Clown Car III: Who's Laughing Now

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You make it sound like you want to discriminate against people on the basis of sexual identity.
You make it sound like you want to discriminate against people on the basis of sexual identity.

No, I really didn't. You people interpret every statement not fervently endorsing their rights as being against them.

Sympathy for same-sex marriage, transgender recognition, gay adoption etc has become ubiquitous among conservatives. But there's still plenty of pushback against liberal orthodoxies such as:

1. More ethnic, more religious diversity is always a good thing.

2. Exclusivity and tribalism is acceptable for marginalized groups, but not for others.

3. 'Rape culture' is endemic and things like the right to confront one's accuser, or using a women's sexual history in court ought to be stopped.

4. That the low proportion of women in some fields is due purely to anti-women discrimination and/or insensitivity to women's issues in those fields.

5. That humans are a 'blank slate' at birth and differing sexual abilities either don't exist or are products of upbringing.

6. That international bureaucracies such as the UN have a greater legitimacy than democratically elected governments.

7. That not only should abortion be always legal and on the taxpayer dime, but that all attempts to discourage it should be stamped out.

8. That family structure and gender are fundamentally arbitrary and should be phased out - meaning scouts, bathrooms and sports teams need to be completely unisex.

9. That the suffering of men who are unable to get romantic attention either doesn't exist, isn't a problem and is motivated by 'entitlement.'

10. That Israel, out of every country on Earth, is uniquely deserving of political action such as boycotts (because we're fire-breathing demons who use Palestinian blood to bake our Matzah).

11. That century old grievances deserve modern-day reparations.

12. That any public symbol or artistic work even tangentially related to past oppression needs to be erased.

13. That LGBT rights are sufficiently important to merit boycotting an entire state because their bathrooms weren't sufficiently welcoming to transgender people.

14. And finally, gun control is still going strong.

There's a lot more on our plate these days.

EDIT: Even though I said 'our' plate, I'm indifferent to gun control. Please don't assume I'm part of that debate.
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"There's a lot more on our plate these days."

What, like climate change? Doesn't seem like conservatives have too high a opinion of that either.
That's not as popular as it used to be, and I'm not sure it really counts as part the culture war either.
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I'm afraid I don't understand the question? My list is (at least) 95% of it.
It's pretty ironic that conservatives will claim homophobes are the real victims while also claiming postmodernism is destroying the world
Sympathy for same-sex marriage, transgender recognition, gay adoption etc has become ubiquitous among conservatives.

Dude, from May this year:

A majority of conservative Republicans (58 percent), Republicans overall (51 percent), Mormons (53 percent), white evangelical Protestants (58 percent) and adults in Alabama (51 percent) oppose same-sex marriage

I can tell you trans rights support of any kind is almost minuscule by comparison.

Republicans THIS SUMMER voted for a bill to support adoption agencies that refused to work with gay couples.
Okay, well, my experiences are with the conservative intelligentsia (which I think would reflect the near future of conservative belief reasonably well). Also, that number has been falling quickly.

And actual belief aside, there is no real conflict going on over same-sex marriage. You can't express disapproval in any public setting without being ocastrized by the left, while the reverse is not true.
I've been in many rural public setting where voicing your approval of same-sex marriage would be received quite poorly. ;)
It's 2018, Chicago Boy.

Shifts take time, but the under 40s have shifted hard. At least if you head west.
And it will take considerably longer in some areas Farm Boy. ;)
And it will take considerably longer in some areas Farm Boy. ;)

In our little highly conservative bible belt around Staphorst it will take a long time as well.
If you head West from there the topic is currently whether more than 2 parents is possible for a family with children living together in one house. All one family. With for each parent all the legal rights regarding children that one or two parent families have.
It always does. Yet here we are.

I said it before, but I'm quite serious - maybe you should stop assuming that what you read on Tumblr is what "us people" think, whoever they are.
I'm afraid I don't understand the question? My list is (at least) 95% of it.

Misunderstanding, I think. I took "there's a lot more on our plate" to mean that you felt, from a conservative perspective, there were other, more important things to care about and address.
It's a fan page that ripped the stream from Jones' website.


There are tens of "fanpages" of that kind in youtube, and now the same show (Alex Jones) is on tens of channels instead of one. I doubt he will miss youtube money (i suppose his monetization had been taken out before the actual ban).
So, nothing changed re Jones, much like virtually everyone would be able to see, and the only result of all this was the nice precedent of threat of banning show channels now if x happens.
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