Civilization 5 Steamworks questions/concerns for inclusion in the FAQ

Is there a specific amount of time i can stay in offline mode for? Does steam have written in its code say " if in offline mode for 30 days, disconnect offline mode and connect to servers. If unable to connect to servers, dissallow offline mode until such time servers are reached" or some other kind system that makes the client routinely check back home?
Is there a specific amount of time i can stay in offline mode for? Does steam have written in its code say " if in offline mode for 30 days, disconnect offline mode and connect to servers. If unable to connect to servers, dissallow offline mode until such time servers are reached" or some other kind system that makes the client routinely check back home?

Highlighted parts of the previous response for clarification. ;)

You are only required to launch the game while connected to the Internet once, ever. After that, the game has been authenticated, and you can switch to offline mode and never connect to the Internet again, even though reboots and such.
Haha thanks ;). But still just double check for me :)
I will triple check that fact. :)
The incredibly quick response to a simple question further highlights the total lack of any response to all the other questions. Excuses aside, Please answer this!
What will be required at registration? Exactly what hoops will there be to register and then actually play the game in offline mode?
You state that there will be a one time registration, as if that was all, but elsewhere 2K elizabeth has stated that there will be an update at registeation that will be required. This will presumably be before steam allows you to play or go offline, unless I misread her statement. What is the estimated size of this download?
I have gathered that it, as well as all other patches and updates will only be available from steam, and only on the computer that the game is loaded on. Is this correct? and if so why?
Many others have asked similar questions, especially regarding the forced patches and upgrades effect on mod playability.
If it is true, please confirm or deny, that the patches and updates are in fact only available from steam, and that they are forced to be applied before further play is allowed, WHY? and how do we deal with this in mods.
As a moderater stated, some of us have multiple copies, in various patch conditions due to mod compatibility. How do we do this with forced patching?
This question has been waiting an answer for several weeks now. I can understand your not knowing, but as this is a very critical part of the game for many, I can not understand 2K not providing you with an answer.
I can only see two possible causes for you not answering.
First, that this whole issue was missed when the deal with steam was agreed to, and now your people are scrambling to figure out what to do.
Or second, this all was considered and the deal with steam was done anyway. Now your people just don't dare tell us the truth.
If there is a third explanation, I'll consider it, but at this pioint honesty is (imho) your best policy. Tell us the truth!
With respect to offline mode, using the link 2K Greg provided, it would appear that you'll need to reconnect to the internet anytime there is a Steam update in order to be able to play offline:

"The Steam client application's files must be updated to allow for the use of Offline Mode. If your game's status is "100% - Ready" but you receive the message "This game cannot be started in Offline Mode" when attempting to play offline, the Steam client application's files need to be updated."

There is a common misunderstanding(?) out there that you have to reconnect online to Steam every three weeks or so to continue to enjoy your games offline...
The incredibly quick response to a simple question further highlights the total lack of any response to all the other questions.
I happened to know the answer to that question, and I figured I would offer it up to you so you wouldn't have to wait. I'm sorry that I don't have the answers to all of the questions right now, but they are coming!

I can understand your not knowing, but as this is a very critical part of the game for many, I can not understand 2K not providing you with an answer.
I can only see two possible causes for you not answering.
First, that this whole issue was missed when the deal with steam was agreed to, and now your people are scrambling to figure out what to do.
Or second, this all was considered and the deal with steam was done anyway. Now your people just don't dare tell us the truth.
If there is a third explanation, I'll consider it, but at this pioint honesty is (imho) your best policy. Tell us the truth!

You will know the truth, when I have the confirmed answers. The last thing I want to do is speculate and be wrong! My job is to get you the correct answers. :)

The idea of this thread is to collect the questions, and a lot of you guys have been great about bringing them here. Thank you; it has been a great help to me.

And yes, it'll be a while longer before you get the answers. The entire company is very busy right now and it can take some time to talk to all the different people who know the answers to the various questions.
With respect to offline mode, using the link 2K Greg provided, it would appear that you'll need to reconnect to the internet anytime there is a Steam update in order to be able to play offline:

"The Steam client application's files must be updated to allow for the use of Offline Mode. If your game's status is "100% - Ready" but you receive the message "This game cannot be started in Offline Mode" when attempting to play offline, the Steam client application's files need to be updated."

There is a common misunderstanding(?) out there that you have to reconnect online to Steam every three weeks or so to continue to enjoy your games offline...

I went to that link, and read that statement you posted, and thats where my last question came from. I wasnt sure if steam updated every 3 weeks, as you stated, and automaticly knew when to look, regardless of what mode it is in. But that right there is what made me ask in the first place. Thanks for ppsting it, and without getting into a huge discussion, is that just a rumor? Or is there some truth behind it from users?
Honestly I'm not clear what it means exactly, not sure about the rumor, and I'd like 2K Greg to sort it out for us.
I happened to know the answer to that question, and I figured I would offer it up to you so you wouldn't have to wait. I'm sorry that I don't have the answers to all of the questions right now, but they are coming!

