Civilization 5 - Ideas and Views

What I would like to see.

1. UU & UB specific to leaders not the civ itself. Why should Washington have Navy Seals? Instead give him a UU & UB that fit his time.

2. Combat, I would like to see a combat system that takes into account your whole army (stack). You could say pull up to the enemy city and when you attack you commit how ever many troops you want to attack with and they all attack at once to whatever the defender has committed. This stemmed out of Naval combat for me, I always love when I have a fleet of mixed boats and the enemy has one battleship that comes out of the city sinks one of mine and retreats. Personally I think that 1 ship should not just fight one ship but have to deal with the fleet itself.

3. I would love to see negotiable borders. This may be the toughest to correctly implicate, but I think it would be great. Say for example both civs agree that a river will divide their borders.

4. An option when the AI contacts you for things such as war to say, ok but give me 10 turns. I always hate when I am going to help them out but need sometime before I can. Or an Option to say I can't right now, but here is some gold or a resource to help. More options here would definitely help the diplomatic part of the game.

5. Escourt mission for fighters and bombers. Again goes in the same line as #2 above. I commit 5 bombers and 5 fighters on a mission and they go do there thing vs what the enemy commits to defend against it.

6. More units on the naval and air side of things. I really enjoy those aspects of the game but they are far from reality. Plus planes should be able to sink boats... see WWII.

7. Being able to improve tiles inside your borders, but outside cities BFC, and using that within your nation. For example I farm up a tile and I can send a portion of that food to nearby cities. The further away the smaller the portion and this can be affected by techs (like refrideration for food).

8. color/flavor idea here... being able to name the terrain without just using the sign feature. Being able to turn on/off the option like the resource bubbles. Also, each civ have a list of available names. For example I had a mountain in one game erupt so many times I actually googled the names of korean volcanoes and named the stupid thing.

9. Forts. They need upgraded a little. I would like to put them along my borders on key spots, but then losing them to culture completely dismays me. In my opinion a garrisoned fort should help hold your culture. Also, bring back the idea of the zone control slowing down units trying to walk right past the fort.

10. Being able to bomb or bombard out railroads. I can understand that you would have trouble doing this to a road network, but you should be able to reduce a railroaded tile to a roaded tile. Also, being able to take out bridges over rivers would be neat, but harder to impliment I would think.

*edit* 11. Having an option to have an end period in the set-up menu. For example start in the ancient era, but you can't tech past whatever other era you pick.
-Bring back the advisors from Civ II
-Bring back the finish screen from Civ III with the bruised up opponents and their comments.

The advisors were a little bit funny the first couple times you saw them, but after that it just drug on because you were watching the same clips over and over again. It's a feature I could live without.

The finish screen with the beaten-up cartoony leader portraits or the ones with big hearts? Ironic, given your next complaint about childish troops.

@Neoclast: While I agree with some of what you are saying (especially on 2, 5, 6, and 10 (if that's not already implemented)), I disagree with 1. In this case, what point is there in having multiple leaders per Civ any more? Starting techs? :lol: Each leader is essentially his own civilization!
ANother Option that I think would be nice. Being able to select in the set up menu to always allow the UU of the civ to be available. I know that is part of the special ability of some current UUs, but it always pains me to say play the mongols and not have horses.
Saddam Hussein. I guess I said him because he was hated by the world and would be a fun target when playing the game :lol:.

By Battle options I meant you could see how many troops you have and the ability to manuver your troops up or down hills, across plains, through rivers etc. This Could have a bigger effect on the outcome beyond the simple defense bonus. :king: Sorry for the confusian :(

Hussein was Iraqi, not Arabic. And if he goes into my territory, I'm going to hurry my scientific reasearch, get Gunpowder, Create the Shotgun, then SHOTGUN HIM IN THE FACE :mad:.

