Commedia di Sangue

A Letter to the Lady Saria Vivace


To my thought your words are inspired by Pellater herself. But I admit I am no great artist, and I do not know the depths of such things, so perhaps another has borne them to you. I come to you in ignorance, for I would have your advice.

I am of a mind to devise a theatre for the performance of the opera, but to place it so that it should afford the citizens good access, for I do not think them incapable of appreciation. I would have your guidance in this pursuit, as you are renowned above others in matters of composition. To this end I invite you to enjoin my company and that of my house at Espara for a dignified evening of food at table and light entertainment.

I await your reply,

- Agostin Palatani


A Letter to the Council of Sixty

Esteemed Senators,

I am grateful for this gesture, as surely it well represents your own spirit. At this time I must defer your proposal, for I have destined much fortune to the name of religion.

- Agostin Palatani, Lord of Espara


A Speech Before a Gathering of the Populo Grasso [where much wine was had]

“My friends, I am sure that you have no need of me to speak to the frugality of our noble council of sixty. They have taught us all many lessons in thrift by having their goodly share, and in its disbursement to fine causes as they see fit. Indeed, of late I recieved an elegantly embossed letter - near too elegant for its purpose I should say, but no matter - therein the wise senators requested of me a sum that to their minds they deemed small, merely thousands of silver denars. In exchange I would join their elevated company...

Now I considered this. *a pause for booing*

But shortly I wondered why other citizens had not received such offers, for I should say men of quality are more alike as not. Have all the citizens of Pelucia together not payed in our tithes and taxes sums equaling this much and more each year? Where then the people’s senators, when the council’s price is met many times over and again? No, I thought then that I would not take this offer up, as it would not serve the greater part of the good men of the city.

Instead I think better my sum to work for its citizens directly, and not through any other, noble as they might be. In far Espara I have heard of the need of the people for captivation, for emotion and for art. Yes, in rich Artasio they have an opera - of this we are aware, for the city’s coffers have appointed it - but it is a long way for the common citizen, and most are turned away as often as not. This matter will I rectify for the council, and they need not trouble themselves. In the Godess’s name I shall raise a Pellatene Theatre for the people of Pelucia, and even now I have procured the land for its raising. Through its grand display our city shall be admired ever more for the refinement of its residents.”

*shortly thereafter Agostin vomited vociferously, as he had imbibed heavily of the wine*


Family: Palatani
Sigil: a silver cypress on a field of lapis blue
Scion: Agostin Palatani (33, Patron)
Spouse: Elsebet von Artren auf Zweithoven, my dreadful wife (29)
Issue: Alessandro Palatani (7), Olithia Palatani (2)

Pawns: Matteo Octani di Ravua (Captain, 28), Tifana Margarita Justine (Courtesan, 24), Rigo Corba (Priest of Pellater, 40), Iohan Iohannes (Merchant, 42)

Assets: Espara, my landed estate (a stately garden, a vineyard, an olive grove)
Power: 50
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August is the month in which all things ripen, and in its namesake, I see much of the same: A ripening of character, a burgeoning of taste, and an impending harvest of benefices that will surely accrue to many. I have long considered that while esteem is gained from hearing my ballads in the staterooms of Rubero Santopescia's galleon, much more could be gained from hearing them uttered in multitude in the voices of our citizens - for was it not the body of citizenry that acclaimed the canon in the Evvian agorae?

Naturally such a commission befits one of popular ambition such as yourself. Of the acoustics for your proposed opera, I am happy to consult, and other things besides.

From: Santiago Auriona
To: The Cricca

Brave craftsmen of the Cricca, do not listen to the vile lies of the treacherous, mud-swilling pigs known as the Ziazzo. They would have you attack the humble people of Vecini, destroy our lives and homes, and crush our peaceful way of life. And for what? The shackles of their empty title. They are trying to trick you into selling yourself into slavery, for nothing but empty promises. I am sure you will not be swayed by their evil lies and that we can come together to create a peaceful, prosperous future.
To the Captain-General Ildobrando del Vorgezzi, Il Leone del Ziazzo
From: Severio, speaker for The Mestiere Cricca

Good captain Ildobrando, I am no captain, but humbly mouthpiece for the voice of the Mestiere Cricca. I must apologize, for you must have misunderstood our position. We cannot participate in a sack of Vecini, for the Cricca *are* Vecini. We are the blood that pumps in the heart of every laborer, the breath that defies death every morning we wake from slumber. We Are The CRICCA!

If your sympathies are truly with us, you will understand why we cannot accept this offer. We appreciate your denunciation of the corruption that have seized our homes, but for now it will be our work to renovate before it seeps into the foundation. If you have something more substantial to say, your servant knows where to find me.

To Santiago Auriona, of House Auriona
From: Severio, speaker for The Mestiere Cricca

The voice from the house of the goldsmiths rings true. It's no wonder you have risen in esteem and Worthiness in the halls of the city. Alas, for too long the voice of The Mestiere Cricca has been stifled, by fear, by greed, by misrule. And so we must shout our legitimate cries. For too long the voice of The Mestiere Cricca has been cast out as one of the country side. And so we must shout loudly.

