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Civilization Kings: Tales of the English Royalty


♫We got the guillotine♫
Mar 31, 2008
We have a OOC Social Group! GM Questions answered quickly inside.

The courtiers paced the corridor outside the king's bedroom. For the last five days, the Mad King Sonereal had been fighting his own insanity in the confines of his room. What happened no one knows, but he had gravely wounded himself. He was on his death bed.

No heirs and the last of his dynasty.

The mystic stepped out the bedroom. The courtiers knew the worst has come to past.

The Mad King is dead, cry discordia!


Spoiler :
Players wishing to join for the first time can only join via an existing NPC. The NPC can not be the child or parent of an existing patriarch or matriarch.

Players who died, left, and wish to come back can only do so the nearest NPC relative to their previous character that, again, is not the child or parent of another patriarch or matriarch.

If you choose an illegitimate bastard, you can change your last name from the standard bastard name of Snow.

Diplomacy: Increases chance of successful NPC actions
Martial: Increases ability to lead and train troops, as well as fight.
Stewardship: Increases ability to collect taxes without peasants murderfying you.
Intrigue: Increases plotting power
Learning: Increases ability to learn stats.

Attribute points in a character can increase over the course of the game.

All characters start off in the capital city. They can move as the game goes on.


Spoiler :
Age is measured in turnsets. One turnset is a baby, second is child, third teenager, four young adult, five middle-aged adult, six late adult, and seven and beyond is elder.

Age determines the number of actions you (or the NPC) can perform. A baby can perform no action. A child can perform two, a teenager three, adults four, and the elderly two again.

Actions do NOT include giving orders to your council.


Spoiler :
Familial ties are important. Traits are passed along, alliances are formalized, and long-lasting ties are forged. Getting married is an action, and for you Sims players out there, so is “try for baby”.

When a marriage is arranged, the two agree if the marriage is matrilineal or not. Matrilineal means the children carries the wife’s dynasty’s name.


Spoiler :
Wealth is what makes the world go. Everyone starts with twenty wealth, which is a lot, but not easy to replace. Wealth is generated by how much the tiles you control produce in wealth, how much you generate in taxing your vassals, and how much you have to pay your lord in taxes.

War plunders and pillaging also generate wealth. NPCs and player characters with no titles can potentially gain by joining a stack as he marches off to war.

Another war to gain wealth is through business ventures. More on that when we get there.


Spoiler :
Plots are advanced actions that are usually secret. Joining the army would be a normal action. Trying to start a mutiny would be a plot.

A plot requires at least one plotter, wealth, and prestige. It requires the plotters spend at least one action point to initiate the plot. More action points, more wealth, more prestigious plotters, and more plotters can all increase the chance of complete success of a plot.

A plot failure could be caused by an assassin just not taking the shot. In other words, no penalty. Oftentimes, a failure can result in various bad things happening to one, some, or all the plotters.

Espionage buildings can affect success or failure.

The Council

Spoiler :
Each character which owns at least one tile can have up to five council members. Council members, whether NPC or PCs, have roles they should perform. Council members can be compensated for their services. It requires an action to do the "council member" action. Depending on who is doing the action, the other gets a bonus.

Chancellor: The Chancellor is the person who increases your relations with NPC leaders and engages for diplomacy on your behalf. The Chancellor Action is “hear petitions”. Hearing petitions can tip you off to possible other events.
Marshal: The Marshal Action is “Train Troops”. A special thing about the Marshal Action is that the Marshal trains both his/her lord’s AND his/her own troops. This ALSO makes sure you raise troops in your territories.
Steward: The Steward Action is “Collect Taxes”. This lets the Steward collect taxes. Better Stewards collect more (explained more below).
Spymaster: The Spymaster’s Action is “Defend Liege”. In this case, the Spymaster is using their intrigue to cast a shadowy veil over their lord or lady.
Court Spiritual: The Court Spiritual is your religious advisor. Interestingly, the CS has no use until a religion spreads to England and at least a monastery is built. Unlike other NPCs, who require a decent diplo to successfully interact with, the religion instiutions require a decent learning. The Spiritual doesn’t have an action, but his/her high learning makes him/her a good person to ward children to.

Feudal System

Spoiler :
This is the meat of the game. There is a pre-game election to determine who will be the first monarch. From there, a monarch can hand out titles to award loyalty, create alliances, and more.