Sorry for the Confusian? What does that have to do with Confucius? :crazyeye:
Would you put Saddam as a Persian leader then? There is no Iraq civilization, and the closest civ to modern day Iraq would be Arabia. Saddam didn't lead Iraq during the reign of any of those empires you listed.
Would you put Saddam as a Persian leader then? There is no Iraq civilization, and the closest civ to modern day Iraq would be Arabia. Saddam didn't lead Iraq during the reign of any of those empires you listed.

I'm saying he can legitimately be put as the leader of any of them.

I mean, hell, if Brennus is in the game as a leader of the Celts (when in fact he was a leader of some Gauls in what is now modern day France) you can really do whatever you damn well please.
For Civ V, I would like to see the following:


-Saltpeter: discovered with Animal Husbandry, required for gunpowder units (before composites are discovered), unimproved will provide +1 :hammers:,. improved (with mine) would provide +2 :hammers: & +1 :food:. Will also provide a +20% boost of mounted units production (horses & cattle require some salt for a healthy diet, which would allow for better growth) in cities with access to it. Will be found in desserts, plains, grassland & swamp (hills & floodplains included, forests & jungle excluded).

-Cotton (from Rhye's & Fall): all other properties remain the same, while at the same time would provide +1 :health: with hospitals. Will be found in grassland, plains, floodplained dessert (forests & hills included, jungles excluded).

-Potatoes: +1 :food: (unimproved); +2 adittional food (w/farm, like with corn & rice) +1 :health:, will provide +1 :health: with supermarket. Found on grassland & plains (hills, forest & jungle included).

-Vegetables: +1 :food: (unimproved); + 2 :food: (improved with farm), will provide +2 :health: by its own, +1 :health: with supermarket. Found on grassland & plains (hills, forests & jungles included).

-Tobacco: +1 :commerce: (unimproved), +4 additional :commerce: (w/plantation), +1 :yuck: when attained, +1 happiness, + 1 :) w/market. Will be found on plains & grassland (jungles, hills & forests included).

-Coffee: +1 :commerce: (unimproved), +4 additional :commerce: & +1 :food: (w/plantation); +1 happiness on its own, +1 :health: w/grocer. Found on hills (desert, plains, grassland, forest & jungle included).

-Olives: +1 :food: (unimproved), +2 :food:, +3 :commerce: (w/plantation); +1 happiness on its own, +1 health w/grocer. Found in grassland & plains (hills included, forests & jungles excluded).

-Cocoa: +1 :food: (unimproved), +2 :food:, +3 :commerce: (w/plantation); +1 happiness on its own, +1 :health: w/grocer & mall (more details on this one later).

-Hard woods: +1 :hammers: (unimproved), +2 :hammers: +2 :commerce: (w/lumbermill); +25% production bonus for wooden ships, +2 production per city with access to it. Found in any forest or jungle.


-Cliffsides: they would allow to create canyons (when besides rivers) & plateaus (when separating stretches of flat terrain or when separating coast & flat terrains). Movement cost of 2 points, 50% additional defense bonus.

-Jungles: REAL jungles are fantastic sources of wood, so why don't they provide production points in Civ IV & previous versions?

-Marshland: Earth has a good amount of them, they can be plain marshland (flooded, unsainitary grasslands), mangroves (marshland + jungle) or swamps (marshland + forests). They would provide 1 foodpoint, +0.5 :yuck:, cost 2 movement points, only allow for oil, coal, saltpeter & hard woods as resources; only farms & roads can be built here.

-Lesser mountains: no food whatsoever, +2 production, passable (2 turns required), will house all minerals & construction stones. Cities aren't possible here, forts are (no channeling capacity); can house forests, will provide a 50% defensive bonus on its own, allows for up to 3 tiles of visibility (only 2 when forests & hills are around).

-Coral reefs: +1 wealth, 2 movement points required to pass, can house fish, crabs & clams, submarines can't go through them. Can only appear in coastal tiles.

-Non-navigatable rivers: run between tiles, don't serve as trade routes, don't provide any adittional wealth in adjacent tiles, DO provide fresh water for farming & city growth.