Tainted ore can create beauty, but only if the impurities can be removed. There is much to discuss, much work to be done. You can find me along the south docks, among the taverns frequented by stoneworkers and teamsters.

To Grand Captain Paolo dei Soveca, of Vecini
From: Severio, speaker for The Mestiere Cricca

Good Captain Paolo, I doubt you remember the last time I raised a petition for your consideration. It was the Parade for the Festival of Santo Filoteo. I spoke for the Mestieres. Of the Casetta and of Vecini. I spoke words that fell on deaf ears.

Hear me now.

The same forces that ripped apart the countryside is at work in the city. This force I name Greed, and Vice. Those fine gentlemen who count coin and stay awake dreaming of greater treasures and deeper vaults, can scarcely imagine the suffering of those who count grain and stay awake dreaming of a loaf of bread.

Under the shadow of new stone walls, stonemasons starve. Whilst harvesting the fertile fields, the farmers starve. Unearthing the very specie that becomes coin, the miner starves. This cannot go on. There are only three ways this can end.

One, the stonemasons, and the farmers, and the miners starve to death. And where does that leave you, fine gentlemen? With no walls, no food, and no coin? At the mercy of Ziazzo.

Two, starvation turns the sheep into wolves. With blade and powder, they may be tamed again. But how many must die of war, before they return to dying of starvation?

Three, listen to the voice of the people. Like the stomach and the gut, they speak truths the mind dares not broach. Let them retain their harvests, enjoy the bounties of their labors. Let them taste justice, and praise the one who delivered it.

Good Captain, I can organize an effort to maintain the stability of the city, but it'll only be so long until the wolves start growling again. Grant me the funds to establish a Granary in Pietiere, and to distribute the food to the destitute of Vecini - your own people. The ones who fought under your banner. The ones who cheered at your parades. I am an organizer of men, a builder of buildings: you can have my word they will be fed.

Good Captain, might I be so bold to ask for the head of Baron Lazaris di Tempos... to be held in an open and fair trial, observed by the people of The Mestiere Cricca, for his crimes of Corruption, Misrule and Treason? The people hunger for more than food, but also Justice. Can you deliver them this virtue?

OOC: Originally I requested 20p of funds, but I decide instead to see how the back and forth goes, and let the implication fall naturally for what it might actually cost.

OOC2: Accidentally deleted the last paragraph... added it back in

To The Baron Lazaris di Tempos
From "Your Humble Servant", Severio

You have much to answer for. Accusations, and now evidence.

Where there is guilt, there can be forgiveness. My friend Vitalon is an Assessor of the Godhealer - you may yet plead for mercy, and seek his protection. Time is running out, and soon you must decide.
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From: Grand Captain Paolo dei Soveca, Champion of the People
To: Speaker Severio of the Cricca


You are a patriot, and a citizen. The blood of Vecini runs through your veins. While it is true I do not recall your petition, as I receive many, I have heard of your rebuff of the buffoon Ildobrando, and your negotiations with Santiago Auriona, our city's counselor.

While some questions would arise if I was to hand Baron di Tempos over to a court of the people, I have made it known to him that he is no longer welcome in Vecini, and that retribution will come if he remains. This whole affair has raised to my attention the need for a reform in our young, but great, Republic.

It seems the Ziazzi embargo of our merchants has caused great hunger in the countryside, of which, thanks to Baron di Tempos' malfeasance, I was entirely unaware. As the Grand Captain of the great people of Vecini, I offer you, Severio, the place on this city's council previously occupied by the Baron. And surely, the people of Vecini will fund the granary for our daughter town of Pieterre. No, in fact, I shall go further - I shall fund the expense personally!

Of the matter of the Baron's lands, you have my leave to distribute them to the people of Pieterre.

We are planted in one soil, we are watered by the blood of the fallen, and we grow as one people!
To Grand Captain Paolo dei Soveca, Champion of Vecini
From: Severio, speaker for The Mestiere Cricca

It is with great humility that I accept your offer of a seat at the council, and it is with great joy that I am reminded of your love for our people. It is true that the Baron had repressed and silenced the voice of the Cricca. As your councilor, I shall serve as their voice, and yours, so that Vecini shall grow as one people!

Rest assured that I shall work immediately to restore health to the body of our Republic. My first task would be plan the distribution of food and hope.

Rest assured that Pieterre shall be in good hands. My apprentice Joele will take the lead on the details of the Granary, and my good friend Vitalon shall work with the others to organize the spring’s sowing. With new land and new seed, by the Godhealer’s light, a strong harvest will restore the hope and strength of the people!

We will work hard, Grand Captain, for these winds of fortune blow only by your generosity and wisdom.
As a friendly reminder, orders are due tomorrow.

I await orders from: bombshoo, thomas, Argon , and Angst.

Angst, I urgently require the key info for your starting template: 1 Scion and 3 Pawns - types, names, genders, and ages. (It is highly likely your Scion will be a Cleric given you are a religious order, but he could also be a Vox given the type of order you are.)


