Competing VC's

Oh yeah, besides the fact that we should retreat our stacks so that we can garrison our Cities (the fastest way to do so would be Peace or a Cease Fire with Hatty), isn't it a bit weird to have our Trebs and Cats deep in enemy territory if we are one turn away from Steel with a bucketload of cash?

Rather than throwing away a ton of Trebs and Cats (which are expensive Hammer-wise to replace with freshly-built Cannons), I would recommend a Cease Fire with Hatty, garrisoning our Cities, then upgrading our units to Cannons... doing so will also trick Hatty into moving a good part of her stack out of her capital, so that many of her units won't get the Fortification bonus and so that there won't be a large stack of units when we do attack a few turns later.

It's all about efficiency, but more importantly, not letting our captured Cities flip and thereby lose the game.
I assumed it was due to the Shrine with +40ish gold and Market, Grocer, Bank all built (ie a nice city for us to run a higher slider)
Yep, that sign is mine. I usually mark cities with important stuff in it, be that national wonders (like HE) which may (or should) influence MM and builds, or specs, academy or important world wonders. BTW I find myself (in every SG) deleting tens of obsolete signs each set. I feel that too many signs reduces their impact, making them more easily overseen (example: "Farm this!" on a farm tile). OTOH marking cities with stables to build mounties there and siege elsewhere is helpful. I hope you don't disagree with me here. In the case of constantinople I would've put "60 gpt at 0%, GL, SoZ, academy, 3 MI" but that wouldn't fit onto the sign ;)

Now regarding our situation here, firstly, my thoughts on what to do generally. Ham going culture is good for us but it also tightens the noose around our neck. We can no longer wait until tanks or something to take him on as it'll probably be too late by then. He can research a bunch of military techs including flight, radio and rocketry. Let's hope he shuts off research properly or goes the MM route. We on the other hand desperately need better units to take him on. I see either infantry or artillery. I don't think we can make it to artillery in a reasonnable amount of time so I think we're better off just building infantry. Sure, it'll be a bloodbath but I don't really see any other chance. I would start drafting sooner rather than later, with our huge empire we can get infantry out like nothing. One of ham's culture cities, opis, is reachable in the first turn for cavs, this would buy us some more time.

We do have a lot of money we could use either for our cav and (soon) cannon upgrades or for research. I'd rather research quickly under a GA than do the upgrades just now. We already have 2 GPs and another one is due in 2 so that's 16 turns of GA (too bad MoM is in babylon).

The justinian - hatty - situation should be resolved asap. I don't see us lose anything capturing memphis, with the defences down, our cavs should have great odds already, if you feel like playing save you can always throw in a treb as well. After that she is down to 1 city and will happily capitulate, which we should take imo as well as just's, if it's just to end those wars quickly.

I would have a good look at builds. We have plenty of cities with MIs, I'd only build units there and leave most others on wealth, and build hardly any infra otherwise. Time for monasteries is long gone...
I feel that too many signs reduces their impact, making them more easily overseen (example: "Farm this!" on a farm tile).
I'm fine with cleaning-up out-of-date signs and I do it myself.

It does suck to have signs that aren't out-of-date get removed, though.

but that wouldn't fit onto the sign ;)
So, use two or three signs, with additional ones going to the right of the original sign. Clear communication is far more important than trying to squeeze a message that should be longer into a tight space.

I would start drafting sooner rather than later, with our huge empire we can get infantry out like nothing.
We have to be careful here, because "pumping out infantry like nothing" goes against the spirit of the rules where we allowed drafting and whipping but only to a limited extend. A few drafts in a turnset, just like a few whips are okay, but drafting more than once per non-Globe-Theatre City is a big no-no and even drafting once in a City that is near the Happiness cap would be a no-no, too.

Sure, it'll be a bloodbath but I don't really see any other chance.
That's not true at all, is it? If we can get the revolt percentages down to 0% in our border Cities, first through military and then through Culture, then a Friendly AI who won't declare at Pleased is no threat at all.

