[BNW] Community Deity Game #26 - Polynesia

@ Mario.
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From what I know 4 city NC before turn 100 is considered ok so by that standard you're there. Too bad on missing out the religion. I haven't played the map but from what I can tell getting one could have been achievable - that's a faith natural wonder in Samoa if I'm not mistaken. I think the empire could become more compact so that it's easier to defend all cities in case of an attack from multiple fronts. What I would have done is get 2 more mountain cities (with Tonga 1 hex to the right to make room on the deer near mountain, and one more city above it.).
Needless to say, there is no single "one way" to play, so this is just my opinion, in a coastal zone with mountains, I, for one, would have made as many mountain cities as there's room for, and then feed capital with food while setting capital near mountain too. For this probably full liberty followed by full tradition with getting Temple of Artemis asap. Getting only 4 cities but with all near mountains seems just as powerful, going for fast Astronomy to take advantage of the observatories. (possibly waiting to steal it and teching fast Acoustics for Sistine Chapel to try to get the suggested win condition.
You are trying out one of my favourite games. My first tries on the map were sad but I retried and opened up with taking my settler for a five turn walk to settle coastal to the south of Uluru. That secured me a strong religion. Then I continued by settling the starting location before turn 30 (BO: Scoutx2-Settler). Portugal will most likely bring settlers to the spawning location and they will be very useful as workers for you. Also remember to steal a worker from Indonesia on t10-15. Better players might open up with three or even four scouts as you will find a huge amount of ruins.

Vadalaz (who is one of the best players in the world) settled the island to the north and won comfortably. However, I think it is easier to play with three core cities (Tonga to the south of the starting location) and then expand by taking over Indonesian cities. You can always settle that island after NC, if you want to.

Your development will be on the slow side initially on this map whatever you decide to do, due to all that rough terrain. However, Optics and internal Cargo ships will make the cities grow very rapidly and set you up for a nice midgame.

If you are into watery maps, I could also recommend EDGE#7 and EDGE#67, both with Polynesia. They can be found in the Enjoyable Deity Games thread.
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I wonder if my NC is very late for a 4 city tradition game. I'm at turn 78 now and NC will be 20 turns away. ...What do you guys think to better my game? Here's my turn 78 screenshot.
FWIW, i am almost always content to get a T100 NC. I doubt I have my old saves from this map, but I think your game would look quite similar to mine. I squeezed a CV from this map, and I am a mediocre deity player.
...I tried going for religion cause I think there's a good pantheon to have but AI's beat me to it.
When did you start “going for religion”? I think the only good pantheon (for this map) is OWN, but you need to be working on that quite early. I would not expect to catch a religion just by settling Uluru with my first expo. So you can either (1) abuse map knowledge and settle Uluru with your starting settler; or (2) build a shrine in you cap very early, settle Uluru ASAP, and take OWN for pantheon. With (2), I had time to move my GPr to the Uluru city to found.
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I have usually found that on a Continents map I get to Education about ten turns or more later than I would on a Pangaea map, which I've always suspected was because I didn't get the tech discounts for meeting half the AIs. I imagine the same applies to other maps where one has an isolated start.
When did you start “going for religion”?

One could expect to get a religion, if you can found around t55-58. On this map, OwN+Uluru gives you 10 fpt and it takes at least 20 turn (20 x 10 =200) to get a Profet. Thus you should have your pantheon around t35 at the very latest, This means that you should found your first expand around t25-28 to be successful in grabbing Uluru AND a religion with the first expand. In addition, Indonesia will settle Uluru very early, that is why I used the five-move on the initial settler. Just for fun, I tried this again. It has been over a year since I played the map. It took me until t295 to win a CV. Some benchmarks: 3 city NC on t90 even if I founded Honolulu on t5. First religion, thanks to Uluru. Founded Samoa on t30 and Tonga on t43. Stole worker from Indonesia on t13 and stole a settler from Carthage and Indonesia respectively. Fourth city all the way to the south near Wittenberg and conquered Surabaya from Indonesia with Cannons and Riflemen. Hard built Sistine and Louvre and rushed Eiffel. Went Order because I was short on happiness most of the game until ideologies.
Most games, I can found as late as T85, and catch the last religion. This map needs something faster than that.

@mariorio is showing 325 (11fpt) on T78 with his screen shot, so now I think maybe he just had bad luck.
Most games, I can found as late as T85, and catch the last religion. This map needs something faster than that.

@mariorio is showing 325 (11fpt) on T78 with his screen shot, so now I think maybe he just had bad luck.

11x11=121, which means that @mariorio would have had enough faith on t67. This is too late on this map since we have many AIs prioritizing a religion. I agree that 1-2 religions usually are available also later than t58. My point was that if you plan to go for a religion, you should plan your game in such a way, that you can get a religion reliably and not being dependent on what the AIs do.
Thanks for all the inputs... Sadly I was DoW'ed by my neighbor at turn 80 and lost the 2nd city near the faith NW after 2 turns.