In the game, NPCs want titles. They will always want more titles. Some will go far to gain more titles, so take this into account. Giving titles does create loyalty.

The hierarchy goes King/Queen->Duke/Duchess->Count/Countess->Baron/Baroness->Knight

Position determines which titles you can give out. A King can give out any title from Duke to below. A Duke can't (legally) can't hand out the title of King, for example.

Succession Laws

Spoiler :
When a character dies, it is time to select someone to take his or her place if s/he holds titles. There are four kinds of succession law with three gender laws a lord of any rank can pick. Once changed, a succession law can not be changed for ten turnsets.

The default is Cognatic Gavelkind. This means that the titles are split amongst all eligible children (male or female) upon death.

The five gender laws are cognatic (male or female can inherit equally), agnatic-cognatic (males favored, females if no choice), agnatic (males only), enatic (females only), and enatic-cognatic (females favored, males if no choice).

The four succession laws are

Gavelkind: Titles split amongst children. Eldest will always at least get the most valuable holding.
Seniority: Oldest member of dynasty inherits.
Primogeniture: Oldest eligible heir inherits.
Ultimogeniture: Youngest eligible heir inherits.
Feudal Election: Your direct vassals can vote amongst themselves and your eligible heirs.

Personal Retinue

Spoiler :
Your personal retinue is your personal guard and small army. Your retinue is not troops on the map (in most cases).

Each turn, each character with a landholding will have their retinue increased with poorly armed, poorly-armored troops. 1 Food=2 troops. 1 Hammer/Commerce=1 troop. Cities receive a bonus.

If you wish to create new units, you should look at the techs and resources available and create new templates.

At a minimum, each retinue troop should be paid .1 Wealth, but paying more increases the innate martial power of the troop.

If you don’t want a gigantic retinue, you bid off excess troops as mercenaries.


Spoiler :
Combat in Civilization Kings has been revamped to be more personal in order to drive home the importance of individual characters. Armor and weapons will be as important as martialing ability in combat. A well-armored, well-armed character with high martial is a powerful soldier indeed.

For damage, there are three different types of damage to take into account. Piercing, Blunt, and Slashing. Piercing damage has a better chance of damaging internal organs. Blunt has a chance of breaking bones. Slashing causes bleeding. Any of these can do the function of the other, but not as well.

Some types of armor does a better job at blocking specific damage than other.

As such, player characters should now take note that they arm and armor themselves!


Spoiler :
We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Religious Hierarchy

Spoiler :
We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Military Units

Left Hand: None
Right Hand: Wooden Club [+1 Blunt Attack]
Extras: None
Armor: None
Costs: Nothing. Default template.


1.) Tax your Land Holdings!

Food + Hammers + Commerce (2)

Cities work under the same system. Same system.

To do this requires performing a “Collect Taxes” action. Only a lord or his/her steward can perform this action for the lord’s holdings. Higher the stewardship, the less of a chance of peasants losing their crap and attacking the guy collecting taxes.

In other words, you can either have a good steward, or a steward with a lot of troops with him! Killing peasants will increase the chance for future revolts, which increase the chance of killing peasants, etc. So, I suggest sending troops with weapons that break, not kill.

2.) War loot. Sometimes, killing IS a reward. Loot comes in the form of wealth, yes. However, scavenging equipment itself can be rewarding.

Business Ventures

You can PM me the idea of starting up a business venture. A venture has to be started on a specific tile. Like tile output, business ventures can be allocated to vassals. Most business ventures require a start-up cost and maintenance cost. Some require resource input and produce output.

Improved resource tiles can generate 5 of that resource automatically. Ventures can be built to improve output. Resources can be sold in cities, which have varying levels of demand for resources, or sent to business ventures needing the resource.

Business ventures can include workshops that create armor and weapons.

Operating a business venture requires an action. A productive person can create a network of businesses and hire Overseers to see over these businesses.

This is a list of the proud houses of England. A Matriarch or Patriarch is the currently-played member of the house. List of related characters includes all members of the house. Listed with each member is a skill set, which includes not only the skill set, but the wealth and biography of the member.


