Communism: A realistic TOM I'd love to see


May 1, 2015
[Note: I thought this post was too long to put in the 'Requested mods' thread]

- Players start in the Industrial Era and move to the World Wars Era, Cold War Era, Modern Era and Utopia Era (future)
- No settlers: players start with a ready-made nation (with the exception of Communists - see below)

Communism vs Capitalism
Communist states:
- Revolution: leaders (e.g. Stalin or Mao) start as a small army that has to take over a weak but already-established state, and rebuild it from scratch
- Cities have increased production
- Military units are weak but extremely cheap to maintain, wars must be won by sheer numbers
- Happiness is replaced with 'control', which can be improved by investing in secret police, prisons etc. If this goes below a certain point, a civil revolt occurs
Capitalist states:
- Start with developed, ready-made states
- Cities enjoy a boost to gold, food and happiness
- Military units are strong but expensive to maintain, wars must be won with strategy

Nuclear war:
- Players begin to stockpile nuclear weapons in the Cold War. A nuclear war is triggered if relations deteriorate really badly, or if one side is very strong compared to the other
- Doomsday Clock: shows how close the world is to a nuclear war

- Communist states enjoy a massive diplomatic boost to other communist states, but suffer a huge penalty with free states
- Satellite states: small 'neutral' states exist (like Romania) which can be conquered and made vassals. This will cause a severe diplomatic penalty with free states, which could lead to nuclear war

- Civil war: players could try to instigate revolutions in enemy states
- Nuclear weapons can be sabotaged by spies
- No diplomatic penalties for espionage: in such difficult times, it is expected that states will spy on each other

- Communist: Soviet Union, People's Republic of China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea
- Western: USA, UK, Australia, Western European Countries
- 'Neutral': Romania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, South American countries

Any other ideas?
Educate yourself! (Just kidding)
It would prefer to start at 1920 where USSR is winning Russian civil war, or it would be kind of awkward to have widespread Communism without Soviet. China's communism would be only one existed and others must be either established by "liberation" from existing Soviet force or communist bloc tourism.

I would suggest that you replace Communist "control" with "stability". Please note that individual like Park Chung Hee, Ngo Dinh Diem, Augusto Pinochet, Mobutu Sese Seko remind us Anti-communism doesn't synonymous with freedom and liberty.

Change doomsday clock to DEFCON
There should be USSR and NATO who will have animosity toward each other.
Heh, that's funny, I have to remind people that left-wings dictatorships are as bad as right-wing ones here in Brazil!

But yeah, Oil States and Israel deserve a little bit of representation here, at least.
Well, yeah, I mean on the internet. Here in Latin America the opposite case is true.

Guess it's some sort of cultural blindness which kinda blinds people of even thinking the other side can be as bad, I've had people who simply couldn't compute Pinochet was a right-wing dictator. :crazyeye:

Speaking of which, I'd assume most Latin American countries would be city states, there's got to be someone to fight ideologically over, after all Covert Operation is in the Freedom tree for a reason. :rolleyes:
USA rely on supporting junta, autocracy and bad plutocracy where the socialist have a chance for winning in fair election while calling for election and liberty in Communist world.

Dictator himself would also willing to commit electoral fraud especially Ngo Dinh Diem who happen to win 98% of vote (typical for rigged election), with number of vote more than registered voter and 133% of Saigon "voter" vote against his contender, and that's just about the result, not about how he got it. (Ex. Play Tropico 3-5 where you are forced to hold election when you're not popular, like 35% would vote for you)

Consider this when doing mod like this. So that it's not Good vs Evil (at least not if Communist are Evil). Maybe Lesser Evil vs Greater Evil or Gray vs Gray or Evil with better PR team vs Evil with lesser PR team.

Note : Not that I hate the west or any eagleland in particular. But reading more about the cold war make me realize that contemporary praise from western media to eastern leader and infamy of US-supported dictator rarely get down to history, and western media rarely portray how bad capitalism can be.
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