I redid the game and settled for a 3-city Tradition setup which is I think more easier than the 4-city attempt. I moved my capital to the river hill tile and tried to expand to the Natural Wonder as soon as I can (turn 50-ish, sigh). I managed to get the last religion and all the good beliefs aren't available anymore, I chose the gold and growth beliefs instead. I have 2 mountain cities so I beelined for astronomy for the observatories, I did not attempt the Sistine Chapel cause I was 10 techs away from the science leader at the time. I was struggling with happiness most of the game until I got to Ideology by tech'ing to Radio using Oxford. I hard-built the Broadway and GE'ed the Eiffel Tower. I was at a loss however what to tech first with The Internet or Radar for the Airports. I decided to tech Internet first. From there it was quite a slow game. Good thing other Civs are willing to war each other with little enough bribes, so I managed to finish the game without any war, however most of the game I worry about it cause I didn't field enough army for defense, in fact I have no army at all.

Also, I stole 3 workers from my west neighbor early on. And this time, he's not military oriented. He took Liberty on the 1st game where he DoW'ed me, this time he went full Piety. Quite lucky I guess.

I usually do SV and domination and I was surprised by how much Tourism can explode late game.

PolynesiaTurn271a.png PolynesiaTurn271CV.png PolynesiaTurn271Tourism.png PolynesiaTurn271Religion.png
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I have usually found that on a Continents map I get to Education about ten turns or more later than I would on a Pangaea map, which I've always suspected was because I didn't get the tech discounts for meeting half the AIs. I imagine the same applies to other maps where one has an isolated start.

I didn't know there's a tech discount when you meet enough AI. How much exactly was the decrease?

You are trying out one of my favourite games. My first tries on the map were sad but I retried and opened up with taking my settler for a five turn walk to settle coastal to the south of Uluru. That secured me a strong religion. Then I continued by settling the starting location before turn 30 (BO: Scoutx2-Settler). Portugal will most likely bring settlers to the spawning location and they will be very useful as workers for you. Also remember to steal a worker from Indonesia on t10-15. Better players might open up with three or even four scouts as you will find a huge amount of ruins.

Vadalaz (who is one of the best players in the world) settled the island to the north and won comfortably. However, I think it is easier to play with three core cities (Tonga to the south of the starting location) and then expand by taking over Indonesian cities. You can always settle that island after NC, if you want to.

Your development will be on the slow side initially on this map whatever you decide to do, due to all that rough terrain. However, Optics and internal Cargo ships will make the cities grow very rapidly and set you up for a nice midgame.

If you are into watery maps, I could also recommend EDGE#7 and EDGE#67, both with Polynesia. They can be found in the Enjoyable Deity Games thread.

Thanks, I'll try those EDGE's next. I wish I read these advises before I redid my game. lol
I didn't know there's a tech discount when you meet enough AI. How much exactly was the decrease?

There is not a discount just for meeting AIs. The discount exists for not having researched the techs that other civs that you met have researched. I.E. it's not enough to meet them, they must also have techs that you don't. This is usually true for Diety at least until the Renaissance for most techs. This is also a good way to track what somebody else has researched. For example, assuming you met everybody, when somebody enters the Renaissance, you can check to see what they took because it will have a lower tech cost.

MouseyPounds provided a formula in this thread on page 5, check it for more examples: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/the-number-crunching-thread.389702/page-5
  • B is the base cost of a tech; i.e. the XML cost with map size, handicap, and gamespeed modifiers already applied
  • K is the number of known, living civs who have the tech.
  • T is the total number of living civs in the game.
  • M is the TECH_COST_TOTAL_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER global define (30 in unmodded game)
The adjusted tech cost, C is:
C = ceiling( B / ( 1 + floor( M * K / T ) / 100 ) )
There is not a discount just for meeting AIs. The discount exists for not having researched the techs that other civs that you met have researched. I.E. it's not enough to meet them, they must also have techs that you don't. This is usually true for Diety at least until the Renaissance for most techs. This is also a good way to track what somebody else has researched. For example, assuming you met everybody, when somebody enters the Renaissance, you can check to see what they took because it will have a lower tech cost.

MouseyPounds provided a formula in this thread on page 5, check it for more examples: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/the-number-crunching-thread.389702/page-5
  • B is the base cost of a tech; i.e. the XML cost with map size, handicap, and gamespeed modifiers already applied
  • K is the number of known, living civs who have the tech.
  • T is the total number of living civs in the game.
  • M is the TECH_COST_TOTAL_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER global define (30 in unmodded game)
The adjusted tech cost, C is:
C = ceiling( B / ( 1 + floor( M * K / T ) / 100 ) )

Thanks for providing the exact numbers. I knew they existed but I didn't know what they were. Not that I play with a calculator or spreadsheet handy! I just knew that starting isolated (or not scouting enough) was bad news for tech speed at the start. I guess it can be another reason for getting out a Trireme or Caravel as soon as possible on a watery map.
The adjusted tech cost, C is:
C = ceiling( B / ( 1 + floor( M * K / T ) / 100 ) )

Amazing detail in there. So this means you can have at max 30% (if M is indeed 30 by default) lower cost for tech if my arithmetic is correct.

Thanks for providing the exact numbers. I knew they existed but I didn't know what they were. Not that I play with a calculator or spreadsheet handy! I just knew that starting isolated (or not scouting enough) was bad news for tech speed at the start. I guess it can be another reason for getting out a Trireme or Caravel as soon as possible on a watery map.

Nice point. I'll note this in my next games.
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