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COVID-19 virus thread (formerly Wuhan coronavirus)

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The us is in utter disarray over this, there's no coordinated effort
Agreed, though I think California is handling it as well as it can under the circumstances. Interstate coordinated effort isn't happening because at that level it is all the government can really do to manage the head buffoon and minimize the additional damage he could cause.
One of the things that have irked me the most about the Argentine government's mishandling of the crisis is how they promoted pseudo-scientific nonsense that included ‘if you drink warm liquids it will prevent contagion’. The warm liquid by excellence is mate, a drink made by taking an empty gourd, filling it with mashed dried weeds and hot (but not boiled) water and then sticking a straw into it, passing it from hand to hand and everybody taking turns to suck from the one shared straw. Bloody Moderator Action: Expletive deleted
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

Moderator Action: Please don't try to evade the autocensor. --LM
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Darwin awards coming up?
Anti-vaccination movement could derail fight against coronavirus
More than 10 percent of Americans say they would not take a coronavirus vaccine

Spoiler spoilered for length :
The global anti-vaccination movement could cause a resurgence of the deadly coronavirus outbreak and others like it in the years to come, experts have warned.

Laboratories around the world are rushing to create a vaccine that will stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Scientists anticipate it will take more than a year to discover and test such a drug.

But public health officials say the growth of the so-called “anti-vax” movement across the world may mean that its usefulness is limited.

“We need a vaccine. However, the vaccine is only effective in preventing the disease if we have appropriate vaccine uptake,” said Dr Scott Ratzan, founder of the International Working Group (IWG) on Vaccination and Public Health Solutions.

“If people do not take the vaccine and we do not have exposure to a level that would have overall community ‘immunity’ we could have a resurgence in cases of Covid-19 or the next coronavirus,” said Dr Ratzan, who is also a distinguished lecturer at the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says at least 20 coronavirus vaccines are being developed around the world. The first human trials have already begun in Seattle, led by the Boston-based biotech firm Moderna.

Although the speed with which the drug went to trial is almost unprecedented, experts say it could still take about 18 months for any potential vaccine to become available to the general public.

The anti-vaccination movement has become a growing threat in recent years, credited in part to the publication of a widely debunked 1998 study that linked the vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella to autism. The movement counts among its number some high-profile celebrities — and at one time, even Donald Trump.

Globally, some 79 percent of people perceive vaccines to be safe, while only 7 percent thought they were unsafe, according to a 2019 study. That number varies across the world, however. France, which has one of the highest number of infections of the coronavirus, is also the most vaccine sceptical country in the world. Some 33 percent of French people believe that vaccines are unsafe. The US also has an above average level of scepticism. Seventy-two percent of Americans believe vaccines to be safe, while 11 percent disagree.

Dr Ratzan’s own polling on the US public’s views on a potential coronavirus vaccine found that only 66 percent would be willing to take a coronavirus vaccine. Just over 11 percent said they would not take it, and 23 percent were unsure. The survey, conducted by Emerson Polling, spoke to more than 1,100 Americans on March 18 and 19.

Experts say that “herd immunity” — whereby enough of a population is protected from the disease by a vaccine or having already recovered the virus — is essential for stopping the spread of the virus. To achieve this, vaccination levels need to be above 90 percent, according to the WHO.

Dr Steven Taylor, a clinical psychologist and author of the 2019 book ‘The Psychology of Pandemics’, said he anticipated the rejection of vaccinations to be a significant issue going forward.

“When we get a vaccine, you can bet that many people will not get vaccinated,” he said. “This is a long-standing, huge problem with pandemics. Even during the 2009 H1n1 influenza pandemic, a lot of people didn’t get vaccinated. Some studies reported 50 percent of people saying they didn’t want to get vaccinated.”

Even before the vaccine has been discovered, online anti-vaccination groups are spreading coronavirus conspiracy theories. Oregonians for Healthcare Choice, one of many vaccine sceptic Facebook groups across the country, wrote on March 20: “If you’re still thinking it’s coincidental that a pandemic erupted in the midst of a state by state sweep to REMOVE your right to refuse vaccination, it’s time to get your head out of the sand.”

