DaftNES V (Turn 5 in progress: Glacial Maximum)

Problem is that most of the oldtimers have gotten busy from university and work - it very much used to be a high school activity for many of us. So people have less time. At the same time, we have grown to like more complexity, more realism and more authenticity - or, as with Daft's stuff, it might be arcadey, but look at those well-crafted, crisp sprites! So it takes more time than usual to do. And with little activity, new blood tends not to stick.

I'm fantasizing about doing a Crusader Kings/A Song of Ice and Fire-like game at some point, where players do dynasties or characters in a fantasy setting, but I haven't started it yet exactly because I'm incredibly busy myself and don't want to just start it and have it die (as have happened a few times with my projects).

Do check out the Imperium Offtopicum subforum, it's a community similar in concept but with different people (and also kinda inactive at this point for the same reasons), stuff might pop up there too. :)

EDIT: Also btw, the community is still hungry for activity even if busy. Join our Discord and ask around, and if you're up for it and are able to pull off something that looks great, I'm sure you can gather a few players.
I'm no stranger to busy-ness myself so I absolutely understand.

Sure I'll check all of that out! I'll try and join your Discord - what/who do I look for?
I keep reading these in my spare time and find them so fascinating. I'm hoping they can go through a revival because I'd love to get into it.

Nice to meet you, Jkchart. Yeah, we don't have as much activity as we used to, but we're still a fairly cohesive community. It would be nice to involve you at some point. I'm sure Dafty and myself will eventually get our updates in the air ;)

We use IRC more than Discord for daily/regular communication because some of us are elder wizards. The connection details are in the IRC thread and we'd love to have you come hang out.
Nice to meet you, Jkchart. Yeah, we don't have as much activity as we used to, but we're still a fairly cohesive community. It would be nice to involve you at some point. I'm sure Dafty and myself will eventually get our updates in the air ;)

We use IRC more than Discord for daily/regular communication because some of us are elder wizards. The connection details are in the IRC thread and we'd love to have you come hang out.
Nice to meet you as well! I'll check out that thread ASAP :)
Hello, I thought I should post after almost a year since the last update :o

I really loved how this NES turned out and how it all came together on the map. I definitely would like to come back to it at some point. But I have to face facts, I don't have the artistic energy right now to restart and update it regularly.

I'm officially putting this on hiatus, at the same time I'm thinking of starting a new project that has a simple map and rules, and is all about the worldbuilding. I'm thinking either another pre-civilization alternate-earth like this one, or a space empires setting. If you have any preference feel free to let me know either here or in NES on Discord.

In the meantime, I'd be very happy to share any of the sprites, graphics etc if people want to use them in other projects, just let me know.

And thanks again :salute:
I like pre-civilization TBH. I'll definately follow development.
Hello, I thought I should post after almost a year since the last update :o

I really loved how this NES turned out and how it all came together on the map. I definitely would like to come back to it at some point. But I have to face facts, I don't have the artistic energy right now to restart and update it regularly.

I'm officially putting this on hiatus, at the same time I'm thinking of starting a new project that has a simple map and rules, and is all about the worldbuilding. I'm thinking either another pre-civilization alternate-earth like this one, or a space empires setting. If you have any preference feel free to let me know either here or in NES on Discord.

In the meantime, I'd be very happy to share any of the sprites, graphics etc if people want to use them in other projects, just let me know.

And thanks again :salute:
It would be super cool to see how you get these sprites and graphics because I really liked looking at them!
Hello again! I'm bumping this thread as I have an idea: to take this world with all its cultures, and turn it into a NES in the style of my 'alternate timeline experiment'. I have the inspiration to work on this kind of project again, but with the benefit of 12 years wisdom - and not trying to force things into a rough analogy of real world history, but letting things play out as they will.

Basically, the idea is a NES where you take a step back from controlling any particular kingdom or nation, and instead are the guiding force behind a certain family of cultures, descended from your original tribe. These family trees can intertwine via invasions and migrations, which is where things get interesting, you can end up with a powerful nation that is influenced by several players at once. And losing any particular nation is not a game-over.

I sadly don't have the patience these days to work on sprite-intensive maps, but I'm thinking of hand-drawing a more realistic world map based off this world.

If anyone is interested, please let me know!

I've said this a lot but thank you again to everyone who participates in my games. I'm sorry that some of them don't progress particularly far. I would like to pick up this world however!
I'd definitely be interested.
I’d love to since I’ve always wanted to learn more about how these work (so I’d be new and might be confused...)
Would love to.
Also expressing interest and support
Thank you guys, I've now started a new thread here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/daftnes-vb.662704/

I've written up quite an in-depth review of the world as it was at the end of this thread. Where I felt it was appropriate, I've also incorporated some of the orders I still had.
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