There is fruitful opportunity for more players to join, either now, or after Update 1! Plenty of regions have unclaimed land for merchant princes, mercenary bands or high noble families, to name a few options. Feel free to send me a CFC Conversation or reach out on Discord or #nes IRC if you would like more information.
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Archpriestess Nicoletta Praxia

My lady, it's been far too long since you chose me, sister Lucretzia, to leave from our halls to travel to the Court of Perissi, and administer the sacraments for them. In that time, I have continued upon Sister Agnatis' work, may her soul be eternally blessed. But, now, I come before you, your holiness, bearing the friendship of the Magistron of Perissi. I will be brief, as my duties in the ministrations of our cult in the court and the city leaves very little time to travel to the Sanctuary you administer, much as I enjoy the opportunity to work alongside our sisters in the Honest labor that is done within this hallowed halls.

She sips from the crystal class, filled with a sun-colored liquid

And great work they do, indeed. It is because of the overwhelming nature of my duty towards both the city and the court that I have come. My lord has noticed how much work it is, and has proposed the construction of a great basilica within the walls of the city, so that sisters of our order may live and learn and administer. He proposes a collaboration, equal parts, his wealth, drawn from the secular labors of the city, and yours, from the administration of the holy influence. He also proposes, if, in your wisdom, you deign to contribute to the construction of this great work, to take upon himself the burden of the maintenance and administration of the physical building, once the construction has been done, and that you, and a sister you may propose, administer the spiritual and legal matters of this great new monument.

I urge you to accept this proposal, binding the city and matrimony ever closer, especially with the encroaching presence of the Ziazzians, who seek to sequester both wealth and spiritual authority in their city.
The Response of the Archpriestess of Tartelos

The Rose of Roses, ever flowering, blooms eternal in the garden of heaven. Each petal falls to the ground, casting ripples, and these are the mortal lives. You will well recognize these words of scripture, Sister, as they remind us of the impermanence of our existence, as mere shadows cast by the breath of Her divinity, who brings us all into and out of this world. But you, sister, are a ripple which wishes to grow to be a wave. I consider if this would be a thing good or ill, but the gods choose us for the tasks which we are suited for, and although I prayed on who Zoa might choose for role of my emissary, it seems you have become much more than that.

Still - dear Massimo's proposal is of great interest. I have considered such a thing, and how the laboring wives and husbands of Perissi's shipyards and smokehouses might raise their heads from their labors to the higher works of the Goddess. We shall undertake this shared labor, splitting the requested costs across two seasons, as the bulk of our revenues flow onward to Mother Saia as the Holy Church deems right and just.
The Town of Chenail/Cenilla/Cunerude
Sigil: Mountain Dog, Light Blue and White
Ruler/Vox Genaye Alpiet (42), Burgomaster of Chenail, Hochman and Compagnon
Priest/Cleric Getrud Lambeck (39), Matron of Chenail Priory, Custodienne of the Hospice
Merchant Hector Giannucci (35), Pedaggio of the Mountain Way
Artisan Renate Grosmains (49), Maître des Fromages

1 rural villa, landed estate
1 trading post (toll house)
1 abbey of Euphrete

In the far northwest of Valia, where Tarice and Altland meet, beyond the 'last toll' at Aix Victrix but before the snowy steeples of Luganz, is the town of Chenail, which goes by many names depending on who you ask. It is the central town of a small stretch of valley, home to a modest Abbey of Euphrete, a travelers' Hospice, a sturdy breed of mountain dogs, and an inordinately proud cheesemaking tradition. The town collects tolls to maintain the road through the winter, to the occasional irritation of its neighbours, and the Abbey's hospice collects tithes from weary travelers. The Hochman of Chenail's council has the unenviable task of maintaining a semblance of order between all of these frequently-clashing factions.
The sigil of the Ut Sanguinis
A white rose on a black field surrounded by red, barbed wire.

The sigil represents beautiful frailty - the flower - threatened by that which would hurt it - the barbs. It is a reference as such to medicine. The sigil does have some ambivalence to it, however. Medicine is often hurtful upfront, as in how surgery is basically live butchering someone in order to save their body. As such, the barbed wire represents both the threat of death, but also the means necessary to make away with it. In addition, the red color hints to both lively blood and the violence of bloodloss. Still, the central theme is clear: the white rose on a black field, purity in the void of despair.
I have orders from everyone except bombshoo. (And Iggy, but I will likely introduce him with turn 1.) Great work everyone!

The update is now in progress.

Balance change: It is only possible to use the power generation special ability of 1 Priest of Euphrete at a time (preventing a possible infinite-power exploit). Other priest special abilities will remain unlimited (for now).
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A Proclamation of the Senate of Carias
Thirty-Fourth Presidium, First Consul Decimus Cavallo Presiding

We hold the election of the so-called Serene Father Aureus of Euphrete, born Leonardo Santopescia, as base corruption of a church office through the crime of usury, bringing dishonor to the name of the mother of harvests,

We demand the dismissal of this usurer by the Council of Serenity, a new election to bring forth a candidate of good standing and character, and the appointment of an independent high prolocutor to reform corruption in church offices,

And, we state, that given a refusal of these demands by the Council, or a lack of response to them within the season, that a state of war shall exist between the Republic of Carias and the City of Saia.​
Variation on the Sigil of House Gipiani, painted on the door to the family vault:
Spring 1544

...I remember, men awakened that spring from their long slumber with the regrets of the previous year chasing them like bloodhounds. Until then, the planters would plant, and merchants plan, and priests pray. It never changed. Until it did, all at once.