Patriarch: Count Trevor Arellano
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Count Trevor Arellano (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
County of Rouen
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 22.2
Holdings: County of Rouen [2 Food, 1 Hammer]
Available Recruits: 5

Diplomacy: 5
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 8
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 4

Sons: Derrick Arellano (Child: 2 AS-), Trevor Arellano II (Child: 2 AS-)
Wife: Vera Arellano (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

Vera Arellano (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 0
Martial: 5
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 4

Sons: Derrick Arellano (Child: 2 AS-), Trevor Arellano II (Child: 2 AS-)
Husband: Trevor Arellano (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

Derrick Arellano (2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 3
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 3

Mother: Vera Arellano (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Father: Trevor Arellano (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brother: Trevor Arellano II (Child: 2 AS-)

Trevor Arellano II (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 1

Mother: Vera Arellano (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Father: Trevor Arellano (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brother: Derrick Arellano (Child: 2 AS-)

House of Thalia

Patriarch: Prometheus Count Friðþjófr Ippolit Thalia
Succession Law: Primogeniture Agnatic-Cognatic [10 Turns]

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Count Prometheus Friðþjófr Ippolit Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Count of Hampshire, Marshal of Normandy
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 25.4
Holdings: Count of Hampshire [1 Commerce]
Vassal Holdings: Ser Quinton Edwin Pope (Middle Adult: 2 BS-) [1st Fiefdom of Hampshire. 1 Food], Ser Odmir Oakwield (Middle Adult: 2 BS-) [Blenheim, Hampshire. 1 Food]
Available Recruits: 1

Diplomacy: 5
Martial: 8
Stewardship: 4
Intrigue: 1
Learning: -1

Wife: Spymaster Anne Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Jylór Samuel Anseld Thalia (Child: 2 AS-), Eivard Rørek Brand Thalia (Child: 2 AS-), Jørun Thomas Åsvard Thalia (Child: 2 AS-)
Retainers: 2x Warriors, Ser Quinton Edwin Pope (Middle Adult: 2 AS-)

Chancellor: Baron Hugh Oakwield (Late Adult: 3 BS--)
Marshal: Ser Quinton Edwin Pope (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spymaster: Spymaster Anne Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

Spymaster Anne Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spymaster of Hampshire
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 0
Martial: 0
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 8

Husband: Count Prometheus Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Jylór Samuel Anseld Thalia (Child: 2 AS-), Eivard Rørek Brand Thalia (Child: 2 AS-), Jørun Thomas Åsvard Thalia (Child: 2 AS-)

Jylór Samuel Anseld Thalia (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 3
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 3
Learning: 1

Father: Count Prometheus Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Spymaster Anne Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brothers: Eivard Rørek Brand Thalia (Child: 2 AS-), Jørun Thomas Åsvard Thalia (Child: 2 AS-)

Eivard Rørek Brand Thalia (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 1

Father: Count Prometheus Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Spymaster Anne Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Jylór Samuel Anseld Thalia (Child: 2 AS-), Jørun Thomas Åsvard Thalia (Child: 2 AS-)

Jørun Thomas Åsvard Thalia (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 4
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 1

Father: Count Prometheus Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Spymaster Anne Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Jylór Samuel Anseld Thalia (Child: 2 AS-), Eivard Rørek Brand Thalia (Child: 2 AS-)

House of MacFarlane

Patriarch: Baron Dougal MacFarlane (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Baron Dougal MacFarlane (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
First Baron of Delftwood Oxford, Marshal of Oxford
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 141
Holdings: Barony of Delftwood, Oxford [2 Food]
Available Recruits: 4

Diplomacy: 6
Martial: 8
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 3

Wife: Nicola MacFarlane (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Brian MacFarlane (Child: 2 AS-) [Ward of Strahd Ravenloft]
Retainer: Warrior

Nicola MacFarlane (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Lady Regent of Delftwood [2 Food], Steward of Oxford
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 13

Diplomacy: 0
Martial: 0
Stewardship: 10
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 0

Husband: Dougal MacFarlane (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Brian MacFarlane (Child: 2 AS-) [Ward of Strahd Ravenloft]

Brian MacFarlane (Child: 2 AS-)
Ward of Strahd Ravenloft
Spoiler Skill Set :

Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 3
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 3
Learning: 2

Father: Dougal MacFarlane (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Nicola MacFarlane (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

House Voltarion

Patriarch: Count Alexander Voltarion (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Count Alexander Voltarion (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Count of Picard
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 21.05
Holdings: County of Picard [3 Food]
Available Recruits: 6