The growth of vaccine sceptics in recent years led the WHO to declare vaccine hesitation in its top ten threats to global health in 2019.
“The reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines threatens to reverse progress made in tackling vaccine-preventable diseases,” it said.

Vaccination is one of the most cost-effective ways of avoiding disease – it currently prevents 2-3 million deaths a year, and a further 1.5 million could be avoided if global coverage of vaccinations improved.”

The growth of online ecosystems devoted to spreading disinformation about vaccines is a key reason for this, according to Dr Ratzan.

“While anti-vaccine statements date back to the 1800s, more recent sentiments stem from now-debunked evidence regarding the relationship between childhood vaccines and autism,” he said.

“The anti-vaccine activists are organised well and continue to perpetuate the fraudulent Wakefield 1998 Lancet article that purportedly linked autism with vaccination. A growing anti-vaccine movement is aligned with the proliferation of social media platforms that can propagate misinformation –– such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.”

Dr Ratzan said that “vaccine literacy” is essential for improving vaccination rates around the world.

Last year he was one of 50 public health leaders from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and the Americas who signed a declaration that advocated for more support for “the development, testing, implementation and evaluation of new, effective, and fact-based communications programmes” on vaccines.
I am smiling at this because it's mostly manipulation. This chinese virus (and, yes, viruses <do> have nationalities - hint - Spanish Flu ) only exposed the masses' irrationality. Educate yourselves.
Yes, educate yourself:

wiki said:
In August 1918, a more virulent strain appeared simultaneously in Brest, France; in Freetown, Sierra Leone; and in the U.S. in Boston, Massachusetts. The Spanish flu also spread through Ireland, carried there by returning Irish soldiers. The Allies of World War I came to call it the Spanish flu, primarily because the pandemic received greater press attention after it moved from France to Spain in November 1918. Spain was not involved in the war and had not imposed wartime censorship.


Hypotheses about the source
United Kingdom
The major UK troop staging and hospital camp in Étaples in France has been theorized by researchers as being at the center of the Spanish flu. The research was published in 1999 by a British team, led by virologist John Oxford.[17] In late 1917, military pathologists reported the onset of a new disease with high mortality that they later recognized as the flu. The overcrowded camp and hospital was an ideal site for the spreading of a respiratory virus. The hospital treated thousands of victims of chemical attacks, and other casualties of war, and 100,000 soldiers passed through the camp every day. It also was home to a piggery, and poultry was regularly brought in for food supplies from surrounding villages. Oxford and his team postulated that a significant precursor virus, harbored in birds, mutated and then migrated to pigs kept near the front.[18][19]

A report published in 2016 in the Journal of the Chinese Medical Association found evidence that the 1918 virus had been circulating in the European armies for months and possibly years before the 1918 pandemic.[20]

United States
There have been statements that the epidemic originated in the United States. Historian Alfred W. Crosby stated in 2003 that the flu originated in Kansas,[21] and popular author John Barry described Haskell County, Kansas, as the point of origin in his 2004 article.[11] It has also been stated by historian Santiago Mata in 2017 that, by late 1917, there had already been a first wave of the epidemic in at least 14 US military camps.[22]

A 2018 study of tissue slides and medical reports led by evolutionary biology professor Michael Worobey found evidence against the disease originating from Kansas as those cases were milder and had fewer deaths compared to the situation in New York City in the same time period. The study did find evidence through phylogenetic analyses that the virus likely had a North American origin, though it was not conclusive. In addition, the haemagglutinin glycoproteins of the virus suggest that it was around far prior to 1918 and other studies suggest that the reassortment of the H1N1 virus likely occurred in or around 1915.[23]

One of the few regions of the world seemingly less affected by the 1918 flu pandemic was China, where there may have been a comparatively mild flu season in 1918 (although this is disputed due to lack of data during the Warlord Period of China, see Around the globe). Multiple studies have documented that there were relatively few deaths from the flu in China compared to other regions of the world.[24][25][26] This has led to speculation that the 1918 flu pandemic originated in China.[27][25][28][29] The relatively mild flu season and lower rates of flu mortality in China in 1918 may be explained due to the fact that the Chinese population had already possessed acquired immunity to the flu virus. [30][27][25] However, a study by K.F. Cheng and P.C. Leung in 2006 has suggested it was more likely because the traditional Chinese medicine played an important role in prevention and treatment.[27]

