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Community Call to Power Project

But like I said this is long term. For the next couple of weeks I will be checking in the forums but I don't expect I'll have many changes to post, as I'll be spending much of my free time getting a feel for the new mechanics of G&Ks and adjusting CCtP as needed. For those getting G&Ks right away, make note of the things that you like about it and any ideas that you get while playing. I'll see if we can incorporate them in to further enrich CCtP.

May i suggest to bring back the old:lol: religious and religious ideas, from the old policy lookout. I really missed it, but with no function it was removed. But now we have religion and i hope you bring it back) With thith Fait, i see very much useful ways to setup new trees.
The idea for the U.N. sounds great, hopefully anyone can do this:bowdown: (Maybe we have to ask the grandmaster Spazimaus if he know a way).
BTW still have to wait till Friday to play G&K, damn this will be my first not mod games since months.
First off, just want to say that you guys have put together an entertaining and detailed mod, really enjoying it so far.

Only problem I'm having right now is that I got to turn 253 and my social policy tree now refuses to open. F5 doesn't do it and clicking on it doesn't bring it up. Anyone have the same problem before?

EDIT: Hmm, restarting Civ 5 seems to have fixed the problem
I just installed the new version, and now when I try and hold down shift while picking techs (to make a tech queue) it acts as if I'm just regularly clicking. My shift key does work, just not while I'm in the tech tree.

Btw I absolutely adore this Mod, thanks Chrome for making this so awesome.
@ Dimodlight & Eggnoglover, Have you installed the latest CiV Patch? If you have that is more than likely the issue, there are a lot of reports of this kind of theing over on 2K forums. If not...then thats and issue and logs please :)

GRR GRR GRR, 22nd June for res tof the world on G&K GRRRR
I have the latest patch installed, and I just checked and I do not get this error in Vanilla (no mods) Civ 5. Where are the logs at so I can upload them?
May i suggest to bring back the old:lol: religious and religious ideas, from the old policy lookout. I really missed it, but with no function it was removed. But now we have religion and i hope you bring it back) With thith Fait, i see very much useful ways to setup new trees.
The idea for the U.N. sounds great, hopefully anyone can do this:bowdown: (Maybe we have to ask the grandmaster Spazimaus if he know a way).
BTW still have to wait till Friday to play G&K, damn this will be my first not mod games since months.

This may be possible, but then again I worry that this will be somewhat redundant. I plan on making Theocracy government an almost exclusively religious government that gives stuff like reduced cost for buying units through faith, new elite faith units (looks at Knights Templar), better religion spread, and other general stuff like that. And then there are all the new bonuses that are gained from getting the religions themselves. Then again, there are only so many bonuses that can be granted from these two areas, so there may be room for these new policies. It's hard to tell from right now.

@ Eggnoglover: I'm glad you enjoy it. And you are welcome :D. But trust me this was not a lone effort; Fires and, more recently, Horem are the ones who keep this mod playable. The way I think see it, I add stuff, he makes sure it works as intended :lol:. So thank you for that.

@ all: There are a lot of new things in G&Ks, and then there are some things that were added that were already present here. For the most part, when there is overlap I'll go with the expansion's version.
@ Eggnoglover, I can not see anything in them logs that would indicate an issue with the UI(lua). Try deleting your ModUserData and Cache folders, removing CCTP and installing it afresh from the link provided on first page(github), also try booting CCTP with no other mods int he mod folder:-

[2046.811] WRN: Mod is already installed. (CIVILIZATION__NiGHTS)
[2046.811] ERR: There was an error installing the mod. (C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\Civ5ModInstaller\CIVILIZATION__NiGHTS (v 120).modinfo)
[2047.825] WRN: Mod is already installed. (R.E.D. Modpack)
[2047.825] ERR: There was an error installing the mod. (C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\Civ5ModInstaller\R.E.D. Modpack (v 12).modinfo)
[2056.561] WRN: Mod is already installed. (CIVILIZATION__NiGHTS)
[2056.561] ERR: There was an error installing the mod. (C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\Civ5ModInstaller\CIVILIZATION__NiGHTS (v 120).modinfo)
[2058.167] WRN: Mod is already installed. (R.E.D. Modpack)
[2058.167] ERR: There was an error installing the mod. (C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\Civ5ModInstaller\R.E.D. Modpack (v 12).modinfo)
I did all that and I still have the same problem. I also uninstalled and reinstalled Civ 5 and CCTP, both to no avail. I've also tried starting a game with different civs, different settings, and different maps, to end up still having the same problem with the tech tree (and it still works fine with vanilla civ 5).

I'm willing to try anything to get it working.