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 5
Learning: 2

Wife: Carlie Voltarion (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Alexander Voltarion II (Child: 2 AS-)
Retainer: Ser Merrick Colin Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 AS-)

Carlie Voltarion (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 5
Martial: 0
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 0

Husband: Alexander Voltarion I (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Alexander Voltarion II (Child: 2 AS-)

Alexander Voltarion II (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 5
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 5
Learning: 1

Father: Alexander Voltarion I (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Carlie Voltarion (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

House Carver

Patriarch: Baron John Carver (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Baron John Carver (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
First Baron of Flanders, Spymaster of Normandy
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 22.1
Holdings: First Barony of Flanders [2 Food]
Available Recruits: 4

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 7
Learning: 6

Wife: Elizabeth-Charlotte Carver (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Sons: Robert Carver (Child: 2 AS-), Joseph Carver (Child: 2 AS-), Thomas Carver (Child: 2 AS-)

Spymaster Elizabeth-Charlotte Carver (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Spymaster of London
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 19
Business Venture: Orphanage of London

Diplomacy: 6
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 9
Learning: 2

Husband: John Carver (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Sons: Robert Carver (Child: 2 AS-) , Joseph Carver (Child: 2 AS-) , Thomas Carver (Child: 2 AS-)

Robert Carver (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 3

Father: John Carver (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Mother: Spymaster Elizabeth-Charlotte Carver (2 BS-)

Brothers: Joseph Carver (Child: 2 AS-), Thomas Carver (Child: 2 AS-)

Joseph Carver (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 8
Learning: 3

Father: John Carver (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Mother: Spymaster Elizabeth-Charlotte Carver (2 BS-)
Sons: Robert Carver (Child: 2 AS-), Thomas Carver (Child: 2 AS-)

Thomas Carver (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 8
Learning: 1

Father: John Carver (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Mother: Spymaster Elizabeth-Charlotte Carver (2 BS-)
Sons: Robert Carver (Child: 2 AS-), Joseph Carver (Child: 2 AS-)

The House of Augustine

Patriarch: Count John Augustine (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Count John Augustine (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Count of Dorset, Spiritual of London
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 16.7
Holdings: County of Dorset [1 Food, 1 Hammer]
Vassal Holdings: Baron Hugh Oakwield (Late Adult: 3 BS-) [First Barony of Dorset 1 Food]
Available Recruits: 3

Diplomacy: 5
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 5

Wife: Fiona Augustine (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Daughters: Hannah Elizebeth Augustine (Child: 2 AS-) , X (Child: 2 AS-)

Steward: Fiona Augustine (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

Fiona Augustine (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Steward of Dorset
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Martial: 3
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 4

Father: Hugh Oakwield (Late Adult: 3 BS-)
Brother: Odmir Oakweild (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Husband: Count John Augustine (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Daughters: Hannah Elizebeth Augustine (Child: 2 AS-) , X (Child: 2 AS-)

Hannah Elizebeth Augustine (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Martial: 2
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 1

Father: Count John Augustine (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Mother: Fiona Augustine (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Sister: X (Child: 2 AS-)
Uncle: Odmir Oakweild (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Grandfather: Hugh Oakwield (Late Adult: 3 BS-)

X (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 4

Father: Count John Augustine (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Mother: Fiona Augustine (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Sister: Hannah Elizebeth Augustine (Child: 2 AS-)
Uncle: Odmir Oakweild (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Grandfather: Hugh Oakwield (Late Adult: 3 BS-)

House of Fenn

Patriarch: King Charles Fenn I (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Succession Law: Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture [10]

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
King Charles Fenn (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
King of England, Duke of London, Mayor of London, Count of Lincoln
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 44
Holdings: London [2 Food, 1 Hammer, 9 Commerce], County of Lincoln [2 Food, 1 Hammer, 1 Commerce]
Available Recruits: 27

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 4
Intrigue: 8
Learning: 4

Wife: Queen Arturia Fenn (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Sons: Charles Fenn II (Child: 2 AS-)*, Henry Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)**, Alexander Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)****, James Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)*****
Daughter: Anne Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)***
Retainers: 7x Warriors

Chancellor: Count Wolfe (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Marshal: Count Halsey Brightmore (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Steward: Count Strahd Ravenloft (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Spymaster: Elizabeth-Charlotte Carver (Middle Age: 2 BS-)
Court Spiritual: John Augustine (Middle Age: 2 BS-)