It's silly to declare at a time when it will be a "bloodbath," since we could risk losing a City at any time, hence automatically losing the game.

I'm just trying to play in the spirit of the rules that we set out here--we don't have a game option set for "single City loss = elimination" but we really need to be playing as though such an option were set. Having a "bloodbath" situation when we don't need it is going way too far under such circumstances.

We have plenty of cities with MIs, I'd only build units there and leave most others on wealth, and build hardly any infra otherwise.
That's up to the current player, but I'm not seeing why we'd still pump out obsolete units if the plan is to tech up to Infantry and Artillery. I still think that it will be cheaper and better to steal our way up to there instead of self-tech our way up to there in a non-tech-trading game. The typically LARGEST value of self-teching--that of trading--does not exist as an option.

Time for monasteries is long gone...
On the contrary, in our border Cities with Hammurabi, Monasteries are one of the most efficient buildings to build, after Theatres. I don't care WHAT your victory condition is, sticking to our rules comes first, avoiding loss (which includes losing by getting a Domination Victory) comes next, followed by going after your individual victory condition.

On that vein, we can't lose a border City (or any City, for that matter). The game is over if we do. It's that simple. As long as we are playing with this fact in mind, then Monasteries in select Cities are very important build items.
Ok, played my set. Hammy looks like he's turned on his culture slider but I think it'll be another 50 turns or so before he can win. I'm pretty sure we can muster an army to smash him in that time frame if necessary... I mostly concentrated on our economy this set.

So let's see... I thought long and hard about my inherited turn, as it had some pretty big implications for VC's. Obviously AP is not my VC of choice, as I did this:

And this:

Hi really sucky vassals!

Thankfully (for me), this came up in my set:

You go Justinian :D

I teched through some stuff, namely liberalism, compass, constitution, economics, corporation, optics, steam power, and assembly line (all in 15 turns!). I've queued factories in all of the cities but since AL just came in, there are no hammers invested. Which means... the next player can cancel all my lovely factory builds :lol:

But I'm pretty confident that I'm going to win this game :cool: In fact, I'm so confident that I've left a gift for the next player (two came from rolo):

Oh and we had one minor event during my set:

I forgot to have gold stockpiled. Oh well.

Oh and I almost lost the game because I almost clicked on the wrong box for this:

You can keep on dreaming there buddy :mischief:

rolo - played
shyuhe - played
Habitus - UP

Now let's see how this plays out :king: Oh and I've garrisoned our border cities to prevent culture flips. For now... If Hammy keeps on cranking up the culture, we may need more troops to prevent flips (or have to invade him).


  • Crazy Gandhi AD-1725.CivBeyondSwordSave
    319.4 KB · Views: 74
Dhoomstriker said:
I'm fine with cleaning-up out-of-date signs and I do it myself.

It does suck to have signs that aren't out-of-date get removed, though.
I guess you're referring to the "do not chop" signs I ignored some thousand turns ago..? You haven't forgotten me then :p Well such things are fine to show your opinion, but especially with this variant, there is no obligation to honor them :p IIRC I chopped first and removed the signs after so I removed outdated signs as well :p

So, use two or three signs, with additional ones going to the right of the original sign. Clear communication is far more important than trying to squeeze a message that should be longer into a tight space.
I disagree here, I saw you do that and I don't like it much, call it "information overload". I mean if you see what's in this city once its fine...

We have to be careful here, because "pumping out infantry like nothing" goes against the spirit of the rules where we allowed drafting and whipping but only to a limited extend. A few drafts in a turnset, just like a few whips are okay, but drafting more than once per non-Globe-Theatre City is a big no-no and even drafting once in a City that is near the Happiness cap would be a no-no, too.
3 drafts per turn for 10 turns is 30 drafts, which is nothing when spread across 24 cities. That's what I mean; we have the resources for extensive drafting (without crippling ourselves). We have plenty of :)-resources, far too much infra and still the culture slider if need be so we definitely won't run into problems there... We have a runaway AI and you can't expect taking him down to be a walk in the park.

