Conquer the continent


Dec 6, 2004
I am playing continents scenario on civ 4 - BTS. Now I have looked at alot of sample games of BTS. But there is one question. What is the latest time to conquer your continent (Depending on how many Civs are on the same one.)

For example; average continent latest 1800AD Domination

I just would like to know, so if I am over a certain date, I will just start again.

Here is a screen shot of my game 1842AD, View please to see what I could have done better.


  • AutoSave_AD-1842.CivBeyondSwordSave
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  • 18420000.JPG
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Hmmmm.... Well, for my admittedly low skill level, I don't have a time limit as there are too many other variables. How big is the continent? How many AI's? Who are they (are they protective? Have a good UU? Or will get a good UU in later ages?) Do I have resources for war? Do they? What's the terrain like? How far was I able to peacefully expand?

So, it's a pretty dynamic situation for me. Some are settled with a quick axe rush; some have to wait until macemen, or rifles - or sometimes later for a variety of reasons. Heck, sometimes I end up sharing a continent, or building an island empire....

Really, I'd say play however you enjoy, but I don't think (purely for me) that I'd end a game just because I didn't have my own continent by a certain date....
As jeffreyac said, there's no general rule. The speed of your aggression for dom victories will vary according to the world size, your civ/UU, opponents, resources, tiles, and most importantly your difficulty settings!

Without those kinds of details, it's hard for me to appraise your specific situation accurately -- but if I had to guess, I'd say it's gonna be a photo finish! It looks like you should be able to seize control of your continent by the end of the game. For anything beyond that, you'll need to be playing on an easy difficulty level OR be way ahead of your opponents in tech. Just make sure a civ on the other continent doesn't complete space race, diplo, or cultural victory first! Good luck!
It looks like you are top-dog in score, so you should be able to win. Just build up a sizable modern army (lots of Cannons!) and go on a rampage.

If get Cannons and attack an opponent who hasn't gotten Riflemen yet, you will absolutely obliterate them. Similarly, you can beeline to Infantry/Artillery and roll over Riflemen. A combination of Tanks and Fighters/Bombers will be obscenely fast, and can win you wars even when the opponent has equal tech, as long as you overwhelm them with numbers.
It is impossible to set a definite date for conquering all your "own" continent because there are far too many factors involved, mostly listed by jeffreyac above, and these factors interact. If you're on the smaller of two continents you can obviously expect to conquer it faster than if you're on the larger, for example, but not if on that smaller continent you face a tougher set of opponents. Even the shape of the continent affects time: if you start at one end of a long thin continent it will take more time for your armies to march/ride/roll to the extremities than it would on a compact continent if you start in the middle.
I'll often not conquer my continent at all, especially if my neighbor is big and friendly and not particularly aggressive. Last game I completed, I shared a continent between American Sitting Bull and George Washington of Japan. (I was Bodacia of the Ottomans.) I took out George because he was pathetic and I didn't want him to get Samurai, but I left Sitting Bull alone and we remained friendly while I was invading other continents.
I usually like to "unify" my home continent, but things like capitulation, Flanders-worthy neighbours and sheer size makes that kind of hard sometimes. In my last game I was making progress but a stupid domination victory got in my way :lol:.
My problem with conquering my own continent early is that I lose the benefit of early tech trading. So I generally only do that if I get a decisive advantage out of it. But if I don't need the land (and it possibly would in fact be expensive to get it and defend it), I'll pass on conquering my continent and try to make friends instead.
Which means what am I doing wrong. As I am only playing warlord level.

Okay, so I'm not a good player, but I can beat the game on this level :D I looked at the game you attached to the original post and it looks like you're in a good position for winning the game. I haven't looked at your cities much. I did set some borderline useless ones to build wealth so I could set science higher. I also put in some specialists, although not too many, and some cities already had them. But A useless city with a lot of population and unnecessary buildings is going to be expensive, and also going to hurt you when trying to win by conquest as it may contribute toward reaching the domination limits early.

Speaking of conquest, what is your stack doing up there at the Indian border? You're not at war with him yet. I'm guessing that your intention was taking Seville. But your stack is borderline inadequate for taking cities right now. Your macemen will stand no chance against Isabellas riflemen on a hill city with good supply lines. Instead of attacking Seville, which would probably not end the war anytime soon and get you in trouble with defending the cultural pressure on your new conquests, I marched the stack back down to Madrid (lost some macemen on the way to marauding Spanish riflemen) and took Madrid with some additional help from redcoats and cavalry from York and I think two other of your cities close to the Spanish border. I did waste all the macemen against Madrid, but then they were not really useful and I wanted to keep the gunpowder units. After I took Madrid, Isabella agreed to capitulation. So you are not in immediate trouble in this game.

The next goal should be Gandhi since he is huge. After the Spanish war, I moved the remaining forces to Moscow. I also built a bunch of redcoats. Since I had set some cities to build wealth earlier, I could afford hurrying some units (not too many though). Also Steel was just discovered, so I started buying cannons. Then I assembled a stack consisting of 20 or so redcoats, some cavalry and a few cannons (too few, but they had just been discovered) and marched them toward Calcutta. I declared on Gandhi and had no trouble at all taking Calcutta. It was defended by two or three longbowmen or so. I donated the city to Peter and marched the remaining stack (I think all survived, but I left two redcoats stationed in Calcutta) toward Varanasi. I also started building up another stack with more cannons and redcoats in Vladivostok (Peter's city, but he's a vassal and that's what they're there for). After defeating the longbowmen in Varanasi, I left 5 or 6 injured redcoats there and marched the remainder of the stack toward Hyderabad. I also marched my secondary stack toward Hyderabad. It turned out that one was sufficient (no big surprise there); I quickly defeated the longbowmen in Hyderabad and marched onward to Delhi. I took Delhi with the first stack and ordered the second to move Vijayanagara. In Delhi I think I even saw a musketman among the defenders, and Vijayanagara got one last minute knight sent from Bombay. After taking Delhi I was preparing to attack Bombay as well but after I took Vijayanagara, Gandhi was willing to capitulate, which I accepted.

