Civilisations and leaders you would NOT like to see in game

They probably should've gone with the Maori, instead of Australia.
Agreed, although I would have preferred a less militaristic Polynesian civ choice than the Maori, or have two Polynesian civs, one being the Maori and one being a less militaristic choice...Unlikely to get two, but a man can dream...

I think they wanted to fill the continental mass of Australia, so they must have thought that Australia would be more marketable than the Aborigines.

Maori is definitely a good choice, but I think the inclusion of Australia does not exclude them. We can still wait for Maori.
Regional representation may have had an influence here, however I think it was a lot more to do with a significant fan-base wanted Australia and willing to pay for Australia as separate DLC. They got to make more money, and lots of fans were happier. Unfortunately I believe that nationalism had an influence in a number of the fans who were wanting Australia in the game, but that's something we expect to see, and have seen it in a lot of cases.
Personally I'm not thrilled about modern colonial civs...They don't really fit in the game, being that you supposedly start in the neolithic. Also, there are plenty of other choices I would rather see, and Australia has taken a spot that would have otherwise been filled with another choice instead.

Not to worry by the way, Australia wouldn't rule out the Maori, or New Zealand for that matter...Probably makes them more likely.
Most civilizations in the game weren't around in Neolithic times. I'm not saying I want tons of modern nation-states in the game, but the English, for example, weren't a thing 6000 years ago. If the criteria were to have existed that long ago, there would be, like, 5 civilizations total in the game, if that, and they would always be the same in every game.
And civilizations like Sumer and Nubia reach the modern age and send rockets into space and as strange as having Australia in Neolithic times.

Overall, I do not care about this. I usually to see Aussians before the industrial age like Aborigines, even though them have no elements of Aborigines in the composition of their civilization.
I agree with that, also. One of the arguments I see myself making a lot of the time is that, if the American civilization isn't in the game, then it might as well just completely focus on certain time periods, rather than all of history. The United States is that important, as it's become the most important civilization/country in the history of the western hemisphere.
And civilizations like Sumer and Nubia reach the modern age and send rockets into space and as strange as having Australia in Neolithic times.
If those ancient civilizations had have stood the test of time, then they would have reached the modern age, and may have indeed sent rockets into space...Take China for a good example of this.

Overall, I do not care about this. I usually to see Aussians before the industrial age like Aborigines, even though them have no elements of Aborigines in the composition of their civilization.

First nations peoples of the Australian continent are not the same thing as the Anglo Australia we all know, or the Multi-cultural Australia that it has become. They wouldn't appreciate being represented as Australia, when they see Australia in direct connection with being conquered and colonized by a foreign power, and never getting back what they lost.

I agree with that, also. One of the arguments I see myself making a lot of the time is that, if the American civilization isn't in the game, then it might as well just completely focus on certain time periods, rather than all of history. The United States is that important, as it's become the most important civilization/country in the history of the western hemisphere.

America could be added to the game as a colonial power...They were close to this in Civ IV, with cities potentially breaking away to form their own civs. That would be accurate, and would allow for colonial civs to be included...The main problem I see with this is that not all the civs in the game had colonies, so what would we call their colonies that break away from them? Unless colonies are not tied to a particular civ, like America not being strictly a colony of Britain, but that wouldn't be historically accurate either.
If those ancient civilizations had have stood the test of time, then they would have reached the modern age, and may have indeed sent rockets into space...Take China for a good example of this.

First nations peoples of the Australian continent are not the same thing as the Anglo Australia we all know, or the Multi-cultural Australia that it has become. They wouldn't appreciate being represented as Australia, when they see Australia in direct connection with being conquered and colonized by a foreign power, and never getting back what they lost.

