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COVID-19 virus thread (formerly Wuhan coronavirus)

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In US and Europe Covid-19 makes toilet paper panic.
In Turkey it's Macaroni.
In Indonesia the ginger and tumeric stock are plunged (because are believe to have a healing affect against the virus)

This tells us the length people can do to survive when they are desperate. Now I hope before people criticizing refugee, boat people and immigrant from war torn land to save their life and families from bomb strike and sometime carnage, we should remember that we even fought over toilet paper to survive.
There aren't baby booms from these things anymore. People veg out and watch streaming TV.

The only chance of a boom is when the power goes in the winter for an extended period and there is nothing much to do otherwise.

Things are different than post WW2. Wages went up a lot if not doubled in the war years. No contraception.
As Agent Smith would say… more.

and this just in:

India bans all travellers from entering country in unprecedented move
In one of most extreme measures taken by any government in response to Covid-19 outbreak, India suspends all visas, effective from Friday, with only some exemptions for diplomats and workers​
Things are different than post WW2. Wages went up a lot if not doubled in the war years. No contraception.
No Internet. No porn. No online porn.
I bet the supermarket workers are just happy to keep their jobs because they sure as hell are not going to be getting extra (or any) PTO* absent government intervention, which is looking less likely by the hour thanks to the GOP.

*Except the ones in unions

The biggest supermarket chain in Spain is going to give a 20% bonus to their workers once this issue is off
If Trump did got the virus from his negationist brazilian servants (or vice-versa), will the White House try to hide it over fear of "market reactions"?
Anecdotally I'm also hearing a lot of stories about the local Asian supermarkets being nearly deserted.

My Chinese wife is yelling at the TV wanting a complete lockdown of all businesses and borders (state borders, not just international).

She ordered the wrong size clothes for our 6 year old, no problem, just return it the store....nope can't risk catching the virus, we'll just hold them until they fit him......may be when he's a teenager, if even then. She's trying to get me to wear the masks when shopping despite me telling her they don't really help, and our one box of 20 will be gone in no time (we had cancelled the order of 1000 masks she would have sent to family in China as it wouldnt have got there until april-may, if at all.)
If Trump did got the virus from his negationist brazilian servants (or vice-versa), will the White House try to hide it over fear of "market reactions"?

He'll probably hide it as long as he can, perhaps ending in a situation like that of the Iranian official who was seen coughing and rubbing his brow on national TV while trying to downplay the crisis. Alternately, and more likely, it will leak from someone and he'll try to deny it for about a day before admitting to it in some kind of outburst.

Luckily, I think the fact that he's probably been exposed and might have the virus caused him to suddenly take the situation seriously. That's the thing with narcissists - they have to think they're personally threatened to do anything significant.

It is a great thing that the virus is affecting our political class more rapidly than the general population. That really helps the system to act with the urgency required, unlike something slow and disproportionately affecting outcast groups, such as the last true global pandemic: HIV/AIDS.
From Twitter, a graph showing diagnosis percentages between South Korea and Italy. This is notable because SK did broad testing while Italy largely followed what us goobers in the West are doing: testing in the hospitals and those with direct contact. (I think Italy gets a gimme here, but the rest of us certainly don't.)

This mostly confirms what we already suspected: the "young and healthy" crowd are the most significant vectors of the disease, despite having one of the greatest chances of recovery.
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This mostly confirms what we already suspected: the "young and healthy" crowd are the most significant vectors of the disease, despite having one of the greatest chances of recovery.

I'd be more inclined to guess that SK is an outlier to due cultural mechanisms of spread and the individuals their initial clusters involved.
From Twitter, a graph showing diagnosis percentages between South Korea and Italy. This is notable because SK did broad testing while Italy largely followed what us goobers in the West are doing: testing in the hospitals and those with direct contact. (I think Italy gets a gimme here, but the rest of us certainly don't.)
This mostly confirms what we already suspected: the "young and healthy" crowd are the most significant vectors of the disease, despite having one of the greatest chances of recovery.

Interesting and if confirmed then the measured high death rate in Italy is indeed partly due to many cases not being detected, not just due of an overwhelmed health care system. A situation to avoid, let's hope other countries acted soon enough to avoid it.

Julie Jackson booked a trip three weeks ago to celebrate her daughter’s high school graduation. She said they saved about $400 each for their flights to California in July.

“I would definitely have fear if I was going to Europe, the U.K. or Australia,” said Jackson, who lives in Vaughn, Ont.

“But to the U.S., I’m not too fearful.”

As of Mar. 12, four people have died from the virus in California and there are 198 confirmed cases.

And Trump lies again:

(CNN)Google will not be publishing a national-scale website for coronavirus testing anytime soon, contrary to claims made by President Donald Trump during a Friday news conference.

Instead, a health-focused subsidiary owned by Google's parent company, Alphabet, intends to launch a small-scale website next week to begin to triage California-based patients. The website will aim to serve a broader population only "over time" -- not "very quickly," as Trump said.
"What we're building is a triage tool that will live on ProjectBaseline.com, and we plan to pilot it in California next week," said Carolyn Wang, a spokesperson for the Alphabet subsidiary, Verily.
"Our aspiration is for the triage tool to be used much more broadly over time. Initially, we're linking it with several sites in the Bay Area to test and iterate, and collaborating closely with organizations like Quest Diagnostics and Labcorp who are also working on additional approaches to making testing more accessible and expedient in other areas."

Verily's statement sharply contrasts with Trump's remarks Friday in the White House Rose Garden.
"I want to thank Google," Trump said. "Google is helping to develop a website. It's going to be very quickly done, unlike websites of the past, to determine whether a test is warranted and to facilitate testing at a nearby convenient location." The comment appeared to be a reference to the botched rollout of Healthcare.gov, the website used for the US government's health insurance exchange, which was premiered by President Barack Obama's administration.
Officials in the state of California were stunned Friday to see the White House present their graphic for a modest pilot program that California's been developing with Alphabet as if it were a Trump administration program that was a nationwide initiative and ready to go, according to a knowledgeable source.

Still, a White House official, in reaction to Google's response, doubled down Saturday, telling CNN that "the Trump administration is working with Google to develop a website Americans can go to determine whether a test is needed and, if so, facilitate testing at a nearby location. We expect to have more details in the days ahead." In addition to saying Friday that the website would be developed quickly, Trump claimed that 1,700 Google engineers were working on the project. Vice President Mike Pence later added the administration would be able to provide an update on the timing of the website's launch by Sunday night.

During a White House briefing Saturday, Pence attempted to clarify when the Google website announced Friday would be widely available. He said Google is planning to launch the website on Monday, but added that launch will only be available in the San Francisco Bay Area. He said the goal is to expand that site to other areas of the country.
White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Debbie Birx held up a sign at the Friday news conference that indicated users who showed symptoms would be directed to drive-through clinics. From there, users' test samples would be shipped to labs, and patients would be able to view their results from a "screening website."

It was unclear if Birx was referring to the Verily website. Verily did not immediately respond to questions about Birx's sign, nor to questions about the accuracy of Trump's claim about the number of employees involved or about Pence's claim concerning the timing of the launch.
This story has been updated with additional reporting
Went looking through the cupboards to see what we have and sort out expiry dates.

We haven't panic bought much except an extra packet of toilet paper.

23 cans of food.
40 rolls of toilet paper
1 dozen rolls paper towels (bought 24 charity drive months ago).
12 kilo flour (we make homemade bread)
Several kg rice
20 packets soup.
Several kg pasta

So we're basically right for a bit.
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