Just in case this'd help for sending files back and forth/tech support my email address is alex.larner@gmail.com.
@chrome, wanted to pop in and thank you for all of your hard work with developing this mod. the expansion coming out got me to come back to this game, but i couldn't go on after about an hour without CTP going, and unfortunately the steam update is incompatible even without G&K.

it's a testament to how great of a mod you have that the game is so diminished without it, even with the new bells and whistles from the expansion.

thanks again, can't wait for what's in store next.
@ Eggnoglover - Im at a bit of a loss over this tbh dude. Since its button related its more than likely a lua issue someplace, but since I can not repeat it I can't track it down :(

Do you have G&K installed?
As suspected the expansion is no fun at all compared to playing with call to power. I will be waiting for this mod to be adapted before playing it again :)
Thanks guys :D. Really means a lot. Tbh I felt the same way about the XP, but I figured I was just biased :). Horem and I are working on getting CCtP playable (Horem actually started before me:lol:). Truth be told, the XP shifted things a little bit more than I anticipated, especially with the Tech Trees. Ironically, one of the issues I have with G&Ks is that the tree is "too polished;" each era has two tiers, things are balanced oh-so-perfectly, etc. It's really putting the pressure on me to make sure things look nice XD.

Unfortunately I cannot give you all an ETA for the compatibility; some stuff, like the units and buildings, can be fixed in a few hours. Others *looks at Tech Tree* seem to be much more complicated; it could just be one line that is causing issues, or it could need a complete overhaul. Either way, Horem and I will keep you all posted :)
What kinda killed it for me is how terrible the AI is at using religion...every game ive started, my religion wa reigning over the whole map by turn 150...

Also every religious unit felt unimportant to me. Getting great prophets was the worst you could get from great people... Never built a missionary cause i didnt see the point..

Espionage is ok i guess...wish there was a way to turn it off, just seems like its a "get a new technology every 25 turns for no effort" kinda thing...

And going back to one lil screen of policies after having 3 pages of choices for so long with CTP...felt disheartening.

finally, the ai seems absolutely garbage-y compared to my games in CTP. I dunno if it was cause i used triple HP mod or anything, but on theh ardest difficulty settings, the ai seems to attack me way less than before, and with less troops.

All the new ressources are welcomed tho ;)
I kind of liked the Strategic AI; but then again I might just like the increased HP and the way it makes battles last longer. Of course if you played a mod that increased HP then you are almost use to it. :) Lol, I wonder how many ideas the developers got from Thals balance mod...
Espionage is ok i guess...wish there was a way to turn it off, just seems like its a "get a new technology every 25 turns for no effort" kinda thing...

I feel the same for research agreements :) but you can turn Espionage off under Advanced Game Setting, under No City Razing.

Ha! atleast I am not the only one that feels certain elements of expac come from user created content :)
I kind of liked the Strategic AI; but then again I might just like the increased HP and the way it makes battles last longer. Of course if you played a mod that increased HP then you are almost use to it. :) Lol, I wonder how many ideas the developers got from Thals balance mod...

yeah i was using a triple hp mod which made the ai amass troops and play more strategicaly instead of just suicide 1 unit at a time into my cities ;D

Problem with that is later in the game, every single tile was populated by a unit basicaly!! So iwas looking for triple stack mods but most of em were reportedly buggy so didnt bother.

Also i agree with you horem about research agreements, I prefer the "when friendly pact is on, you both gain a bit of research %" to the "free tech every x turn" model. It rewards good relations vs just going all warmonger mode :D
So...Resources and AssignStartingPlots.lua are finished :) Its 1.15am here so off to bed, no access to github send me a PM when you want said files Chrome, I stripped them outa CCTP Vanilla and they are in a mod built with modbuddy ya can have files or the whole solution folder just let me know what ya want.
WHOOP! Got anoyed I had to adjust and share fish and squid plots with each other, so I created a new layer for Squid and it worked first time! So pleased with myself thought I'd share :)

These are the amounts that got placed:

[5765.469] Map Script: - Coffee..: 27
[5765.469] Map Script: - Poppy...: 36
[5765.469] Map Script: - Titanium: 52
[5765.469] Map Script: - AloeVera: 45
[5765.469] Map Script: - Jade....: 72
[5765.484] Map Script: - Manganes: 72
[5765.484] Map Script: - Oak.....: 19
[5765.484] Map Script: - Squid...: 71
[5765.484] Map Script: - Amber...: 32

Squid is 11 less than fish, with 1 per plot. The rest have 3 per plot. I was thinking maybe Jade and Mananese are gettign to many? What ya all think?


Scratch that the list is the total number placed. (Normal Resources, Standard Map)
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