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DaftNES 3: Alternate-World Fresh Start

ORDERS DEADLINE SET: 23:59 GMT, Tuesday 13th April

you actually have 6.5e 'available funds' at the start of the turn. Technically the gift from the Ethaliri hasn't arrived yet, but in this case I can let you spend that 1.5e too if you want :)
Are many pming orders now? We seem awefully short of orders?!
(Federation of) the al-Qahira!

Spoiler Stats! :

Turn0: emerges into the light of history, known as Iksander Antar'ah. Invent THE WHEEL.
Turn4: Build a fort and a chariot-knight in Qan'ma. REFORM: merge with the Salkadji faction and reform as 'al-Qahira' (Confederacy of). EFFECTS: Organisation DOWN, Economics DOWN, Military UP. OUTRAGE: Gattra pillage temple in Chari.
Turn5: Organisation UP, four assorted units, 1e on defensive preparations. Chari conquered and epic battles in Qan'ma and Geskh. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Economics UP, Power UP. Population growth in Qan'ma.

WARNING: slight overcrowding in Chari, Infrastructure too low.

Available Funds: 9.5e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 4e tax, 4e resource, 1.5e religion, 2e from Gattra city destroyed in Chari, 2e from recovered weapons
Losses: 0.5e corruption (stable)
Upkeep: 3e (6 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Novai)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 4
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Spoiler Orders! :

2e on the rapid transition of our Qizilbay corps into horseback-riding knights, in accordance to the ancient prophecy and tradition as stated from our origins.
2e on a worker in Qan'ma to work the cow
3e on researching the next level of Organization
2e on Qizilbay Riders in Qan'ma
1e on Qizilbay Riders in Chari

Unit Orders

We can finally wipe out the hated Gattra/Rattram once and for all, and we're not going to let this opportunity pass us by. We'll keep the emphasis on military in our societal structure and religion, and aside from maintaining a two unit reverse in our Qan'ma fortifications we'll send our entire military to the hills of Geskh to wipe them out. For a bit more mobility in the hills we'll concentrate on increasing the percentage of light cavalry in the Qizilbay corps. Because the Gattra power structure is bound for collapse with the recent string of military defeats, we'll aim for the jugular first and go for their capital/most concentrated areas when we mount our offensive in hopes of shaking down their entire rotten state structure down from the heart.

We'll be slightly less vengeful to the populace this turn, but we're still up for erasing the memory of their religion and replacing it with our own (send in our missionary).

Domestic Orders

We want to enhance the ability of the al-Qanta Antar'ah (the monarch) to dictate policy and act as a unifying, cohesive force within Federation while not erasing the anti-hierarchial notions which consist of our held ideals of being virulently against social stratification (Any citizen of the Federation may become a Qizilbay if noble at heart, or a priest if divinely inspired). Thus, we won't disturb our societal structures at their root, but organize designated regional gathering points in urban centers to promote quick diffusion of ideas (and hopefully mentalities and policies).

To: Nashawi

We apologize but we cannot afford an alliance with those who are not of our faith at this time.
Spoiler :
Vakar: emu

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Invent BRONZE WORKING.
Turn3: train charioteers, convince Xitaan to renew attacks against Zharu. Tribal city captured and occupied. EVENT: Power UP, Infrastructure UP, Culture UP, Civilization UP.
Turn4: train heavy spearmen, save 1e. Help the Xitaan against their enemies, chariots go to Kiin to help there. Original swordsmen unit lost in fighting. Learn WRITING. EVENT: Military UP, Economics UP.
Turn5: build a city in Konin, and new heavy spearmen to guard it. 0.5e tribute to Xitaan. EVENT: free temple in Zhunun. GREAT EVENT: Warrior King GET! Power UP. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. DISASTER: drought strikes Konin!