You will know the truth, when I have the confirmed answers. The last thing I want to do is speculate and be wrong! My job is to get you the correct answers. :)

The idea of this thread is to collect the questions, and a lot of you guys have been great about bringing them here. Thank you; it has been a great help to me.

And yes, it'll be a while longer before you get the answers. The entire company is very busy right now and it can take some time to talk to all the different people who know the answers to the various questions.

Really? So your telling us as the " Community Manager" (awesome title btw :goodjob:), you cannot even answer direct questions put forth to you? even the most simple yes/no kind? You actually have to go to each and every particular individual @2K relevant to each question that's been put forth to you?

Hmnn, ok. So how about a generalised time frame ( as I know asking for a specific date would be next to impossible) for when the FAQ will be posted? what? late August? early September? My bad, I thought that your absence over on the 2k forums might mean you had some relevant info for here on CFC.

Seriously though. It's not like we're asking for any trade secrets, or the combo the vault of 2k. But it would be nice to know at the very least what format the FAQ will be, what questions you will actually give direct and verifiable answers to, maybe a outline of what your willing to answer? hell, even what type of coffee you drink.

That might start smoothing out the growing angst by your ongoing vow of mostly silence :D
Really? So your telling us as the " Community Manager" (awesome title btw :goodjob:), you cannot even answer direct questions put forth to you?
I have been answering the questions that I know the answer to. There are many questions where I have a strong suspicion of what the answer is, but as I said, I want to make sure that any answer I give you is 100% correct and that you can depend on it.

If, in the first couple weeks of me starting in this position, I give you answers that are later shown to be incorrect, then I wouldn't be much use to you! ;)

Hmnn, ok. So how about a generalised time frame ( as I know asking for a specific date would be next to impossible) for when the FAQ will be posted? what? late August? early September?
I really don't want to give a date because I would hate to miss it. It'll be before June is over, for sure. That's a pretty conservative estimate.

what type of coffee you drink.
If I tell you that I'm drinking a latte loaded with chocolate you're going to make fun of me aren't you! :blush:
I have been answering the questions that I know the answer to. There are many questions where I have a strong suspicion of what the answer is, but as I said, I want to make sure that any answer I give you is 100% correct and that you can depend on it.

If, in the first couple weeks of me starting in this position, I give you answers that are later shown to be incorrect, then I wouldn't be much use to you! ;)

I really don't want to give a date because I would hate to miss it. It'll be before June is over, for sure. That's a pretty conservative estimate.

If I tell you that I'm drinking a latte loaded with chocolate you're going to make fun of me aren't you! :blush:

That sounds pretty good :yumyum:
@2k Greg

Nope, been known to enjoy a almond roca mocha frappe on occasion.

So your definitely stating you will have the FAQ before June is over?
It'll be before June is over, for sure. That's a pretty conservative estimate.
yes he is
:mischief: Just wanted to make sure we could hang him by his chocolate latte if he waited until Aug 1st.
Just getting back to you on this steam issue from the other thread....

Show me someone other than you or people who are quoting you please, from two different people (you said people not person)

To repeat myself, some people clearly believe that offline mode only works for a while, even without internet access. I've seem dozens of posts about this on another game forum called Just search the forum, you'll see, there's loads and loads of such posts. Here's a sample:

The problem is that steam has a "call home" type activity in which it needs to reconnect every so often. This has been documented many times in ETW. Just try it yourself, go in offline mode, and make sure your internet cable is unplugged. After 3 weeks or so steam will tell you it needs to connect to the internet in order to play

Originally Posted by DARTH VADER View Post
I confirm. It happened to me also. I had no internet for 4 weeks because I moved to a new house and physically as well I had a disconnected Ethernet. After about 3 weeks, Steam decided to stop me playing ETW offline.

I have discovered that Steam has a Time-limit reactivation on it that just about no one knows about (or those who know don`t care). If you stay Offline disconnected from Steam for too long about 2-3 weeks, it will refuse to allow you to continue to allow you to play until you go online again. It can take a while. Then afterwards, miraculously, you can go offline again.

This should not be happening, but so few complain since it is so sneaky, hardly anyone notices it.

I reported this somewhere here on TWC half a year ago, and it happened again around Christmas:

I use mobile (socalled) broadband at home, but my son borrowed it, so I was offline. And played ETW in offline mode, no problem. Then after three weeks Steam wouldn't open, it claimed it needed to update itself. So I could not play ETW any more. Now I am online again, and ETW can again be opened.

Somewhere on this site there is/was a Steam faq that claimed that you only had to connect once to register the game, and that you then did not have to be online. I pointed to that faq and suggested that someone updated it.

Also I would love to get 2K Greg's confirmation or denial on this from Steam. As you can see some people swear it happened to them...
Thanks grouchey for hunting those down and posting them. I have never heard of this before, but like i mentioned it clicked in my head when I read that link. I'll be so bummed/pissed if this is true, because I dont have a 24/7 connection, and dont feel like having a once a month steam period. Lol sorry i thought that was funny. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if it was true, but hope its not.
VAC is only running when you join an online multiplayer game.

Are you answering my question, because that answer is for a different question. I'm putting the question to 2K Greg / 2K Games.
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