Careful with the broth, it's hot.


In the far north, the snowmelt feeds the trickling streams and clover swards of Chenail, or perhaps Cenilla, or alternatively Cenerude, puffy white clusters of sheep beginning once more to meander across the high vales, as patches of grass appear among the white. Long in a state of legal ambiguity over whether it belongs to Altenland or Valia, under the leadership of the charismatic Genaye Alpiet the town has carefully worked out a system with the local abbey of Euphrete by which weary travelers are charged a modest road toll and an additional hostelage fee to stay at the abbey before being allowed to cross the passes to Arx Victrix and the crystalline waters of Lake Ilsino (Elsen), and Vosta beyond.

The tollkeepers, called pedaggi, of Chenail must also deal with the newly-arrived proctoris of Arx Victrix, Athanasius Belluci, who has come from Vosta and quickly taken charge of the collection of matrimonial revenues and tolls for Archpriest Julianos who resides at the Prince’s court. Athanasius has asked Chenail politely to stop collecting tolls which belong to the Cult of Titis by right, which was equally politely declined.

Agostin Palatani, once the titular Baron of Covere and heir to immense lands and wealth, now the heir to a terrible wife and a dilapidated estate, has declared it his intention to bring about an opera for the people. He has begun the construction of the popular edifice in Pelucia, which is certain to win him great acclaim when finished, while also building an urban villa that has become an informal headquarters for the Populo Grasso, his working-class faction.

His inner circle is a coterie of important advisors - the respected Pellatene Rigo of the Holy Aesthetic, the Ravuan captain Matteo, and now, the famed composer Saria Vivace. Saria has indeed become platonically enamored of the beauteous Tifana, one of Agostin’s ladies in waiting - for her voice, as she quickly realized the enigmatic Tifana is to be her new muse. At Vivace’s direction, in the state opera Tifana performed an acclaimed rendition of the leading role in Callista and Tytos, and the Pelucian elite is now abuzz with her talent which has gained her quite a following in the street. She has received a dozen offers from senators and merchants of high standing, but has demurred, referring them to her patron. Both the diva and the opera shall surely be a unique asset when combined in the future.

Palatani public changes:

+Minor influence with Pelucian elite factions
+Urban villa in Pelucia
+Loyalty of Saria Vivace - contingent on Tifana
+Palatani Control of “Literati” faction - continent on Saria (5%)
+Palatani Control of new “Opera-Lovers” faction - contingent on Tifana (5%)
+Partially-completed opera (finished in autumn)

The escalating diplomatic crisis between Carias and Saia has reached a boiling point, with Carias demanding the resignation of the Serene Father of Euphrete. For their part, Aureus has called a meeting on the excommunication of House Cavallo of Carias for interference with the rites and privileges of the Holy Church. The vote is expected to go in favor, with Titis and Pellater voting with Euphrete to excommunicate the Cavallo, and Zoa abstaining.

Both Saia and Carias are now mustering their forces for war, although Carias’ superior mobilization means that their armies have already taken the field while Saia belatedly begins to call its levies and hire mercenaries. The Pelucian senate also deliberates on how much to support Saia - there is no question that Carias must be stopped, but there is no urgency to commit to an expensive campaign before the strength of the Cariasi invasion becomes clear.

The princely court in Vosta has taken little interest, although the Pelucian embassy has called loudly for a northern coalition, Zaccaria has preferred to focus on masques and hunts, much to the continued annoyance of the Marchese di Torrio.

Cariasi and Saian Public Changes:

+Armies partially mobilized!

The Order of the Ut Sanguinis has not taken a direct hand in the escalation, and in fact, has called for peace publicly, leading processions of dignitaries and commoners alike in prayerful progress around the city. Although some in Carias suspect their involvement, the Order has made statements of neutrality and the importance of the adherence of all sides to the Godhealer’s love and light. Many moderate clerics in Saia now see the Order as a helpful intermediary to negotiate peace, and one of the Order’s respected priest-physicians, Nestor Delisia, has arrived in Saia and has been hosted by one of the city’s many spartan guesthouses for itinerant priests.

Ut Sanguinis clerics have also been active in Aquadecias, expanding their apothecary for the purpose of importing foreign reagents and selling the excess. The Order has also expanded its influence in long-neutral Parinia, with the Order of the Perfect Sphere hosting the Godhealer physician Andrea Balucios, ostensibly for the study of Parinia’s ancient medical texts and the practice on the many pilgrims who seek the refreshing mountain airs. The Pellatenes, excited for a new medical and literary collaboration, have eagerly accepted the order, hoping to also strengthen ties with Carias and avoid being sucked into another war (but when does that ever work out for them.)

Talia dalla Adduce, the merchant-princess of Aquadecias whose family rules the city in Carias’ name, has made it clear that the Order is welcome, and their trade in exotic medicinal items has spurred some private interest.

