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Jun 13, 2002
Treadin' trodden trails...
Is it just me, or does Communism suck? What am I missing? I understand that there is no WW and corruption is lower than Monarchy, but where does all the money go???

I haven't read that this is supposed to happen, but every time I switch to Communism, all of my $$ bonuses on tiles go away. It seems that Marketplaces, Banks, railroads, etc., have zero impact on money per tiles.

Every time I've switched, I've lost hundreds in gold per turn and seen my turns double on tech research.

My verdict: Commies suck! :splat:

I've been in communism only once early in my civ3 experience. Since then, my civs have never been in position where I felt communism would be an advantage.
Marketplaces and Banks don't have any effect on the number of commerce icons a given tile produces under any government - they only modify the total amount of cash the city produces. Democracy and Republic grants additional commerce on tiles, whereas Communism, Monarchy and Despotism don't.

Communism really isn't a goverment for those who want to peaceful generate cash and research. It's strong point is no WW with less corruption than Monarchy - it's a government for the Industrial/Modern imperialist. Threaten you neighbours into paying tribute and giving you techs, or simply conquer 'em - that way they can't out-tech you!
I read above someone getting hundreds of gold per turn. How the hell are you doing that? I'm lucky if I can set my Science at 70% and still brake even.
To me, being Scientific is key to being able to maintain a healthy economy (industrious is a big help too). With half price libraries, universities, reasearch labs (which I hardly every get a chance to really use), I build them in practically every city that is bringing any coin.

The effect on research is enormous. I rarely have my research much beyond 40% unless I'm trying to push something through.

I am an admitted hoarder, finishing the games usually with $10,000. I'd love to hear thoughts on when the best time is to start dwindling the hoard down and how they do it. In the end, you don't get any points for gold....he who dies with the most toyes does not win here.

What is the most effective way to use the cash near the end to maximize score? Probably worth of a thread of its own.
WW-war weariness

communism is good if you have huge empires because it is not so corrupted in them far away cities as democracy
Well communism is good for empire with only powerhouse cities
let say you got a empire with 32 cities well if you use communism you will have a MUCh lower corruption in effect with wltk
yeah, communism is good on those archipelago (sp?) maps when you have cities on so many islands that democrazy doesnt work. But then again, who plays archipelago maps nowadays?
What is the most effective way to use the cash near the end to maximize score? Probably worth of a thread of its own.

Sir Pleb wrote an article in the Strategy articles section on Maximizing score. Rush marketplaces, aqueducts, and hospitals in every city. Rush temples, cathedrals, etc. in any city that needs them (so long as this won't trigger a culture victory too soon, or the culture border expansions don't trigger domination!!) The other thing to do would be to put luxury rate at 100%.
IMO communism will only work in the following conditions. The more of these conditions that are met, the better for communism.

1. Island maps, especially if your palace is on a very small island.
2. You build courthouses in every city.
3. Your palace is in a very poor spot or on a peninsula.
4. Very poor Forbidden Palace location.
5. Your cities that are 'useless' in democracy or other governments are actually more productive (better terrain) than your original palace region.

Another reason people see communism as so terrible is that communism comes so late. By the time communism becomes available, most of the cities around your palace already have libraries, marketplaces, banks, etc. while your far flung cities have no improvements. Thus all the improved cities now are much worse under a communism. The far-flung cities now have better corruption, but no improvements built.
It's useful for warmongers (actually the opposite of communism theory). There is not only no WW, but a metropolis gets 8 unit support. You need lotsa metropolises with courthouses and police stations in em.
To understand commy you have to look at the other gov's too.

Despotism gives the lowest production, 2 happy faces for 2 mil units and you can population build units. no WW

Monarchy gives higher production than desoptism, corruption seems centered on the capitol 3 happy faces for 3 units, no pop build units. no WW

Commy gives a more spread out corruption, you can pop build units, you can draft(im unsure in monarchy and despotism if you can draft), 3 happy faces for 3 mil units, corruption is spread out... so you will have some corruption in the main city and a tolerable amount further out. Im unsure of the production relative to despotism but it seems to be close to monarchy.

Rep gives more production and greater worker efficiency, more knowledge but you get war weariness and that can reduce efficiency to the point where communism will be more efficient.

Demo is the most efficient peace time gov but you risk the government collasping. I would not go demo unless I was religious or i had a large military.
Originally posted by Portuguese

But correct to comunism practice. :lol:
heh heh yeah.

kb2tvl : All civs can draft, you just need nationalism before you can do so. And democracy is not easy to crash in my experience. It might be different higher than monarch. I was in a long war with a democracy and while the WW was pretty debilitating, i coped. I wouldn't have been copping all WW effects tho, since i didn't start the war.
I liek Communism (in game not IRL) because i am always a Warmonger, and when i am Communist the people are too afraid ot rise up and complain and i can mow over whoever i want without WW. Heh heh.
Communism is good becayse no WW, better spies, good support for units, and dispersed corruption.
Regimes crash in CIV3?!? When?

Only Democracies. Democracies get over-thrown (you go back into anarchy) when WW gets VERY bad. Be at war for hundreds (or thousands) of years under a monarchy, and while you are still at war, try switching to democracy, and you'll see what I mean.
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