Classic GOTM 32 Spoiler 3: Start Modern age / end game submitted

Don't know where to put the spoiler because I do not qualify for the second one since finished before Middle Ages. Anyhow, it this game I have tried to play without Palace jump, ship chaining, galley hopping, and RoP rape to see if this would allow me to be in ... let's say top 20.

I've used early wars to trigger Golden Age around 1000BC to accelerate reseach to Republic without harming the neighbors. I got two early leaders (total 6 or 7) one of which was used to build Pyramids and another for the Lighthouse which proved to be pretty much useless in the long run. Then, Aztecs researched and built aqueducts and markets fighting some occasional wars with their neighbors which were eliminated around 500AD. I avoided learning chivalry and mass-upgraded about 40 horsemen to cavalries and 12 galleys to caravels. Navigation was discovered and atack on Spain was launched around 920 AD. Then it was turn of Russia and Aztec cavalry even got a chunk of Germany (which destroyed Korea) before Domination was triggered in 1040AD for Jason score 10161. Guess this is not that bad without Palace jumps (I built Forbidden Palace but in the first ring near the capital just to increase the OCN). Many thanks to ainwood and GOTM staff for very intriguing map with interesting start and enjoying gameplay!

PTW Predator
HighDesert said:
... The very first turn a flip is availabe to the AI, it flips the town taking my 18 unit attacking force. ...

Man, you are stubborn in complaining about flips. :)

Why don't you build some culture instead? This is a very efficient way to prevent flips. You even can use anarres' calculator to know the flip probability and keep your troops from the highest-probability-going-to-flip cities. Culture-building on low difficulty is not a big problem like it is on Deity especially with religious civilization. Hence, I don't understand the problem in this particular game. You are such a strong player after all... :)
akots said:
Anyhow, it this game I have tried to play without Palace jump, ship chaining, galley hopping, and RoP rape to see if this would allow me to be in ... let's say top 20.
I think that these things make a difference, especially these days with so many people here playing very efficient games. I play with Palace jumps (sometimes) but not the other things, nor do I break peace deals before they expire. With those restrictions I'm not sure it is possible to get first place conquest or domination anymore though I'll keep trying :)
maharaja said:
In GOTM, Which one is easy 'Conquest' option or 'open' option?

the conquest option - I know it doesn't really sound like it does it?
SirPleb said:
I think that these things make a difference, especially these days with so many people here playing very efficient games. I play with Palace jumps (sometimes) but not the other things, nor do I break peace deals before they expire. With those restrictions I'm not sure it is possible to get first place conquest or domination anymore though I'll keep trying :)
Maybe it would be a good idea to define predator class, by following some of the more restrictive rules, instead of the bonuses on the AI. The bonuses in reality just help the best players and they should also be able to deal with restricted rules. Not so good players like me could still go to some of the nasty tricks in an emergency.
Edit: Then one could also give a new medal for the best predator win, to get our eptathlets a new challenge :lol:
rrau said:
the conquest option - I know it doesn't really sound like it does it?

Thanks Rrau for responding but we both sounds like rookie.....most of the guys either play predator or open so it looks like conquest is the easiest option. ;)
I agree re a conquered city culture flipping during war. I utterly hate that aspect of Civ3. It is completely non-intuitive, and doesn't fit real war at all. You take a city and use its resources: you don't raze it and build your own from scratch instead.

And I missed the damn hand-in date. I'm still in the 1930s and preparing to take on the Russians and Spanish on the other continent. It took quite a while to wipe out the Iroquois, who went on a bit of a vandalism spree up my coast destroying improvements until I finally exterminated them.

The other thing which has really annoyed me in this game is that you don't get tech from a civ when you take a city. The Iroquois had at least three techs I didn't, but as I wiped them out I didn't get to take those techs at all. Surely in a war when I wipe out a civilization, I'd have a pretty good shot at taking some of their techs, especially ones they were using against me in war?

Hmm... thinking very fondly of Civ2.
OzJeremy said:
The Iroquois had at least three techs I didn't, but as I wiped them out I didn't get to take those techs at all. Surely in a war when I wipe out a civilization, I'd have a pretty good shot at taking some of their techs, especially ones they were using against me in war?

You can make peace with them before final kill and demand its technologies for that.
Yeah, but then all the cities I'd taken would probably have culture-flipped. ;-)

(Rage on ABC was just playing a video clip of Kermit singing The Rainbow Connection! Freaky.)
Open PTW 1.27

After muddling through the middle ages I coasted along enjoying my power. I was ahead in tech, I built some wonders, I had a lot of culture, I had no idea what I was doing.

I built the UN but decided not to go for a diplomatic win. Shortly before I completed it, I noticed that I had a _lot_ of culture, so I decided to go for a 100K win. Just in case, though, I kept researching so I could launch a space ship if things didn't work out. This was a bad idea. If I'd concentrated on culture I could have used money to buy buildings and cut turns off my time. If I'd concentrated on space I could have launched a lot earlier.

I started sneaking in a bunch of cities on the other continent and I put a city in every last accessible spot on mine. Building the internet helped with the culture and I'm slowly closing in on 100K. I'm really going to need a little bit more than that, because Germany has more than half my culture, but I'm catching up quickly, and from the graph it looks like I'll need about 105K, an extra 5 or 6 turns probably.

I had a nice tech lead in the modern age, but America and Spain decide to cooperate on researching, and they are catching up. I don't want them to build a space ship while I'm getting the last bit of culture, so I'll need to watch out. I think about planting some spies, but I've never done it and I don't want to start a war - all my baby cities on the other continent are not particularly well defended. I took a break and went back to last month's GOTM and tried planting some spies. I successfully planted spies about twice as often as they declared war on me. These aren't great odds, and I decide not to spy. Someone suggests investigating cities. I do this instead. I hadn't realized that I could do this without getting the other civ mad. It costs a fortune, and I have no idea where they might be building parts so I have to check a lot of cities, but after they get the last space ship tech I discover America will build the last part in 4 turns. I decide to assume Spain won't be any faster. I'll give them 2 turns to mess something up and then I'll launch if it doesn't look like I'll have the culture to win. I've got a palace prebuild ready for my last part. They don't decide to go to war and destroy each other, so I take the space ship win with 98K+ in culture in 1970. I was quite disappointed. If I'd only decided to go for culture sooner, or if I'd been brave and not hedged my bets, I could have had a win around 1950.

Real life intervened this month, so I didn't finish in time to submit. If I'd taken the diplomatic win earlier, I would have been in time. However, Rome had attacked me shortly after I built the UN and I'd wiped them out. At this point there were only 4 of us left. When my time disappeared, I was no longer sure I could win a UN vote, as I'd need two other votes to win, and I don't have any confidence in my ability to predict who else will be in the running when it isn't obvious. I decided I'd rather win the game and risk not finishing in time than finish in time and risk not winning. It's not like anybody else cares. ;)
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