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 1.5e tax, 1e resource, 1e trade
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Xitaan)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 3
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: Warrior King (Power / Military) Current Task: Power


Recruit 2 Horsearchers
Recruit 1 Horseraiderspearguy
Build temple to Yuchigo in Kiin
Spent 5e but I can go into debt by 2e I think

Send my all my new Horseguys and the chariot to attack Tarakan province to raid it, maybe destroy the workers and trade centre for even more money
Encourage trade with Houlau, Vauri and Xitaan
Don't know what to do with the King so he can just chill for now
Loxequistra League: spryllino

Turn0: emerges into the light of history, known as the Calengians
Turn4: Infrastructure UP, build a city on Cria. EVENT: population growth as Nomads in Cria. New hardy northern cattle resource in Gleis. DISASTER: massive volcanic eruption strikes Cria! Port destroyed. GREAT EVENT: Great King GET! Power UP!
Turn5: build three warships, a unit of woodsmen and a unit of hoplites. Build a port in Cria. Great King Equistrique unites Calengians and Varai League! Now known as Loxequistra League. Naval war with Ongens ends in defeat, but successful invasion of Odda with allies. EVENT: Military UP.

WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing!
WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in various places.

Available Funds: 6e
End of last turn: -2e
Income: 4.5e tax, 8e resource, 1e trade, 1e inherited from Varai League
Losses: 2e corruption, 0.5e debt effects
Upkeep: 4e (8 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Novai)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: 'Equistriqan Dynasty?' (Power / Military / Organisation) Current Task: Power

Spoiler :

Spend 2e on a worker on the resource in Gleis that doesn't already have a worker.
Spend 3e on infrastructure (or 1.5e on the Al-Qahira's organisation, if they agree as they have agreed to do the same for my infrastructure; see PM; this PM is actually slightly wrong, as it gives the cost as 2e, not 1.5e).
LAST MINUTE EDIT: Buy another hoplite in Cria (1e) to help defend our possessions against any Novai invasion. The defence force in Cria should therefore effectively consist of 3 hoplites, a port, the militias of two cities, and two warships and their crews.

The great king should try to improve Organisation, and should get rid of corruption as much as he can. Maybe he can use the money that is presently being corrupted to cancel the debt.
The navy should protect our ports and trade without going west of Cria and without engaging the Ongan fleet.
The army in Odda should try to properly garrison and consolidate control over the areas of Odda that we control. Set out a clear boundary; defend it and stick to it.
Each unit of the rest of the army should guard the province where it is currently located.
Encourage local trade and cultural interaction with the Al-Qahira and the Novai. Avoid war with the Novai, but defend our possessions using both the soldiers in Cria and the fleet near Cria as necessary.
The nomad is encouraged to settle down as a city in Gleis. However, if the Gleis barbarians accept our offer and join the League fully, send this same nomad into Odda.
If we receive tribute from the Gleis barbarians, bank it.
The colour's fine!
Gattra: Shadowbound

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: build a new city in Chari, build a new unit there. Inherit most of the realms of Rattram. EVENT: Military UP, Culture UP. New iron resource in Geskh.
Turn5: build a fort in Chari, one unit there and two in Geskh. Invasion of Qan'ma fails after epic battles. Chari eventually lost to al-Qahira. Geskh defended against invasions. Culture DOWN. EVENT: Engineering UP. Learn WRITING.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 1e pillaged from Qan'ma, 1e recovered weapons
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Spoiler :
b]Spending Orders[/b]

3e on 3 units

Military Orders

Hunker down in Geskh, using the rough terrain to break up the larger numbers of Cow People horsemen, isolate small groups, and slaughter them. Use our knowledge of the land, extensive fortifications, and military prowess to secure our claim to our homelands while we rebuild our military strength.

International Orders

Plunder is dependent on winning, you whiners.
24 Hours Remain!

@Abaddon I have 4 orders PM'ed so far, so quite a few orders now altogether.
daftpanzer said:
To Nartozieroni
From Tieros

We are willing to pay [2e per turn] and to return the slaves we captured from you, in return for eternal peace and brotherhood.

To: Tieros
From: Nartozieroni

We accept your offer.
Vethmenari Orders
1. Build a settlement in Odda, and move what population we can there. Also move one military unit there to provide security.
To the Gleis Barbarians
From the Loxequistra League

Truly, you hardly now deserve to be called barbarians. Your valour against the Oddites was enormous, and so we would like to offer you full membership as equals (with Calenge and the Varai cities) in the Loxequistra League.