Queen Arturia Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Duchess of Normandy, Countess of Flanders
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 15.3
Holdings: County of Flanders [1 Food, 1 Commerce]
Vassal Holdings: Ser Dillion Antony Mathers (Middle Adult: 2 BS-) [Fiefdom of Bree, Flanders: 1 Food]
Available Recruits: 4

Diplomacy: 8
Martial: 4
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 5

Husband: King Charles Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Sons: Charles Fenn II (Child: 2 AS-)*, Henry Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)**, Alexander Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)****, James Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)*****
Daughter: Anne Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)***
Retainers: 3 Warriors, Ser Dillion Antony Mathers (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

Marshal: Count Prometheus Friðþjófr Ippolit Thalia (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spymaster: Baron John Carver (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

Charles Fenn II (Child: 2 AS-)*
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 5

Father: King Charles Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Queen Arturia Fenn
Brothers: Henry Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)**, Alexander Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)****, James Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)*****
Sister: Anne Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)***

Henry Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)**
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 5
Learning: 2

Father: King Charles Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Queen Arturia Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brothers: Alexander Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)****, Charles Fenn II (Child: 2 AS-)*, James Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)*****
Sister: Anne Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)***

Anne Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)***
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 3

Father: King Charles Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Queen Arturia Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brothers: Alexander Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)****, Charles Fenn II (Child: 2 AS-)*, James Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)*****, Henry Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)**

Alexander Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)****
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 3
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 3

Father: King Charles Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Queen Arturia Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brothers: Charles Fenn II (Child: 2 AS-)*, James Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)*****, Henry Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)**
Sister: Anne Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)***

James Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)*****
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 1

Father: King Charles Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Queen Arturia Fenn (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brothers: Henry Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)**, Alexander Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)****, Charles Fenn II (Child: 2 AS-)*
Sister: Anne Fenn (Child: 2 AS-)***

House of Douglas
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Patriarch: Finlay MacHendry Douglas

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Finlay MacHendry Douglas (2 BS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 22

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 5
Stewardship: 8
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 2

Finlay Douglas supports Charles Fenn for the crown.

House of Brightmore
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Patriarch: Count Halsey Brightmore (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Count Halsey Brightmore (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Count of Suffolk, Marshal of London
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 20.5
Holdings: County of Suffolk [3 Food, 1 Commerce]
Available Recruits: 7

Diplomacy: 3
Martial: 8
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 5

Wife: Cassie Mariabella Brightmore (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

Cassie Mariabella Brightmore (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 0
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 3
Learning: 8

Husband: Count Halsey Brightmore (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

House of Ravenloft

Patriarch: Count Strahd Ravenloft
Succession Law: Feudal Elective Cognatic [10 Turns]

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Count Strahd Ravenloft (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Count of Oxford, Steward of London
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 15.5
Holdings: County of Oxford [1 Food, 1 Commerce]
Vassal Holdings: Baron Dougal MacFarlane (Middle Adult: 2 BS-) [First Barony of Oxford: 2 Food]

Diplomacy: 7
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 8
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 2

Wife: Valerie Ravenloft.(Young Adult: 1 BS-)
Daughters: Elizabeth Raveloft (Child: 2 AS-), Victoria Ravenloft (Child: 2 AS-)
Retainers: 4x Warriors
Wards: Brian MacFarlane (Child: 2 AS-), Raven Snow (Child: 2 AS-)

Marshal: Baron Dougal MacFarlane (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Steward: Nicola MacFarlane (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

Ser Valerie Ravenloft (Young Adult: 1 BS-)
First Knight of the County of Oxford
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 1

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 3
Stewardship: 0
Intrigue: 3
Learning: 0

Wife: Strahd Ravenloft (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Daughters: Elizabeth Raveloft (Child: 2 AS-), Victoria Ravenloft (Child: 2 AS-)

Elizabeth Raveloft (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 5
Learning: 1

Father: Strahd Ravenloft (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Ser Valerie Ravenloft (Young Adult: 1 BS-)
Sister: Victoria Raveloft (Child: 2 AS)

Victoria Raveloft (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :

Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 1

Father: Strahd Ravenloft (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Ser Valerie Ravenloft (Young Adult: 1 BS-)
Sister: Elizabeth Raveloft (Child: 2 AS)