This leaves two major enemies, Boudica and De Gaulle (I think Bismarck is a vassal). I didn't look at that part of the world at all yet so I don't know which to attack first. However, I have a border with Boudica now through Gandhi's new-world territories, so it might be possible to stage a land war with Boudica. You might want to prepare for that in advance, get a bunch of galleons to transport your troops over. I didn't plan ahead that far.

Not going to attach a save, the description should be enough and I didn't pay much attention to things besides the war. So you might want to run your empire differently. I have no idea what you were doing before, so I was probably playing suboptimally. But here's a screenshot, state of the R0gue union after taking control of your continent plus Gandhi's colony:
Spoiler :

Note that the vassals sent some forces as well, there is a Spanish rifleman, and somewhat obscured by the research bar, there's a stack of Russian musketmen next to Bombay ;-)

Also note the research output. You had already started building universities. I think I built Oxford in Moscow as well and I settled a great scientist there. Might be better to lightbulb something with him though.
I now know what I am doing wrong, thanks to danny. I am building up every city with all the buildings available. But thanks to dannys explaination I will be changing ways I do cities now.

Just one more thing. What is the minimum buildings for every city.

BTW, I can win a space victory easy.

This is the list I have found on the web.

Lighthouse - Coastal
Harbor - Coastal
I now know what I am doing wrong, thanks to danny. I am building up every city with all the buildings available. But thanks to dannys explaination I will be changing ways I do cities now.

Just one more thing. What is the minimum buildings for every city.

BTW, I can win a space victory easy.

This is the list I have found on the web.

Lighthouse - Coastal
Harbor - Coastal

Don't forget about courthouses. I would probably rank that right after library for most cities, of course it does depend on distance and your economic situation but there's still the espionage bonus which is a good reason to build one everywhere.
This is the list I have found on the web.

Lighthouse - Coastal
Harbor - Coastal

This is exactly what you can improve...
If you want to conquer your continent, you need to be aggresive...
lambda city:
theater (monument before drama)
courthouse (useless in state property)
forge (less usefull in marathon)

If you want to have a more balance approach, add a library in your best city, run two scientists, then put an academy in it.

The date you are looking for depends on how confortable you are at the level you play. (with 4 civs, it can be done with axes if you master really the level). But I don't advice to start over if you fail to do it... You will learn more by playing different situations, than by repeating over and over the same pre-defined (before seeing the map!) scenario...


PS: once you have your military goals are achieved, you can build more, but don't build everything everywhere :) That defies every single civ laws :)
Just one more thing. What is the minimum buildings for every city.

BTW, I can win a space victory easy.

This is the list I have found on the web.

Lighthouse - Coastal
Harbor - Coastal

Granary - Yes.
Lighthouse - Not necessary unless you plan on working water tiles. So yes if you have seafood in the city, otherwise optional.
Library - Only for commerce cities.
Aqueduct - Only needed if the city has serious :yuck: problems.
forge - Good in all cities. Great for production/military cities, but lower priority for commerce cities.
Harbor - Only needed for :yuck: problems. The trade route bonus is nice but may not be worth the hammers.
Theater - Useful to deal with :mad: problems and/or cultural pressure from the AI. If you just want to get your borders to expand the first time, so the city can work all its tiles, you can just build :culture: if you have Music.
Market - Only for commerce cities, or as a last-resort for dealing with :mad: problems.
Factory - Great for production/military cities, too expensive for low-:hammers: cities.
Grocery - Good for commerce cities, or for dealing with :yuck:.
University - Commerce cities only!
Laboratory - Good for spaceship-building cities.

I would also include the Courthouse as a high-priority build, but this is less necessary for low difficulties like Warlord. Check in the top-left of the city screen to see how much maintenance you are paying.

Also of course the obvious ones: Barracks for military cities, Bank for commerce cities, etc.
It really depends on your playstyle. When I go to 100% research, I can zoom ahead of every other civilization, because I have libraries and universities in all my cities. Likewise, in a single turn, I can earn enough money to upgrade my entire army or finish producing every single building in my empire, when I go to 100% income. When I go to 100% culture, all the cities on the outskirts of my empire flip peacefully to me, after a few turns, because I built broadcast towers everywhere.

Really, if you want to specialize, that's fine. If you want to generalize, that's fine, too. It works just fine up to Monarch. There's absolutely no reason why you have to specialize your cities. In a sense, every one of my cities is a commerce city, I suppose. Once you get to the point where your cottages are mature, they generate obscene amounts of commerce and give you bonus hammers in Universal Suffrage. If the number of hammers isn't to your liking, just rush-buy whatever you're making. With all that commerce coming it, you should be able to afford to rush-buy anything your little heart desires.

Once I go to Universal Suffrage, Free Speech, Emancipation, Free Market, and Free Religion, it would take a certified miracle to make me change my civics.
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