-Coastal bridges: requires a coastal city next to a stretch of water 1 tile wide, will require about the same production needed for an ICBM, requires advanced engineering (more details on this one later). Will allow for ground units to move between the joined landmasses without using airports or ships.

-Volcanoes: impassable, can emerge in mountain chains or small island chains, may cause the development of nearby terrain (starting as a tundra tile that will eventually adjust to the corresponding climate). They can also damage adjacent tiles.

-Major faults: will originate earthquakes & tsunamis, their placement works like rivers, but covering all kinds of tiles.
The advisors were a little bit funny the first couple times you saw them, but after that it just drug on because you were watching the same clips over and over again. It's a feature I could live without.
An advisors on/off tickbox would easily fix that.

The finish screen with the beaten-up cartoony leader portraits or the ones with big hearts? Ironic, given your next complaint about childish troops.
I don't see the irony. The finish screen was fun and held a sense of accomplishment and closure after games which can easily take many hours. "Your score has been registered" is pretty goddamn stale in comparison.
My ideas

Every leader has 3 personalities, and every civilization has 5 unique units and 5 unique buildings.


Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln) - Charismatic/Philossophical/Financial
Kennedy [NEW] (John F. Kennedy) - Charismatic/Protective/Organized
Jefferson [NEW] (Thomas Jefferson) - Protective/Charismatic/Expansive
Washington (George Washington) - Expansive/Charismatic/Industrious
T. Roosevelt [NEW] (Theodore Roosevelt) - Expansive/Industrious/Organized
F. Roosevelt (Franklin D. Roosevelt) - Organized/Industrious/Charismatic

Elizabeth (Elizabeth I) - Financial/Philossophical/Imperialistic
Victoria (Victoria I) - Financial/Imperialistic/Aggressive
Churchill (Sir Winston Churchill) - Charismatic/Protective/Aggressive

Bismarck (Otto von Bismarck) - Expansive/Aggressive/Industrious
Frederick (Frederick the great) - Organized/Financial/Expansive
Hitler [NEW] (Adolf Hitler) - Aggressive/Imperialistic/Organized

Napoleon (Napoleon Bonaparte) - Charismatic/Aggressive/Organized
Robespierre [NEW] (Maximillien Robespierre) - Charismatic/Protective/Organized
De Gaulle (Charles De Gaulle) - Charismatic/Industrious/Expansive
Louis XIV - Creative/Industrious/Expansive

Isabella (Isabel I) - Expansive/Spiritual/Creative
Franco [NEW] (Fransisco Franco) - Financial/Aggressive/Protective

Stalin (Josef Stalin) - Aggressive/Industrious/Protective
Lenin [NEW] (Vladimir Lenin) - Charismatic/Expansive/Protective
Khruchev [NEW] (Nikita Khruchev) - Expansive/Aggressive/Industrious
Catherine (Catherine II) - Imperialistic/Creative/Expansive
Peter (Peter the great) - Expansive/Philossophical/Financial

Mussolini [NEW] (Benito Mussolini) - Aggressive/Charismatic/Protective

Willem van Oranje (Willem the silent) - Financial/Creative/Industrious

João II - Expansive/Imperialistic/Creative

Charles XII [NEW] - Aggressive/Expansive/Creative

Leonidas [NEW] - Aggressive/Creative/Philossophical
Alexander (Alexander the Great) - Aggressive/Philossophical/Imperialistic
Pericles - Creative/Philossophical/Protective

Ramesses II - Aggressive/Spiritual/Industrious
Hatshepsut - Expansive/Spiritual/Creative
Cleopatra [NEW] (Cleopatra VII) - Organized/Creative/Industrious
Ragnar (Ragnar Lodbrok) - Aggressive/Financial/Imperialistic
Harald [NEW] (Harald Hårfagre) - Expansive/Aggressive/Financial
Olav [NEW] (Olav the holy) - Spiritual/Creative/Financial

Mehmed (Mehmed II) - Expansive/Aggressive/Organized
Suleiman (Suleiman I) - Imperialistic/Aggressive/Philossophical

