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Cultural Diversity

Hey, the mod isn't working when I try installing it; the tech tree is completely messed up and I can't pick anything to research. Do you know how to fix this?
Please provide database and lua logs, as well as your mod list to receive help from JFD/ Chrisy15...
I just upgraded to latest version of CulDiv and stumbled upon bug (maybe?) - when playing as Japan unit voices use Chinese lines and not Japanese. Music and fonts are ok though. I tried to reinstall but to no avail. Mods in use: Vox Populi, CulDiv, Events Compendium, RED modpack
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Since it seems there's an update coming, I had a few questions;
1. It's safe to assume the soundtrack is getting an update too, right? Are the new groups getting soundtracks too? Save for the NA groups, I assume. I'm really curious about the Iranian group.
2. Rather last second, so apologies if it comes off as annoying, but if I were to find some music you could use, should I go ahead and post it? I thought I found a few songs that could work for Bantu and Classical in particular.
1. Yeap, Iranian, Himalayan, and possibly East Indies will be receiving their own soundtracks. Not so sure about the NA groups; they'll probably have to share, given the difficulty in finding distinct soundtracks.
2. Absolutely. The more the merrier, as it makes the update more worthwhile (and it will probably be the last update to it, so as much as possible).

So, yea, the new groups are: Himalayan (Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet, etc.), Iranian (Persia, erhm, etc.), East Indies (Indonesia, Malayasia, etc.), and making the Tribal American subcultures formal: Woodlands, Great Plains, and Pacific. The decision to do this was borne out of a desire to add the Himalayan group but a desire to not be stuck with an unrounded 26 culture groups :p And that gradually blossomed into the 30 we'll end with. Sir Kesler has been a tremendous help in putting together all the artworks and musics already for these groups.

Additionally, Islamic will be getting a new Turkic subculture (for the Ottomans). It was intended to add an Ethiopian subculture to Semitic, but finding assets proved too difficult.
Great to see everything's coming together nicely. As for the music:

This channel has plenty of Roman and Greek music (plus some Sumerian). I think the Synaulia ones sound pretty great.
Also these ones would work for Classical I think, but they're vocal


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiSx5LCnugw (Vocal)

I want to suggest these, but I'm worried they'll clash too much with the rest of the Eastern songs

Total War: Attila has plenty of Sassanid songs to pick from. I also have a folder full of said songs if you prefer I send a link of that instead.

I'll have to get back with more a bit later. Though with Civ VI out, I'm sure there's some songs in there that could work as well. :p

EDIT: I'm not sure why the first few are opened on the forum. Still, as long as the links work.
East Indies
This channel has a handful of Malaysian songs


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tlydOgR-SI (Not sure is Laos is Mandala or Oriental)


Steppe (?)
This channel is packed with Uzbek music.

I'll try to get a bit more later. Btw, does the East Indies group include the Phillipines? I could look for some of that too.
I've attached a couple tracks I'd recommend for the Andean group, from a band called Yarina.


  • Amanecer.zip
    8.2 MB · Views: 108
  • Piel Morena.zip
    9.6 MB · Views: 91
OK, so I collected a lot of music on my laptop, and combined it with the videos I posted earlier. I'm going to upload it so you can personally decide which one's fit and which don't. Sorry it took me so long, but I think that about wraps it up for my music suggestions. Apologies for the wait. :p

There's still one thing though; I don't know where I can upload it. Are there any sites where I can store a folder full of MP3's for a day or so without an account?
OK, so I collected a lot of music on my laptop, and combined it with the videos I posted earlier. I'm going to upload it so you can personally decide which one's fit and which don't. Sorry it took me so long, but I think that about wraps it up for my music suggestions. Apologies for the wait. :p

There's still one thing though; I don't know where I can upload it. Are there any sites where I can store a folder full of MP3's for a day or so without an account?

Awesome, thanks. Try File dropper.

And thanks to everyone else that has posted music for CulDiv. Much appreciated :)

I'm really fond of most of the tracks from here, I think they'd be great for the Oriental culture group. Plus you've got about 20 tracks to pick from here, so that's a plus. :)


Here's the full list, I think.

You know, I actually might like these for the China split, if it gets done.
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Ok, finally got it. A few quick things to note
1. The one's labelled "original composition" are usually Derek and Brandon Fiechter pieces. I think some of them sounded pretty good, but I leave it up to you.
2. This was the first time I've compressed a folder this big (and with audio files). It created album art in a few of the galleries (weirdly enough, the polar group contains an image of BK).
3. All the music I posted above are included (Synaulia, Amampondo, the Traditional Asian music, etc.)
4. I included all the civ6 themes (4 mp3's for each civ), but I couldn't find the ambient songs, save for a few of England's.

Say, sorry to double-post, but I just wanted to mention, I've been going through the CulDiv soundtrack file for distributing what cultures play what music, and I noticed an error or two.
1. In the northern group, the Norse and Celtic groups have a mix of eachother's songs set to play. like
('SND_JFD_NORTHERNCELTIC_PEACE_06', 'Jotunheimr', 'Streamed'),
('SND_JFD_NORTHERN_PEACE_17', 'MistsOfAvalon', 'Streamed'),
('SND_JFD_NORTHERN_PEACE_18', 'IrishBlessing',
2. The Polar group has a Sahul song mixed into it's war music
3. Sahul and Tribal-American have a Turkic song in their mixes.

I wasn't quite sure if the latter two were intentional or not. Keep in mind, my soundtrack is from 4/30/2016, so if I missed an update to it, I apologize.
Ok, sorry to triple-post, but there's something I forgot to mention earlier. :p

It's not too important, but Bharata1, Bharata3, and Bharata4 are actually songs from the Himalayas. Just figured I should mention it, in-case you wanted to move them to the new group.
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