That's not true at all, is it? If we can get the revolt percentages down to 0% in our border Cities, first through military and then through Culture, then a Friendly AI who won't declare at Pleased is no threat at all.

It's silly to declare at a time when it will be a "bloodbath," since we could risk losing a City at any time, hence automatically losing the game.

I'm just trying to play in the spirit of the rules that we set out here--we don't have a game option set for "single City loss = elimination" but we really need to be playing as though such an option were set. Having a "bloodbath" situation when we don't need it is going way too far under such circumstances.
... a friendly AI with tons more tech and in the driver's seat for culture victory. Not sure, but I *think* we ought to do something here...

There are several methods to ensure safety for our cities, firstly by intelligence. Position spies in his land to locate SODs, if we get there fly some airship recon missions, etc. The AI isn't great in taking chances and opportunities, no stack no attack holds pretty often. If we strike in, say, 3 places (opis, west, east) we spread his defences and further lower the risk of counterattack. But that needn't be discussed until later so I left this out in my last post.

On the contrary, in our border Cities with Hammurabi, Monasteries are one of the most efficient buildings to build, after Theatres. I don't care WHAT your victory condition is, sticking to our rules comes first, avoiding loss (which includes losing by getting a Domination Victory) comes next, followed by going after your individual victory condition.

On that vein, we can't lose a border City (or any City, for that matter). The game is over if we do. It's that simple. As long as we are playing with this fact in mind, then Monasteries in select Cities are very important build items.
Considering that culture doubles after 1000 years and that there are already plenty culture buildings, and more importantly, considering the way culture works, the only thing we should really care about is popping borders, and building yet another monastery doesn't help much short-term. Agreed, we have tons of obsolete units, THEY can be put into such cities, it usually doesn't take that much to avoid revolts. About building rifles or cavs, we might want to go into war with infantry, but the quickest way to get it is by a combination of drafting and upgrading. After AL we keep the slider at zero until we have the cash. That gives us max. inf in min. time. But yes, that is up to the player.

Hehe shyuhe, that makes you the third player to violate rules and trade for gold :p

shyuhe said:
I teched through some stuff, namely liberalism, compass, constitution, economics, corporation, optics, steam power, and assembly line (all in 15 turns!). I've queued factories in all of the cities but since AL just came in, there are no hammers invested. Which means... the next player can cancel all my lovely factory builds

But I'm pretty confident that I'm going to win this game In fact, I'm so confident that I've left a gift for the next player (two came from rolo):
From mysty, you meant to say :p BTW I thought we couldn't remove any builds, no matter whether there are hammers in them yet.

Guess I know what VC you have, unless you bluffed, but in that case you're screwed anyway :p

You did seem to neglect military completely though. No whip/draft anger at all in any city (though we could endure a lot), keeping the population high :p Not that this would be necessary...

@Dhoomstriker: I'm curious though, how is stealing a lot faster than teching here? We have twice the beaker output than we would get with espionage... Also, with AIs having the esp. buildings a lot longer than us, missions are riskier and they have plenty more on us as well, making missions more expensive...

So, looks like habitus gets the military buildup set and I get the fun-but-endless-set :D

edit: We have plenty of outdated units standing by in rotterdam, either to be upgraded or to be used as MP in border cities.
Going to look at the save now, hopefully I'll get my turnset in this weekend :) I'll probably mass our newer troops at which ever culture city Hammy has that looks easiest to hit (if we have any spies I'll leave them with sight of the border cities to keep a watch on them)
shyuhe said:
Oh and I almost lost the game because I almost clicked on the wrong box for this
For about 3 minutes straight I have been laughing at this comment and will probably keep laughing for quit some time! :lol: :D

I guess you're referring to the "do not chop" signs I ignored some thousand turns ago..? You haven't forgotten me then :p
How could I forget you, mysty?

IIRC I chopped first and removed the signs after so I removed outdated signs as well :p
To be honest, that may actually be worse... if it were the other way around, you could have just claimed that you were hiding the clutter and then forgot about it... what you're saying here is that you blatantly chose to do something else. As you say, in a competing game, not a big deal.