Julius Caesar - Imperialistic/Organized/Aggressive
Augustus Caesar - Imperialistic/Industrious/Expansive
Scipio Africanus - Aggressive/Protective/Expansive
Constantine - Expansive/Spiritual/Creative

Justinian I - Spiritual/Imperialistic/Creative

Holy Rome
Charlemagne - Imperialistic/Aggressive/Protective

Boudica - Aggressive/Charismatic/Organized
Brennus - Spiritual/Creative/Charismatic
Vercengitorix [NEW] - Protective/Expansive/Philossophical

Saladin - Spiritual/Protective/Creative
Muhammad [NEW] - Spiritual/Aggressive/Expansive

David [NEW] - Aggressive/Expansive/Creative
Salomon [NEW] - Expansive/Philossophical/Creative

Cyrus (Cyrus the Great) - Charismatic/Aggressive/Imperialistic
Darius I - Financial/Organized/Industrious
Xerxes [NEW] (Xerxes the Great) - Protective/Expansive/Organized

Native America
Sitting Bull - Philossophical/Protective/Spiritual

Montezuma - Spiritual/Aggressive/Organized

Huayna Capac - Financial/Industrious/Expansive
Pachacuti [NEW] - Financial/Expansive/Organized

Pacal II - Financial/Expansive/Protective

Mansa Musa - Financial/Spiritual/Philossophical

Zara Yaqob - Organized/Creative/Protective
Shaka Zulu - Organized/Expansive/Aggressive

Genghis Khan - Aggressive/Imperialistic/Expansive
Kublai Khan - Aggressive/Imperialistic/Creative

Mao Zedong - Expansive/Protective/Charismatic
Qin Shi Huang - Protective/Industrious/Expansive

Tokugawa Ieyasu - Aggressive/Expansive/Protective
Showa (Emperor during World war II) - Aggressive/Imperialistic/Protective

Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) - Charismatic/Spiritual/Philossophical
Asoka (Asoka the Great) - Aggressive/Spiritual/Organized

Hannibal (Hannibal Barca) - Charismatic/Aggressive/Financial

Tito [NEW] (Josip Broz Tito) - Charismatic/Expansive/Organized

Wang Kon - Expansive/Protective/Industrious

Suruyavarman II - Expansive/Creative/Industrious

Ho Chi Minh [NEW] - Protective/Charismatic/Organized

Gilgamesh - Protective/Creative/Philossophical

Hammurabi - Aggressive/Organized/Expansive

New Buildings

Olympic Stadium (Reqs. Electricity/:hammers:1080)
- 3 :) in this city
- 1 :) in every city per Stadium

Museum (Reqs. Biology/:hammers:200)
- :gp:+10%
- :science:+10%
- :gold:+10%
- :)+10%
- 2 more scientists

Fire station (Reqs. Combustion/:hammers:80)
- 100% safe for "Fire accidents" (look on New Events)

Mill (Reqs. Machinery and Agriculture/:hammers:270)
- 50% more :food: from farms
- 1+ :hammers: from every land plots around the city

Townhall (Reqs. Civil Service/:hammers:270)
- 100% more :culture: in city
- 50%- maintenance
- 2+ :) in city

Warehouse (Reqs. Hunting/:hammers:80)
- 3+ :hammers: from 5 plots

New Events

Fire accident
- city loses 10% of its buildings
- city loses 10% of its population
What I would like to see.

1. UU & UB specific to leaders not the civ itself. Why should Washington have Navy Seals? Instead give him a UU & UB that fit his time.

2. Combat, I would like to see a combat system that takes into account your whole army (stack). You could say pull up to the enemy city and when you attack you commit how ever many troops you want to attack with and they all attack at once to whatever the defender has committed. This stemmed out of Naval combat for me, I always love when I have a fleet of mixed boats and the enemy has one battleship that comes out of the city sinks one of mine and retreats. Personally I think that 1 ship should not just fight one ship but have to deal with the fleet itself.