House of Brailsford

Patriarch: Count Nicholas de Brailsford
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Count Nicholas de Brailsford (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Count of Worchester
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 21.5
Holdings: County of Worchester [3 Food, 1 Commerce]
Available Recruits: 7

Diplomacy: 3
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 6
Intrigue: 3
Learning: 6

Wife: Faye Kendra (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Arthur Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)*, Michael Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)**
Daughter: Marianne de Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)***

Faye Kendra (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 0
Martial: 6
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 2

Husband: Nicholas de Brailsford (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Arthur Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)*, Michael Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)**
Daughter: Marianne de Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)***

Arthur Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)*
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 4
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 1

Father: Nicholas de Brailsford (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Faye Kendra Brailsford (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brother: Michael Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)**
Sister: Marianne de Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)***

Michael Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)**
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 4

Father: Nicholas de Brailsford (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Faye Kendra Brailsford (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brother: Arthur Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)*
Sister: Marianne de Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)***

Marianne de Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)***
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 4

Father: Nicholas de Brailsford (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Faye Kendra Brailsford (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brother: Arthur Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)*, Michael Brailesford (Child: 2 AS-)**

House of Wolfe

Patriarch: Raphael Wolfe I (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Count Raphael Wolfe I (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Count of Brittainy, Chancellor of London
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 20.5
Holdings: County of Brittainy [2 Food, 1 Hammer, 1 Commerce]
Available Recruits: 6

Diplomacy: 10
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 3
Learning: 5

Wife: Emmaline Wolfe (Middle Adult: 2 AS-)
Son: Raphael Wolfe II (Child: 2 AS-)

Emmaline Shantel Wolfe (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 0
Martial: 3
Stewardship: 5
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 0

Husband: Count Raphael Wolfe (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Raphael Wolfe II (Child: 2 AS-)

Raphael Wolfe II (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 4
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 1

Father: Count Raphael Wolfe (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Emmaline Shantel Wolfe (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

House of Mathers

Patriarch: Ser Dillon Antony Mathers (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Ser Dillon Antony Mathers (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 1.05
Holdings: Bree, Flanders. [1 Food]

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 7
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 3

Wife: Danika Hayleigh Mathers (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Jem Grey Mathers (Child: 2 AS-)

Danika Hayleigh Mathers (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :

Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 0
Stewardship: 0
Intrigue: 6
Learning: 3

Husband: Ser Dillon Antony Mathers (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Son: Jem Grey Mathers (Child: 2 AS-)

Jem Grey Mathers (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 4
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 3

Father: Ser Dillon Antony Mathers (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Danika Hayleigh Mathers (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)

House of Pierce

Patriarch: Ser Merrick Colin Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Ser Merrick Colin Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
First Knight of Picard
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 1.01

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 3

Wife: Lynnette Kizzy Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Sons: Lawrie Freeman Pierce (Child: 2 AS-), Emil Herbert Pierce (Child: 2 AS-), Kegan Ezra Pierce (Child: 2 AS-)

Lynnette Kizzy Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 7
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 0
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 1

Husband: Ser Merrick Colin Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Sons: Lawrie Freeman Pierce (Child: 2 AS-), Emil Herbert Pierce (Child: 2 AS-), Kegan Ezra Pierce (Child: 2 AS-)

Lawrie Freeman Pierce (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 2

Father: Ser Merrick Colin Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Lynnette Kizzy Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brothers: Emil Herbert Pierce (Child: 2 AS-), Kegan Ezra Pierce (Child: 2 AS-)

Emil Herbert Pierce (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 3
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 1

Father: Ser Merrick Colin Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Lynnette Kizzy Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brothers: Lawrie Freeman Pierce (Child: 2 AS-), Kegan Ezra Pierce (Child: 2 AS-)

Kegan Ezra Pierce (Child: 2 AS-)
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 0

Diplomacy: 5
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 1

Father: Ser Merrick Colin Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Mother: Lynnette Kizzy Pierce (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Brothers: Lawrie Freeman Pierce (Child: 2 AS-), Emil Herbert Pierce (Child: 2 AS-)

Clan Oakweild

Patriarch: Baron Hugh Oakweild
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Baron Hugh Oakwield (Late Adult: 3 BS-)
First Baron of Dorset, Chancellor of Hampshire
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: .1
Holdings: First Barony of Dorset [1 Food]
Available Recruits: 2