In a regular SG, I'd hope that you would at least check with the other players first.

I disagree here, I saw you do that and I don't like it much, call it "information overload". I mean if you see what's in this city once its fine...
Clear communication trumps abrieviations that others might not understand.

Clear AND concise communication trumps that, but better to be wordy and clear than concise and not clear.

3 drafts per turn for 10 turns is 30 drafts, which is nothing when spread across 24 cities. That's what I mean; we have the resources for extensive drafting (without crippling ourselves). We have plenty of :)-resources, far too much infra and still the culture slider if need be so we definitely won't run into problems there... We have a runaway AI and you can't expect taking him down to be a walk in the park.
Regardless, we have to stick to the rules. Taking down a run-away AI might suit your victory condition, say, if it's conquest. It might not suit another player's, say, if it's cultural.

So, what you think is right but goes against the spirit of the rules should be disallowed for that reason: that we each have our own competing goals and the rules were put in place to ensure a level of equity across goals, whereby doing something excessive wouldn't harm another player significantly.

I wouldn't mind seeing a clearer ruling from shyuhe on the subject, but I would think that 1 draft per City per turnset, as long as doing so doesn't bring a City into unhappiness, is a reasonable upper limit.

... a friendly AI with tons more tech and in the driver's seat for culture victory. Not sure, but I *think* we ought to do something here...
That's your victory condition talking. For some victory conditions, there's no reason to panic for a long time--no reason to panic at all, really.

As long as we aim to raze one Legendary-to-be City that doesn't contain one of the Wonders that we are not allowed to raze, we can put off a war declaration for a good number of turnsets and still be able to win with any victory condition.

Going all-out-war is not fair to some players, though, which is the crucial difference.

There are several methods to ensure safety for our cities, firstly by intelligence. Position spies in his land to locate SODs, if we get there fly some airship recon missions, etc. The AI isn't great in taking chances and opportunities, no stack no attack holds pretty often. If we strike in, say, 3 places (opis, west, east) we spread his defences and further lower the risk of counterattack. But that needn't be discussed until later so I left this out in my last post.
Okay, but this comment ignores the point that not every player will gain by going to war and some players will be harmed by it.

Unless we manage to capitulate Hammurabi, then a diplo or AP player will actually not want to attack Hammurabi.

Considering that culture doubles after 1000 years and that there are already plenty culture buildings
Here, again, having Espionage Buildings could have helped us, as we could have sabotaged a couple of his long-ago-built buildings, particularly his Hindu Temples and Hindu Monasteries, plus possibly some Cathedrals in a key Legendary-to-be City, delaying his win for an extremely long time. We can still aim to build the Espionage Buildings and do exactly that... completely avoiding war for the players that don't want to upset Hammurabi.

and more importantly, considering the way culture works, the only thing we should really care about is popping borders, and building yet another monastery doesn't help much short-term.
See, there aren't that many non-Wonder Cultural buildings to build once Monasteries become obsolete. When you're competing against an established Cultural City, those Monasteries do have a HUGE relative impact. So, you want to hit the 500 Cultural mark?

What have you got... +1 from Religion, +3 from a Theatre, +1 each from Temples... we can't even build Castles anymore... what else are you going to build? Monasteries! :cool:

Agreed, we have tons of obsolete units, THEY can be put into such cities, it usually doesn't take that much to avoid revolts. About building rifles or cavs, we might want to go into war with infantry, but the quickest way to get it is by a combination of drafting and upgrading. After AL we keep the slider at zero until we have the cash. That gives us max. inf in min. time. But yes, that is up to the player.
Again: great plan for the conquest player. For others... probably not so much.

Hehe shyuhe, that makes you the third player to violate rules and trade for gold :p
Clearly, we either need to loosen that rule or else we need to be clearer when we talk about it... we keep TALKING about "no tech trading," which just reinforces the wrong ideas in our heads, i.e. that "other kinds of trading could be okay."

BTW I thought we couldn't remove any builds, no matter whether there are hammers in them yet.
That is my understanding, too, which means that shyuhe just TROLLOLOLOLOLed the next player by putting Factories everywhere.

