Crash on end turn (On supposedly STABLE Europe 1939-1945)


Aug 29, 2014
I have Been playing for 3 days now as Italy. I am on turn #86! I have driven the British and French from the Mediterranean, conquered all of north Africa, Mare Nostrum has come to fruition, the Germans are at the gates of Paris(but have not attacked yet so not fall of France bug i assume), The invasion of Yugoslavia/Greece is underway, And the Russian tide is be falling Europe!

Now as soon as i end my turn the game crashes!
-I have tried disabling Scripts as found in this thread
( ).

-I have Turned off all other mods (such as faster aircraft animations)

-I have enabled the ingame editor and revealed all units in a attempt to see if a unit move or attack was causing it and therfor be able to delete that unit.

It seems to not be related to a unit action because it crashes almost the instant i press next turn, no unit actions are taken.

Please ...please someone help me with this! so many hours have been put into this campaign it is a tragedy!

Version Info: Data files v.4
WWII Edition v.38

My System specs:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600k CPU @ 3.40GHz
16.0 GB ram
64-bit OS
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti

Game save File attached (hope i did it right)
View attachment AutoSave_0085
I don't know what can be the cause. I tried to see with your savegame, but strangely I can't even load it : it tells me that I don't have the necessary DLC...
So what is you version of Civilization V ? and which DLC do you have ?
latest version with all available dlc's

None of the DLC's were active so i dont understand maybe i did somthing wrong with the upload?
I don't think you made a mistake. But maybe you could try to manually save the game, and to upload the new savegame, to see if it's better.
I'm sorry but I still can't load your game (I even tried to install the game on another computer, but no change...).

Did you try to load the game some turns before the crash to see if it happens too ?
Works fine for me... and yes i have tried that

Guess its a lost cause oh well cool mod though but i cant see myself playing it anymore if im just going to fear my campaign getting ruined every time from CTD's.
AH who am i kidding i tryd playing regular civ after this and it just cant be done.
the Tactical troop movements and combat in this mod is to good....reg civ is just plane boring in comparison

currently on Turn 95 with Germany :D
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