OOC: If they refuse, what happened to my turnly gift from the Gleis barbarians?
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
Aquen: Ninja Dude

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: two archers in Sailan, spearman in Huar. 0.5e gift convinces barbarian spearmen in Huar to disband. Sailan pacified by force, but new tribes enter Sailan, while old Sailan tribes flee to Kaitan where they stir up trouble and destroy the Oltacist temple there... Learn IRON WORKING. EVENT: population growth in Maulan and Sailan. Economics UP. GREAT EVENT: Holy City GET!
Turn4: Organisation UP, Infrastructure UP, Civilization UP, new charioteers in Sailan. EVENT: nomad population growth in Maulan and Huar. New timber resource in Huar. DISASTER: rebellion in Sailan! Two units join the new Jueruen faction.
Turn5: Military UP, Economics UP, + Huar timber worker, + Maulan gem worker. Accept Jueruen as vassals. Nomads settle into a City in Huar. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Engineering UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, slight overcrowding in places.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing.

Available Funds: 13.5e(!)
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 4.5e tax, 7e resource, 1.5e religion, 0.5e gift from Maulan tribes, 0.5e tribute from Jueruen, 0.5e gift from Haiu, 1.5e trade
Losses: 0.5e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Tarezisis)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 3
Engineering: 2

Special: 'Yenleta Sav' (Culture / Organisation) Current Task: Culture



-4 On raising Organization up one level.
-4 on raising infrastructure up one level.
-3 on raising military up one level.
-2 on building a palace in Maulan.


None really any. Just stay alert as to possible attacks into our rich lands. Only one thing of not is really happening. The grand Palace of Oltac will be built in Maulan, providing a new central seat for the Yenleta Sav.
All lines are now closed!

Actually they are not, but you know the drill, if anyone sends late orders you take the risk that I might have done that part of the world already. But looks like there are orders for all regular players, thanks again :salute:

To: Tieros
From: Nartozieroni

We accept your offer.

To: Nartozieroni
From: Tieros

You have chosen... wisely.

To the Gleis Barbarians
From the Loxequistra League

Truly, you hardly now deserve to be called barbarians. Your valour against the Oddites was enormous, and so we would like to offer you full membership as equals (with Calenge and the Varai cities) in the Loxequistra League.

OOC: If they refuse, what happened to my turnly gift from the Gleis barbarians?

To: Loxequistra League
From: Gleis Barbarians

Oh great lords of the great league, our tribute in past years has been in blood, on the battlefields of Odda. Your great offer has been put to the tribe council, if it is rejected we will resume the tribute of old.
Spoiler :
Holuc: Lord_Iggy

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: build a fortress, and a unit. Conduct a rather chaotic defence of Zakat, city lost and enslaved, but fortress holds out. Warriors succeed in wearing down the Hulukap. EVENT: Military UP, Engineering UP, Power DOWN.
Turn4: save money, accept peace with Hulukap and go raiding into Retiki. Nomads settle down to build a city. Former slaves return to Zakat as new nomads. EVENT: Power UP, Infrastructure UP.
Turn5: pay 1e tribute to Hulukap. Two new warriors (one killed), one new worker on banana farms. Go raiding into Retiki. Learn WRITING, BRONZE WORKING. EVENT: Economics UP.

Available Funds: 4e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1.5e tax, 1e resource, 3e variously looted from Retiki.
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 1
Culture: 2 (1 Hulukap)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


2e to building a monument in Retiki.
1e to training new warriors.
1e to be sent to the High Lords of Hulukap.

The Holuc will temporarily return to infighting, but the result will be the emergence of the first true centralized leader, uniting the tribes under the Zub Chacuco. Proclaiming himself Loctu, or High Lord, of the Holuc, Loctu Chiripec Zub Chacuco will begin several great projects in the name of his majesty, and direct his overwhelming forces against the Kamalec, pillaging, killing and enslaving, taking all that is theirs for our own. The Arateki will be left alone as long as their submission to us remains. The unprofitable banana farmer will be transferred to the diamond mines in Retiki, representing the spread of Holuc population into the region. (Why is that worker unprofitable anyway?)

Following Chiripec's death, the Zub Chacuco will continue to reign over the Holuc, forever seeking to grow in might and aggrandize themselves.
Thanks Iggy!

Your bananas were stolen by ship-borne avengers.
Hmm, well, in that case, in case he can't horn in on the jewel mines, I guess my worker can stay in the plantations.
Not to be rude, more too much excitement.. eta?
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