@Dhoomstriker: I'm curious though, how is stealing a lot faster than teching here? We have twice the beaker output than we would get with espionage...
Well, duh, we didn't really beeline Democracy and Espionage Buildings and we seem to have picked up Economics, obsoleting Castles. So, of course our current Espionage Rate will be sucky.

However, stealing techs comes in at a tiny fraction of the cost of researching them. Add to that the fact that we have lots of players that could be potential theft targets, such as Vassals with small Espionage outputs but the ability to research quickly.

Sure, even with some Espionage Buildings, you MIGHT have more base Flask output. But that's not how you compare Espionage... because Espionage lets you steal a tech at a fraction of its Commerce cost in Flasks.

Also, with AIs having the esp. buildings a lot longer than us, missions are riskier and they have plenty more on us as well, making missions more expensive...
What was it you said? We have 24 Cities? How can they feasibly compete with that? Espionage is great when you have a large empire, since it is something that scales in your favour the larger your empire gets, and even moreso when the world mostly shares the same State Religion as each other.

So, looks like habitus gets the military buildup set and I get the fun-but-endless-set :D
Only if he falls for your victory-condition-oriented arguments and/or if he is the conquest player.

edit: We have plenty of outdated units standing by in rotterdam, either to be upgraded or to be used as MP in border cities.
Just make sure that when moving a stack out of a border City that we check the City's Culture bar by hovering the mouse over top of it, to ensure that we aren't entering or increasing the Revolt Percentage zone.
Dhoomstriker said:
How could I forget you, mysty?
Ah, I meant to type "forgiven" :lol:

To be honest, that may actually be worse... if it were the other way around, you could have just claimed that you were hiding the clutter and then forgot about it... what you're saying here is that you blatantly chose to do something else. As you say, in a competing game, not a big deal.

In a regular SG, I'd hope that you would at least check with the other players first.
Of course. But as it is I'm not expected to play to any consensus or particular player's wishes.

Regardless, we have to stick to the rules. Taking down a run-away AI might suit your victory condition, say, if it's conquest. It might not suit another player's, say, if it's cultural.

So, what you think is right but goes against the spirit of the rules should be disallowed for that reason: that we each have our own competing goals and the rules were put in place to ensure a level of equity across goals, whereby doing something excessive wouldn't harm another player significantly.

I wouldn't mind seeing a clearer ruling from shyuhe on the subject, but I would think that 1 draft per City per turnset, as long as doing so doesn't bring a City into unhappiness, is a reasonable upper limit.
I find the rules are clear but vague. Having no anger from whip/draft whatsoever is not required. Check F1 to see how much surplus :) we have. Taking down ham suits anyone. We're not going to win culture or SS before he wins culture so we'll have to capture at least one of his core cities.

Going all-out-war is not fair to some players, though, which is the crucial difference.
You see, I don't instruct anyone to do anything, I merely give my opinion on the situation. Example: I stated that shyuhe obviously didn't go into complete military mode, I didn't bash him for not playing as I wanted or something.

See, there aren't that many non-Wonder Cultural buildings to build once Monasteries become obsolete. When you're competing against an established Cultural City, those Monasteries do have a HUGE relative impact. So, you want to hit the 500 Cultural mark?

What have you got... +1 from Religion, +3 from a Theatre, +1 each from Temples... we can't even build Castles anymore... what else are you going to build? Monasteries!
That is an argument for the border cities, we were spamming that kind of stuff everywhere. To hit the 500 mark I'd say building culture (after the important cultural buildings you mention here that also have other benefits) is far more efficient.

Clearly, we either need to loosen that rule or else we need to be clearer when we talk about it... we keep TALKING about "no tech trading," which just reinforces the wrong ideas in our heads, i.e. that "other kinds of trading could be okay."
On that subject, the rules are *very* clear:

Shyuhe said:
(2) no player may disband units, gift units, or engage in tech/gold trades with the AI except for the situations described in (2a);
(2a) responding to AI demands are ok (such as demands for tech, gold, stop trading) but the decision is up to the current player;

That means we can't get gold in a peace deal. Loosening that rule means we could also demand gifts/tribute, or, or, .... That would be up for discussion before the game not during imo.