Diplomacy: 8
Martial: 4
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 4

Son: Odmir Oakwield (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Daughter: Fiona Augustine (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Granddaughter: Hannah Elizebeth Augustine (Child: 2 AS-), X (Child: 2 AS-)

Odmir Oakwield (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Second Knight of Hampshire
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 1.1
Holdings: [Blenheim, Hampshire. 1 Food]
Available Recruits: 2

Diplomacy: 0
Martial: 8
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 0

Father: Hugh Oakwield (Late Adult: 3 BS-)
Sister: Fiona Augustine (Middle Adult: 2 BS-)
Niece: Hannah Elizebeth (Child: 2 AS-), X (Child: 2 AS-)

House of Timothyson

Patriarch: Spymaster Gaylord Walton Timothyson (Late Adult: 3 BS-)
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Spymaster Gaylord Walton Timothyson (Late Adult: 3 BS-)
Spymaster of Oxford
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 5

Diplomacy: 0
Martial: 0
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 11
Learning: 1

House of Pope

Patriarch: Ser Quinton Edwin Pope
Succession Law: Gavelkind Cognatic

Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Ser Quinton Edwin Pope (Late Adult: 3 BS-)
First Knight of Hampshire, Marshal of Hamphire
Spoiler Skill Set :
Wealth: 2
Holdings: Fiefdom of Hampshire [1 Food]

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 6
Stewardship: 0
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 4


Spoiler List of Related Characters :
Raven Snow [Child: 2 AS-]
Ward of Strahd Ravenloft
Spoiler Skill Set :

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 4
Intrigue: 5
Learning: 2

The Mosher dynasty is stepping in.

Zac Mosher I

Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 10
Stewardship: 3
Learning: 3
Intrigue: 2
The House of Arellano

Count Trevor Arellano
Diplomacy: 5
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 8
Learning: 4
Intrigue: 2
Diplomacy: 0
Martial: 5
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 4

Children (Age order): Derrick and Trevor II

House of Thalia​

Succession Law: Primogeniture Agnatic-Cognatic

Patriarch: Prometheus Friðþjófr Ippolit Thalia
Count of Hampshire
Marshal of Normandy

Wife: Anne Thalia
Children: Jylór Samuel Anseld Thalia (Son), Eivard Rørek Brand Thalia (Son), Jørun Thomas Åsvard Thalia (Son),
Retinue: 2 Knights, 2 Warriors,
Gender: Male
Wealth: 25.4
Age: 5 Turnsets Old (Middle Adult)
Diplomacy: 5
Martial: 8
Stewardship: 4
Intrigue: 1
Learning: -1

Spoiler :
Anne Thalia
Spoiler :
Wife of Prometheus Friðþjófr Ippolit Thalia
Wealth: 0
Age: 5 Turnsets Old (Middle Adult)
Diplomacy: 0
Martial: 0
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 8
Learning: 1

Jylór Samuel Anseld Thalia
Spoiler :
First Son of Prometheus Friðþjófr Ippolit Thalia and Anne Thalia
Age: 2 Turnsets (Child, Born 2 AS)
Diplomacy: 3
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 3
Learning: 1

Eivard Rørek Brand Thalia
Spoiler :
Second Son of Prometheus Friðþjófr Ippolit Thalia and Anne Thalia
Elder Twin of Jørun Thomas Åsvard Thalia
Age: 2 Turnsets (Child, Born 2 AS)
Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 1

Jørun Thomas Åsvard Thalia
Spoiler :
Third Son of Prometheus Friðþjófr Ippolit Thalia and Anne Thalia
Younger twin of Eivard Rørek Brand Thalia
Age: 2 Turnsets (Child, Born 2 AS)
Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 4
Stewardship: 3
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 1

County of Hampshire
Count: Prometheus Friðþjófr Ippolit Thalia
3 Food, 1 Commerce Total
1 Food, 1 Commerce Demesne

Chancellor: Hugh Oakshield
Marshal: Ser Quintin Edwin Pope
Steward: None
Spymaster: Anne Thalia
Court Spiritual: None

Spoiler :

Spoiler :
House of Pope
First Knight: Ser Quintin Edwin Pope

First Knight of the County of Hampshire
Marshal of the County of Hampshire
Vassal of Count Thalia
Patriarch of the House of Pope

Fiefdom: Vatican Manor
1 Food
Age: 6 Turnsets (Late Adult)
Wealth: 2 Gold
Salary: 1 Gold per Turn
Taxes: None
Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 6
Stewardship: 0
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 4

Clan Oakwield
Second Knight: Ser Odmir Oakshield
Second Knight of the County of Hampshire
Vassal of Count Thalia

Fiefdom: Blenheim Manor
1 Food
Age: 5 Turnsets (Middle Aged Adult)
Wealth: 1.1
Salary: None
Taxes: None
Diplomacy: 0
Martial: 8
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 0
I've updated the second post. Individual characters will be added tomorrow.