In 1993, Claude Hannoun, the leading expert on the 1918 flu for the Pasteur Institute, asserted the former virus was likely to have come from China. It then mutated in the United States near Boston and from there spread to Brest, France, Europe's battlefields, Europe, and the world with Allied soldiers and sailors as the main disseminators.[31] He considered several other hypotheses of origin, such as Spain, Kansas and Brest, as being possible, but not likely. Political scientist Andrew Price-Smith published data from the Austrian archives suggesting the influenza had earlier origins, beginning in Austria in early 1917.[32]

In 2014, historian Mark Humphries argued that the mobilization of 96,000 Chinese laborers to work behind the British and French lines might have been the source of the pandemic. Humphries, of the Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, based his conclusions on newly unearthed records. He found archival evidence that a respiratory illness that struck northern China in November 1917 was identified a year later by Chinese health officials as identical to the Spanish flu.[33][34]

A report published in 2016 in the Journal of the Chinese Medical Association found no evidence that the 1918 virus was imported to Europe via Chinese and Southeast Asian soldiers and workers and instead found evidence of its circulation in Europe before the pandemic.[20] The 2016 study suggested that the low flu mortality rate (an estimated 1/1000) found among the Chinese and Southeast Asian workers in Europe meant that the deadly 1918 influenza pandemic could not have originated from those workers.[20]

A 2018 study of tissue slides and medical reports led by evolutionary biology professor Michael Worobey found evidence against the disease being spread by Chinese workers, noting that workers entered Europe through other routes that did not result in detectable spread, making them unlikely to have been the original hosts.[23]
The Governor of Mississippi issued a state wide ban on any city and town to limit closures or stay at home orders. That is, no city or town can limit business activity because of the virus. Any city that had already issued such orders had to rescind them.
Seasonal flu killed 10 times more people than coronavirus that killed only 0.7% of the infected.
That's because coronavirus so far infected about a hundred times less people than seasonal flu did. The "hysteria" is because it's as contagious as flu and can infect just as many people.

By your logic, if we have cholera or smallpox outbreak, we should wait for tens of thousands dead before declaring quarantine measures.
The Governor of Mississippi issued a state wide ban on any city and town to limit closures or stay at home orders. That is, no city or town can limit business activity because of the virus. Any city that had already issued such orders had to rescind them.

How does he have the authority to do that? The governor of California has that authority currently because there is a properly issued statewide state of emergency. It seems like you can't issue a state of emergency to get the authority, then use the authority to insist that there is no emergency. That should effectively end the state of emergency.
How does he have the authority to do that? The governor of California has that authority currently because there is a properly issued statewide state of emergency. It seems like you can't issue a state of emergency to get the authority, then use the authority to insist that there is no emergency. That should effectively end the state of emergency.
I don't know, but he did issue such a decree. The city of Tupelo then backed off all their closure and stay at home orders.
I don't know, but he did issue such a decree. The city of Tupelo then backed off all their closure and stay at home orders.

I'm not doubting that he did it. I'm not even surprised that idiot city governments in Mississippi would follow it. I just doubt that he has any real authority to do it.
Hey, it's Mississippi.
Glenn Beck hates progress so much, he said he’s willing to die to save the economy.
well now we have two, him and the Lt governor of Texas. Make a list.
Moderator Action: Some of you may not know this, so I will mention it now before this takes off any further:

Advocating for the death of anyone on CFC (even jokingly) carries a penalty of a one week ban. So before we get into the thoughts of who should rightfully die from COVID-19, think carefully before you post. I have no sense of humour for this sort of thing.
I am smiling at this because it's mostly manipulation. This chinese virus (and, yes, viruses <do> have nationalities - hint - Spanish Flu ) only exposed the masses' irrationality. Educate yourselves. Stop spreading panic about something that is just manipulation. I am a sociologist and a scientist, I use facts to support my claims. Seasonal flu killed 10 times more people than coronavirus that killed only 0.7% of the infected. This is just mass delusion and hysteria.
This psychiatrist can illuminate the matter.

