia states when a policy is obsoleted or superseded.
You should be able to find this. I believe the Civics will discuss when one Policy card replaces another or makes one obsolete. In the case of the Amenity one you reference, I believe it is replaced by one of the 'minus War Weariness' cards.
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