3. I would love to see negotiable borders. This may be the toughest to correctly implicate, but I think it would be great. Say for example both civs agree that a river will divide their borders.

4. An option when the AI contacts you for things such as war to say, ok but give me 10 turns. I always hate when I am going to help them out but need sometime before I can. Or an Option to say I can't right now, but here is some gold or a resource to help. More options here would definitely help the diplomatic part of the game.

5. Escourt mission for fighters and bombers. Again goes in the same line as #2 above. I commit 5 bombers and 5 fighters on a mission and they go do there thing vs what the enemy commits to defend against it.

6. More units on the naval and air side of things. I really enjoy those aspects of the game but they are far from reality. Plus planes should be able to sink boats... see WWII.

7. Being able to improve tiles inside your borders, but outside cities BFC, and using that within your nation. For example I farm up a tile and I can send a portion of that food to nearby cities. The further away the smaller the portion and this can be affected by techs (like refrideration for food).

8. color/flavor idea here... being able to name the terrain without just using the sign feature. Being able to turn on/off the option like the resource bubbles. Also, each civ have a list of available names. For example I had a mountain in one game erupt so many times I actually googled the names of korean volcanoes and named the stupid thing.

9. Forts. They need upgraded a little. I would like to put them along my borders on key spots, but then losing them to culture completely dismays me. In my opinion a garrisoned fort should help hold your culture. Also, bring back the idea of the zone control slowing down units trying to walk right past the fort.

10. Being able to bomb or bombard out railroads. I can understand that you would have trouble doing this to a road network, but you should be able to reduce a railroaded tile to a roaded tile. Also, being able to take out bridges over rivers would be neat, but harder to impliment I would think.

*edit* 11. Having an option to have an end period in the set-up menu. For example start in the ancient era, but you can't tech past whatever other era you pick.

I know this is short and sweet but trenches trenches for gawd sakes. On the battleship coming out, yes I agree, but at least they could make the attacking ship be unable to move after it attacks, in other words it is committed to combat. Now it can possibly retreat from combat, but only from the square from whence it came. The other thing I would love to see is a hexagonal map. This type of map would be particularly useful for the idea of zone control, also supply should come into question, if you cut a unit's supply its ability to fight is comprimised. Also earlier in the game attrition could be an interesting factor, soldiers die on the march, as medical science gets better and better, attrition rates should fall. The creators have to look at trying to use logic of reality to make the game more true to life. For instance it is obvious a plane can sink a ship. Also they should make a rout combat rule, a morale factor for units. Troops with low morale fight poorly, this could be caused from several reasons, one, maybe they are lead by a bad commander, two, they thought they believed what they were fighting for, but now they are not so sure. Troops surrounded possibly surrender and wave a white flag. Troops attacked from the flank and rear have a chance of breaking and running, an army may rout. If it does there should be a pursuit factor, give cavalry a pursuit rating which makes it easier for them to destroy enemy troops that break. I could go on and on, I guess my main point is make the game more realistic, but then again keep it balanced, do not make it complicated, I think that would take away from what civilization is and always has been, a very fun and easy game to play.
He's certainly not the leader of the Arabic civilization, though. Such a misrepresentation is like having Mao as the leader of the Asian Civilization, or perhaps more relevantly, Yulia Tymoshenko as leader of the Russians.
Such a misrepresentation is like having Mao as the leader of the Asian Civilization, or perhaps more relevantly, Yulia Tymoshenko as leader of the Russians.

Yulia...... now she'd be competition for Catherine. If Vladmir Putin was playing Civ4, he'd customize Yulia as the Russian leader.
If there's ever to be a Civ 5 I want a non-National Wonder/UB that adds some production to ocean squares.
If there's ever to be a Civ 5 I want a non-National Wonder/UB that adds some production to ocean squares.
I remember that in Civ III, offshore platforms did that (instead of being used to reach oil resources @ sea, which wasn't the case in Civ III).
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