Ut Sanguinis Public Changes:

+Aquadecias favors Ut Sanguinis
+Trading post under construction in Aquadecias (finished in summer)
+1 trade cog in Aquadecias
+Merchant and priest pawns resident in Aquadecias
+Parinia favors Ut Sanguinis
+Priest pawn resident in Parinia
+Priest pawn resident in Holy Saia
+Ut Sanguinis faction spreads to Aquadecias (10%).

In the midst of all this agitation for war, the merchant-banker Grigorio Gipiani has come to increased prominence as the chancellor-bursar of the Archmatrimony of Rabazzo, and has spearheaded a massive expansion across the Attian Range, Valia’s central mountains, to begin branch house constructions in Carias and a major wagon-train distribution center in Lacus Serenitas.

With the assistance of a Pellatene emissary from the family church in Rabazzo, Gipiani has negotiated a toll exemption with the Archpriest of Lacus Serenitas, who has in turn seen the monastery’s sales of local produce and supplies to wagoneers increase substantially, funding a new library expansion. Combined with the clearing of land and laying of foundations in Carias, Gipiani has simultaneously positioned himself to control the Pelucia-Carias trade, and to allow for Rabazzo as an alternative port to Pelucia in shipping goods from the East to Carias.

The sign of the purple goose has also become an increasingly popular brand among the rising middle class of Saia, and foreign shippers have increasingly been directed from the docks to use Gipiani trading posts, which has begun to expand their market share, although the massive and competitive Saian market will take much more investment to properly capture.

Of course, the golden goose is threatened more than anything by the possible outbreak of war between Carias and Saia. Luckily, Lacus Serenitas is positioned to avoid the mountain passes most likely to host Pelucian and Cariasi troops, and the Archpriest of Rabazzo has insisted on strict neutrality in the conflict, so the lucrative route should be secure even in wartime barring some unforeseen disaster.

Gipiani and Rabazzo are still seen as too small-time to be a threat to Pelucia’s massive volume of trade, but his moves have begun to attract the attention of a few Pelucian merchant-senators wondering at his ultimate intentions, especially for Rabazzo, where he could end up a pro-Cariasi thorn in Pelucia’s side, or a useful puppet to solidify the Pelucia-Saia axis.

Gipiani Public Changes:

+Lacus Serenitas favors Gipiani
+Trading post & teamster expansion under construction in Lacus Serenitas (finished in summer)
+Priest and merchant resident in Lacus Serenitas
+Trading post expansion in Carias (finished in summer)
+Merchant resident in Carias

Callisto di Viavese, the Count of Ravua, has called out his troops in a long-planned offensive to bring the small Republic of Chiave back under the control of his house. Bolstered by excited volunteers from societies and matrimonies of Titis in central Valia, he has fielded his well-trained army and advanced on Chiave. For their part, the Chiavese have not challenged the Count’s superior forces in battle, preferring to withdraw to the safety of their walls after a few skirmishes with the advancing Ravuan cavalry. It seems the Count has picked his moment well, as most of his neighbors are too distracted by the brewing triple conflict between Saia-Pelucia and Carias to care, and Alaescia under the current Duchess Ersinoë is notoriously passive in foreign affairs.

Chiave Public Changes:

+Siege of Chiave by Ravua has begun!

In the south, the urban stage of the Rising of the Cricca was partially mollified by the populist general Paolo dei Soveca, the tyrant of Vecini, who placated the masses by placing their urban figurehead Severio on the council of state. The Cricca, for their part, have publically allied with Vecini over Ziazzo, who had plotted to use the Cricca revolt to topple Paolo the Bear and install Severio as their puppet ruler. Although rebuffing Ziazzo, Severio has also made his own moves behind the scenes, and may not be as much of Urso’s creature as he might hope. But, undoubtedly, this resolution has publicly bolstered the authority of the aging captain-general somewhat, and lessened the immediate force of the Cricca mobs.

More momentous events occur in the hilly piedmont, rugged valleys and dusty plateaux of Pietstuppa, the neglected interior countryside of Southern Valia. Somewhere outside the mining town of Pieterre, the true ideological mastermind of the Cricca, Assessor Vitalon of the Godhealer, has played his cards carefully to build up strength for the long term direction of the movement. He also prepares for an unexpected counterattack - But, as of yet, none has come.

Organizing a grand religious pilgrimage, the Cricca transformed some of its armed bands into a procession, carrying spring flowers and banners of the goddesses as it escorted loyal priests and priestesses sympathetic to the Cricca uprising to the local matrimonies of the Pietstuppa. This expedition was initially very successful - the priestesses of the first matrimony, Santa Hephastia, publically deposed an absentee northern archpriestess and acclaimed the surprised Cricca envoy, Elena, as the new archpriestess of the Matrimony.

Continuing on to the lowlands, they reached the Matrimony of Santa Presta, which more warily greeted the procession, as Presta’s lands were wealthier and the resident Archpriestess, Anicià dei Cerva, had stronger ties with the nobility of Alaescia, and wealthy northern Valian families who often send their “odd” cousins to Presta to “make cheese”. Nonetheless, knowing which way the wind blows, Archpriestess Anicià has signalled her willingness to work with Assessor Vitalon’s goals to reform the local church.

