Condensed tips for beginners?

JTMacc99 said:
I'm in my second round of Epic, and even after isolating myself very early one (by killing off my only neighbor WAY before we could make any trades), I STILL ended up being the score leader when I found the rest of the world. I have no idea of exactly why, but something about this speed makes me play significantly better. It has to be the fact that I have more turns to notice I am being sloppy.

(I still can't bring myself to build a GP Farm, however. I see all that food and grassland, and I cottage the bejesus out of it and rake in the commerce. I REALLY need to stop doing that.)
Move up in difficulty? :dunno:
I'm in my second round of Epic, and even after isolating myself very early one (by killing off my only neighbor WAY before we could make any trades), I STILL ended up being the score leader when I found the rest of the world. I have no idea of exactly why, but something about this speed makes me play significantly better. It has to be the fact that I have more turns to notice I am being sloppy.

(I still can't bring myself to build a GP Farm, however. I see all that food and grassland, and I cottage the bejesus out of it and rake in the commerce. I REALLY need to stop doing that.)
Epic probably helped you in that early rush--your units probably arrived at his cities before your opponent could defend with effective counter units. The general consensus is that warfare is the big recipient of the slower speeds' benefits, because your armies don't become obsolete by the time they get to the front.

Even if you're running a CE, all you need is one city devoted to GPs; you can cottage most of the others to your heart's content. It's amazing how effective it can be, especially when combined with the National Epic.
Epic probably helped you in that early rush--your units probably arrived at his cities before your opponent could defend with effective counter units. The general consensus is that warfare is the big recipient of the slower speeds' benefits, because your armies don't become obsolete by the time they get to the front.
That does make sense. In the games I've done best, it was the successful early rush put me ahead for the rest of the game.

I am discovering one drawback of my newfound ability to be way ahead of the AI by mid-game: Now I have plenty of time to build everything I've ever wanted! So many wonders! So many banks and universities! Everybody gets a Drydock! At least when I was trying to catch-up, I had that army ready to go. Now I just keep churning out units in a couple cities to keep the power rating up, and everybody else is keeping the local builder's unions happy. When I've got cannons and somebody else is defending with longbows, I should REALLY get my ass over there and help myself to whatever I'd like.
That does make sense. In the games I've done best, it was the successful early rush put me ahead for the rest of the game.

I am discovering one drawback of my newfound ability to be way ahead of the AI by mid-game: Now I have plenty of time to build everything I've ever wanted! So many wonders! So many banks and universities! Everybody gets a Drydock! At least when I was trying to catch-up, I had that army ready to go. Now I just keep churning out units in a couple cities to keep the power rating up, and everybody else is keeping the local builder's unions happy. When I've got cannons and somebody else is defending with longbows, I should REALLY get my ass over there and help myself to whatever I'd like.
Hmmm... as mystyfly said, it may be time to move up a level. ;)
Agreed. I was making my way through a series of random leaders/random maps games to see if I could get better, but this epic thing makes me think I can now deal with a higher level and still keep let the computer choose my leader and maps. (I've never been the Mongols before, and they're not nearly as bad as I thought they might be.)

How can I set a muster or gather point for new units form a city ?
One of the dull bits of the civ, especially when building for war and you've got 5 ot 10 cities churning out units every turn or two, is always telling them all to go to a particular place as soon as they are produced.
Is there anyway to automate that by setting a gather point for each cities new troops to goto ?

Select all cities whose units you want to rally (shift-click on the city bars, alt-click selects all on the continent) and right-click on a tile which will be rally point. To remove the rally point, set it to the city tile.
It's always micromanagement vs lazyness :p

The more time you spend the better you play. Extreme example is automating workers.

I think it's rather easy to use if you don't use them in every city, only in a few production centers. You should just make signs which cities have rally points or it can become quite annoying.
Dear all. can anyone provide some condensed tips for prince level.
I play noble level or lower is fine...but reach prince level. which feel tough.....
I play mongol in 18civs Earth Warlord original box patch version.

The AI tech speed is too fast. may be i have someting wrong with trading the tech.
Several computer civs use 15power gunner rider to attack me which i use 9power rifleman defense.

Do i need to play more noble level before play prince level ? thanks
The best bet is to start a thread and provide a save of the situation you are in. Then it will be possible to see where you're going wrong.
Probably you haven't specialized your cities. Do you have dedicated production cities that produce only units ? Do you have dedicated commerce cities producing only commerce buildings ?
Are you tech trading ? Are you whipping your cities at the right times ?
The best bet is to start a thread and provide a save of the situation you are in. Then it will be possible to see where you're going wrong.
Probably you haven't specialized your cities. Do you have dedicated production cities that produce only units ? Do you have dedicated commerce cities producing only commerce buildings ?
Are you tech trading ? Are you whipping your cities at the right times ?

u are right. I haven't specialized my cities.
Since I still new to play Civ4, my concept are still not very clear for that.
for example, for commerince city what should I built if the improvment already bulit ? make military unit or change the production to money / or research ? thank you.
Commerce cities should have libraries, markets, universities, grocers, ...

Production cities should have forges, factories, often aecuaducts, ...

Coastal cities should additionally have lighthouses and sometimes harbours.

All cities should have granaries, courthouses, barracks.

If you go to war often, most of your cities should have theatres and coliseums.

To make your game easier, play a civ/leader that provides economic benefits, via traits like financial, organized or philosophical. Genghis is kinda hard to run a solid economy.
u are right. I haven't specialized my cities.
Since I still new to play Civ4, my concept are still not very clear for that.
for example, for commerince city what should I built if the improvment already bulit ? make military unit or change the production to money / or research ? thank you.

Once the commerce builds are done, and there's no need for more workers or settlers, then I tend to build a barracks and then troops, but, in general (and it is a generalization) if you've ran out of commerce and happy builds to do in a city, you may be teching too slow. Which means more commerce cities.

Remember to get the order right too. At 70% science, you're want to build science builds first, at 30% you need commerce builds first.

If it has done all it's builds, then you could re-jig the tiles being worked to max commerce, stop working those hills in favour of running merchants specialists etc. Remember to switch back when new builds are available though.
When Production cities have forges, factories, often aquaducts already. As I asked before, city improvements do not need running cost in Civ4. Why do not build a bank earn more money if the coins still good in the city ? you means the oppturnity cost of making troops ? tks
considering that a production city will usually have very few commerce, a bank would be a waste of hammers. But units, you will need them. And if you don't build them here, it would be a waste to build them in commerce cities which should build the mentioned bank.
considering that a production city will usually have very few commerce, a bank would be a waste of hammers. But units, you will need them. And if you don't build them here, it would be a waste to build them in commerce cities which should build the mentioned bank.

ic, but for example, I have taken most main city in Europe of 18civs. how to plan it better ?
Another issue are the requirement of national wonder, what commonly will do ? thank you Bro.
If you post the save, (maybe in a new thread) people will comment on it I'm sure.

I've not played Europe 18civs yet. It sounds, er, crouded.
Sometimes you will want to put a lib+uni or bank in a production city to get Oxford and WallSt, but certianly by WallSt time, if you don't have 6 commerse and hybrid citues you may end up lagging behind.

I'm not an expert player (win most times at Monarch, get toasted on Emporer) but my games tend to have an early war to gain terroritory, then focus on a solid economic base while still building units to deter the AI.

Anything you build in the production city that's not units means there's less units to deter or defend against the AI. The higher the dificulty level, the more aggressive the AI is.
That is enough for having this replies. tks.
In Civs 18, America is very weak....., I always want to help him ha ha.
The most want to do is to make partner with him.
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