CYOA - Adventures in the Sunshine Wasteland (BOTWAWKI 4)

Charlotte Blackburn
Strength: 5 (+1)
Perception: 8
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 4
Luck: 5
Primary Weapon: Crossbow (19 Bolts)
Secondary Weapon: None
Explosives: 3 Molotov Cocktails
Armor: Vault 404 Suit
Gear: 7 Days' Rations, 1 Bottle of Vault 404 Whiskey

Richard Landry
Mood: Good
Personality: Irritable
Bonus: +1 Strength
Gear: Royal Navy Uniform, Laser Rifle (4 Batteries Remaining)

October 26, 2162 1800 Hours

Landry seems to be on the same page as you are when you light up a Molotov cocktail and throw it into the center of the raiders. He whips up his laser rifle and immediately dispatches one while three of them are burning. You take care of another one with your crossbow, and Landry finishes off the last of them with his rifle. The whole thing is over in a few violent seconds. Thanks to the fire, nothing of their gear remains, and you all push onward, paying a bit closer attention to the road. As evening arrives, you come across what initially seems to be a massive blockage of rubble from the Great War. Closer observation reveals that it's actually a cunningly camouflaged fortification. It appears that St. Cloud is under the control of a surprisingly sophisticated raider gang, which has gone to great effort to conceal themselves from the outside world.

Richard Landry: "These bastards are clearly up to something more than just ambushing travelers on the road. They've pissed me off now, we should see if we can slip inside and raise some hell."

1. Camp for the night and make a decision in the morning.
2. Sneak in under the cover of darkness (Agility Check)
3. Use the darkness to bypass St. Cloud and continue northwest.
4. Head out in another direction (Specify).
2. Continue our pyromaniacal adventure
Charlotte Blackburn
Strength: 5 (+1)
Perception: 8
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 4
Luck: 5
Primary Weapon: Crossbow (19 Bolts)
Secondary Weapon: None
Explosives: 3 Molotov Cocktails
Armor: Vault 404 Suit
Gear: 7 Days' Rations, 1 Bottle of Vault 404 Whiskey

Richard Landry
Health: Good
Mood: Good
Personality: Irritable
Bonus: +1 Strength
Gear: Royal Navy Uniform, Laser Rifle (4 Batteries Remaining)

October 26, 2162 2300 Hours

You wait for a few hours and find a gap in the fortifications. If you hadn't known that this was a raider encampment, you would have thought it was all just rubble. You see a few sentries disappear and manage to slip through with Richard. As you're in, you are astonished at the sheer size of the raider encampment. Hiding within the larger buildings and area are hundreds of raiders, armed to the teeth. Staying hidden in the shadows you listen in to the raiders and find that there are a good amount of slaves too, travelers taken off of the growing road traffic in the area of something called the "Orlando Compact." From what you can tell the raiders were recently driven out of a fortress they once owned to the north by a group of insane warriors. These enemies called the raiders "defilers" so they took up that name with gusto. The Defilers clearly have big plans for those who had defeated them, but you can't yet figure out what. You and Richard meet up in a dark alley to plan your next move.

Richard: "I heard a few of them saying that they have 'something special' in an old military outpost in town. We should find out what that is and figure out what to do next."

1. Get out of town now, before you run out of time. (Agility Check)
2. Investigate this "something special." (Agility Check)
3. Burn something down, sow some chaos and then run for it. (Perception Check; Choose to burn from the following: Storage Shed, Leader's Quarters, Bunkhouse, Bar)
4. Find the slave quarters and see about freeing them before you do anything else. (Perception Check)
3, raider scum must burn
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