Thousands of children die each day because of no access to food. Other thousands die from normal diseases and nobody panics. A few people die in civilized countries and suddenly the whole of humanity needs Martial Law. Ridiculous.
But the people are most easily manipulated during times of crises and this is where this virus kicks in the hardest.

No, it's not a virus that's humanity's problem, but ignorance and gullibility.

Everybody is being forced to stay inside the house because some old people died. And somehow people find this a normal thing. Where is the panic for the almost 120.000 people who died this year of seasonal flu? Where?

I'll tell you the first thing that jumped out at me. It should jump out at you too, if you think about it.

Early in this video, he says that only 5000 people have died. He happens to be telling the truth as of the time the video posted on March 14: the number of deaths by the end of the day on March 13 was indeed only 5428.

At the moment, the tally of deaths is 21,200. That's more than a factor of 4 greater than it was just 11 days ago. This is what we would expect if the number of cases is rising exponentially with a doubling time of about 5 days. Here's a graph that shows really clearly what is going on with the current death count. Note the number of deaths as of the axis mark for March 12 and compare with today.

Keep in mind as well that it takes about 20 days to die of the disease following infection, or about 15 days from the first symptoms. Assuming the disease grew at the same rate for the past 20 days, how many currently living people will die just from infections they currently have - ignoring, for the moment, the people who will get the disease at any point in the future?

4 doubling times elapse in 20 days, so it's 2^4 = 16 times the number of current deaths. By this admittedly crude model, we'd have 339,200. Put another way, of the 339,200 deaths we expect to see by April 14, only about 7% have died yet.

Exponential functions are powerful. If we spend the next 20 days doing nothing, then this number climbs to 5.43 million: almost a Holocaust's worth of dead.

The number of infected people, and also the number of deaths in 3 weeks' time, will stop growing exponentially only if we enact measures to dramatically slow the rate of disease spread, up until the disease has already spread to most of the population. Without any interventions, each person infects about 2.5-3 other people. In order to stop exponential growth, this number has to be reduced below 1. The only way to do that is to greatly reduce the number of people that each infected person comes into contact with. People are contagious well before they show symptoms, and we can't know who has been infected until they get tested, which only happens after they develop significant symptoms because tests are scarce. The end result is that we have to keep everyone from coming into anywhere near as much contact as they had with other people before now. And that means shutting down much of the economy.
Let them die.
Wile I do think that if they did they'd earn themselves a Darwin Award, the problem with that is that they'd take a lot of innocents with them.
I am smiling at this because it's mostly manipulation. This chinese virus (and, yes, viruses <do> have nationalities - hint - Spanish Flu ) only exposed the masses' irrationality.
Sorry, but my great-grandmother's death did not come with a Spanish accent. It just came, and it killed her, along with many other people.

I am a sociologist and a scientist, I use facts to support my claims.
Cow pies on all three points. You should get your money back from the diploma mill.

Everybody is being forced to stay inside the house because some old people died. And somehow people find this a normal thing. Where is the panic for the almost 120.000 people who died this year of seasonal flu? Where?
If you're one of the people who survives this, you will some day be among the "some old people." May others show you the same degree of compassion, empathy, and respect you've shown the current populations.

Nobody is calling this normal. We are calling it necessary. I've nearly died several times already in my life, and I'm not ready to go, certainly not because some ignorant, uncaring <individuals> think the world revolves around them.

As we've said: THE FLU HAS A VACCINE. COVID-19 DOES NOT. I don't get why you find this so hard to understand.
The Governor of Mississippi issued a state wide ban on any city and town to limit closures or stay at home orders. That is, no city or town can limit business activity because of the virus. Any city that had already issued such orders had to rescind them.

That fool is going to kill people.
Governor Koike of Tokyo called for residents to stay inside this weekend. Saitama, Kanagawa, Chiba, and Yamanashi Prefectures (all in the Tokyo area) have also asked residents not to travel to the city.

I’m waiting to see if anything is issued for Osaka or Hyogo following last week’s request by both governors not to cross the Osaka-Hyogo border.
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