Only if he falls for your victory-condition-oriented arguments and/or if he is the conquest player.
... and unless he wants to screw us all :p

One more thing I forgot: Might be a neat idea to build Wall Street ;)
:lol: Whoops, I forgot that we can't take gold as part of a peace deal. So I guess I put us up 185 gold more than we should have :blush:

And yeah, I guess I did kinda screw the next player with my factory builds :p I think the items are changeable if the build times are > 10 turns, although I'm not sure that applies to any of the cities :D

@mysty - who knows if I'm bluffing about my VC? :mischief:

Oh and a total aside, but I've been directing our vassals away from democracy so that only two civs have it. This will keep our labor civic options more open.
It was only techs we could change if at break even it took more than 15 turns to complete :) never builds, thou I should be fine with the factories that are being built :)
The real question is... if we invest in Factories should we invest in Coal Plants?

Factories are pretty expensive for what they give to you if you don't have Power. Coal Plants, while they do produce Unhealthiness, are where you see the real gains.

I generally either build both in a City or don't build either. It's up to Habitus to decide, though.

And yeah, I took 70 Gold from an AI, so that means that we have stolen 70 Gold + 185 Gold + whatever the other amount that mysty mentioned was (unless mysty meant both of shyuhe's capitulations as the 2nd and 3rd times we took Gold).

The good part is that the main purposes of preventing the Gold trades have been avoided:
a) increasing AIs liking us for gifting them Gold, which we have not done (and shouldn't do)
b) using Gold to bribe an AI to do something, which we have not done (and shouldn't do)

All, in all, we've just "topped up" our "earned war success" by taking the excess Gold, but I agree that doing so was in error and we shouldn't change the rules to allow it.

What I was saying is that since we keep talking about "no tech trading," we have accidentally reinforced the idea that it is okay to take Gold, which it is not. Oh well, the Gold has been spent now (seeing as how shyuhe couldn't even pay for countering the effects of a bad event!). :p

While I don't support going to war with Hammurabi anytime soon, we do have to be careful from here on in about warring... if we capture too many Cities then we may accidentally trigger Domination when our Cultural Borders expand.
Cam_H said:

Re: Competing VC's

I've used in order to determine victory conditions for this game.

It was determined that you shall be aiming to win the game by ... Diplomatic through the Apostolic Palace!

Best of luck! :)

So I started my turnset by whipping every thing i could into Jewish Missionaries (had to build wealth in some cities to store the OF till i could build them) The first 3 went to Hammy, the rest went to Charl and Willem, I need to do that as the religious leader vote won't come up if your over 75% of the votes yourself, 2 turns before the next vote i changed to the AP religion (was going to wait till last turn but thought i better not forget to do it :p).

Hammy build the UN on the first turn and Apollo a turn or two later (on the last turn he had built some Thruster i think). I vote for him in to the UN but abstained from free speech :)

As you can tell this led to

Thanks for my first SG, i had fun :) I'm interested to know everyones VC now hehe esp Dhoom's as he play the part of AP


  • Crazy Gandhi AD-1780.CivBeyondSwordSave
    326.4 KB · Views: 71
I can tell mine then ... Culture VC :cry: :run: :suicide:

To be honest I was already quite disenhearted since the moment I received the PM :p ( if you read my comments about culture VC from before that you'll understand why ) and I was gaming for a sushi powered late push, since wonders and religions would not cut it .... but then our general backwardness and the zero control I had in general on the GP generation killed the thing fast :(
Yeah Culture was what i feared getting most despite it being the VC i know best :) This is my 4th AP win ever, and all the others were during a Minor :p
lurker's comment:

Congratulations Habitus, and really to the whole roster (at least 'someone' won!). I'll leave it to you guys to reveal or conceal your allotted VCs as you wish.

Great reading, and well done again.
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