The Cricca delegation to Alaescia found the city in massive unrest - pillars of smoke rising into the sky as skirmishes between various urban factions are quickly devolving into rioting. It seems the city is slipping out of the Duchess’ control, and towards civil war. In the face of this, a small faction of dispossessed urban artisans seeking protection has signalled their willingness to support the Cricca’s goals, but the commoner delegation of envoys found themselves unable to penetrate an increasingly paranoid and suspicious palace complex to speak with the reclusive duchess, Ersinoȅ dei Cassiani.

Finally, the personal priest-captain of the Assessor Vitalon, one Lazzatius, arrived at the Matrimony of Testarocca with the last of his soldiers. The legend of this Lazzatius long preceded him - once a bandit himself, turned bandit-killer captain, turned retired veteran priest of Titis, the story of his repentance moved the young, charismatic, but slightly overwhelmed Archpriest Leo, who requested that Lazzatius serve him as his personal spiritual guide and tactical counselor. In Lazzatius and Vitalon, Archpriest Leo hopes for a permanent solution to the bandit problem, but it is very much the fiddle playing him rather than the opposite, as Cricca soldiers and guards under Lazzatius’ control rapidly take over the Matrimony’s key administrative and garrison responsibilities.

Cricca Public Changes:

+Vox Severio promoted to Worthy of Vecini
+Matrimony of Santa Hephastia (Z) is Loyal to Cricca (contingent on Elena)
+Matrimony of Testarocca (T) is Loyal to Cricca (contingent on Lazzatius)
+Matrimony of Santa Presta (Z) Favors Cricca
+Partially completed granary in Pietstuppa (affects Vecini) - Finished in Summer

Alaescia Public Changes:

-2 Stability (Building Destruction, Faction Leader Miffed)
+Cricca Faction Spreads to Alaescia (+5%)
+Various Other Faction Changes

Vecini Public Changes:

+Cricca Faction (-15% influence)
+Auriona Faction (+10% influence)
+Garda Capitano Faction (+5% influence)
+Vecini Stability +2 (Vox ability) -> Calm

In spite of the trouble coursing through Vecini, Santiago Auriona has attempted to solidify his merchant house’s position by brokering peace and an alliance among the city’s feuding factions against Ziazzo. Despite sitting on the council of Vecini with the workers’ partisan Severio, he has remained otherwise quiet and apolitical - perhaps a strategic choice. Unlike the Gipiani to the north, the Auriona have pursued a more conservative strategy, expanding their mercantile facilities by adding warehouses and stores in their hubs of Vecini and Perizza, while pouring the profits from their previous ventures into a stunning rose-marble mansion on the Vecini waterfront. Santiago Auriona remains a quietly influential conservative in both cities - time will reveal his next move, in trade or politics.

Auriona Public Changes:

+Warehouse expansion in Vecini (complete)
+Company store expansion in Perizza (complete)
+Villa upgrade to mansion in Vecini (complete)

Finally, we come to Perizza, in ancient days called Perission, proud if long-fallen daughter colony of Evvas across the sea. Its master, the Arkotros Massimo Nisimion, has sought to preserve his city’s independent traditions in the face of relentless Ziazzi expansion, especially with the unification of the hated cross-island rival Tascara and its ruler Largo dei Tascari with Ziazzo in personal union. Using the Auriona merchants as a back-channel to negotiate an informal alliance with Vecini, Massimo funded a small mercenary company commanded by his famously brave daughter Lydia Nisimion, who has trained her Company of the Cat in updated foreign methods of combined-arms warfare and procured a pair of modern galleons from Calesso across the sea, some say by charisma and wit alone.

But in addition to these militaristic power plays, Massimo has sought to be a man of all seasons, laying the foundations for a majestic basilica of Zoa Endymia, the local incarnation of the love goddess, in alliance with the local archpriestess Nicoletta. He has also commissioned teams of architects and builders, who have begun to delve into the ancient Evvene cisterns to plan a truly modern system of waste disposal to complement the ancient aqueducts that bring water to the city. A great innovation reflecting his fine education, hopefully Nisimion has time to complete these fine public amenities before the storm of war breaks over Perizza. As of yet, only the rumble of thunder echoes on the horizon, the breakers lapping on the shore from the endless, wine-dark sea.

Nisimion Public Changes:

+Partially completed basilica (finished in autumn)
+Partially completed sewer (finished in winter)
+Completed pearl farm


Public Letters:

To the noble and righteous Visconte Adamo Dallafiama,

The body of the church is under threat from the heresy in Carias, and an invasion of our sacred home is coming. You are a pious servant of the gods, and so the Council offers you the honor of commanding the Armament of the Church. The Council hereby commands you to levy your city’s forces and raise the banner of Holy Saia at Estria Nova. All glory and honor shall accrue to you, and we shall leave it to you and the other commanders to distribute the spoils in the event of our inevitable victory. The Church has contracted the services of the Knights of the Golden Hand. They will ride as an independent company, but we have told them they will lose their bonus if they do not follow your orders.

We implore you Visconte - Repel the Cariasi heretic!

