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[CODERS NEEDED] Sengoku Monogatari: Civilisations of the Rising Sun and Beyond


Lafcadio Hearn Wannabe
Dec 21, 2012
As some of you might already know, I want to do in Civ 6 what I did in Civ 5 several years ago, i.e. split Japan into way too many civs. Because one Japan is nowhere near enough. I want Japans all over my map, dammit. Also, Civ 6 should hopefully make Sengoku Monogatari what I always wanted Rising Sun to be. Firstly, there's no need for Lua, although the flipside of that is that the XML is now too complex for me to handle (hence the continued grovelling). Second, the multiple-leader system in Civ 6 means that I can do with Sengoku Monogatari what I couldn't do with Rising Sun: make proper civs for each part of Japan that aren't completely to do with the local samurai clan. Sengoku Monogatari will still have Sengoku leaders (obviously), but a greater proportion will be non-Sengoku. It feels like I can show, with these mods, what makes Satsuma great, what makes Osaka great, what makes Tohoku great - I feel quite a few people have forgotten that last one - and so on, for every corner of Japan.

Without further ado, here are my first eleven/ten/nine (depending on how you're counting) planned civs!

Initial TSL
Spoiler :

...And here's where the grovelling comes in. When I initially announced Sengoku Monogatari (when I thought it was going to be called Hi no Moto or even "Rising Sun 2"), the very talented thecrazyscotsman offered to help me with the coding. It went well for the first few weeks - I have a much clearer idea now of what the uniques are going to be, and he managed to get through some particularly nasty coding hurdles seemingly on his own - but real life got in the way, and things stopped working. So I'm looking for a different coder, because I can't do it myself, and if nobody can help me, Sengoku Monogatari simply won't happen.

I'm happy to deal with everything about this that doesn't involve actual coding - art, leaderheads (I already have most of them btw), Civilopedia, audio, research, etc. etc. In return, I'd be happy to help out in the same way if this theoretical coder wants to do some (non-Japanese) modded civs themselves but needs a leaderhead.

Of course, feel free to ask me anything else you want to know about Sengoku Monogatari (e.g. what my ideas are for the uniques, what the hell a Noroshi is, why the LDP is its own civ, why Shimazu Yoshihiro isn't the Satsuma leader, etc.)
Seems like a very nice concept. Couple of questions.
  1. Would this include a scenario for a specific period in Japanese history with unique victory conditions (possibly unique conditions for each faction)?
  2. What is your time frame? Is this a long term mod (3 to 6 months) or something you want to get released ASAP?
  3. What specific coding do you need? New game mechanisms? Modifiers? Requirements?
I have worked on a few mods so far for Civ 6 (links in my signature) and I may be able to lend a hand. Would depend upon time constraints of course. As real life always gets in the way of the fun stuff :(
And, just as before, someone replies shortly after I lose all hope! Many thanks.

1. That would be on the 'if the first bit goes well' list. The main problem with this is that it would require loads of alternative leaders - which I am open to doing, along with other Japanese civs, but only after the initial ones in the post. Currently, the leaders are one Kamakura-period (Tokimune); four Sengoku-period (Kenshin, Kennyo, Shingen, Masamune); two Edo-period (Samkusaynu, Heihachiro); two Meiji-period (Hirobumi, Saigo); and two modern/postwar (Kayano, Kakuei). See the problem?

As for unique victory conditions, it wouldn't really make sense if the scenario was Sengoku-period (the most obvious setting for a Japanese TSL game), seeing as the goal is always to unify Japan. If it was some kind of Boshin War scenario it could work, but that's incredibly long term planning seeing as not that many civs even have Meiji-period notable leaders.

2. If it takes six months, it takes six months. This is at least nine civs we're talking about here. If I end up, a year from now, making Sengoku Monogatari civ number twenty-three, I won't be annoyed. I mean, currently, it'll take infinity time because I don't have anyone who can code, and if you offer to help but only if I accept it'll take months to do, I'm not going to complain! One thing I can say is, I'll probably want to do the civs in a more modular way, so I'd probably want to have at least one working civ in the first month. And hey, let's admit it, real life gets in my way sometimes too.

3. Everything. I guess it'll mostly be modifiers, seeing as that's what it takes to code uniques iirc. There won't be any new mechanics (in the current plan anyway) other than particularly ambitious civ/leader abilities, which I'm open to altering to some extent if it makes the coding more doable. I'm not sure what requirements are, do you mean tech tree requirements and so forth?

I eagerly await your reply!
No experience with civ mods, but I have some professional software development experience and would be willing to provide assistance where possible.
Any mod that adds additional leaders is a win in my book.
Well, as ever, if you're willing to tackle the code, any assistance would be very much appreciated!
There really isn't much so far. I'll still start getting things together again later today or tomorrow though, and show them to you then.
Took a look at this a while back, and I would really like to help, sorry I've only said something now.

Basically, what you're looking for is exactly what I am looking for. I don't want to fight with art and sound assets, or filling in lore. I work better when someone else is depending on me for something. I can code, but am still new with Civ modding, but I've been learning about it now for a couple weeks, and would love to have something like this to work on. Really doesn't seem too hard or worrisome.

Feel free to shoot me a message, and if we trade emails or Steam names, I'll be able to keep up to date with you over the course of development. I check my email and am on Steam nearly every day.
Many thanks for the offer. Actually, development has already started due to the kind assistance of @View619 and @greyTiger , but I am more than happy to have another Sengokuist willing to help me out here! Given the situation, if you don't mind, I'd rather do most of the communication on CivFanatics, because that's what I'm doing already, but I've sent a Steam invite anyway. I've invited you to the existing conversation, which also contains the initial coding plan. We're working on Koshin at the moment btw.
Oh yes. This is exactly the thread I was looking for. I can help with code. I am very good at it, buuuut I can't configure Leader Art.

I would love to join in and help on this project!
Hey! Truth is, I'm not in as dire straits as I was when I wrote the original plea, but I'm still very grateful for the offer of help. I'll invite you to the Sengoku Monogatari main PM thread now.
I have become very experienced in coding since I started, and I'd like to help. I prefer working in XML but I can do SQL as well. With more than one person working on the code, it will go by much quicker. The only issue for me is that I am only really able to work on mods on the weekends.
Your offer comes at a most opportune time: someone just left Sengoku Monogatari, and we're close - but not quite ready - to release one of the civs. Any help would be much appreciated.
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