America could be added to the game as a colonial power...They were close to this in Civ IV, with cities potentially breaking away to form their own civs. That would be accurate, and would allow for colonial civs to be included...The main problem I see with this is that not all the civs in the game had colonies, so what would we call their colonies that break away from them? Unless colonies are not tied to a particular civ, like America not being strictly a colony of Britain, but that wouldn't be historically accurate either.
That was a mod, though. It was a mod that was included with the complete edition, but it was still a mod, nonetheless.
Agreed, although America opened the door for these modern colonial civs. I would have been quite happy without any colonial civs, but I understand that they are also trying to make money, even if it means bending the rules a bit. Anyway, that's two spots taken that could have been better selected..
Given that we're talking about the people who make the darn game(s), I think the "rules" are whatever the heck they want them to be.
Given that we're talking about the people who make the darn game(s), I think the "rules" are whatever the heck they want them to be.
Yes. Having a colonial power as a civilization was shown from the very beginning. It's just the past two recent games have given us more than just the U.S. and that has become the problem with some.
First nations peoples of the Australian continent are not the same thing as the Anglo Australia we all know, or the Multi-cultural Australia that it has become. They wouldn't appreciate being represented as Australia, when they see Australia in direct connection with being conquered and colonized by a foreign power, and never getting back what they lost.

I know this, but most of the civilizations in the game did not start in the Neolithic period, so we will never get historical accuracy, there was no Russia or Spain when Sumeria was at its climax. Seeing Australia as Aborigines in the ancient periods is just one way of making more sense to me.

Yes. Having a colonial power as a civilization was shown from the very beginning. It's just the past two recent games have given us more than just the U.S. and that has become the problem with some.

Brazil and Australia are two important countries, not as much as America, but they certainly are very important. Brazil, for example, is a member of BRICS alongside China and Russia, and has been expected to be one of the world's 5 largest economies in the next few years, in addition to its geopolitical importance due to its immense population and its territorial extension with many natural resources. And Australia is the largest nation in Oceania, and also very important. I understand those who do not like modern countries, but if America was already there, we were expected to get more at some point. And civilization is a game, it is only expected that they want to increase the number of players to increase their profits, perhaps adding big game markets like Brazil and Australia is an obvious strategy.
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I know this, but most of the civilizations in the game did not start in the Neolithic period, so we will never get historical accuracy, there was no Russia or Spain when Sumeria was at its climax. Seeing Australia as Aborigines in the ancient periods is just one way of making more sense to me.
I also like to picture the Scottish as Pictish warriors until they reach the Medieval era.
The ancient people of the U.S.A. being Native Americans is a stretch though. At least until we get non-Canadian tribe. :mischief:
That was a mod, though. It was a mod that was included with the complete edition, but it was still a mod, nonetheless.

Your point?

Given that we're talking about the people who make the darn game(s), I think the "rules" are whatever the heck they want them to be.

This is true, and that is exactly what they have been doing.

I know this, but most of the civilizations in the game did not start in the Neolithic period, so we will never get historical accuracy, there was no Russia or Spain when Sumeria was at its climax. Seeing Australia as Aborigines in the ancient periods is just one way of making more sense to me.

When Sumeria had its climax is beside the point. Cultures around the world were not all in the neolithic at the same time...Take the Iroquois for example, who were at a neolithic level by the time Europeans arrived in the Americas.
I'm seeing a lot of negativity about what can and can't be in civilization. IMO there can be lot of variety in civ, including colonial/post colonial nations. Brazil? Sure! Australia? Why the heck not. Doesn't bother me what civs are in the game, I care more about what leaders they choose (such as bad picks like Cleopatra, Mao, Maria II, Dido to some extent, Gilgamesh, ect.)
It's just as relevant as your post was. It makes zero sense to do what you were suggesting in the base game and only worked in that situation because it was a mod.
What part of what I suggested doesn't make sense to you?
The point of having it in the base game.
Why are we still going on with this?
You brought it up, and I'm just trying to understand why you think so, as it doesn't seem relevant to me. We can leave it at that if you like, as we better not go off topic here..
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