Mother Lazia di Taratelli, Inner Recorder of the Council of Serenity



Massimo, my dear, how long has it been? There is a new hors d’oeuvre which has transfixed my court in Alaescia - steamed shrimp, chilled and served over ice with a tart red sauce composed of these pomodoro everyone is discussing, to which is added lemon, parsley and horseradish. Peasant fare, truly, but novel - and it reminded me that the Perizzi shrimp were the finest I have tasted, especially when they had been caught that morning by your men.

We must perform a progress to Pelucia soon, and woo the merchants with our southern noblesse and taste. I am told the Evvene quarter there has those flaked pastry with honey and almond that you so prefer - ballacava? It is a shame that travel in our lengthening years is so uncomfortable and dangerous. My new priestess, Lia, says that Pellater’s will is that a woman in her time plays many parts, but I have long suspected my performance for Her is a farce.

Oh yes, Flora has also been annoying me for months to write you - something about trouble with the Ziazzi? Honestly it is beyond me. But perhaps our girls could address it at court? I have heard wonderful things about your Lydia. I am sorry it has been so long. I hope you are not still sore about that failed match so long ago, it was out of my hands, half-Evvene as your family is.

Do write soon, or better yet, visit me Massimo. At the least, show an old lady a sign of respect, and let me greet your darling girl after all these years. And she might bring some of those shrimp, alive in a barrel. I await your reply.

Her Grace, Ersinoȅ Marisa Pellia dei Cassiani, Duchessa dei Alaescia


To my beloved son Agostin,

Why must you lay out your sordid business before the world like a harlot’s underclothes? This matter of public speeches must come to an end. You were given a fair severance, but if you continue to flagrantly defy my wishes and shout in the street like a common whore - believe me, I have friends in Pelucia as well. You will be hauled back to Vialta in chains and given the discipline you most justly deserve. Enclosed, please find an engraving of your half-brother, Vitalis, striking a hare from five hundred paces, ahorse, with a bow. Even at his age, he is a far superior marksman than you ever were, as we both know too well. Take this as an example of the man you ought to become, yet steadfastly refuse to be. May Titis forgive you for your unmanly and impious behavior before it is too late.

Your affectionate father,

Lord Arrigus Damianus Palatani


Spoiler Spring 1544 Map :

Note on construction: Buildings that are under construction (like trading posts, basilicas and amenities) are typically shown on the map as a hollow square, filled in when done. The construction of a new trading post takes 2 seasons to complete. A minor amenity (such as a granary) also takes 2 seasons, while a major amenity (such as an opera house or basilica) generally takes 3 seasons. Forts and castles generally take 3 seasons to complete, and urban citadels or arsenals take a full year to complete. Upgrades are finished in one or two seasons, depending on the complexity of the structure. You can pay for buildings all up front, or in installments.

Note on display of public pawns and scions: Pawns are colored your faction's color only on the head, while scions are colored on their entire body. For the sake of simplicity I am only showing the most important public pawns on the map who are carrying out official functions, otherwise the map would become too cluttered - consult the family and city stats to learn the locations of all pawns in greater detail. Scion locations will always be shown on the map.

OOC Notes:

Please give me a few days to send all of the private diplomacy and complete editing the stats (which are hosted in the linked Google document). Please let me know if you believe I have forgotten anything. Orders for Summer will most likely be due on Saturday, March 28th. Please stay safe and healthy!
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My Dear Marisa,

You’ll forgive an old man’s informality, but we are old friends, the two of us, and we’ve both more years behind us than ahead. It’s far too late for the formalities of courtly life where it is unnecessary, I’ve realized in recent days, though my daughter disagrees. You’d like her, she’s a contradiction, that one. A swashbuckler at her command, and a perfect lady in stately halls. She’s a better political actor than I ever was.

Your Flora is much the same, I hear. How long has it been since our girls met? I have an image of them in the gardens of Ravua, Lydia trailing after Flora like a lost gosling. It was Callisto’s crowning, was it not? After the unfortunate death of dear Isabella? The years, they get on, do they not, and, as you say, more and more they feel like a farce?

It’s like those upstarts in Ziazzo. Not content to sit in their city and grow old and fat, they’ve laid claim to all the south, and probably half of the north as well. I’d, if I were you, build a wall or two. History says this happens every so often, a city getting ambitious and lusting after it’s neighbors like the town leche, before it’s peers remind it of its place, but I worry that too many are caught up in the false promises of wealth and peace offered by their Duchesse, and every day more word is brought of some minor noble or functionary bowing before her.

But I ramble with problems that will not make their way beyond my city for many a year. There are happier things, and I would count myself honored to receive you, should you deign to travel so far south. Even if that does not prove itself possible, you are right, it has been far too long. My daughter will travel to pay her father’s friend all due respect with you, and health providing, I will come as well - and I will bring the fruits of this city - Shrimp, if you want them, but also Oysters, which are all the rage, served raw with some lemon and sweet onions. They effect as they pour down one’s throat is disconcerting yet pleasing, and I am sure you will enjoy them. And, sometimes, if one is lucky and the divine is on one’s side, one may even find a pearl!

And don’t think I’ve forgotten how much you enjoyed the lemon spirits. I’m sure you’re able to get some second-rate limoncello, from some northerner, but nothing compares to the warmth and clarity of the wealth of Perissi. I’ll have some casks sent with Lydia.

