Cybrxkhan's Leaderhead Thread

It's most likely the light in combination with the shader maps, not sure though. I will take a look if you like.

Edit: Just had a quick look and at the LH. The face has the wrong shader. TLeaderheadNoSkin_20 istead of TLeaderheadShaderNoSkin_20, therefore the face mesh uses no shader at all. You could also change the fill_diffuse-light colours to black instead of blue. I think the blue shimmer on his face and the turban dosen't fit with the overall setting. But it's your call.

And nice LH, really like him! :)


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melcher kürzer;10706659 said:
Edit: Just had a quick look and at the LH. The face has the wrong shader. TLeaderheadNoSkin_20 istead of TLeaderheadShaderNoSkin_20, therefore the face mesh uses no shader at all. You could also change the fill_diffuse-light colours to black instead of blue. I think the blue shimmer on his face and the turban dosen't fit with the overall setting. But it's your call.

And nice LH, really like him! :)

Oooooooooooh. That makes sense. No wonder. What an embarassment. Thanks for finding it, I really appreciate it! Also, what do you mean by the blue shimmer?

Anyhow, as I sort of predicted, I sidetracked to another leader. Now I'm working on Shoshenq I of the Libyans/Berbers, who will be featuring as the second leader of the Berbers in WoL and for the Libya Civ of the Week I'll be doing sometime in the far future. Anyhow, he's a relatively simple LH based on Logan from Colonization, so here's a preview - any suggestions welcome (credits to VeBear whose reskinning of the skin I stole from his Hayam Wuruk LH):

Also, I'd like your opinions for the background image, I have three thus far:

First one:

Spoiler :

Second one:

Spoiler :

Third one:

Spoiler :

Personally I like the third one the best, but eh, I dunno.


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:yup: looks nice.
Besides that the attachements are too blurry, i'd say #3.
#1 + 2 will be associated too much with egypt, and i don't think that this is the complete intention.
Bakuel already explained some geography about the berbers in one thread, so i know that this is probably not even wrong, but i think the totall association might be at the end.
I agree with The_J, the backgrounds are too blurry and I would go with #3 too, as the other two look too egyptian.
Alright, 2-1, #3 wins, sorry HuaynaCapac. :p

Anyhow, here's a little preview of him in-game. Unfortunately I somehow messed up while in blender, hence why he's completely stiff and why he's a couple feet shorter than he should be, so I'll have to fix that up (and lose a lot of work in the process :mad: ... then again he's a pretty simple LH, so it shouldn't be too much a hassle). Still, at least this is the idea, more or less.

Also, as a side note, does anybody know what leader animations go fine with which leaders from Colonization (particularly Logan for this guy)? I have the data for the normal Civ4 LHs, but I couldn't find anything for the Colonization guys.


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Yup, looks nice already :)
Looks great :goodjob: I've been looking for a Khufu for my personal mod and this fits the bill just fine.
Thanks all! :D

Although he looks like he isn't animating. :confused: Probably you joined the meshes improperly and he lost connection to the skeleton.

Yeah, he's not animating, although the eyeshadow is working fine since it's from the original nif (you can see the two curved lines moving around on his crown). But yeah, I agree with you, as I'm pretty sure I didn't connect the guy to the skeleton right, either that or I somehow screwed up the nifswap (something similar happened in my first draft of my Kanishka LH).

Oh well. Shouldn't be a hard fix. Even if it doesn't work, I don't think it'll take me that long to re-do him since it's a pretty straightforward slap-a-hat-on procedure for me.
Alright, so apparently the problem that's happening is that when I do the nifswap, the new nif I created shifts downward for some reason. Thus the new nif is somehow not matching up with the skeleton, even though it was in the correct location before the nifswap, which makes me conclude that I probably did not do anything wrong in blender (probably). To show in pictures:

Firstly, we have the original nif here. You can see that the shoulders are above the red line:

Likewise, the new nif I made, before the nifswap, also has his shoulders above the red line:

However, once I do the nifswap, the new nif has his shoulders go even to the red line, meaning he shifted downward a bit (you can also see the skeleton now). I emphasize that this only happens to the nif after the nifswap and not before it.

I'm not sure what's going on, whether I'm supposed to do something a bit different for Colonization leaderheads (although I copied the new nif to exactly where the old one was anyways, so there shouldn't be an issue there... right?), or whether I did some mistake in blender, or whether I'm completely losing it on something when it comes to nifswapping.

If anyone can figure out what's going on, I'd really appreciate it. If there doesn't seem to be anything wrong per se, I'll try to redo him in blender to see if that'd work.

Also, as a side note, some of you might notice that the formatting for the block list is not normal. A while back I accidentally pressed some hotkey I was unaware of (I think) and the format changed; while it technically doesn't really affect anything, and I can deal with it, it does make trying to locate certain files a bit harder, so if anybody knows how to fix that, that'd be great.


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I don't recall how I fixed it when I did my Juarez LH but this tip I found in the Civ5 unit thread maybe a better way:

Sounds like you might not have done this bit from the tutorial - namely setting the Armature modifier for the mesh:


You'll probably find that the mesh isn't matching the pose of the skeleton. Easily solved. Select the mesh using right click and click "Add Modifier". Pick the option Armature and then type "Scene Root" next to the "OB:". The model should snap to the skeleton pose.


It might not be "Scene Root" you need to enter in some cases. What you actually need to type as the Armature modifier is the name of the skeleton. You can get this by right-clicking on the skeleton. Use Z to switch between Solid and Wireframe view if that helps. The name of the skeleton should be in the bottom left when you selected it (from memory).

Another potentially useful feature for Nexus Buddy would be a ability to rename Bone Nodes if that is possible, although you can do that in Nifskope or Blender prior to FBX export.

i not it involves a fix in nifskope by putting the mesh under the scene root node and then adjusting from there (I think)
I don't think Blender is needed now. Probably Nifskope is enough. You should try to move the meshes on the Z axis a bit. I did this when I wanted to make Napoleon shorter.
Here are some pics:

You need to to this with every mesh in your Nif. Napoelon had 6 meshes, so I wa a bit bored of shadering and moving them. :D
I hope this helps.

EDIT: Probably Ekmek's method is better now, because my method is only good if your leaderhead is finished. But still, your leaderhead doesn't animate, which means you have to attach it to the skeleton, in Blender.


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@Ekmek: Thanks again for your help, still, it's really appreciated. I tried it several times, but the nif still is still lower than the skeleton when I do the nifswap, meaning it doesn't work. I'm trying to desperately think of other possible problems, such as whether I'm not choosing the right options when exporting (I checked several times, I'm doing the exporting right), but - if I'm guessing correctly, it seems that this issue is mainly due to some kind of conflict (naming conflict?) between the main model and the skeleton, correct?

@Nitram: Yeah, the guy's not animating.
With all the new leaderheads, and new civs of the week being released recently, I was wondering if you were going to include them all in a new version of WOL?
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