House of Pendragon

Arturia Pendragon-Female
Diplomacy: 8
Martial: 4
Stewardship: 2
Learning: 5
Intrigue: 1

We support Lord Mosher for King.
we offer ourselves as a vassal to Lord Mosher.
OOC: yep, I'm playing politics from joining.
House MacFarlane

Starting Wealth: 21 (+1 awarded by gm)
House Patriarch: Dougal MacFarlane
Diplomacy: 6
Martial: 8
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 3​

House MacFarlane nominates Trevor Arellano as successor to the Mad King Sonereal.
King Fenn has a very productive wife, Queen Pendragon, with four children.
Rejoice, The Throne is secured.
The King has wisely gifted these lands


Duchy of London: Red: = King Charles II of House Fenn
Duchy of Normandy: Yellow = Duke Zac Mosher I of House Mosher


~ Duchy of Normandy

County of Brittainy: Brown = Duke Zac Mosher
County of Flanders: Maroon = Queen Arturia Fenn-Pendragon
County of Caen: beige = Lord Arellano
County of Picardy: Black = "pending"

~ Duchy of London

City of London: Purple (bottom) = King Charles II
County of Suffolk: Dark Green = Lord Brightmore
County of Hampshire: Dark Blue = Lord Thalia
County of Oxford: Light Green = Lord Ravenloft
County of Dorset: Orange = Lord Voltarion
County of Worcester: Light Blue = pending
County of Lincoln: Purple (higher) = King Charles II
House of Pendragon

Arturia Pendragon-Female
Diplomacy: 8
Martial: 4
Stewardship: 2
Learning: 5
Intrigue: 1

We support Lord Mosher for King.
we offer ourselves as a vassal to Lord Mosher.
OOC: yep, I'm playing politics from joining.

I accept your vassalship.
Tracker for Race to Kingship.

Lord Zac Mosher I and Lord Trevor Arellano are the two current prospects to inherit the Golden Throne.

Supporters for Lord Mosher include Lady Pendragon

Supporters for Lord Arellano include Lord MacFarlane

Lord Thalia has yet to choose who his house support. Currently, Lord Thalia stands no chance at taking the Throne.

OOC: by the way, since this is a feudal of England, you use the Last name to address a peer. His/Her Majesty is used to address the king. Vicroy is the title used when discussing a Vicroy, Duke/Duchess when discussing dukes of any dukes, grand and not. earl is our title for count....just look here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peerage

+2 wealth.

+1 wealth to Celt for the house picture to pretty up the stats.
A CK2 IAAR? I'll bite. :p

This really is exactly the shot in the arm S&T needs, though.

House Voltarion

Patriarch: Lord Alexander Voltarion
Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 5
Learning: 2​

Lord Alexander Voltarion casts his vote for Lord Charles Fenn.


  • voltarion.png
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The House of Stuart

Elizabeth-Charlotte Stuart

Diplomacy: 6
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 9
Learning: 2

Backing Arellano for king
House Carver

House Patriarch: John Carver

John Carver
Young Adult Male
Diplomacy: 2
Martial: 2
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 7
Learning: 8

House Carver backs House Arellano as successor to the Mad King Sonereal.
Election Update​

Candidate Lord Mosher: 2

Candidate Lord Arellano: 4

Candidate Lord Voltarion: 1
None as of yet.

Votes are counted assuming we vote for ourselves automatically if we are in the race.

The House of Thalia is as of yet unsure of whom we will be backing in this contest.

EDIT: Main Post updated and stylized.

The House of Augustine

John Augustine

A Young Gentleman looking to Marry

Diplomacy: 5
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 5
House Mosher promises cookies to whoever supports it.

In all seriousness, we are going to wage an endless and brutal war and anyone who supports us will get plenty of booty. Of both kinds.
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