With affection,
A Letter to Arrigus Damianus Palatani

To my cherished father,

Doubtless I learned my love of spectacle from you, Lord. You taught me much of its value. I know you do not mistake me for an inattentive student, as ever you assured it was otherwise; for this you have my gratitude.

I worry for you, father. I fear that you are caught unawares of the meaning of friendship. Tell me, have you yet felt the ire of Octobris burning on the nape of your neck as in his cups he stares sullenly? That day was not of my making, and if I could - despite my grief - I would live it again and again until my arrow struck true. I am glad for my brother’s successes and will place this engraving with fondness in my solar.

You are aware that I do what I do for the sake of our family name. The world changes, and the Palatani will be forgotten if they do not change alike. I abide by the severance, and I promise you that you will not see me again in Vialta.

I hope that when I am successful you will think better of me.

Your dutiful son,

- Agostin Palatani


A Letter to Caroline and Albert Magnus von Artren auf Zweithoven

Dearest Mama and Papa,

It has been too long since I have written. The seasons pass and your grandchildren become before my eyes. As the sun crests the hills and warms the golden fields Alessandro will take himself to saddle, and he handles the rouncey with an easy skill; I dare say too soon he shall grow to be a better horseman than his father! Olithia speaks more each and every day, showing a gentle and polite disposition. She has taken to twining peonies in the garden, and her smile is brighter even than her mother’s.

I know matters for my house have been troublesome, and I am grateful that you forgive me my lapses as a son. I have sworn that Elsebet and the children shall never know penury, and I shall see that they will not go in want for the good rights of their birth and station. My estate at Espara progresses in its restoration, and I hope soon that at the least in matters of peaceability and esteem it will surpass that which I have lost. A great love has grown between your daughter and I these past years, and I would not see it broken for anything.

As a gesture of my fondness and respect I have sent gifts to Zweithoven along with this missive, and I hope that they will bring you joy. I recall well the day as we rode closely in the deep wood, Papa, and the fearsome bear that drove us from the hart we had claimed. I have commissioned a fine arbalest from the bowyers of Vosta, and I am assured that it is true and powerful - more than enough to take the greatest beasts of the wild.

Elsebet has seen to the design of a garden at Espara that is stately in its grace. Mama, as flowers in bloom are your delight I have brought the garden to you, and it is my fervent wish that its hardier specimens will please you for many seasons yet.

Your Son,

~ Agostin


A Speech Before a Gathering of the Populo Grasso at the site of the Opera [though notably not in the streets, much wine was had nonetheless]

“My friends, my friends! It’s so good to see you all again, and in such healthy colour and high spirits! Look about and marvel at the work of your own hands, and know that the beauty of Brother Corba’s design is not yet even half revealed - though surely all know already that it is delivered to him by the goddess herself! To have it made complete before us will require all your skill and ardour, yet right now before me I see the determination and pride there in your eyes, and it is certain in my mind that none here need doubt a single moment that it will be done. For this is holy work we do, and patriotic too. By the Pellatene Opera Pelucia’s citizens shall prove once more and again their devotion to their city, and their desire that it should be a beacon of fineness and culture in the brewing troubles of our time.

Now friends, I’ll tell you a bit of a secret, so listen close I say. It seems my speeches have perturbed the discerning sensibilities of many noble folk, and alas they implore me that I cease...

I considered this! *a pause for booing*

And so we stand here in the opera with me upon the stage! No, we’ve had no speeches here tonight, I think. Performance only, I’m sure! Ah, but I make poor entertainment. Please, gentlemen, we must all hush ourselves as the Lady Tifana graces us with but a sampling of divine inspiration."

*and the diva sang a beautiful verse, and though soon over there was not a dry eye upon the site, and all were mournful to see her go. Shortly thereafter Agostin vomited with uncanny accuracy and projection, striking Iohan at ten paces, and the burgeoning skeleton of the opera was filled with uproarious laughter*
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A note on faction stats:

After some reflection, I have decided to keep ALL stats for all player factions secret, regardless of whether or not those families have anything secret in their stats. This prevents the possibility of individuals cross-referencing the stats with the public changes in the update to determine if a rival player has been spending on secret activities, which would be metagaming.

Stats for cities, matrimonies, and guilds will continue to be updated in the google doc, and the public incomes and troop levels of the matrimonies and cities will continue to be public information, as this is something any reasonably well-educated observer could estimate with some basic intelligence.

Each family or faction's personal stats, which will reference the incomes of the public entities (if any) you can draw upon, will be sent to each player in a CFC conversation in the near future. Players can certainly query me for intelligence on other players' stats, which will be affected by placement of Spies and other pawns who could reasonably gather information from the target's territory. Locations, names, and ages of public pawns will continue to be a matter of public record.
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Stats should now mostly be sent out. Please note that in addition to the power you have available, you can often access some additional funds or troops from factions you are allied with or Matrimonies that favor you (but are not loyal to you, yet). If you do not control a city, but you have someone on the council or otherwise influential, you can lobby an NPC ruler to spend some of the city's funds on things you want as well.

I will send the final intelligence reports no later than Friday. The deadline for orders is still this weekend, but I'm open to accepting orders until the end of the weekend.
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